12th april 2016

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12th April, 2016 Reflection The lord is my strength and my shield Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow; the same everlasting father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either he will shield you from suffering, or he will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be a peace then. Put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations, and say continually, "The lord is my strength and my shield. My heart has trusted in him and I am helped. He is not only with me, but in me and I in him." St Francis de Sales

Dear Parents and students, Welcome back to Term 2. I hope all families enjoyed some time together at Easter and that all students are 'ready to go' for the upcoming term. An Official Opening Ceremony for our new Gadal building will be held early May. The landscaping work around Gadal and in the Central courtyard is still going, but hopefully we will have access into the Courtyard by the ANZAC weekend. The staff spent the last day of Term 1 enhancing their understanding of restorative practice with renowned expert David Vinegrad. David is a well-known presenter with extensive experience in the area of behaviour management both nationally and internationally. He has highly developed skills as a facilitator, trainer, and presenter and is widely recognised as an international expert on restorative justice and behaviour management. An increasing number of Victorian schools have adopted a range of restorative approaches to school discipline and engagement. Invariably this builds more effective relationships between students, staff, and the wider school community. As well as offering an alternative and more effective disciplinary process, restorative processes successfully reduce bullying and offer a philosophy that can underpin the effectiveness of all relationships within a school community. The key message that came out of the day was the importance of respect, relationships and responsibility. We warmly welcome Ms Cansu Ucarli to our teaching staff. Ms Ucarli will take Mrs Spearman’s classes whilst she is on Maternity leave for the rest of the year. Mrs Rebecca Hurley will be our Science Domain leader in Mrs Spearman’s absence. We also welcomed Mrs Andrea Hall as a new member of our Student Support Team at the end of last term. Mark Sheehan Principal

Welcome back to Term 2! I hope you all had the opportunity to share Easter as a family and that students are rested for the term ahead. After a short first term, Term 2 will run for 11 weeks, so lots of learning opportunities ahead. Please note that students will undertake Class surveys over the next 2 weeks. These are now a regular feature of our teaching practice and are designed to provide feedback to staff on how their students are learning and can highlight areas of student affirmation and concern. Staff will then use this to adjust their teaching where necessary to improve learning across the class.

Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews Thanks to all parents / guardians who attended these interviews. The interviews present a great opportunity to meet teachers and discuss your child’s progress and learning. If you were unable to attend but wish to follow up any issues or questions with teachers based on Interim reports, please contact the relevant teachers via their emails at school (see example of mine below). If you have any feedback on the access to and organisation of these interviews, please let me know through my email on: jchristie@crcmelton.com.au Year 7 Immunisations Year 7 Immunisations will take place this Friday, April 15. Athletics A reminder that Thursday, April 21 is our College Athletics Carnival. Students will come to school as normal and then be bussed to the Newport Athletics track for the day, returning in time for normal College dismissal time. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Caritas-Project Compassion collection It is great to be able to report that over Lent the school community contributed $2040 to this collection, here at school. Thanks everyone. Shaun Coates RE & Faith Development Coordinator Year 11 Parent Mailing List If you would like to be added to the new Year 11 parent mailing list to keep up to date with what’s going on in the Year level, please send an email to dhenneman@crcmelton.com.au Dean Henneman Year 11 Coordinator Uniform Shop News Back orders for polos, rugby and shorts are now available for pickup. I also have winter uniform pieces that were not picked up last term. Julie Manning Uniform Shop

Hands Off Policy In accordance with the College’s Student Welfare and Discipline Policy, unnecessary contact between students is to be avoided at all times in order to uphold the dignity, well-being and safety of the students and staff of Catholic Regional College, Melton. In order to achieve this most worthwhile objective more effectively, the College has approved the implementation of a “hands off” rule. The reasons for the existence of the “hands off” rule are:     

All students have the right to be treated with care and respect of others All students have the right to exist in a safe and secure environment which is happy and peaceful All students have the right to study in a school which safeguards their personal wellbeing, space, uniform, and belongings from injury or damage All staff members, visitors and “innocent bystanders” have the right to be protected from harm to personal wellbeing, space and possession which may result from contact between students The school itself has the right to be protected from damage to furniture, equipment and property which may result from contact between students

A full version of the policy is available on the College website. School Uniform It is very encouraging to see the large number of students wearing the winter uniform correctly. It is clearly stated in the student diary the College Blazer is the external garment to be worn to and from school with the winter uniform. Excuses of leaving the blazer at home or in the locker will not be accepted. Boys are to wear long pants and the wearing of the winter kilt by the girls needs to be knee length. The PE uniform is only worn when the student has a timetabled PE or Drama class, or when otherwise specified by the College Leadership team. In regards to the PE uniform students are to wear white sports socks only. I also bring to your attention matters regarding grooming; make-up and nail polish must not be worn. False or extension nails are not permitted. Boys are to be clean-shaven and students are expected to keep a neat appearance at all times. Nose or lip piercings are not permitted. We look for your support in ensuring your son or daughter is wearing the College uniform correctly to and from school. Parent Information Evening-Strategies for Teenage Success There are many challenges facing you as parent/s or guardians of students and we often get asked for strategies and advice on how as parents can we support our son or daughter through school. That is why we are bringing to our College an extremely engaging Study Skills Coach and Inspirational Speaker, Darren Pereira, who will give you practical strategies that will help you help your child not only survive, but thrive in school. It will help you understand teenage pressures & give you a toolkit of communication skills to build your child’s resilience & create a positive home environment for academic success. We are offering a parent evening with Darren Tuesday April 26, 7pm in the Performing Arts Centre. You will find the evening enlightening, inspiring and practical. His program has been specifically geared for parents with teenagers, therefore applicable to all Year levels and concentrates on how you as a parent can:    

build your child’s self confidence so that they reach their fullest potential motivate your child to achieve both academically & in life communicate effectively so that you can understand your child & develop a close, positive relationship discover & develop your child’s talents toward a meaningful pathway

If you are planning to attend, please complete the Care Monkey invitation. Robert Blackley Deputy Principal-Students

Teaching & Learning News Firstly, a very warm welcome to Term 2 must be extended to all students and their families. This term will be a busy one with plenty of learning activities for all students to engage in; including tests, excursions, assessment tasks, projects, and SAC’s for all students, Examinations for Year 9 to 11 students, Timed Assessment Tasks for Year 7 and 8 students, The General Achievement Test for all students undertaking a Unit 3/4 study, work experience and continued work placement for our VCAL students. Students are encouraged to make the most of every learning opportunity presented to them and revisit their study habits and work ethic in an effort to submit tasks that reflect their full potential this term. In reaching their full potential, students should reflect on the feedback they received at the Parent Teacher Student Interviews last term. This feedback is valuable to improving student learning and I would like to thank all families who attended and supported the learning of their student in this way. The learning of our students involves a partnership between students, staff and parents and carers; with each having a role to play in the support of the learning of students. For students, their focus should be on achieving their best, on continual academic improvement by setting high standards, seeking help, believing in themselves and working hard. For teachers, they will know their students and work with them to ensure they are learning in a way that suits the learning style of each student. Teachers will also be informed of current best practice and educational research to ensure they provide the best learning opportunities for students in their classes. For parents and carers, we encourage you to be engaged in your student’s learning. Ask questions, have them teach you what they learnt at school, provide a space conducive to study and supervise their home study. The feedback from interviews will also guide you in what specific support your student needs; perhaps it is to limit social activities to allow students to complete their work at home, or to ensure that the iPad contains largely learning materials and not only games and movies or even ensure that work is simply proof read before submission. So this term the challenge for us all is to further develop our partnership and ensure that all students at CRC Melton are achieving to potential. Narelle Layton Director of Learning Gadal News Enquiry Minds Semester 1: Students are under way in researching and exploring their own topics for Semester 1. Students had a choice from the four following broad topics: 1. Health & Wellbeing 2. Environment 3. Leadership 4. Community Students are also asked to choose their intended audience for the presentation of these projects. This year we will be presenting these projects in a different format (online) which is under construction and more information on how to access, view and provide feedback on these projects will be given to you at a later date. There are some interesting topics that have emerged from students’ passionate areas which is encouraging. If you require further information, please speak to your child’s Enquiry Minds Project tutor. Power to Persist Presentation by David Periera (PAC) Thurs 14 April Period 1 (9.00-10.30am) Power to Persist is designed to develop resilience, grit & foundational study habits that will serve Year 9 students now & prepare them for the rigours of senior academic study. Outcomes: · To help students understand the power of sustained effort through developing a growth mindset · To develop grit so that students persist in the face of challenge & adversity · To provide practical strategies for students to establish effective study routines & habits Students are permitted to wear what they would normally wear on a Thursday Day 4 of their timetable. Thank you, Gadal Team

Year 11 & 12 Studio Arts Term 1 Excursions This year our Year 11 /12 Studio Arts students have had the privilege in participating in two outstanding excursions. The first was at the Art Gallery of Ballarat – Next Gen exhibition and more recently at the National Gallery of Victoria, NGV. At the NGV Australia, the Year 11 students viewed folios and the work of Victorian VCE students who had been selected to exhibit in the Top Arts exhibition. While the Year 11’s were busy with Top Arts, the Year 12 students participated in a day of lectures and viewing the Andy Warhol and Ai Wei Wei exhibition in the NGV International (Year 11 students also had an opportunity to view this exhibition in the afternoon). These excursions are compulsory and vital for the development of Studio Art students, as they expose them to works of art that they may never see otherwise. In particularly the Warhol/Ai Wei Wei was an amazing experience, not only did Year 12 students get to hear about the artists’ work and how they develop the exhibitions, as well as learning some of the information needed for Unit 4, they also viewed and interacted with artwork that was truly amazing. Most students were inspired and challenged in the development of their own work and some intend to attend the exhibition again during the school holidays. Thank you for being supportive of our Art Program Kath Jones & Karen Hunter

Pencils of Doom Term 1

Hi everyone, We have had a terrific time in Pencils of Doom this year, many students are coming in to make Monsters on Tuesdays and on Thursdays we are creating a very abstract and beautiful garden mosaic. The club will continue in Term 2 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, bring your lunch, bring your friends and have a creative time.


Calendar 2016


Term 2

Term 2



15th 18th 19th 20th 21st 25th 26th 27th


Year 7 Immunisations Year 12 Food/Wood/VCD Excursion Year 8 Project Rockit Presentation Year 7 Project Rockit Presentation Cross Country trials Year 7 Premier League Round 1 Senior AFL & Netball Year 10 History Excursion College Athletics Carnival ANZAC Day - no classes Year 11 Reflection day Parent Information evening - Strategies for Teenage Success Year 7 Premier League Round 2 Year 9 Forensics day Year 10 Drama Performance P & F Meeting - 7.00pm SRC Conference

May 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

Wednesday 13th 1.00pm - 2.00pm C. Sicily L. Vella Monday 18th

6.30pm - 7.30pm

Wednesday 20th 6.30pm - 7.30pm S. De Courcy G. Mercieca Wednesday 27th 1.00pm - 2.00pm C. Arthur C. Grambou May Wednesday 4th T. Hehir

6.30pm - 7.30pm M. D’Sousa

Wednesday 11th 1.00pm - 2.00pm M. Muse L. Vella Wednesday 18th 6.30pm - 7.30pm F. Conway L. Holt

Year 7 MASP Excursion Cross Country Social Justice Conference Year 7 Premier League Round 3 Senior AFL & Netball Year 12 Studio Arts Excursions

Wednesday 25th 1.00pm - 2.00pm J. Johnson

Homework Club Homework Club will run every Wednesday from 20th April from 3.30pm to 4.30pm until Wednesday 22nd June in the Library .

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