12th March 2013

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12th March, 2013 Reflection St Patrick’s Prayer As I arise today, may the strength of God pilot me, the power of God uphold me, the wisdom of God guide me. May the eye of God look before me, the ear of God hear me, the word of God speak for me. May the hand of God protect me, the way of God lie before me, the shield of God defend me, the host of God save me. May Christ shield me today. Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit, Christ when I stand, Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me. Amen

Gonski and Government funding

Kenya and Italy await…

It was an interesting episode of Q and A on the ABC last night with Federal Education Minister, Peter Garrett and Opposition Spokesman, Christopher Pyne appearing in front of an audience on live TV. I encourage all parents to watch the unfolding process regarding the Gonski Review and the possible impact on a school such as ours. We will hopefully know more detail next month when the Federal Government meets with the State Governments regarding their future policy on school funding.

Our final meetings in preparation for trips to Kenya and Italy were held last week at the College. Staff, students and parents were present as the trip organisers went through the itinerary and safety matters. We wish all staff and students safe travel over the next few weeks.

Catholic Education Week The annual Catholic Education week is upon us and CRC Melton is involved. A group of students will be attending the St Patrick’s Day Mass at the Cathedral on Thursday and some students’ work is on display at the Annual Art Exhibition, which is being held at the Catholic Leadership Centre, 576 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne on Tuesday 12th March to Friday 15th March 9.00am to 4.00pm. Family viewing day, Saturday 16th March, 1.30pm—4.00pm.

SACCSS Swimming Carnival Good luck to all coaches and swimmers for the Carnival tomorrow. It’s a big occasion for all swimmers to be competing against other schools at MSCAC- our best wishes are with you! Parents and Friends Annual General Meeting Wednesday March 20th starting at 7.30pm The Parents and Friends Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 20th starting at 7.30pm. All parents are welcome to attend. Mark Sheehan Principal

Term 1 Reports and Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews The end of Term 1 is approaching quickly, with the last student day on Tuesday, March 26. Interim Reports will be available at the end of term through our Parent Portal. More details on how to access this will be published next week. The interim report will include a recommendation of whether an interview is required at our Term 2 Parent-Student-Teacher interviews. These take place on April 23 & 24. Information on how to book interviews will be sent home in the last week of term. Bike Racks We have now installed 2 sets of bicycle racks at the College for student and staff use (the old ones were removed with the old portables over the January holiday break). These are now located outside the College Gym and to the side of the Year 7 Block. We encourage students to ride to school where practical but please bring a lock. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Trivia Night Kenya Trip Thank you to the people who donated prizes for the evening. Also a big thank you to all our parents and friends who attended the Trivia night and supported our fundraising efforts. We raised a total of $1829.00. A good night was had by all. Pauline Jakobovic Uniform Shop Winter uniform orders will be available for pickup on Wednesday March 27th between 12.00—2.00pm and 6.00—7.30pm.

March 15 National Day of Action against bullying and violence The National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence is an opportunity for students, teachers, parents and the whole community to take a stand together against bullying and violence. This annual day provides a focus for schools who want to say Bullying - No way! and to strengthen their everyday messages that bullying and violence at school are not okay at any time. Posted on SIMON are a number of websites available to students, parents and staff providing information, advice and strategies to deal with bullying. Take the opportunity to check out the sites. Last Monday I attended a workshop organised by The Alannah and Madeline Foundation about their eSmart program. CRC signed up for the program late last year. The program is a world-leading, evidence based cybersafety and wellbeing initiative designed to help Australian schools manage and deal with cyberbullying and bullying. One of the suggestions that came out of the day was the need for students to report bullying in and outside of school. Some schools have set up a letterbox arrangement at the school office and others using electronic means. An email address has been createdbullying@crcmelton.com.au for students to report instances of bullying. The emails are sent directly for follow up. Rob Blackley Deputy Principal – Student Welfare

VCE Maths CAS Calculators All VCE Maths students should have acquired a Texas ti-nspire CAS calculator by this stage of the year. These must be brought to every Maths class and be charged and ready for use. Students are seriously disadvantaged if they do not bring a working CAS calculator to every class and practise using them regularly. If you need to buy a new calculator, they are available at Officeworks for $199 or Calculator King for $195. These can be bought on-line or in person at the shop. Please note that the TI-84 model calculator is now obsolete and can no longer be used in class. Any further queries can be directed to Ingrid Jahnke, Maths Coordinator.

Stations of the Cross

The Archbishop’s conversation with student leaders

The Year 9 Drama class has been working hard to prepare for their interpretation of the Stations of the Cross performance, to be held during Periods 2 and 3, on Monday 25th March. Their work has been cut out for them due to the short length of this term.

On Tuesday the 5th of March, three Year 12 students, Irene Fernandes, Emily Richter and Alex Thurn, were given the opportunity to go to Caroline Chisholm Catholic College to meet Archbishop Dennis Hart, to discuss leadership in schools. CRC Melton and many other schools from around Victoria attended this annual event. The day was promoting ‘the Year of Faith’ and how it is relevant to each individual, especially as teenagers and how we as student leaders can promote this to our peers. During the Archbishop’s address to the student leaders one of his themes was ‘from humble beginnings’ in which he spoke about his own youth and how he was inspired by the people around him. He encouraged us to be true to our faith and even in times of difficulty, know that God will always be there to help us through it. One of the overall ideas of the day was to discuss with other students from different schools ways in which we could promote faith to each college and also to help bring the school community together. One common idea that came up in most groups was the idea of each house choosing a charity to which they would all support, by raising awareness and funds throughout the school community as a whole team for a period of time each year. This could then continue each year, with each house keeping the same charity, which would then become the continuing legacy for each house. Overall the day was enjoyable and gave us many ideas on how we can improve faith within the community and also help bring the school cohort together for a good purpose.

All parents and friends of the College community are welcome to attend. The performances will begin promptly at either 10.45am or 11.20am during Period 2, and 12.05pm or 12.40pm during Period 3. Each performance runs for approximately 25 minutes. Please phone Samantha Frazzetto in reception to RSVP your attendance prior to performance day. On the performance day, please make your way to the College front office, where you will be met and ushered over to the hall. Clare O'Sullivan Performance Co-ordinator Premier League Round 2 results: CRC Melton V Mackillop Cricket: MACK 17/114 defeated CRCM 10/48 Netball: MACK 28 defeated CRCM 21 Boys Basketball: MACK 73 defeated CRCM 28 Girls Basketball: MACK 90 defeated CRCM 12 Boys Soccer: MACK 7 defeated CRCM 0 Girls Soccer: CRCM 6 defeated MACK 0 Boys Volleyball: MACK 3 defeated CRCM 0 (25-17, 25-23, 25-21) Girls Volleyball: MACK 3 defeated CRCM 0 (25-13, 25-20, 25-14) Premier League Round 3 results: CRC Melton V Emmanuel College Boys soccer EMC 11 defeated CRCM 1 Girls soccer EMC 1 drew CRCM 1 Boys Volley EMC 2 defeated CRCM 1 74-58 Girls Volley EMC 3 defeated CRCM 0 75-39 Boys Basket CRCM 40 defeated EMC 33 Girls Basket CRCM 42 defeated EMC 24 Netball CRCM 45 defeated EMC 15 Cricket EMC 2-99, 18 overs defeated CRCM 9-98 CC

Irene Fernandes, Emily Richter and Alexandra Thurn (College Liturgy Team)

Food Technology Stylist Presentation

Daily Life in Ancient Israel Presentation

On February 14th the Year 10, 11 and 12 Food Technology students participated in a Food Styling presentation and workshop. The aim was to provide the students with hints on taking photographs of their food products and insight into the latest trends in food styling. The Year 10’s will be utilising the information during Term one for the unit “Fashions on the plate” and Year 11’s and 12’s will use the information to enhance their folios. The photos below are a selection from the workshops and also from a Year 10 Food Technology class.

On Thursday 7th March, Year 8 Religious Education students were treated to an engaging interactive presentation on Life in Ancient Israel as part of the Jesus in Context unit currently being studied. Catholic Regional College Federation R.E. specialist Margaret Carswell presented us with a glimpse of daily life in Palestine in the time of Jesus of Nazareth which included topics such as the geography of the region, food, clothing, customs and the significance of religion in the lives of the Hebrew people. Students genuinely enjoyed the interactive nature of the presentation as they took part in pop quizzes, sampled Jewish food such as semolina and cheese honey dumplings, almond cake, palm dates, dips and unleavened bread. Several students even got to ‘model’ traditional costumes commonly worn during that period of Jewish history. These activities will greatly assist our students as they are currently composing their Life in Ancient Israel Virtual Museum Assessment Task. Sincere thanks go out to Mrs. Marg Carswell for her spectacular efforts and insight into Hebrew traditions and culture, to Mr Paul Butler for co-ordinating the incursion and also to our Year 8 students, all of whom participated eagerly and respectfully in the various activities on offer during the session. We certainly all look forward to benefiting from Marg’s unique teaching style again in the near future at our Year 8 Reflection Day which will be held later in the year. Fonda Augoustakis On behalf of the Year 8 Religious Education Team.


Calendar 2013


Term 1

Term 1



13th 14th 18th 19th 20th

Wednesday 13th 1.00pm—2.00pm

21st 22nd 25th 26th 27th 28th

SACCSS Swimming St Patrick’s Mass Melbourne Year 8 Medieval Day Year 9 Premier League Round 5 Year 12 Chemistry Excursion Annual General Meeting Parents & Friends VCE Studio Arts Excursion Year 9 Outdoor Education camp Year 9 Outdoor Education camp Year 10 History Excursion SACCSS Senior Sports Day Year 9 Premier League Round 6 Students finish Term 1 Staff Inservice Staff Inservice

C. Crotty Uniform Packing Day Wednesday 20th 12.00pm - 2.00pm J. Johnson L. Muscat

S. Theuma

H. Breich

Order Pickup Day Wednesday 27th 12.00 - 2.00pm L. Vella

R. McDonald

P. Searle

6.30pm - 7.30pm

Homework Club

A. Salmon L. Toskovski

Homework club starts Wednesday 13th February until Wednesday 20th March

K. Serra

N. Woods

Canteen 2013 Term 1

Mass Times St. Dominic’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am, 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

March Wednesday 13th Suzanne Smith Thursday 14th Maria Zaharogiannis Friday 15th Robyn Dodd Monday 18th Tuesday 19th Friday 22nd

Debbi Taylor Cynthia Amor Tess Galea Karen Pawlowicz

Monday 25th Tuesday 26th

Gillian Ottone Johanna Blain

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