12th may, 2015

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12th May, 2015 Reflection For God So Loved the World Blest are you, Lord Jesus, who came to us as a little Child one of us, flesh and blood to share in our humanity; for God so loved the world. Blest are you, Lord Jesus, who came to us as Carpenter and yet in whose creative hands a world was fashioned; for God so loved the world. Blest are you, Lord Jesus, who came to us as Fisherman and yet pointed to a harvest that was yet to come; for God so loved the world. Blest are you, Lord Jesus, who came to us as Teacher and opened eyes to truths that only the poor could understand; for God so loved the world. Blest are you, Lord Jesus, who came to us as healer and opened hearts to the reality of wholeness; for God so loved the world. Blest are you, Lord Jesus, who came to us as prophet, priest and king and yet humbled himself to take our place upon the cross; for God so loved the world. Blest are you, Lord Jesus, who came to us as servant and revealed to us the extent of his Father’s love for human kind; for God so loved the world. Blest are you, Lord Jesus, who rose from the ignominy of a sinner’s death to the triumph of a Saviour’s resurrection; for God so loved the world. That all might have eternal life. Amen.

School Photos - May 28 Full school photos are scheduled for 28 May. Ordering of photos will be online. Details as to how to order photos will be given to students next week. Arthur Reed Photos will also provide the opportunity for family photos. Students will be required to wear full winter uniform for the photos. If a student has PE or a related activity they will need to bring their PE uniform to school and change. Students who will/may be absent on the 28th will have the opportunity to have their photo taken at the catch up day June 4. Celebration Day - May 26 Our senior student leaders launched Celebration Day to the students at our recent full school assembly. The leaders have been meeting, planning, organising and booking activities for the day. The challenge of raising $10,000 ($10 per student) was put to the students. Money raised will be shared with our sister school Brother Beausang College Nairobi, Kenya, Orygen Youth Health and McAuley Community Services for Women.

Attendees heard from the Victoria Police, a Magistrate, a brother who lost his only brother in a single car road accident as a result of drink driving and a convicted driver who served a jail sentence for drink driving and causing injury to others. The message was the same from all speakers, it is human error that is the major cause of death and injuries on our roads. On Monday Year 11 students participated in the Fit 2 Drive program. The interactive workshops and scenarios are designed to help young people make good decisions when faced with risky driving situations, both as passengers, and in terms of their future driving safety. F2D is about changing attitudes and behaviours - not their driving skills. You may have seen the latest TAC advertisement on TV of the young boy sitting in the back seat replicating his father’s driving habits, the message being how we drive, greatly influences how our child will behave behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. What sort of role model are you providing? Robert Blackley Deputy Principal-Students

Road Safety

Parents & Friends

Over the past week the College has hosted two different forums on Road Safety. Last Thursday evening over 80 people attend the Community Road Safety Forum held at CRC.

The next meeting of the Parents & Friends will be held on Wednesday 27th May at 7.30pm.

iPads Please note that all school issued iPads are to be repaired by the College. Any unauthorised repairs will void the warranty and insurance. Apple are able to check if a screen has been replaced by a non-Apple store. 100% of all accidental damage have been covered by the insurance. In most cases after the $100 has been paid, a new iPad is given. We will attempt to cover hardware failures, including chargers, under warranty first at no cost. Any losses or theft must have a police report submitted. How to get a replacement iPad: 1. Fill out Insurance form (available at IT) 2. Show IT a receipt of $100 excess paid (at reception) 3. Hand in damaged iPad or Police Report After all three conditions have been met, a replacement iPad will be issued. Year 12’s Only: Pay $175, and if in stock, an iPad 4 will be handed back. Mid Year Exams and Timed Assessment Tasks A formal assessment schedule will operate across Years 7 – 11. These will take place over the dates from June 3 to June 12. Below is information for Years 7 – 12 students. Years 7 & 8 Apart from timed assessment tasks that will operate in normal class times, all Year 7 & 8 students will do a Timed Assessment Task in Mathematics and English at the same time. These assessment tasks will take place in R Building and take the place of the normal timetabled class. Tuesday June 9

Tuesday June 9

Thursday June 11

Friday June 12

Year 7 MATHEMATICS Period 3

Year 8 MATHEMATICS Period 4

Year 7 ENGLISH Period 2

Year 8 ENGLISH Period 2

Year 9 Year 9 students will undertake exams beginning Thursday, June 4. Elective exams will take place in normal scheduled class times. Exams in Mathematics, English, Science and Humanities will take place in R Building on the following dates.

Thursday June 4 (9)

Tuesday June 9 (2)

Thursday June 11 (4)

Friday June 12 (5)

Year 9 Maths Per 1

Year 9 Humanities Per 1

Year 9 English Per 1

Year 9 Science Per 3

Year 10 & 11 Year 11 students will undertake VCE Unit 1 exams from Wednesday, June 3 to Friday, June 12 and Year 10 students have exams between Thursday, June 4 – Friday, June 12.     

Year 11 exams will take place in J Building and Year 10 exams in our J & R Buildings. Students are only required at school when they have exams. Supervised study rooms will operate for students who need or wish to be at school during non-exam periods. Students will be expected to wear full College uniform when present for exams. Students need to be at the College at least 15 minutes before the published starting times to ensure smooth entry into the exam venues.

The exam schedule for Year 11 and 10 is set out below. Year 10 & 11 Exam Timetable June 2015 Time 8.50 – 10.15

10.50 – 12.15 This starting and finishing time may change depending on exams 1.55 – 3.20

Wednesday June 3 11 General Maths 11 Methods J Building

Thursday June 4 11 Biology 11 Drama 10 Mind Matters J Building

11 English J Building

11 Literature 11 Language 10 Drama 10 VCD 10 Cells to Creatures J Building

11 History J Building

11 Chemistry 11 Infomation Tech 10 History J Building

Tuesday June 9 11 HHD 11 Physics 10 Business & Commerce 10 Geography J Building 11 VET Music 11 VCD 10 Art 10 Indonesian J Building

Wednesday June 10 (GAT) 10 RE R Building

Thursday June 11 11 Psychology 10 Food 10 ICT Game Design J Building

Friday June 12 11 Business Management 10 Media 10 Italian J Building

10 English 159 R Building

11 Food Technology 11 Physical Education 10 Chemistry in the Environment 10 Science J Building

11 General Maths Adv

11 Legal Studies 10 Political Law 10 Outdoor Ed 10 Engineering 10 Hospitality J Building

10 Core Maths 10 Core Plus 10 PreFoundation R Building

11 Studio Arts 11 Accounting 10 Advanced PE J Building

11 Media 11 Wood 10 Wood 10 Newton Sparks a Starwar J Building

Years 12 & 11 - VCAA General Achievement Task (GAT) Year 12 students have normal classes during the Year 10 & 11 exam period, except on Wednesday, June 10 when all Year 12 VCE Students and any Year 11 students undertaking a Unit 3/4 study must sit the GAT as below: 10.00am – 1.15pm



Students need to be at the College at least 30 minutes before the GAT published reading time to ensure smooth entry into the exam venues. Full College uniform is required. Year 10 VINCIT and Year 11 & 12 VCAL students will follow their normal programs during this exam period. Important Dates Friday, June 5 is a Professional Learning day for staff. This is a student free day. Monday, June 8 is the Queens’ Birthday Public Holiday. Monday, June 22 is the College Mid-year Report Finalisation and Professional Learning day. This is a student free day. VCE Semester 2 Unit 2 and Unit 4 Studies begin on Monday, June 15. John Christie Deputy Principal - Staff

Year 7 Premier League

Sandwiches for the Homeless

Last week saw CRC travel to Emmanuel College in Point Cook.

Next Wednesday we are making sandwiches again that are distributed to people in the Footscray area that are struggling or homeless. Students are able to help with preparing the sandwiches after school. Donations of supplies to make the sandwiches are welcomed. Please contact mrowe-watts@crcmelton.com.au

Results are as follows: Netball: Boys’ AFL: Boys’ basketball: Girls’ basketball: Boys’ soccer: Girls’ soccer: Boys’ volleyball: Girls’ volleyball:

CRCM defeated Emmanuel 27-5 CRCM defeated Emmanuel 34-12 Emmanuel defeated CRCM 34-21 CRCM defeated Emmanuel 27-25 Emmanuel defeated CRCM 11-0 CRCM drew Emmanuel 2-2 Emmanuel defeated CRCM 3-0 CRCM defeated Emmanuel 3-0

Premier League returns next week with teams playing CRC Caroline Springs. Year 8 Medieval Day Students in Year 8 were transported from Melton West to Medieval Europe on Medieval Day. Presenters from History Up Close engaged students in a wide variety of topics including: Harm and Healing, Age of Chivalry, Medieval Games, Medieval Costume and Lifestyle, Medieval Music and Arms and Armour. Students are to be congratulated on their heightened levels of participation and enthusiasm during all of the presentations.

SACCSS Cross Country The annual SACCSS Cross Country Carnival was held on Tuesday 5th May at Brimbank Park. Despite the early morning rain and the forecast for possible hail, the squad of 73 students coached by Mr Phil Brown and Miss Emma Brown were in high spirits as they made an early departure from CRC Melton for the event. Despite some last minute changes due to illness and injury the team did exceptionally well, placing in two age divisions and coming away with six individual medals. A big congratulations to Maddie Hodge and Evana Miesen who placed first in their respective age groups over the 3km course. Congratulations also goes to Maddison James for second place in the intermediate girls and Montana Djatschenko for third place in the 14 girls over the 3km course and Dominic Miesen and Joel Amor for second place in the intermediate and senior boys over 4km. A big thanks to all the students and staff involved for your commitment and efforts at lunch time training sessions over the past two terms. We hope to see many of you back again soon as we look towards the athletics season. Junior Golf Competition On Monday the 27th April, Golf Victoria held the 2015 SSV Junior Secondary Golf competition at Melton Valley Golf Course. The CRC Melton junior golf team included Jarryd Martin of Year 7 and Justin Webster, Condy Munro and Zac Storer of Year 8. The boys competed against golfers from a number of Victorian schools in what proved to be a very strong competition. Congratulations to all the boys on their efforts and on representing the school in such a professional event. A special mention goes to Jarryd Martin who placed third on the day. The boys have now been invited to compete in the next level of competition. We wish them luck for the upcoming event.

Enquiring Minds Project - Year 9 Head Lice On Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th June between 6 and 7pm, the Year 9 'Enquiring Minds Project' presentations will be taking place in the PAC foyer. Year 9 students are expected to be present on one of these nights and we extend a warm welcome to all parents/ carers to also attend. More information will follow closer to the dates.

The College has been notified of a case of head lice within the Year 7 level. If a student has head lice, we ask parents to inform the College and take the appropriate action. Further information can be obtained on www.dhs.vic.gov.au/phd/headlice

“ 4 in 4 people can help” A report about the St. Vincent De Paul Conference As the Social Justice Coordinator I am often privileged to be able to work with a small group of very passionate young people that want to “Make a difference”. Last Wednesday we travelled to Collingwood for the St. Vincent De Paul Youth Conference, the topic being “Embracing mental health in our community.” During the day we listened to many interesting speakers, most of whom were sharing their own story of Mental Health with the aim being to break down the stigma associated with mental illness in our community. Catherine, Victoria and Ken then went off to hear different speakers at three different workshops. In the Homelessness and Mental Health workshop, they highlighted the importance of understanding the reasons for people becoming homeless. The effects of becoming homeless are quite damaging to their overall wellbeing. Supporting mental health in our community could possibly lower the number of homeless people. In an activity everyone in the group experienced what a month of being homeless would feel like. Ken Dumandan I listened to the speaker talk about “Asylum Seekers dealing with mental illness”. This workshop taught me many interesting things, such as - 40% of asylum seekers come via boat with 60% travelling via plane. We only hear about the 'boat people' coming to 'take over' thus thinking it’s illegal. But it’s not. Simon, the leader of the workshop, informed the students involved that seeking refuge isn't actually illegal and many are here due to serious reasons. Overall the day left me thinking, as the Social Justice deputy captain, “What we can do as a community to address these issues and prevent mental illnesses?” Victoria Vassallo I attended the Youth Mental Health workshop where we learned about the most common mental illnesses in young people in Australia, depressive disorders and anxiety disorders. We watched a clip called 'I had a black dog, it's name was depression' which gave us a tangible understanding of how depression can affect someone's life and we learned about the parts of the brain that, when out of balance, can cause anxiety disorders. The most important thing that I took from the whole day was that 1 in 4 people at any given time is suffering from a mental illness, but 4 in 4 can help. Catherine De Luca During our journey home we had many discussions, shared our thoughts of the day and decided that the best realisation for the day was the statistic “ 4 in 4 can help”.

If you or someone you know is struggling to cope here are a few strategies:  Talk about it with someone you can trust  Try to incorporate some physical activity into everyday  Try to eat healthy, avoid sugar, alcohol and tablets unless prescribed by the doctor  Keep a journal and record your emotions  Seek help from a counsellor  Ring Help line, Beyond Blue or use official websites and forums for confidential counselling Health and Wellbeing and Assessments With everyone at school getting ready for exams and Timed Assessment Tasks it very important that we keep ourselves as stress free as possible. Learn to talk to others about concerns, ask how others handle things, prepare early for assessments, go to bed at regular times, eat good meals and have some relaxation time. If you can’t solve issues on your own, seek assistance from those that can help; teachers, friends, parents, counsellors etc. The Mental Health Foundation website – awarenessweek@mentalhealth.org.uk publishes a “Mindful Minute” everyday. Today’s hint suggests that we spend a minute on our breathing and stepping out of the daily grind and allow time for just being. Margaret Rowe-Watts – Social Justice Coordinator Celebration Day/Back to Parish Mass On Tuesday 26th of May, students will start their day at their local parish church for morning Mass with their parish community. Students celebrating Mass at St Anthony’s or St Bernard’s will return to school by bus for Celebration Day activities. Students celebrating at St Catherine’s will start the morning at school by arriving by 8.40am and gathering in year level areas for roll taking and will then move across to church. CRC staff will be at all parishes and supervise the return to school. The College day will have a normal finish time of 3.20pm. Students are to wear PE uniform. Students attending St Anthony’s and St Bernard’s are expected to make their own way to church and are required 15minutes before Mass begins. Mass times:

St Bernard’s St Anthony’s St Catherine’s

9.00am 9.15am 9.15am


Calendar 2015

Term 2

Term 2



13th NAPLAN VCE Units 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camp 14th NAPLAN VCE Units 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camp Unit 3/4 GAT Chat SACCSS Swimming and Cross Country Presentations 15th VCE Units 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camp Inter Futsal Food Van Visit 18th Year 11 VCAL Excursion 19th Year 7 & 8 Immunisations Senior AFL & Netball Round 3 20th Year 7 Premier League Round 4 Year 11 Reflection day 22nd VCE Studio Arts Excursion Year 9 SSG Excursion 25th Girls AFL Year 10 Geography camp Year 12 Drama Solos 26th Year 10 Geography camp College Celebration day 27th Year 10 Geography camp RMIT IT Excursion - Year 9 & 10 Year 9 Outdoor Education camps Year 7 Premier League Round 5 P & F Meeting - 7.30pm 28th Year 9 Outdoor Education camps Senior AFL & Netball Round 4 College Photos 29th Year 9 Outdoor Education Camps June 1st 2nd 3rd

VCAL Excursion Year 12 Business Management Excursion Year 7 Premier League Round 6 Year 11 Exams commence ICAS Science Competition 4th Year 9 - 11 Exams 5th Professional Learning day for staff - No classes Food Van visit 8th Queen’s Birthday Holiday - No classes 9th Year 9 - 11 Exams Year 7 & 8 TATS 10th Year 9 - 11 Exams Year 7 & 8 TATS VCAA GAT Year 7 Premier League Semi Final 11th Year 9 - 11 Exams Year 7 & 8 TATS 12th Year 9 - 11 Exams Year 7 & 8 TATS VCAA Semester 1 ends


Wednesday 13th 1.00pm - 2.00pm T. Davine

L. Vella

Wednesday 20th 6.30pm - 7.30pm A. Salmon

S. Jakeman

Wednesday 27th 1.00pm - 2.00pm K. Vella

J. Johnson

June Wednesday 3rd

6.30pm - 7.30pm

M. Salvatore

I. Guy

Homework Club Homework Club will run from Wednesday, 22nd April from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the Library and finish 18th June.

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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