14th february 2017

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14th February, 2017 Reflection You know every decision Heavenly Father, You know every decision I need to make and every challenge I face. Please forgive me for this time that I try to figure this life out on my own. I need you. I need your Holy Spirit to give me strength, wisdom and direction. Amen

Dear Parents and Students, 2016 VCE/VCAL Awards Assembly (an edited version of the Principal’s address) It is a great pleasure to be at the 2016 Awards Assembly today with our high achieving students being recognised. In focusing on the Year 12 class of 2016, I was reminded by their leaders last year that this particular cohort was in Year 7 when the first VCE/ VCAL classes were introduced to CRC Melton in 2011. They have been a significant part of the history of our College, as we have matured as a school. They have observed four cohorts take up the challenge of the senior years with all its joys and disappointments. And they have experienced the ‘step up’ required in terms of hard work as a student needs to do in Years 11 and 12. Over their six years, the class of 2016 emerged last year as great role models, great champions of social justice, keen participants in sport and the arts, and as we see today fine academic achievers. It’s still early days at CRC Melton in terms of Year 12 at Melton. Many Catholic schools have been at it for decades. We rely on our senior students to set a good example for the younger ones to follow and you have done so - its about the culture of the school. ‘We stand on the shoulders of those who go before us’ Congratulations to all achievers today from Years 7-12 in 2016. Best wishes on your next stage of life’s journey. College Dux Kitty Robinson who achieved an ATAR of 95.95. Kitty also received the subject dux in Biology, Chemistry, Legal Studies in 2016 and Further Mathematics and Religion and Society in 2015. High Achiever ATAR Award: Students who achieved an ATAR above 85. This puts them in the top 15% of students across the state. Kitty Robinson, Maddison Bassal, Annabelle Taylor, Zaylie Le Huray, Caitlin Baselmans, Alycia Morrow, Frank Cicalese, Stefan Subasic, Corey Vella, Mitchell Ryan, Brianna Pawlowicz, Alycia Dingli, Alexandra Pritchard, Cassie Millburn, Isabella Williamson.

Parents & Friends Our first meeting for 2017 is on Wednesday February 22nd starting at 7.30pm. All welcome, especially parents new to the school.

High Achiever Study Score Award: Students who achieved a 40 or higher out of 50. This score places them in the top 10% of the State. Caitlin Baselmans Maddison Bassal Lauren Davine Alycia Dingli Jack Doyle Zaylie Le Huray Dominic Miesen Cassie Milburn Alycia Morrow Brianna Pawlowicz Kitty Robinson Thomas Spiteri Stefan Subasic Annabelle Taylor Massimo Urban Corey Vella Isabella Williamson Alana Wilson

Health and Human Development Psychology & Legal Studies Food and Technology Psychology Music (Vce Vet) English Maths: Further Mathematics German English, English Language & Media Physical Education & Psychology Legal Studies Maths: Further Mathematics English Language & Legal Studies Maths: Further Mathematics, Physical Education & Psychology Music (VCE VET) English Language Product Design and Technology English

2016 Subject DUX: The student who attained the highest study score in their subject. (Above 35) Caitlin Baselmans Maddison Bassal Frank Cicalese Lauren Davine Jack Doyle Taylor Filkin Chelsea Henaghan Zaylie Le Huray Liam Martin Cassie Milburn Alycia Morrow Reed Panozza Brianna Pawlowicz Alexandra Pritchard Kitty Robinson Mitchell Ryan James Simpson Thomas Spiteri Stefan Subasic Annabelle Taylor Laura Thiele Massimo Urban Corey Vella Isabella Williamson

Health and Human Development & Indonesian Psychology Mathematical Methods Food and Technology Music (VCE/VET) Religion and Society VET/TAFE Specialist Mathematics Indonesian German English & Media Computing: Software Development Physical Education Physics Biology, Chemistry & Legal Studies Physics & Specialist Mathematics VCAL Further Mathematics English Language Physical Education Literature & Studio Arts Music (Vce/Vet) English Language, History: Revolutions & Visual Communication Design Product Design and Technology

Year 12 2016 Major Award Winners

Community Spirit Award: School Spirit Award: Peer Award: Principal’s Award:

Victoria Vassallo Kitty Robinson & Olivia Polglaze Demi Hockaday & Stefan Subasic Jack Doyle

Year 12 2016 External Award Long Tan Award:

Jack Doyle

Kitty Robinson 2016 College Dux Reflection

525,600 minutes. For those who aren't musical theatre enthusiasts like myself and haven't seen RENT, those who aren't in our school ensemble or those who aren't particularly enthused by numbers, 525,600 is the amount of minutes you have in one year. There are 525,600 minutes in Year 7, just as there are 525,600 minutes in Year 12. And every moment is one worth remembering. To my fellow classmates of 2016, we've laughed together, we've stressed out together, we've cried together and we'll do our best to stay in touch. Whether you're going on to university, to TAFE, to work, to travel or volunteer or other exciting opportunities, no matter what your dream is for the future, I know you can get there with the same dedication, determination and focus that you've shown throughout this year. Many of us encountered challenging situations throughout the year, and I am so proud of each and every one of us for overcoming them. On behalf of the class of 2016 I'd like to extend a massive thank you to all the teachers, staff, student and families here at CRC. I can personally say that every teacher, every parent, every student that I have stumbled upon throughout my time here has changed my life in one way or another, and I am positive that every one of my peers here would agree. We're all so grateful for your support and guidance throughout the year and through the whole of high school. Special mention to Mr Bloom, our Year 12 Coordinator, and Ms Lock, our VCE Coordinator. We’d like you to know how much we appreciate all the effort you put into your work for our benefit. Thank you for both the academic and emotional support, and for always making yourselves available for assistance. The opportunity for me to be up here today is not a feat that was mine alone. There were a great many people who supported me, especially the two of you. So for that I thank you. To my parents and my sister, who love me and are my biggest supporters, thank you. To the current students of CRC, through Year 7-11, I encourage you all to take advantage of the many great opportunities our school has to offer. I had many friends who got to Year 12 and decided ‘hey, it’s my last year, I’ll sign up to that swim carnival event’ or ‘I’ll actually sign up to volunteer for breakfast club’ or a sports team and I can tell you every single person I know who did something new in year 12 wished they had started it earlier in their high school years. The experiences you get from signing up to the various groups we have in the school are invaluable, you learn leadership skills, you make friendships. So next time you see auditions for the school play, I urge you to give it a go. Next time you see sign ups for a sporting team you think you’d like, I urge you to give it a go. Join the social justice club and help our community, or join the choir if you love to sing. To the Year 12’s of 2017. It’s time to set some goals for the future. Excellence does not occur by accident, and I can assure you that each of the 2016 Year 12’s here today can affirm that. Year 12 has it’s ups and downs. You will feel motivated, awake and ready some days, and exhausted, overwhelmed and defeated on others. I experienced this, every past Year 12 here experienced this. Nothing can stop you from feeling the full range of emotions, both great and not so great. But you have the support available. Your fellow students, your peers, you’re all going through the same experience. Help each other, care for each other. VCE is a competition, but you benefit a lot more if your whole class performs well, so don’t be afraid to ask one another for help. Your teachers are valuable, so incredibly valuable. If you're finding a class a bit tough, go and seek their help. If you're feeling overwhelmed, your coordinator or homeroom teachers are great people to go and have a chat to. Lastly, don't forget to take care of yourself. 525,600 minutes of year 12. And I can tell you they fly. Have fun. Make it one to remember, and give it your all. You only get to do it once. I wish you all the best for this year and beyond. Thank you CRC for the past six years and for helping nurture myself and the other lovely people here today into strong, educated young adults.

From the Deputy Principal (Staff)

Term 1 continues with much activity both within and outside the classrooms. Classes across all year levels are now in full swing, with our updated Mathematics program extended to Year 8 providing positive feedback from students and parents. New furniture in the Year 8 building has also added to the enhanced learning. We have started the redevelopment works on our back oval – it is now fenced off. We look forward to having grass year round. What a great day our Swimming Carnival was! Weather was a bit hot in the afternoon but great for swimming and being in the water. Student attendance and participation was high. Special congratulations must go again to our Year 12 students who not only lead their respective Houses well but whose efforts in dressing up for the day was noted by all. It was also pleasing that we had few reports of students being sunburnt. A lot of effort went into ensuring students sat in shaded areas and were constantly reminded to apply sunscreen, put on their hat and cover up. Information Evenings

Year 7 parents / guardians are encouraged to attend this Wednesday our Information evening in the Hall. The Year 12 Information evening will be on Tuesday, February 21, with separate sessions being held for our VCAL and VCE Students. Year 9 – 12 Subject Changes As stated last week, Year 9 - 12 students should have completed any necessary changes with their studies and no more will occur unless there are exceptional circumstances. Year 9 & 10 students will be able to enquire about changes to their Semester 2 electives at the end of Term 2. Camps

Our Year level camps kick off next week (February 20) with Year 9 Gadal RITE Journey camps (boys and girls separately) and then Year 8 Camps starting the week after (February 27). All families would have received CareMonkey notifications of these events. College Pay phone A pay phone is located in student reception for student use at a cost of $1.00 per call. Students should not use the school phone unless it is an emergency call to parents. Student Medications Parents are requested to complete a medication administration form if wishing to send medication with their child to school; or if they wish to store medications in the sick bay to be administered when required. The school does not keep a supply of generic medications for students. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Lost Property We have a collection of lost property from the swimming carnival and in general. Please check at Reception if you have lost any items.

Parents & Friends

The Parents & Friends committee would like to welcome you all to CRC for another great year. We would in particular like to extend a warm welcome to new families and hope that you enjoy being a valued member of our school community. Thank you to the families that have been and continue to be supportive and involved with our school community. The Parents & Friends help in many ways ie: school uniform shop, canteen, working bee, sports carnivals, special BBQ days and more. We have been able to use funds from the Parents & Friends levy for such things as shade cloths, seating, music equipment and also the beautiful artwork for the Performing Arts Centre. The Parents & Friends normally meet on the last Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm in the conference room. Our principal, Mr Mark Sheehan is in attendance and is always happy to report on the progress of the school. He is always willing to discuss general business and happy to answer and follow up on any questions from parents & friends. Our first meeting for 2017 is Wednesday 22nd February at 7.30pm. Looking forward to seeing existing families and meeting new ones. Jenny Machado Camps, Sports & Excursion Fund (CSEF) If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. The allowance will be paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions, or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. CSEF will be provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. The annual CSEF amount is $225 for secondary school students. Parents who are eligible need to lodge forms with the school by 22nd February 2017. CSEF application forms can be downloaded from www.education.vic.gov.au/csef or are available at the office. A copy of the concession card needs to be attached. Peer Support During Term 1 students will be involved in the Peer Support Program. Each week, groups of 8-9 students will meet with 2 Year 10 Peer Leaders and work through a range of activities that focus on resilience. Meeting in small groups allows meaningful connections to form, assisting students with the transition to secondary school. Over a period of five weeks, students will acknowledge their strengths and achievements, identify people who support them and learn how to view challenges as opportunities for growth. For additional reading and resources to support your child please visit the parent tab on the Peer Support Australia Website <www.peersupport.edu.au> Elise Nowak Student Leadership Coordinator

2016 Awards Winners

Congratulations to all the 2016 Awards Winners. Year 7 2016 Consistent Effort Tyler Prosser, Brylee Battye, Monique Blain, Dillon Puskadija, Lance Cacao & Hannah Ciappara Year 8 2016 Consistent Effort Nathan Muscat, Heath Muse, Olivia Stone, Madeline Razlog Amilia Cameron, Casandra Mendoza Blake Camilleri, Danica Klasic, Amber Mifsud, Tiffany Reid, Jaimee Szabo, Bishoy Halaka, Danielle Cimarelli & Michael Bill Year 9 2016 Consistent Effort Caleb Bastiaan, Raelle Grech, Savannah Naumovski, Bronwyn Ashman, Lara Clarke, Jayden Cran, Dylan Hassan, Sarah Clewer, Dylan Prosser, Simone Newton, Samantha Stone & Cassandra Nguyen Year 10 2016 Consistent Effort Dylan Reardon, Benjamin Wills, Dayna Govic, Harmonie Wegener, Lauren McKay, Rebecca Chin, Olivia Rabottini, Erin Salmon, Brandon Clarke, Emma Winzar, Edelle Pirro, Christopher Campagna, Molly Dodd & Charlee Keating Year 11 2016 Consistent Effort Ruben Aguirre Coto,Chloe Sneddon, Courtney Buhagiar, Breanne Landells, Shiann Grech, Shelby Whelan, Grace Patterson, Lili Alcock, Emma Frost, Jeremy Cinel, Tristan Rus & Nathan Brewis 2016 Dux Winners

Year Seven 2016 Dux Year Eight 2016 Dux Year Nine 2016 Dux Year Ten 2016 Dux Year Eleven 2016 Dux

Alyanna Manalili Charlotte Robinson Angelica Bautista & Megan Baselmans Luke Spiteri Thomas Spiteri

2016 Major Prize Winners Year 7 Citizenship Award Year 8 Citizenship Award Year 9 Citizenship Award Year 10 Citizenship Award Year 11 Citizenship Award

Alla Rowley Charlotte Robinson Dylan Hassan Boden Mugridge Amy Ross

Arts Award - Junior Arts Award - Senior

Madeline Razlog Lauren McKay

Year 7 Sport Award Year 7 Sport Award Year 7 Sport Award Year 7 Sport Award Year 7 Sport Award

Solomon Miesen Connor Dunstan Luke Heaney Jack Watkins Fernando Rios-Rodriguez

Marita Miesen Award

Dominic Miesen

Andrea Closter Award

Natalie Fry

Father Brian Glasheen Scholarship

Shehan Tennakoon Arachchige Don

Knights of the Southern Cross - Music Scholarship

Nicole Mercieca

Subject Prize Winners

Year 7 2016 Caileigh Aquilina Materials Technology: Wood Visual Communication and Design Kiowa Hilbert Religious Education Grace Holt Health and Physical Education, Visual Communication and Design Christina Le Music Snigdha Mahajan Humanities, Science Gabrielle Medina English Solomon Miesen Mathematics Sharveshvar Sivakumar LOTE: Italian Natalie Valentine LOTE: Indonesian Liam Vannuccini Digital Technologies Year 8 2016 Maddison Fenton Madlen Hill Sophie Hine Madeleine Hodge Connor Laurilla Bridie Lewis Victoria Makin Jarryd Martin Adrian Monitto Briannah Mungcal Charlotte Robinson Edyn Thomas Mikayla Wroblewski

Health LOTE: Indonesian Religious Education Drama Art LOTE: Italian English Mathematics Physical Education Art Humanities, Science Materials Technology: Fibre Materials Technology: Food

Year 9 2016 Terrence Arambulo Megan Baselmans Ryan Bishop Lillian Brewis Mitchell Brislin Georgia Campbell Mitchell Fenton Jonah Grech Dylan Hassan Olivia Kovacs Amberlynn Menezes Evana Miesen Alannah Morrow Vansh Narang Savannah Naumovski Annmayria Praveen John

Media Dance , LOTE: IndonesianScience Digital Technologies Drama & English Materials Technology: Wood Health and Physical Education Media Sport and Leadership LOTE: Italian Visual Communication and Design Religious Education Human Development: The Early Years Materials Technology: Food, Outdoor Education Mathematics Art Humanities

Year 10 2016

Samantha Barbara Art Jesse Cikora Pre Foundation Mathematics Brandon Clarke Vincit Kaitlyn Dando Music: VET Visual Communication and Design Kayla Davis Humanities: History Lucas Dingli Science: Newton Sparks a Star War Renee Lancaster Dance Chloe Laurel Physical Education: Active 2 Rebecca Lawn Humanities: Political Law Harris Leiataua VET/TAFE Khaw Ti Ling LOTE: Indonesian Science Cheyanne Llanes Humanities: Geography, Media Studies, Science: Chemistry in the Environment Madalyn McGill Materials Technology: Wood, Outdoor Education Jessica McGuffie Materials Technology: Fibre Rohan Mullan Physical Education: Advanced Bianca Ottone Humanities: Business Commerce Edelle Pirro Hospitality, Science: Psyched Olivia Rabottini Drama Madeline Rizzo LOTE: Italian Andre Robortella Engineering Natalie Roberts English Erin Salmon Core Mathematics Luke M Spiteri Core Plus Mathematics, Religion & Society Unit 1, Science: Chemistry in the Environment Shehan Tennakoon-Arachchige Don Digital Technologies-Game Design & Programming, Physical Education: Active 1 Ethan Trethowan Humanities: History, Media Studies, Science: Cells to Creatures Emma Winzar Materials Technology: Food, Science: Chemistry in the Environment VCE/VCAL 2016 Ruben Aguirre Coto Kade Bishop Nathan Brewis Juliet Brooking Courtney Buhagiar Jayden Caruana William Di Mieri Emma Frost Indiana Hall Jacinta Guirguis Shayna Johnson Emily Kro Dominic Miesen Hannah Pace Grace Patterson Winnie Poni Fernando Rios-Rodriguez Daniel Smith Chloe Sneddon Thomas Spiteri Blake-Ly Tongpao Tayla Vangelovska Alison Vasjuta Alesha Winzar

Unit 1 & 2 Italian Unit 1 & 2 Computing Unit 1 & 2 Chemistry & Physical Education VET/TAFE Unit 1 & 2 Accounting Unit 1 & 2 Materials Technology: Wood Unit 1 & 2 Text & Traditions Unit 1 & 2 History VCAL Unit 1 & 2 English Unit 1 & 2 Foundation Mathematics Unit 1 & 2 VCE/VET Sport and Rec Unit 1 & 2 Mathematical Methods, Physics, Specialist Mathematics Unit 1 & 2 History, Legal Studies Unit 1 & 2 Media VCAL Unit 1 & 2 Business Management VET/TAFE Unit 1 & 2 Materials Technology: Food Unit 1 & 2 English Language, LOTE: Indonesian, Studio Art Unit 1 & 2 Business Management Unit 1 & 2 Visual Communication and Design Unit 1 & 2 General Mathematics, Literature, Psychology Unit 1 & 2 Biology, Health & Human Development

Western Edge Cluster - VET in Schools Awards Aken Angok Georgia Lewis Juliet Brooking James Simpson

Allied Health Most Improved - Year 1 Allied Health Outstanding - Year 1, Certificate of Excellence - Student of the Year, Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance Early Childhood Education & Care Endeavour - Year 2 Engineering Outstanding - Year 2, School VET Awards Certificate II in Engineering - Year 12 VCAL

2017 CRC Melton Swimming Carnival

CRC Melton’s Annual Swimming Carnival took place on Wednesday 8th of February at Melton Waves Leisure Centre. We were blessed with 35 degrees + weather all day which was great for the students to have a refreshing swim. It was a well enjoyed day by many staff, students and also family and friends. It was great having so many people helping out and encouraging the students ,it added greatly to the atmosphere throughout the day. It was a close competitive day which was shown in the many races , novelty events and Year 12 performances that took place. All four teams showed great sportsmanship, encouragement and positivity towards each other which was fantastic. A huge congratulations to our swimming carnival champions who this year were Fitzgerald. They continuously worked hard all day filling events and ensuring all students had a go. The Fitzgerald house were extremely excited with their win as it was their first for a very long time so it was a great celebration and accomplishment for all the house students and staff. Alongside the house championship the house captains chose a student who was most appreciated during the day. It could be the student who was the most helpful, who filled the most events, who was the most encouraging or who showed determination. The swimming carnivals MVP’s were all Year 7 students this year and it was amazing to see the new faces of the school contributing and helping so much. A big thankyou to the carnival organisers Emma Brown, Natalie Bourke and Jordyn Syme without these ladies the day couldn’t have been possible. We hope everyone enjoyed the day and are also looking forward to future school carnivals. House MVP’S Fitzgerald Glasheen Daffey Reed

Karlos Nuestro Heather pafillasatwell Hayden Vernon Daniella Ahmet

Final Point Rankings Fitzgerald 3062.5 points Glasheen 2989 points Daffey 2912.5 points Reed 2740.5 points


Calendar 2017


Term 1

Term 1



15th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 27th 28th

Year 11 Legal Excursion Year 7 Parent Information Evening 6.30pm Year 9 RITE Journey Camps Year 9 RITE Journey Camps VCE Year 12/VCAL/Vincit Information Evening 700pm Year 9 RITE Journey Camps Year 12 2016 BBQ P & F Meeting Year 9 RITE Journey Camps Year 9 RITE Journey Camps Senior Cricket Year 8 Camps SACCSS Golf Year 8 Camps

Wednesday 15th 6.30pm - 7.30pm Wednesday 22nd Winter Uniform Fitting 12.00pm - 2.00pm A.


5.00pm - 8.00pm K. Vella

M. Wilkin

E. Flanigan

March Wednesday 1st

6.30pm - 7.30pm

F. Conway March Wednesday 8th 1st

2nd 3rd 7th 8th 9th 10th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 28th 29th

30th 31st

Year 8 Camps Senior Cricket Year 8 Camps Year 8 Camps Full on Theatre Workshop Year 11 Tertiary Orientation Day Units 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camps SACCSS Senior Day Units 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camps Units 1 & 2 Outdoor Education Camps Full on Theatre Workshop Senior Cricket Labour Day Holiday Federation Mass Day (No classes) Italy/France Trip meeting Showcase Performance Showcase Performance Year 7 Camps Year 7 Camps Year 7 Camps Year 7 Camps Year 7 Camps Full on Theatre Workshop Year 11 Reflection Day SACCSS Swimming Full on Theatre Student Performance Senior Cricket Grand Final Europe Trip leaves Full on Theatre Family Performance PST Interviews PST Interviews (No classes) Term 1 concludes

1.00pm - 2.00pm

C. Grambau Wednesday 15th 6.30pm - 7.30pm Wednesday 22nd 1.00pm - 2.00pm

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Geoffrey Mcilroy Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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