14th july, 2015

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14th July, 2015 Reflection Do all the good you can Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as you ever can.

Term 3

(Mother Teresa)

Wrestling with Tradition: Faith, Questioning in the Church Today



Welcome back to all families for the start of Term 3. Last night I was a guest of Australian Catholic University (ACU) as they welcomed delegates to the 25th General Assembly of the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU), which is being held in Melbourne this week. The theme of this Assembly is ‘Times change. Values don’t’. The Assembly coincides with the 25th anniversary of the establishment of ACU, and so it was a double celebration with Mass last night at St Patrick’s Cathedral, followed by a welcome reception at Melbourne’s sporting mecca, the MCG. Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews Next Wednesday July 22, Year 12 Parent/student/ teacher interviews are being held and all families are expected to attend. Year 11 Students studying Units 3 and 4 are also expected to attend with their parents. Parents were notified regarding the compulsory nature of these interviews in an earlier newsletter. Gadal Building The slab has been poured and we are well underway for this building for Year 9s, sited on the northern side of the school property.

On Thursday July 23, staff from the five CRC Colleges are attending a presentation from Dr Richard Gallardtez on the topic Wrestling with Tradition: Faith, Doubt and Questioning in the Church Today. No classes will operate this day. Dr. Richard R. Gaillardetz is the Joseph Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology at Boston College and the director of graduate studies. Dr. Gaillardetz previously taught at the University of Toledo from 2001 to 2011 as the Thomas and Margaret Murray and James J. Bacik Professor of Catholic Studies at the University of Toledo and at the University of St. Thomas Graduate School of Theology in Houston from 1991 to 2001. He received a B.A. in Humanities from the University of Texas, an M.A. in Biblical Theology. If any parent is studying Theology and interested in attending please advise Samantha Frazzetto in the office. Mark Sheehan Principal

Parents & Friends The next meeting of the Parents & Friends will be held on Wednesday 29th July at 7.30pm.

Welcome back to all families for the start of Term 3

Winter Uniform and Student Stationery Term 3


The Term 2 break was a good opportunity to ensure the student uniform is cleaned and updated if necessary. The requirements for the wearing of the winter uniform are set out clearly in the student diary and on the school website. Failing to wear the uniform correctly can result in points being given. If a student is consistently wearing the uniform incorrectly they will receive a detention after school as a result of an accumulation of points. White sports socks are the only permitted socks when wearing PE uniform.

We welcome 3 new staff to our CRC Melton family. Ms Jules de Cinque, Ms Clare Hume who replaces Mr Kevin Towns, and Ms Kathryn Grace who replaces Mrs Loretta Kalms whilst she is on maternity leave. We look forward to their contributions to the College and our students. Reports Semester One Reports opened over the break through the Parent Portal. If any parents / guardians were not able to access the on-line reports because they had misplaced their Parent Portal access code please email the College at itsupport@crcmelton.com.au and a new password will be sent.

The PE uniform is only worn when the student has a timetabled PE class, Drama and Dance classes or when otherwise specified by the College Leadership team. Students are only permitted to wear one plain silver or gold stud or small sleeper in the ear, no facial piercing is allowed. Male students need to be cleanly shaved.

VCE / VCAL Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews VCE Unit 4 Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews will take place on Wednesday, July 22 and run between 4.00 – 7.30pm. As outlined in the Principal’s message, all parents that have students in VCE Unit 4 studies should attend. Year Level Coordinators and subject teachers may also contact parents regarding other students with VCE or VCAL concerns. Parents / Guardians can book through their Parent Access Module (PAM) as of today. Interviews will take place in J Building. Semester Two Subject Changes All Year 10 and Year 9 Semester Two elective changes have been finalised. If there are still any concerns with elective placements, student or parents need to contact the Year Level Coordinator to request any changes. Please note that numbers are very tight and students must still fulfil the required subject requirements in our Domain Areas. 2016 Subject Selections Term 3 marks the start of our 2016 Subject Selection process. Year 11 and Year 10 students will begin first. Year 11 students will be given their 2016 Year 12 Subject Selection Information at the end of this week. 2016 Year 11 Subject Selection starts with an Information Evening this Thursday, which all students and parents / guardians are urge to attend. Part of their VCE selection process involves student and parent/guardian interviews. More information on both selections processes will be given to all families. Staff Professional Learning Day – July 23 Just a reminder that next Thursday, July 23, teaching staff from all Catholic Regional Colleges will be engaged with a presentation from Dr Richard Gaillardetz on “Wrestling with Tradition : Faith, Doubt and Questioning in the Church today”. No classes will operate this day. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

We look for your support in ensuring your son or daughter is wearing the College uniform correctly to and from school. The holiday break was also an opportunity to update students with the necessary stationery supplies, as some students will have made subject changes. MindMatters In past newsletters I have written about the MindMatters framework the College is using to develop its mental health program, mental health is not about illness but about being in a good place mentally. It involves the ability to bounce back, deal with challenges that we all face in our day-to-day lives and be resilient. Over the next week all students will be invited to participate in a survey to gauge their understanding of mental health and what the school can do to support positive mental health. Our parent community will also be asked to complete a similar survey. The feedback provided will be invaluable to our work. Drug Community Forum There has been much discussion and media reports of drug use, in particular Ice, across the wider community. Year 12 student, Stephanie Zacharias, believed that we as a member of the community should do something to better inform and educate those around us. This led to a series of meetings with the local police and the decision was taken to hold a community forum here at CRC on August 6, 7-8.30pm in our Performing Arts Centre. A panel consisting of senior police, doctor, ambulance officer, parent and psychologist has been assembled to present and take questions on the evening. The evening is open to parents and students, if you would like to attend please contact the College on 97436522. Rob Blackley Deputy Principal (Students)

School Photos

Performing Arts Gala - Around the World

Photos will be distributed to students this week. If parents have any issues please contact the photographer direct.

The 2015 Catholic Regional College Performing Arts Gala, Around the World, shall officially open at 7pm on Thursday 3rd September, and conclude with our final performance on Friday 4th September within our gorgeous new Performing Arts Centre. Hospitality staff and students shall again be supporting the performing arts by serving hors-d'oeuvres prior to the performance and the Visual Art department shall install an art exhibition within the foyer of the Performing Arts Centre for your viewing pleasure.

Year 11 Reflection Day On the 24th of June, students of Year 11 had their annual reflection day. This year, guest speaker, Michelle Newland gave an inspiring talk to the cohort. She told her story of suffering through a severe asthma attack and as a consequence, receiving an acquired brain injury. The message she passed on was one of perseverance; she had to keep pushing to relearn how to walk, talk and eat, things which everyone takes for granted. In this she struggled but continued step by step. Michelle encouraged our cohort to work toward our goals no matter how far or impossible they seem, because as was apparent through her, it's worth it in the end. The day was successful and enjoyable, giving students the opportunity to reflect and look toward the future.

Tickets for the Performing Arts Gala are $10 each and are now available from the College office. Please note, that the seating for this year’s performance shall be allocated; as such, patrons are advised to book early to ensure that they are able to secure consecutive seating for all of their guests. When booking your tickets, please advise booking staff of any disabled access requirements.

Corey Vella Deputy Media Captain

Clare O’Sullivan On behalf of the Gala Team cosullivan@crcmelton.com.au

School Improvement Surveys 2015 - Have your say


We are desperately seeking your participation in school improvement surveys to help shape the ongoing improvement of our school for the students in our care. The survey will be available from Monday 20th July 2015 to Friday 7th August, 2015.

CRC Melton Performing Arts Gala ticket order form Name:_________________________________________ Student’s name: ________________________________

Our School Improvement Report is an invaluable resource in our ongoing pursuit of improvement. This helps us to identify what is going well and not so well and the ways in which we can improve and further develop our school. We would therefore greatly appreciate your continued support by completing the survey this year.

Homeroom: ______________

If you are willing to complete the survey please email: kmatthews@crcmelton.com.au to receive the survey information.

Friday 4th September, 2015 ___________

Contact Number: _______________________________ Number of tickets (each ticket is $10) __________ Thursday 3rd September, 2015 __________

Total cost: $ __________________ Money must be enclosed in order to receive tickets.

The VicSRC Congress On Wednesday 8th to Friday 10th of July, Maddison Bassal and Victoria Vassallo attended the annual Victorian SRC Congress, which was held at Ormond College in Melbourne. The cold weather and early morning frustration was soon forgotten as the excitement of the next few days began to stir amongst the crowd of 170 student leaders from schools across the state. The idea of Congress surrounds one main theme – student voice. It is understood that we as students have the right to an education and in doing so, deserve the opportunity to speak out and make changes to aspects of school life that affect us. It is because of this reason that these student leaders join together to discuss issues, previously decided at earlier congresses, to which are put before the Congress in a parliamentary-style debate. The issues ranged from a variety of topics including curriculum, school funding, school facilities and bullying. Two other topics included school culture and student-teacher relationships. In the group school culture, it was brought to our attention that discrimination in schools has increased particularly against the different races and cultures that make up our diverse community. To reduce the discrimination and isolation, the group created an action pitch with a short film competition that included all schools in Victoria, to portray how the schools appreciated the multiculturalism within the community. In the group for student-teacher relationships, it was decided that students believe that having a positive relationship with their teachers is important in academic progression, as well as the idea that there should be a mutual respect and support demonstrated from both parties. To ensure this occurs, the group put together an action pitch consisting of workshops that could be presented to teachers to help them learn new ways of interacting with their students. It was not all work as a Harry Potter themed dinner was provided for us on the first night, to which we were encouraged to dress up as characters from the world acclaimed film. From Harry to Hermione, to even Hedwig the owl, the Harry Potter spirit carried through to the second night where we participated in a Harry Potter Wide game, which involved activities including potions and quidditch.

Overall, the three days at Congress proved to be very rewarding and insightful, as we were encouraged to implement new ideas into our school. On a personal note, we were inspired to not be afraid to speak out and be a voice in our school and community, as exemplified in 1Timothy 4:12, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” Maddison Bassal and Victoria Vassallo Deputy Liturgy Captain and Deputy Social Justice Captain





Term 3

Term 3



15th 16th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 27th 28th 29th

30th 31st

Unit 2 Legal Studies Excursion Year 11 2016 Information Evening - 7.00pm Year 11 Careers Expo Year 9 Premier League Round 1 Year 12 PE Excursion Year 12 Parent/Student/Teacher interviews Staff Professional Learning day - No classes Tree Planting day Year 8 MASP Excursion Year 12 Legal Excursion Year 9 Premier League Round 2 Year 12 Biology Excursion Year 12 Legal Excursion Year 8 MASP Excursion Year 12 Biology Excursion P & F Meeting - 7.30pm Senior Futsal Year 11 2016 Family Selection Interviews VET Year 9 Taster day

August 4th 5th

Year 9 Premier League Round 3 Junior Hockey VCE Units 2 & 4 Outdoor Education Camps Year 10 2016 Information Evening 6th VCE Units 2 & 4 Outdoor Education Camps Year 12 Safe Drive Presentation Ice Community Forum 7th VCE Units 2 & 4 Outdoor Education Camps SACCSS Hockey Social Justice Winter Sleep Out 10th Senior Hockey Year 10 Geography Camp 11th Year 10 Geography Camp Year 9 Premier League Round 4 12th Year 10 Geography Camp Year 9 Humanities Excursion Year 8 Bookweek talk VINCIT 2016 Interviews

Wednesday 15th

1.00pm - 2.00pm

L. Vella

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

Homework Club Homework Club will commence next Wednesday 22nd July, in the Library between 3.30pm and 4.30pm.

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