14th May 2013

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14th May, 2013 Reflection A Student's Prayer Help me remember that you’re always by my side at school and all day long. Help me be the best student I can be, using all the gifts and talents you’ve given me. Help me study well and often – especially when I don’t feel like studying at all! Help me finish all my homework – on time. Help me listen to my teachers and coaches. Help me play fair and play safely, help me be honest when I’m tempted to cheat. Help me always tell the truth. Help me be kind to everyone at school and to treat others as I’d want them to treat me. Help me make good friends and help me be a good friend to others. Help me know how I can help others and to ask for help when I need it myself. Help me love and respect, trust and appreciate my parents - and to be honest with them. Help me remember that you’re with me always, Lord, and that you’ll never leave my side. Amen From concordpastor, Sourced by Irene Fernandes Year12

School Photos - May 21

Year 7 & 8 Project Rockit

Full school photos are scheduled for Tuesday 21st May. Envelopes will be distributed to students this week. Arthur Reed Photos also provide the opportunity for family photos. Students will be required to wear full winter uniform for the photos. If a student has PE or a related activity they will need to bring their PE uniform to school and change. Students are to return envelopes on the day of the photos with the required money or credit card details, depending on your order and hand it directly to the photographers. It is possible to order photos online by following the steps on their website www.arphotos.com.au using the printed code on the envelopes.

As a school we are very conscious of the impact bullying, whatever type it is, has on individuals, and act if we become aware of such incidents. Support programs have also been put in place to educate and inform the students of the impact of bullying.

Year 11 Study Program Workshop Last Thursday Year 11 students attended a study program workshop presented by a group of young university students from an organisation called Elevate Education. The focus was on "What is study? We are always told to study, but what does this actually mean?" The seminar provided students with a road-map for what work they will need to do during the year ahead, breaking down the study process step-by-step and being better prepared for VCE. The feedback from the students was very positive and useful in providing them with practical and valuable strategies.

Last Thursday all Year 7 and 8 students were involved in a program designed to address the issues of bullying and building positive relationships called PROJECT ROCKIT, http://www.projectrockit.com.au. The presenters Lucy and Brent were energetic, enthusiastic and quickly got the students involved. Lucy commented to me: We had an absolute blast with the Year 7 & 8 cohorts and were really impressed by their enthusiasm, insight and empathy. Each session was highly interactive, strengths-based and fun, with a real focus on allowing students to experience learning through activities, discussion and real-life stories (rather than being formally taught). Some of the comments from our students: “I give a big thanks to Project Rockit they helped me a lot, they gave me ideas on how to ignore bullies. I just want to say that bullying needs to stop! Don’t be part of the problem, be part of the solution.” “Wow, today was one of the BEST DAYS EVER with CRC Melton! You guys are champions and we really hope we can work together again!!! “ “Thanks for today guys it was AWESOME!”

Rather than dealing with labels of 'bullies' and 'victims,' the approach placed an emphasis on the role of the bystander and the responsibility to stand up to bullying and be counted. The program presented REAL & IN-TOUCH strategies and examined a range of related issues, including social labels, personal values, judgment and leadership. A special thank you to Catholic Care Insurance who provided the funding for this project.

Year 9 Dance Performances

On the 1st May 19 Year 9 Dance students performed to an audience of 70 students for one of their assessment tasks. The dance was choreographed by dance teacher Ashlee Hughes and students spent all of Term 1 learning the dance which was assessed on the performance day. The students did exceptionally well and entertained the audience members. As part of their next assessment task the students will be choreographing their own dance performances, which will be assessed and performed later on this term.

Congratulations girls performing so well.




Ashlee Hughes Dance teacher Celebration Day/Back to Parish Mass On Thursday 23rd of May, students will start their day at their local parish church for morning Mass with their parish community. They will return to school by bus for Celebration Day activities with a barbecue lunch included. CRC staff will be at all parishes and supervise the return to school. The College day will have a normal finish time of 3.20pm. Students are to wear PE uniform and are expected to make their own way to church and are required 15 minutes before Mass begins. Mass times: St Anthony’s 9.15am St Dominic’s 9.15am. St Bernard’s 9.15am Upon return to school, students will have the opportunity to be involved in a range of activities and events to celebrate the day. Year 12 Student Leaders have been meeting each Tuesday planning and organising the day. A variety of rides, food stalls and entertainment will be provided. Some of the rides and entry to the DJ entertainment will have a small cost of $2 or students can purchase a wristband for $10, giving them unlimited rides and entry to the DJ entertainment in the Hall. Funds raised from the day will be distributed to Brother Beausang School Nairobi, St Vinnies and the Royal Children’s Hospital. VCAL and the Year 11 Business Management classes will also be involved in the day providing food stalls. The canteen is not open on the day but students will be able to purchase food from the various stalls. Robert Blackley Deputy Principal-Students

Student News Nick Benca recently competed in Energy Australia Swimming Championships. He achieved his personal best in 50m backstroke with a time of 28.72. 200m backstroke time was 2.12.58. He came second in both of these events. Well done Nick on a great effort.



Immunisations for all Year 7’s, Year 9 boys and Year 10 VINCIT students take place this Friday. On page 5 of this newsletter is an information sheet the CEO have asked that all families receive as a guide to immunisations.

All students that travel on a school bus operated by Bacchus Marsh Coaches will receive a DEECD form to fill out. Although its title is ‘Application for Permission to Travel – Eligible School Students’, its main purpose is to ensure that we can attain bus lists and medical information in case of emergency situations. I apologise for the lateness of the form but we have only just been notified of this need. Forms will be given to students as they board buses over the next few afternoons and parents / guardians are asked to return completed forms to the College office over the next 2 weeks. We will then compile and forward data to the local bus coordinator. NAPLAN – Years 7 & 9 As listed last week, NAPLAN testing takes place this week as follows:

YEAR 7 Period 1

YEAR 9 Period 1

Thursday, May 16

Numeracy (non-calculator)

Years 7 & 8 Apart from timed assessment tasks that will operate in normal class times, all Year 7 & 8 students will do a Timed Assessment Task in Mathematics and English at the same time. These assessment tasks will take place in Homerooms and take the place of the normally timetabled class. These are listed below. Monday May 27

Wednesday May 29

Wednesday May 29

Thursday May 30

Year 7 Mathematics Period 2

Year 8 English Period 2

Year 7 English Period 4

Year 8 Mathematics Period 1

Year 9

Wednesday, May 15

Numeracy (calculator required)

Mid Year Exams and Timed Assessment Tasks This year, the College has set out a formal assessment schedule that will operate across Years 7 – 11.

Bacchus Marsh Coaches Bus Travellers


A brochure outlining basic information to parents about NAPLAN was distributed to all Year 7 and Year 9 students last week to take home.

YEAR 7 Period 1

YEAR 9 Period 1



Period 2

Period 2

These times are stipulated by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority to ensure all schools are undertaking tests at common times. Students will need to have a ruler, an eraser and a book to read (if they finish early) as well as their books for the remainder of each period class of each session unless told otherwise (as most tests will not take a full 1 period time allotment). Can I particularly stress the need for all students to have their own calculator for the Thursday morning test. Students should also check that fresh batteries have been fitted.

Year 9 students will undertake exams beginning Thursday, June 6. Elective exams will take place in normal scheduled class times. Exams in Mathematics, English, Science and Humanities will take place during Period 4 in the new R Block Exam Centre on the following dates. Thursday June 6

Friday June 7

Tuesday June 11

Wednesday June 12

Year 9 English

Year 9 Humanities

Year 9 Science

Year 9 Maths

Year 10 & 11 Year 11 students will undertake VCE Unit 1 exams from Wednesday, June 5 to Thursday, June 13 and Year 10 students have exams between Thursday, June 6 – Thursday, June 13.  Year 11 exams will take place in J Block Exam centre and Year 10 exams in R Block Exam centre.  Students are only required at school when they have exams.  Supervised study rooms will operate for students who need or wish to be at school during non-exam periods.  Students will be expected to wear full College uniform when present for exams.  Students need to be at College at least 15 minutes before the published starting times to ensure smooth entry into the exam venues. **Year 11 VCAL / Year 10 VINCIT students will follow their normal programs during this time

The exam schedule for Year 11 and 10 is set out below. Please note that Year 10 students undertaking VCE units need to look at the Year 11 exam schedule to see when these exams are scheduled.

Year 11 Exam Timetable June 2013 Time 8.50 – 10.15 (75 + 10 min)

Wednesday June 5

Thursday June 6

English (Start 9.00am Finish 12.15pm)

10.50 – 12.15 (75 + 10 min) 1.55 – 3.20 (75 + 10 min)


Friday June 7

Tuesday June 11

Thursday June 13

General Maths

Physical Education

General Maths Advanced Food Technology Studio Arts

Accounting Media Physics

Psychology Wood


Maths Methods

Literature English Language

Chemistry VCD Indonesian

Business Management

Drama Information Tech Legal Studies VET Music


Year 10 Exam Timetable June 2013 Time 9.00 – 10.15 (70 Writing & 5 Reading)

10.45 – 12.00 (70 Writing &5 Reading)

Thursday June 6 Religious Education

Friday June 7

Tuesday June 11

Wednesday June 12

Thursday June 13

Maths Core Maths Core Plus

General Science Cells to Creatures

Art Drama Business & Commerce VCE Outdoor Ed

English (10.40am – 12.55pm)

Media Italian

Food Hospitality Food Technology

Wood Technology Geography Mind Matters

VCD Methods/General Maths Technology Fibre ICT – Game Design Political Law History Advanced PE Chemistry in Environment Indonesian

Years 12 & 11 - VCAA General Achievement Task (GAT) Year 12 students have normal classes during the Year 10 & 11 exam period, except on Wednesday, June 12 when all Year 12 VCE students and any Year 11 students undertaking a Unit 3/4 study must sit the GAT as below: 10.00am – 1.15pm



Students need to be at College at least 30 minutes before the GAT published reading time to ensure smooth entry into the exam venues. Full College uniform is required. **Year 12 VCAL students will follow their normal programs during this day. Queens Birthday Monday, June 10 is the Queens Birthday Public Holiday. Report Writing Day The College mid-year Report Writing day takes place on Friday, June 14. This is a student free day, except for students undertaking catch-up exams for any missed during the exam period. VCE Semester 2 Unit 2 and Unit 4 Studies begin on Monday, June 17. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

Information from Catholic Education Office

In Victoria, immunisations are recommended for adolescents in Year 7, Year 9 and Year 10 of secondary school. Each year local councils provide a free school-based immunisation service at every secondary school. The following vaccines are administered by registered immunisation nurses. Chickenpox (Varicella) vaccine This vaccine is offered to all Year 7 students if they have never had the chickenpox disease or you are unsure if they had the disease in the past. It consists of a single injection. See: www.health.vic.gov.au/immunisation/resources/ chickenpox-vaccinationyear-seven-program.htm

• Adolescents can also access the vaccines outside of the school-based program from their local council immunisation service or doctor. The vaccines must be received in these settings at equivalent ages to the Year level the vaccine is administered at schools. The vaccines are only free according to the criteria listed in the table below. Changes to Secondary School Immunisation Program 10 May 2013 Vaccine

Eligibility in school based program

Eligibility in community health setting

HPV, chickenpox

Year 7

12-13 years

Hepatitis B vaccine

Hepatitis B


12-13 years

From 2013, this vaccine will no longer be administered as part of the school-based program in Year 7 of secondary school as most Year 7 students will have had the vaccine when they were an infant. Year 7 students who have not completed a course of hepatitis B vaccine may go to their doctor or local council immunisation service for the free vaccine in 2013 only. See www.health.vic.gov.au/immunisation/resources/ hepatitis-b-vaccine.htm


Year 9 - boys only

14-15 years – boys only

Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis

Year 10

15-16 years

Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine This vaccine is offered to all Year 10 students and protects against the three diseases in a single injection. See: www.health.vic.gov.au/immunisation/resources/ adolescentdiphtheria.htm Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine

This vaccine is offered to all Year 7 students (the program has been extended to boys from 2013). Students are given a three-dose course with two months between the first and second dose and four months between the second and third dose. A two year time-limited catch-up program will also be available for boys in Year 9. This will occur in 2013 and 2014. See: www.health.vic.gov.au/immunisation/resources/ humanpapillomavirus.htmCECV. Additional Information • Immunisation information and consent forms will be given to students to take home for their parents/ guardians to complete. All consent forms must be returned regardless of whether students will be vaccinated in the school-based program or not.


Further information regarding the school-based immunisation program is available at: http://health.vic.gov.au/immunisation/factsheets/ immunisation-school-aged-children.htm.

Business Week at CRC Melton

Over the past week we participated in our first Business Week at CRC Melton. At CRC Business related subjects are offered at Year 10 and we also offer Business Management at VCE. Over the week we had 50 students who participated in a variety of activities related to the skills required in running your own business and studying Business Management. Students were able to demonstrate their communication, leadership, brand knowledge and marketing skills in a variety of activities. Each student who participated was awarded points for their house and students were awarded prizes for their contribution in each activity. At our next school assembly we will be announcing our first Business Week Champion at CRC Melton. We congratulate all students who participated and thank two of our senior leaders, Joshua Tejedor and Conner Farrugia for their support throughout the week’s activities. Karina Dunne and Daniela Harrington (Humanities)

Law Week at CRC Melton Week commencing May 20, CRC Melton will be conducting its first Law Week. We will be conducting a Mock Trial and the students will be the participants. Students will gain an insight to the rules and procedures when conducting a criminal trial in Victoria. Students will take on the role of the judge, the accused, the police, the jury, the media or one of the many roles required in a criminal trial in Victoria. The Victorian Law Foundation will be providing an educational resource kit which we will use to conduct this event. At CRC Melton we offer Law related subjects at Year 10 and offer Legal Studies at VCE. All students are invited to attend this exciting event and will be awarded house points for their participation. Information regarding this event will be available from homeroom teachers but students are also invited to contact Mrs Dunne or Mrs Harrington if they would like and further information. Karina Dunne and Daniela Harrington (Humanities)

Victoria University Legal Studies and Australian Politics (LSAP) workshop The Legal Studies and Australian Politics workshop (also known as LSAP) is a program for high school students interested in law and politics. The program develops many of the different skills needed to succeed in the legal profession, including communication, teamwork and leadership. Students attend on campus at the College of Law and Justice on the weekends for 3 full days of debating, mock trial, quizzes and teambuilding activities. Current university law students mentor the teams throughout the program.

This year we have 6 students participating in the LASP workshop. Kayte Howard and Nicole Bourke from Unit 1 Legal Studies and Emily Bettio, Erynn Stuhldreier, Elise Muller and Belinda Unwin from year 10 Political Law have attended the program. There have been 45 students involved in the program from around Victoria so CRC Melton should be very proud of the number of students who took up this opportunity. The feedback from students has been extremely positive. This Saturday is the final day and the students will be presenting their work. Family, friends and teachers are invited to attend. We are very proud of these students and wish them all the best this Saturday. If you have any questions please speak to Mrs Dunne or Mrs Harrington. Karina Dunne and Daniela Harrington (Humanities) Unit 3-4 Legal Studies Supreme Court Excursion On Friday the 3rd of May, the Unit 3/4 legal class went on an excursion to the different courts within Melbourne. We began our day with a tour of the Supreme Court where we took part in a role play of a court case. We were all delegated a role within the court and were shown how the people in specific roles contributed to the trial. After that, we sat in on the sentencing of an attempted murder case. It was fascinating to witness the way the court operated and the formal procedures they followed. We all sat down in silence in the court room while the judge read out all the charges and details of the case which took about half an hour. Following this tremendously informative experience, we left the Supreme Court and made our way to the Magistrates Court. At this point in the day, we moved through both the Magistrates and the County Court as they are both open to the public. In groups we set out to the many different court rooms and cases and each had a unique experience to share afterwards. When the time was up, we all got back onto the bus and made our way home, not without a detour past Williamstown for lunch. This excursion was one of great education and entertainment for all involved, and I would like to thank both Mrs Harrington and Mr Arthurson who accompanied the class on the day. By Joshua Tejedor and Benjamin Jankowski


Calendar 2013


Term 2

Term 2



15th NAPLAN Year 7 & 9 Year 11 MASP Excursion Year 12 Geography Camp 16th NAPLAN Year 7 & 9 Year 12 Geography Camp Senior AFL/Netball Round 3 VCE Drama Excursion 17th Year 12 Geography Camp VCE Media/Wood/VCD Excursion 20th Law Week 21st Law Week Students Photos 22nd Law Week Year 7 MASP Excursion Year 9 Food Technology Excursion Social Justice Group—Blood Bank 23rd Law Week College Celebration Day 24th Law Week

Wednesday 15th 1.00pm - 2.00pm D. Simpson

L. Muscat

Wednesday 22nd 6.30pm - 7.30pm

N. Woods

J. Harvey

Wednesday 29th 1.00pm - 2.00pm A. Watson

H. Breich

June Wednesday 5th

6.30pm - 7.30pm

F. Conway

S. Jakeman

Canteen 2013

Homework Club

Term 2 May

Homework club will run from Wednesday 9th May until Wednesday 19th June.

Mass Times St. Dominic’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am, 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

Wednesday 15th Heather Harrison Thursday 16th Linda Tomac Friday 17th Rosa Mirabelli Karen Pawlowicz Monday 20th Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Friday 24th

Gillian Ottone Cynthia Amor Maria Zaharogiannis Karen Normoyle

Monday 27th Tuesday 28th Wednesday 29th Friday 31st

Tess Galea Jennifer Elander Heather Breich Natalie Rabottini Sandra Esposito

June Tuesday 4th Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Friday 7th

Johanna Blain Heather Harrison Lisa Trethowan Robyn Dodd

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