15th october, 2013

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15th October, 2013 Reflection We are Christ’s Body St Paul reminds us that we are the Body of Christ, each of us adding our gifts and abilities to strengthening and building up Christ’s body in today’s world. For I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. Ours are the hands with which Christ works today. I was a stranger and you welcomed me. I was naked and you gave me clothing. We are the body of Christ, and the compassion of Christ. I was sick and you took care of me. I was in prison and you visited me. Ours are the feet with which Christ walks about doing good. Lord Jesus, help us to be your hands and feet in today’s world. Teach us to open our hearts to your ways of love and service, so that we will go about doing good. Teach us to be your eyes, so that we will look with love on our world. Update on Building works

Year 12

Construction of the Trade Training Centre - Engineering is coming along well as you can see below. It is expected to be completed by February next year.

Our Year 12 students are finishing their formal classes in the next week, and we will gather with them as a school next Tuesday night for the Graduation Mass.

Parents may have seen a construction fence going up near the Year 7 classroom block. This area will be transformed into a sealed car park area ( 30 cars) which will help with the demands on car parking at the front of the school.

Fr Brian Glasheen and Fr John O’Reilly will be our co celebrants for this important occasion which will be held in the new Church.

Performing Arts Centre (PAC) - a tender process has concluded for this $4m project so you will soon see another construction fence going up in the area between the administration block and the Chapel. As a former Premier of Victoria used to say, ‘its good to see construction happening around the place because it’s a positive sign for the future’.

Can all parents keep our Year 12 students in their prayers as they prepare for their exams. Mark Sheehan Principal

A belated welcome back to Term 4 to all students and families. I hope that you all had a restful and productive break. Term 4 is a very busy term with finalisation of classes, assessments and exams and preparations for 2014.

Year 10 & 11 Information on Year 10 and Year 11 Exams will follow in next weeks newsletter. Year 12

Year 7 - 9 End Of Year Exams and Timed Assessment Tasks Exams and Assessments for Year 7 – 9 classes take place soon. We have brought forward the dates of these (rather than at the very end of year) to enable greater feedback and review of key skills and knowledge required for progression into the next year level. Year 7 Year 7 students will undertake timed assessments beginning Tuesday October 28 until Friday November 1. These will take place in normal scheduled class times. Timed Assessments in Mathematics and English will take place in Homerooms as set out below. Wed October 30

Thurs October 31



Year 8 Year 8 students will undertake timed assessments beginning Thursday October 24 until Wednesday October 30. These will take place in normal scheduled class times. Timed Assessments in Mathematics and English will take place in J Block as set out below. Mon October 28

Tues October 29



Year 12 students finish normal classes Period 3 on Monday, October 21. They have Graduation Mass practice during the afternoon. Tuesday October 22 is their Farewell Activity morning finishing at 11.00am. Graduation Mass is on Tuesday evening. Year 12 students are on SWOTVAC from Wednesday October 23 to Tuesday October 29. VCAA exams begin on Wednesday October 30 until Wednesday November 20. The Graduation Dinner will be held on Wednesday November 20. Students need to be at the College at least 30 minutes before the published exam reading time to ensure smooth entry into the exam venues. Students may wear casual clothes. Tablet Devices for Year 9 Students All Year 9 students are now in the process of starting their pickup of Windows Tablets. These devices will go through with our current Year 9 students to the end of their Year 12 year. Full details including lease contracts were sent home last term. If you have any queries, please contact the College. Year 11 Subject Confirmation 2014 Year 10 students will be given their Year 11 Subject Selection Confirmation this week. If changes need to be made, the form needs to be returned to the College as per instructions given.

Year 9

Year 10 Subject Information 2014

Year 9 students will undertake exams beginning Thursday October 24 until October 30. Elective exams will take place in normal scheduled class times. Exams in Mathematics, English, Science and Humanities will take place in the J Block Exam Centre on the following dates.

Year 9 students will be interviewed over the next week to finalise their Year 10 electives for 2014.

Tues Oct 28 ENGLISH Period 1 J BLOCK

Wed Oct 29 MATHS Period 1 J BLOCK



John Christie Deputy Principal, Staff

First Aid News

VCE Exhibition

The School is committed to providing a safer environment for each student diagnosed with asthma including the guidelines the Victorian Government has set out for Asthma Management in Schools. As part of our yearly review, Parents and Carers of Students with Asthma will soon receive a School Asthma Action Plan and an Asthma First Aid Plan to complete in consultation with the student’s Doctor. First Aid staff are available to assist or answer any questions parents or Carers may have. For further information please contact the Asthma Foundation of Victoria on (03) 9326 7088, toll free 1800 645 130 or visit www.asthma.org.au Please find a link below to view the current Newsletter from The Asthma Foundation of Victoria http://www.asthma.org.au/Portals/0/doc/Publications/ Asthma%20Newsletter%20Term%204,%202013.pdf

The Art and Technology department are holding our Annual VCE Exhibition. The work has been produced to meet the VCE study design for the subjects of Media Studies, Studio Art, Visual Communication Design, Materials Technology - Wood and Food. Come along and view the year long hard work of our VCE students. This exhibition is a must for any junior student looking to study any of the previously mentioned subjects at a VCE level. VCE Exhibition will be held on: Thursday 24th October 2013 at 7.00pm Catholic Regional College Melton, VCE Building (J Building) We look forward to seeing you there and supporting our students.

Students Going Home Ill There have been some instances of students directly contacting their parents to come and collect them from school because they are unwell. If a student is feeling unwell they need to report to the Office and speak with the first aid office staff before any contact is made home. If the student is not able to return to class then office staff will contact the parents or emergency contact re collecting the student. We ask for your cooperation in this matter. Community Safety Month October is Community Safety Month and the College is happy to support and promote the Community Safety Day being held at the Melton Library and Learning Hub 31 McKenzie Street, Sunday October 20 11am – 3pm. The City of Melton in partnership with the Victoria Police, CFA, SES, Sheriffs, Lions Club and Bunnings will be providing a range of activities on the day. Mr Robert Blackley Deputy Principal, Students

Amy Rowley Head of Art Year 7 2015 Enrolment Evening There will be a Year 7 2015 Enrolment Meeting on Wednesday, 13th November at 7.30pm in the College Hall. Parents who are seeking enrolment for their child at Catholic Regional College, Melton must attend this meeting. Please note if you wish to submit your application on the evening you will need a copy of your child’s Baptism certificate and a $50 deposit. Kerrie-Ann Matthews Registrar CATHOLIC REGIONAL COLLEGE MELTON FEES - 2014 Year 7 to 10 Tuition Fee


Year 11 & 12 Tuition Fee


Family Discount Years 7 - 10

Years 11 & 12

2 students $287 per student 3 students $575 per student 4 students $862 per student 5 students $1150 per student

$333 per student $666 per student $999 per student $1332 per student

Year 9 Food Technology - Disney Themed Party

Year 10 Food Technology Trip to the Market

On Friday one of the Year 9 Food Technology classes hosted a Disney themed party for the Prep students from St. Catherine’s primary school. It was the culmination of a terms work. The task was to plan a themed party for approximately 30 students with age appropriate food and activities. The day was a great success. Wonder Woman, The Queen of Hearts, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Fairies, Mermaids, Spiderman, Princesses, Pirates, a Giraffe and the Fairy Godmother were all in attendance. The Year 9s entertained the preps with face painting, colouring in, pass the parcel and running games. There were smiles all day. A big thanks to the Year 9 class for their wonderful team work and excellent care shown to the preps.

Last week all of the Year 10 Food Technology students went to the Queen Victoria Market in North Melbourne. Their task was to purchase items that they required for their International Special Occasion meal that was prepared in the following lessons. The range of dishes was vast, having been selected from all over the world. The students presented a serve of each recipe they prepared to the rest of the class and we were able to enjoy them. My class shared in delights such as: chicken and lemon grass wontons, Asian infused pumpkin soup, Spanish paella, Mexican chocolate churros, Turkish kebabs and lots more. It was a great experience. The students enjoyed their shopping experience and seemed to enjoy tasting foods from a variety of countries. Margaret Rowe-Watts

St Dominic’s Primary School & the Knights of the Southern Cross Trivia Night As part of ongoing fundraising activities we are holding a Trivia night on Friday 25 October 2013 at the St Dominic’s school hall. Entry price $15/head or $25/family. Any funds received from this evening will go directly towards assisting those within our community who are in need of assistance. In past years we have received tremendous assistance from the local Melton business community to ensure that the function has been successful. Once again we are seeking your support by way of a donation that could be used as a prize on the night. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Paul Rodda Chairman Trivia Committee

This week is Anti - Poverty week. This is a week when 1000’s of people around the globe stand united in the quest to put an end to Poverty. In the year 2000 the United nations devised a set of 8 goals now termed the Millennium Development Goals. The aim is to:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

ERADICATE EXTREME HUNGER AND POVERTY by cutting in half the proportion of people living on less than a dollar a day and the proportion of people who suffer from hunger. ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL PRIMARY EDUCATION by ensuring all boys and girls complete primary education. PROMOTE GENDER EQUALITY AND EMPOWER WOMEN by eliminating gender disparities in primary and secondary education. REDUCE CHILD MORTALITY by two-thirds for children under five. IMPROVE MATERNAL HEALTH by reducing the rate of maternal mortality by three-quarters. COMBAT HIV/AIDS, MALARIA AND OTHER DISEASES by halting, and beginning to reverse, the spread of these diseases. ENSURE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY by reducing by half the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water, reversing the loss of environmental resources, and improving the lives of 100 million slum dwellers (by 2020). DEVELOP A GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR DEVELOPMENT.

What will/ can you do to help achieve these goals? Poverty and severe hardship affect more than a million Australians. Around the world, more than a billion people are desperately poor. In Anti-Poverty Week, YOU can help fight poverty and hardship! The main aims of Anti-Poverty Week are to: Strengthen public understanding of the causes and consequences of poverty and hardship around the world and in Australia; Encourage research, discussion and action to address these problems, including action by individuals, communities, organisations and governments. Ideas for the family Have a family discussion about Poverty Talk about the MDGs Say a prayer each night with others, Research an issue such as – poor sanitation, lack of access to health services, discrimination, homelessness in Australia Talk about “ who are the poor in our community” Volunteer – for day or even just an hour ( contact you council or ST. Vincent de Paul) Host a dinner or night in to raise funds for a charity Investigate where you can donate goods for Christmas Think of other ways to celebrate Christmas that doesn’t involve gifts ( contact Oxfam / World Vision for ideas about a Once off donation) Buy a “ fair trade” grocery item this week – coffee, tea, chocolate. Look for this symbol Go without something this week and donate that money to a charity Visit http://www.makepovertyhistory.com.au/ to find out more about the week.


Calendar 2013 2013 Term 4 Term 4 October October

Wednesday 16th 6.30pm - 7.30pm 16th 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 30th 31st

Year 7 Premier League Round 4 Year 12 Graduation Mass Year 7 Premier League Round 5 Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp Year 8 Assessments Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp Year 9 Exams and Assessments Year 8 Assessments Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp Year 9 Exams and Assessments Year 7 Premier League Round 6 Parents & Friends Meeting Year 10 Reflection Day

L. Cadman

S. Bala

Wednesday 23rd 1.00pm - 2.00pm T. Brewis

J. Antony

Wednesday 30th 6.30pm - 7.30pm J. Shelly

N. Woods

November Wednesday 6th

1.00pm - 2.00pm

G. Thiele

H. Breich

November 4th 5th

Student Free Day Melbourne Cup Day

Uniform Packing Day Wednesday 13th 12.00—2.00pm J Johnson A Watson D Simpson K Piggott Wednesday 20th J Harvey

C Bettess

Homework Club Canteen

Homework club will run from 2013 Term 4

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

October Wednesday 16th Heather Harrison Thursday 17th Karen Normoyle Friday 18th Cynthia Amor Karen Pawlowicz Monday 21st Tuesday 22nd Wednesday 23rd Thursday 24th Friday 25th

Michelle Vranvsic Leanne Mugridge Heather Breich Amanda Deabel Debbie Winzar

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