15th september, 2015

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15th September, 2015 Reflection Body and Blood of Christ Blessed is our brother Jesus, who walks with us the road of our grief, and is known again in the breaking of bread; who, on the night he was handed over, took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and said: ‘This is my body, which is for you. Do this to remember me.’ In the same way also the cup, after supper, saying: ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this whenever you drink it, to remember me.’ Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. Spirit of our Living God, You breathe on these bodily things and make us one body in Christ. Open our hearts, unbind our eyes, and nourish our hungry spirits. Touch and heal all that has been buried in us, that we need not cling to our pain, but may go forth in power to release resurrection in the world. Body and Blood of Christ. Amen

As Term 3 comes to a close, I wish all families the best for the September break and good luck to those whose teams are still in the Netball and Footy finals at all levels. For our Year 12 students it’s not a break but an important time for revision and Trial exams, so best wishes to them in their pursuit as well. I hope to see you at Parent/Teacher interviews this Thursday and Friday. Mark Sheehan Principal 2016 Senior Student Leaders After a 6 week campaign, interviewing and listening to speeches from Year 10 and 11 students, who had nominated themselves for a leadership position next year, we are pleased to announce the 2016 Leadership Team. I would like to congratulate each and every student that had nominated themselves because it was an extremely competitive field this year. Our 2016 Student Leadership Team are as follows: College Captains

House Captains Daffey - Anna-Marie Denton & Olivia Polglaze Reed - Alexandra Pritchard & Olivia Pigott Fitzgerald– Julie De Domenico & Shanai McKenzie Glasheen - Chloe Syme & Jordyn Syme Academic Brianna Pawlowicz (Captain), Frank Cicalese (Captain) & Thomas Spiteri (Deputy) Art Alana Wilson (Visual Arts Captain), Kitty Robinson (Performing Arts Captain) & Jacinta Guirguis (Deputy) Environment Demi Hockaday (Captain) & Breanne Landells (Deputy) Liturgy Lauren Davine (Captain) & Anakin Anderson (Deputy) Media Corey Vella (Captain) & Cheyenne Voss (Deputy) Social Justice Victoria Vassallo (Captain) & Sarah Manyok (Deputy) Sport Jesse O’Rourke (Captain) & Fernando Rios-Rodriguez (Deputy) School Representative Executive Claudia Larsen (Captain) Chloe Galakos & Billy Metters (Deputy) Re-enrolment 2016 Re-enrolment is now overdue. There are a number of families who are still to complete the re-enrolment process. A response is required even if your child is not returning to the College.

Maddison Bassal

Jack Doyle

2016 Subject Selections

Year 10 History Excursion

Thanks to all families in supporting their students in their 2016 subject selections. Initial Year 11 & 12 Subject allocations will go home this week. Year 9 and Year 10 initial confirmation letters will be sent home next term.

On Monday 7th September, the Year 10 History students attended an excursion to The Shrine of Remembrance and the Kokoda 1000 steps. This excursion was in support of the current topic students have been studying in History on World War II and the impact Australian soldiers made during this war. The students had a fantastic day, even though the 1000 steps were a real challenge, this enabled all students to gain a greater understanding of the hardships faced by our soldiers.

Term 3 Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews Just a reminder that Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews take place Thursday and Friday. Bookings for these interviews are open. Interviews take place on Thursday, September 17 from 4pm - 7pm and on Friday, September 18 from 9am to 12.40pm.

Ashlee Hughes and Sam Steele History Teachers

End of Term 3 The last day of Term 3 classes is Thursday, September 17. No classes will operate on Friday, September 18 as interviews will take place in the morning. Year 12 Practice Exams Year 12 Practice Exams will commence Thursday 24 September and run through to Wednesday 30 September. All students have a copy of this program. Term 4 Term 4 begins on Monday, October 5. This will be Day 1 of the timetable. I wish all families a restful and safe holiday period. John Christie Deputy Principal Staff SACCSS Athletics Presentation Night The Athletics presentation night will be held at 6pm this Wednesday night in the Performing Arts Centre. All students who competed as members of the CRC Melton athletics team along with their families and friends are invited to join us to celebrate the achievements of the athletes and their commitment to the team. Dinner is provided. Emma Brown College Sports & Carnivals Coordinator

Unit 1-2 Business Management Currently the Unit 2 Business Management class is completing a unit of work based on the students creating their own product and developing a marketing plan to promote their product within their specific market segment. The students have created a variety of products and services and have come up with some amazing ideas and concepts to complete their task. In the picture below Kaitlyn is conducting some qualitative research with the students who enjoyed the amazing new confectionery product she has designed. We look forward to completing this task and having the opportunity to view each others work at the end of the unit. Daniela Harrington Humanities Domain Leader

Italy and France Student Study Tour 2017

Intermediate VCAL

CRC Melton is proposing a great opportunity for travel and study for its students in March/ April 2017. The tour of Italy and France will focus on religion, culture, language, history and art. All students currently in Years 7-10 are welcome to apply to be part of this great trip, visiting amazing landmarks, holy sites and all the while experiencing the language and culture of Italy and France. A ‘Launch’ Evening will be held in the Performing Arts Centre on Tuesday 13 October at 7.00pm. On this evening the itinerary will be outlined as will the likely costs and duration. Trekset Tours, which partnered the school in an earlier successful trip to Italy in 2013, will send a representative to answer all your questions. Please come along it is a great opportunity for your children. The meeting will last approximately one hour. If you are unable to attend the evening but wish to know more please email me.

As part of our Year 11 and 12 VCAL we organised a bake sale to raise funds for McAuley Community Services for Women on Tuesday September 1. We successfully raised $346.90 and would like to thank everyone who came and supported us to raise money for such a worthy organisation. If you don't know what McAuley Community Services for Women is, it provides much needed services for women and their children who are escaping domestic family violence and for women who are homeless. They have three homes, which are part of the Our Safe Home program, a refuge program and a children's program. McAuley Community Services for Women 18 Robertson Street, Kensington VIC 3031 T: 03 9371 6600 F: 03 9371 6666 E: mcsw@mcauleycsw.org.au Chelsea and Emily VCAL

Shaun Coates scoates@crcmelton.com.au Religious Education and Faith Development Coordinator Literacy Week Last week the college celebrated Literacy Week. Activities throughout the week included trivia, problem solving and comic formulation, however the main activity was the Great Book Swap. In the Great Book Swap students were able to purchase donated books for a gold coin donation with the money going towards Indigenous Education. There was over 150 books sold which will make for some great holiday reading. Simone Taylor Literacy Coordinator

Year 7 Humanities Ancient China Expo In late August the Year 7 Humanities students were involved in a student expo, which celebrated the work they had completed during the unit focused on Ancient China. Parents and carers were invited to attend the event. It was a great event and students presented themselves extremely well. The work presented varied depending on the interest and tasks completed by the students. On behalf of the students, the Humanities team and CRC Melton we wish to thank all parents, family and friends that attended the expo. Daniela Harrington Humanities Domain Leader

R U OK? Week Throughout last week, we offered a variety of activities to promote positive mental health within both students and teachers. The idea stemmed from the theme of mental health that we identified, along with leaders from local schools as part of our Regional School Leaders forum that was established this year. We associated the colour 'yellow' with happiness, and therefore, positive mental health, which was further emphasised in many of the events throughout the week. On Monday, we offered yoga/meditation in the chapel. This was followed up on Tuesday with student leaders selling popcorn at lunchtime. On Wednesday, the art room was opened at lunch for adult colouring, and yellow icy poles were available from the canteen. Thursday was donut-day, with yellow-iced donuts on sale at both recess and lunch. As well as selling donuts, some student leaders made the trip to Woodgrove to help promote R U OK? Day, handing out flyers, cards, wristbands and balloons. The information was mostly well-received, which was encouraging for the students involved. Yoga/meditation was offered once again on Friday to students of all year levels. On the bulletin, a positive quote pre-selected by Year 11 Student Ken Dumandan, was published daily. As this was the first major event organised by the Regional School Leaders forum to be run within each individual school, hopefully we will be able to achieve bigger and better things in the years to come. This year we have managed to raise $305.80, which is an incredible amount for our first year. Thank you to all of the staff and student leaders who put in time and helped make this week possible. Thanks must also go to all of the students who made a contribution, whether that be through participating or purchasing the available food, or even the generosity to donate any money they had on them at any given time- THANK-YOU! Tegan Lafranchi College Captain

Student News Congratulations to Mitchell Wills who had a great weekend at the Victorian State Short Course Swimming Championships last weekend. He placed 2nd in the 1500m freestyle.

Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre Open Day

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Pray in the Chapel Visit the Gift Shop Take a tour of the Museum Mary MacKillop Walking Tour available @ 11am Devonshire Tea available between 10.30am & 12.00pm ($5 per person)

Saturday 10th October 2015 10am – 4pm 362 Albert St, EAST MELBOURNE P: (03) 9926 9300 Head Lice The College has been notified of a case of head lice within the Year 7 level. If a student has head lice, we ask parents to inform the College and take the appropriate action. Further information can be obtained on www.dhs.vic.gov.au/phd/headlice ESAFETY COMMISSIONER: HOW IT ASSISTS RESPONSES TO CYBERBULLYING The Australian Government has a new website to assist with all CyberSafety issues in one location: eSafety - https://www.esafety.gov.au/, this link is also available on the College intranet. This site is directly within the portfolio of the newly created Office of the eSafety Commissioner and deals with complaints about cyberbullying and prohibited online content. The site incorporates the previous Government CyberSmart website. The Office can help if the material is likely to have a “seriously” threatening, harassing, intimidating and humiliating effect on a particular child. Even if you have no problems with Cyberbullying or online content, it could be worthwhile browsing the site to gain insights into issues such as games and social networking. There are also many useful resources to help parents gain awareness of the online environment. For the interest of parents the following videos were shown to Year 9 students last week in relation to bullying. http://sixtyminutes.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx? id=8751742 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gidZWugohy4



2015 2015 Term 3 Term 3 September September 16th VINCIT Work Experience SACCSS Athletics Presentation 17th Parent/Student/Teacher interviews VINCIT Work Experience Year 8 Premier League Round 1 18th Parent/Student/Teacher interviews VINCIT Work Experience Term 3 concludes

Wednesday 16th K. Vella Term 4 October

Term 4

Wednesday 7th


R. McDonald

5th 7th

Wednesday 14th

9th 15th 16th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd

Term 4 commences Year 9 Outdoor Education camp Year 8 Premier League Round 2 Year 9 Outdoor Education camp Year 8 Premier League Round 3 Food Van visit Year 12 Graduation Mass Year 11 Biology Excursion Year 8 Premier League Round 4 VCE Arts Exhibition VCE Arts Exhibition

1.00pm - 2.00pm

1.00pm - 2.00pm

6.30pm - 7.30pm

A. Salmon

Canteen Term 4 October Monday 6th Tuesday 7th Wednesday 8th Friday 10th Monday 13th Tuesday 14th

Emma Moss Rachel Cousins Heather Harrison Rosa Mirabelli Katherine Hayward Diane Cadman

Mass Times Homework Club Homework Club has finished for this term. Homework Club will recommence in Term 4 on Wednesday 14th October and will be held in the Library each Wednesday between 3.30pm and 4.30pm.

Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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