16th july, 2013

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16th July, 2013 Reflection When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear. Keep your faith and drop negativity. The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling.

Welcome back to all families for the start of Term 3 As you were aware I was on Enrichment leave for the last three weeks of Term 2, and spent that time along with my wife in Spain, France and the UK. One occasion I would like to share with you was our time at the Sagrada Familia- The Basilica of the Holy Family

There was a long queue of tourists lined up on a sunny Sunday morning in June when we arrived for 9am Mass. A guide directed us to the Chapel underneath the main nave. Mass was celebrated in Spanish and the presiding Priest was most welcoming to visitors. He called all visitors forward at the end of Mass, inquired about our nationality, and gave us a special blessing. We then lit some candles for families at CRC who were in need of special prayers at the time. Two weeks later we heard the sad news of the sudden death of Brodie Wilson, a former student at CRC Melton from 2008 until 2011. Our thoughts and prayers are with Julie and family at this time of grief. On another note, I would like to acknowledge John Christie who acted as College Principal during my absence. Please note the important information from John regarding current events. Mark Sheehan Principal


Winter Uniform and Student Stationery Term 3

Semester One Reports opened over the break through the Parent Portal. Paper copies will be mailed home this week. If any parents / guardians were not able to access the on-line reports because they had misplaced their Parent Portal access code please email the College at itsupport@crcmelton.com.au and new details will be sent to you.

The Term 2 break was a good opportunity to ensure the student uniform is cleaned and updated if necessary. The requirements for the wearing of the winter uniform are set out clearly in the student diary and on the school website. Failing to wear the uniform correctly can result in points being given. If a student is consistently wearing the uniform incorrectly they will receive a detention after school as a result of an accumulation of points.

VCE / VCAL Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews This year we are trialling the offering of VCE Unit 4 and 2nd Year VCAL Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews early this term. They will take place on Tuesday, July 30 and run between 4.30 – 7.30pm. Any parents that have concerns with VCE Unit 3 or 2nd Year VCAL results are encouraged to attend. Year Level Coordinators and subject teachers may also contact parents regarding other students with VCE or VCAL concerns. Information on how to book interviews accompanies Year 11 and Year 12 Reports. Semester Two Subject Changes Year 10 and Year 9 students may request Semester Two elective changes in the next fortnight. Please note that numbers are very tight and students must still fulfil the required subject requirements in our Domain Areas. 2014 Subject Selections Term 3 marks the start of our 2014 Subject Selection process. Year 11 and Year 10 students will begin first. Year 11 students will be given their 2014 Year 12 Subject Selection Guide in the next week. 2014 Year 11 Subject Selection starts with an Information Evening this Thursday at 7pm which all students and parents / guardians are encouraged to attend. Part of their VCE selection process nvolves student and parent/guardian interviews. More information on both selections processes will be given to all families. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

The PE uniform is only worn when the student has a timetabled PE class, Drama class or when otherwise specified by the College Leadership team. Students are only permitted to wear one plain silver or gold stud or small sleeper in the ear, no facial piercing is allowed. We look for your support in ensuring your son or daughter is wearing the College uniform correctly to and from school. The holiday break was also an opportunity to update students with the necessary stationery supplies as some students will have made subject changes. School Photos Student photos have been distribute.. Any queries or questions regarding your order can be directed to the photographers, Arthur Reed Photos on 5243 4390. Mr Rob Blackley Deputy Principal-Students Legally Blonde A group of 20 students from across Years 7 - 12 had the opportunity to attend Legally Blonde the Musical over the holidays. It was a wonderful day made all the more enjoyable by the excellent behaviour demonstrated by all in attendance. Clare O'Sullivan Performance Coordinator

Peter Pan A big congratulation to all cast and crew who spent last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the school holidays bumping in and rehearsing at The Crate Theatre, in preparation for the opening of this year’s College production of Peter Pan. An enormous thank you to the amazing and talented Staff Production Team, who generously gave up their holiday time to ensure the success of Peter Pan. A special mention to the tech crew whose patience and technical expertise were much appreciated during the bump in. It is also timely to acknowledge the enormous support we have received from parents who have assisted with designing the program, sequinning costumes, sewing costumes, collecting props and with makeup. Your support and involvement is highly valued by the Staff Production Team, and we make no secret of the fact that we could not mount a production without your commitment to the project.

Fathers Day Communion Breakfast 2013 A Fathers Day Communion Breakfast will be held on Saturday 31st August commencing with Mass at 7.30am and followed by a home cooked breakfast in the Parish Centre. This year’s Guest speaker is Fr Gerald O’Collins SJ author of the recently launched book “On the Left Bank of the Tiber”. Fr Gerald will talk about “Living and Teaching in Rome for Thirty Years”. Fr O’Collins was there for the last years of Pope Paul VI, experienced at first hand the cruelly short pontificate of John Paul l (“the smiling pope”) and appeared on television for the final sickness and death of John Paul ll. He was on the BBC platform for the election of Benedict XVl. In 2006 he was created a Companion of the General Division of the Order of Australia (AC), the highest civil honour granted through the government of Australia. This is an event not to be missed. Registration can be made by emailing the parish bacchusmarsh@cam.org.au Or by phone 5367 2069. RSVP by 27 August, 2013

The production opens on Thursday 25th July, Friday 26th July & Saturday 27th July at 7.30pm and concludes at approximately 9.15pm. Peter Pan will be performed at The Crate Theatre, Catholic Regional College, Sydenham. Entry is via the Pecks Road car park. Tickets for Peter Pan are $15.00 each and are available from the College office. Clare O’Sullivan Performance Coordinator

CRC Melton Production ‘Peter Pan’ ticket order form Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Student’s name: ______________________________________ Homeroom: ______________ Contact Number: ______________________________________________________________ Number of tickets (each ticket is $15) Thursday 25th July, 2013 Friday 26th July, 2013 Saturday 27th July, 2013 Total cost: $ ___________________Money must be enclosed in order to receive tickets.

Tuckwell Scholarship Winner Congratulations to Bryce Robinson for being awarded a Tuckwell Scholarship to study at the Australian National University in 2014. Bryce was amongst 700 applicants from schools across Australia. After two stages of selection, he was chosen as one of 75 students flown to Canberra for the interview process and the final stage of selection. The Tuckwell Scholarship program is an incredibly prestigious program open to students from all around Australia and awards 25 scholarships each year. Supported through the generosity of the Graham & Louise Tuckwell Foundation, Scholars receive $20,000 per annum (increasing with inflation) for the length of their undergraduate degree at The Australian National University for expenses such as accommodation and living costs. The scholarship is awarded to high achieving students with a likelihood of achieving an ATAR of 95+, who demonstrate leadership skills and a propensity to contribute to the community. Bryce intends to study a five year double degree in Law/Science and will be mentored throughout his tertiary study. Bryce is a very deserving student and our best wishes go with him for continued success in his VCE.


2014 LAUNCH PARTY $10 from every ticket sold will be donated to the Melton Relay For Life team of your Choice and will go towards their 2014 fundraising total! $40 per person 2 Course meals Drinks at bar prices Get dressed up in your Formal or Cocktail gear. Saturday 27th July 6:30pm Tabcorp Park 2 Ferris Road Melton South Be entertained by CodeOne Rock Band

Pauline Jakobovic Pathways Coordinator School Counsellors If you believe that your child has any issues; emotional, social or academic upon their return to the College you are welcome to contact one of the below mentioned College Counsellors. Mrs Nerida Thurn, Mr Terry Quinn or Mrs Karen Hunter

& Guest Speaker Craig Sinclair - Director of Prevention Cancer Council For tickets and details Contact 8746 0600 or mcarroll@tabcorppark.com.au Like our Melton Relay for Life page and see what the event is all about.


Calendar 2013


Term 3

Term 3



18th Year 11 2014 Information evening 7pm 19th Year 9 - 10 Dance Excursion Year 11 English Excursion 22nd Yr 11 VCAL Excursion Debating 6.15 pm 23rd Year 8 Premier League Round 2 25th SACCSS Senior Soccer Round 2 College Production 26th College Production 27th College Production Year 12 Drama Excursion 30th Junior Futsal 31st Yr 11 Melton Careers Expo Year 8 MASP Excursion

Wednesday 17th

1.00pm - 2.00pm

G. Thiele

M. Mullan

Wednesday 24th

6.30pm - 7.30pm

J. Shelly

R. Mirabelli

Wednesday 31st

1.00pm -2.00pm

Canteen 2013

Homework Club

Term 3 July

Homework club will run each Wednesday from 24th July until 4th September in the Library from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.

Mass Times St. Dominic’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am, 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

Wednesday 17th Suzanne Smith Thursday 18th Lisa Trethowan Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th Friday 26th Monday 29th Tuesday 30th

Cynthia Amor Heather Breich Maria Zaharogiannis Rosa Mirabelli

Tess Galea Johanna Blain Jennifer Elander Wednesday 31st Heather Harrison

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