17th november, 2015

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17th November, 2015 Reflection Silence for God At times prayer becomes silent. Peaceful sharing with God can occur without words. Psalm 131 gives this image: "I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a child with her mother." Pause a few moments in silent prayer to our God… Lord, you know our all innermost thoughts. May we learn to find moments of silence in our lives to experience you, and to hear what it is you want us to do. Help us to entrust our worries and stress to you, knowing that your way will be the right way for us all. We pray this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Remembrance Day Last Wednesday Year 7-9 students gathered in front of our Lone Pine to pay tribute to those who have died in war. The service was lead by Year 9 students Erin Salmon, Rowan Mullen and Deng Nuer. The College was also represented by four Year 7 students at the City of Melton service. Melton Remembrance Day Service On Wednesday, the 11th of November 2015 we were fortunate enough to represent Catholic Regional College Melton at the Melton Remembrance Day Service. Along with the other primary and secondary schools from the Melton area, we got to experience a special moment that will stay with us forever. The ceremony began with a beautiful speech about how many young men from the Melton area risked their own lives for their country so that we could have the world and the rights we have today. As the Veterans said on the day 'we were not only physically scared we were also mentally scared...' this made us realise that today was about them, the sacrifices they gave up not only for themselves or their families, but for the world and the country they belonged to. As two of the students went to lay the wreath, we noticed a sad and emotional vibe went through everyone. As we witnessed wives and family members of the men who had never returned home, we all got emotional for them. We all had a reality check on ourselves. Realising that we took our everyday family communications for granted, that the fights you had with you sister or brother about who got the TV remote never would've mattered if your brother or sister had gone to war and not returned home. That you never realise what you have until you lose it, that these wives and family members never got to say a proper goodbye to who they lost.

Meaning although you get angry at family or friends, you should treat every conversation you have with them like your last, because you never know when they won't return home again… "They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old, Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn, At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We shall remember them. Lest we Forget" Written by Shaniah Bala 7B, Charlotte Robinson 7B, Elena Taunu’u 7B & Michelle Tennakoon 7B

Year 7 2017 Enrolment A reminder to families who have a child in Grade 5, Year 7 2017 Enrolment Application forms are available from the front office. Enrolment forms are to be returned by Friday, 27th November, 2015.

End of Year Arrangements Year 7-9

Year 10 & 11 Exams

Wednesday December 2 will be the final day at CRC for the Year 9 students before they go on the Melbourne Experience in the final two days of the school year. They will be dismissed from the city on Friday 4 December.

Year 10 and 11 exams will finish this Thursday, November 19. Students will then be involved in Jumpstart classes for 2016 from Friday, November 20 until Friday, November 27. Individual timetables are available for all students from the Exam centre or through their Year Level Coordinator.

The final day for Year 7 & 8 students is Friday December 4. It is a normal school day therefore students are required to attend. The students will celebrate with a Year level Mass, Year level assembly to recognise student achievements, homeroom assemblies and finish with a BBQ. Lunch will be provided for the students. The students will be permitted to wear their PE uniform and will be dismissed at 1.30pm. For those students not able to get picked up or make their way home because of bus travelling arrangements the school will be providing supervision until the end of the school day. Buses will be operating on the normal school times. Social Media A recent study released by Australian Psychological Society's Stress and Wellbeing in Australia Survey 2015 has documented the impact of social media use on wellbeing for the first time. Over half (53 per cent) of Australian teenagers surveyed said they used social networking sites for 15 minutes before sleeping every night. According to the report by the Australian Psychological Society (APS), one in two Australian teenagers suffer from FOMO (the Fear of Missing Out). APS clinical psychologist Andrew Fuller said while there are benefits to using social media, heavy use can be harmful to a person's wellbeing. "More than half of all Australian teenagers (56%) are heavy social media users. They reported benefits including stronger relationships, more effective goal setting, ability to seek help through social media, as well as feeling part of a global community," Mr Fuller said. "However, those teens who were heavy users also reported higher levels of FOMO. They report fearing their friends were having more rewarding experiences than them (54%), being worried when they find out their friends are having fun without them (60%), and being bothered when they miss out on a planned get together (63%)." The Christmas holiday is an important time for our children. As they prepare for a new year, new stresses and changes can make the holidays an anxious period. Instagram is a photo sharing mobile app that is now the second most popular social network, overtaking Twitter. Find out what you need to know about their security settings and how to access their parental controls on the links below. http://www.internetsafefamilies.com/2015/11/what-aparent-needs-to-know-about-instagram/ http://www.thinkuknow.org.au/site/resources Robert Blackley Deputy Principal (Students)

Year 8 For the remainder of the Year, all Year 8 students have been relocated to our Osma (Year 10) Building. This is to enable all the Year 8 Homerooms to remain together now our old portables have been removed to enable the start of major landscaping works in the central part of the College. Term 4 Key Dates Year 12 2015 VCAA exams finish this Wednesday, November 18. Graduation Dinner is on Friday, November 20. Jumpstarts VCE Year 12 2016 Jumpstart runs from Friday, November 20 – Friday, November 27. Our Year 11 Farewell Mass takes place that Friday afternoon. VCE Year 11 2016 Jumpstart runs concurrent with the Year 12 from Friday, November 20 – Friday, November 27. The Year 10 Farewell Prayer Service is also that afternoon. During these days students will have 3 - 4 periods with their Year 12 or 11 subject class for next year where they will be given introductory material and sample tasks. Teachers taking these classes are all prospective 2016 teachers but may not be their teacher next year. Year 11 2016 VCAL Jumpstart Monday, November 23 to Friday, November 27. Awards Night Wednesday, December 2 is our annual Academic Awards ceremony for Year 7-11 students and will be held at Tabcorp Park. All award winners are required to attend to receive their award, details regarding the times and uniform requirements will be mailed to all award winners this week. Year 7 2016 Orientation Day Tuesday, December 8. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

MindMatters Yea 10 Mental Health Focus The Year 10 cohort participated in various Mental Health Workshops throughout the year as part of our commitment to a whole school approach to Student Wellbeing and Mental Health. The focus at Year 10 has been Anxiety and Stress; the Year 10 pastoral care programs have been carefully designed to better equip and support our students moving forward into VCE or VCAL. Andrea Skinner, the Community Awareness officer from Headspace facilitated our first Anxiety and Stress workshop which engaged students in various activities; promoting positive mental health. The workshop explored the notion of stress, what causes stress and anxiety and strategies we can implement to assist in dealing with stress. Later in the year the cohort experienced another powerful program delivered by Batyr, which offered our students a unique form of education focusing on removing the stigma around mental health and social issues through engaging, educating and empowering young people to get help. The Year 10 students were also privileged to work with the vibrant team from REACH, the facilitators created a safe and non-judgmental space where our young people were able to express themselves and connect with others. The team explored how students can access services they need and also provided various community links to help support young people. We are hopeful that our whole school approach to mental health and the Year 10 pastoral care program has left our Year 10 students feeling empowered, resilient and committed to achieving their potential moving into their senior years. Mrs Lydia Fus Year 10 Coordinator

Ms Kath Jones Year 10 Assistant Coordinator

Current Year 7 Students: Textbook Buy Back If any Year 7 student has their Best Ever Stories text in good condition, the English Domain would like to purchase 30 copies of this text. Please note, this is not a booklisted item for Year 7 in 2016. The school will purchase the second hand copy for $15.00. Please leave the text at the front office with the student’s name and homeroom no later than Friday 27th November. Cash reimbursement will be available in the front office from Monday 30th November – Thursday 3rd December. Only the first 30 copies submitted will receive the reimbursement. Thank you Lauren Hill English Domain Leader VCE Booklists Students and parents are advised that the Jacaranda Parent Payment Portal is now active. This site is for those students wishing to purchase digital only copies of textbooks published by Jacaranda. Here is the link for these orders: https://parentportal.jaconline.com.au/page/catholiccollege-melton Please contact Michael Hill in the Library before 20/11/15 should you have any questions. 2017 Pilgrimage Tour The trip will go ahead! The response to our trip has been amazing. 40 students have paid their initial deposit. This is as large as the logistics of such a trip will allow us to take. Information updates will be placed in the school newsletter and via the students’ school email accounts (if you prefer to be contacted via another email please email me: scoates@crcmelton.com.au) The next payment of a further $700, which is non-refundable, is required by 26 February, 2016.





Term 4

Term 4



19th 20th 23rd 24th 26th 27th

Year 10 & 11 Examinations conclude SACCSS Awards VCAA Examinations conclude Year 12 Graduation Dinner Year 11 & 12 2016 Jumpstart Year 11 & 12 2016 Jumpstart Year 9 Outdoor Education camp Year 11 & 12 2016 Jumpstart Year 9 Outdoor Education camp Year 11 & 12 2016 Jumpstart Year 11 & 12 2016 Jumpstart

Wednesday 18th Packing Day 12.00pm - 2.00pm D. Taylor R. Mc Donald

J. Johnson

Wednesday 25th

K. Vella

6.30pm - 7.30pm

L. Eagle December

December Wednesday 2nd 2nd 3rd 4th 7th 8th 14th 17th

Year 7 - 11 Awards Evening Year 9 City Experience Year 9 City Experience Year 7 - 9 classes conclude Student Leadership training Year 7 2016 Orientation day Staff finish Office closes

1.00pm - 2.00pm

G. Mungeal Tuesday 8th Orientation Day 9.00am - 12.00pm K. Vella

D. Taylor

T. Davine

12.00pm - 3.00pm L. Vella

J. Johnson

Homework Club

Homework Club will be held in the Library each Wednesday between 3.30pm and 4.30pm.

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