18th july 2017

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18th July, 2017 Reflection An alternate Lord's Prayer for NAIDOC Week Great Spirit, Creator of all, From the stars to all the earth, Loved and respected be your name, may it happen that all should live your way, following your purpose for all creation. Enable us to find what we need for today’s journey. Forgive us when we go wrong as we forgive those who wrong us. Have compassion on us when we are being tested, do not abandon us to fear and evil. Our hope is in your new community. You are the one who can transform all creation, making everything new, now and for all eternity. AMEN (Rev Tim Matton-Johnson)

Dear Parents and Students, Welcome back to all families for the start of Term 3. We welcome 4 new staff members to our CRC Melton family. Ms Amanda Lemos, who will work in the Office; Ms Alyce Galea, who joins us as our second student psychologist; Ms Canzu Ucarli, who replaces Mrs Lydia Fus whilst she is on maternity leave and Mrs Meryem McLeod, who replaces Mrs Karen Hunter whilst she is on Long Service Leave. We look forward to their contributions to the College and our students. Whilst Mrs Fus is away Mr David Arthurson will be Acting Year 10 Year Level Coordinator and Ms Laura Grech Acting Assistant. Last Sunday afternoon a Mass was held in honour of Fr John O’Reilly who retires in early August. Archbishop Denis Hart was joined by two Bishops and twelve Priests . Fr O’Reilly started his priestly duties at St Albans in 1968, and in 1973 was appointed as Parish Priest. In 1978 the first Catholic secondary school in the area, namely CRC St Albans opened. Since then CRC Colleges have opened at Melton (est.1980), Sydenham (1982) North Keilor (1984) and in more recent times Caroline Springs (2006). Fr O’Reilly has been the Canonical Administrator for these five Catholic Secondary Colleges, and three Catholic Primary schools , namely Sacred Heart (est 1954), Emmaus (1997) and Cana (2004). Congratulations Fr John and best wishes on the next part of your life’s journey. I attended a Catholic Secondary Schools Principals conference in Queenstown, New Zealand during the school holidays. Some 15 Principals from Victoria joined with over 100 other delegates from Australia and New Zealand in 'Whitiwhiti Korero'- creating conversations and connections with other school leaders. The welcome and Mass on Saturday night was a highlight of the conference and set the scene for the ensuing three days. It was enlightening to see all NZ leaders, use both Maori and English languages in their greetings and prayers. All delegates proceeded to the front of the gathering for a traditional Maori greeting, the Hongi, by pressing our nose and forehead together with the local leaders, including the Bishop! The conference was structured around 24 workshops with Principals sharing best practice in Catholic secondary schools in NZ and Australia. Maintenance work completed during the holiday break included: Concreting for Basketball court adjacent Glowrey building; Painting of entrance to the new Principal's office; All heaters in class rooms have been checked; Hand rails have been installed near Admin car park and the PAC to comply with OHS requirements; Defects work in Gadal building; Soil tests in preparation for the new Wood technology building being sited at the back of Osma building; Painting of external seats. Thanks to our maintenance staff - Noel, Sam and John for their work in these areas. The oval works are near completion with topsoil spread and fertiliser applied this week. While the strong northern winds were a problem last week, I hope that the oval will be laser levelled within the next week. I can also report that the tender process for the Multi-Purpose Hall reached a significant step last Wednesday when tenders from 6 builders were opened. The lowest tender came in at $5.9m which was a good result. Construction should start in a few weeks’ time - the timeline for construction is estimated at 190 working days. Mark Sheehan Principal

From the Deputy Principal (Staff)

Welcome back to all families for the start of Term 3. Reports Semester One Reports opened over the break through the Parent Portal. If any parents / guardians were not able to access the on-line reports because they had misplaced their Parent Portal access code please email the College at itsupport@crcmelton.com.au and a new copy will be sent to you. Semester Two Subject Changes All Year 10 and Year 9 Semester Two elective changes have been finalised. If there are still any concerns with elective placements, student or parents need to contact the Year Level Coordinator to request any change. Please note that numbers are very tight and students must still fulfil the required subject requirements in our Domain Areas. 2018 Subject Selections Term 3 marks the start of our 2018 Subject Selection process. Year 11 and Year 10 students will begin first. Year 11 students will be given their 2018 Year 12 Subject Selection Information at the end of this week. 2018 Year 11 Subject Selection starts with an information evening this Thursday, which all students and parents / guardians are urged to attend. Part of their VCE selection process involves student and parent/guardian interviews. More information on both selections processes will be given to all families. Staff Professional Learning Day – July 31

Just a reminder that on Monday, July 31, teaching staff will be engaged with a presentation from Father Ronald Roheiser on increasing our understanding of today’s Church. No classes will operate this day. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Year 12 Cardigans In acknowledgement of the hard work the Year 12s have shown, the Year 12 cardigans will now be distributed. Cardigans can be collected from the Padua building during P3 on Thursday, and if any are left over this will carry on to Friday at recess. Some conditions regarding their wear include: - During assemblies the College blazer is still to be worn; i.e. no cardigan - All other times the cardigan can be worn as the outer layer Elise Nowak Student Leadership Coordinator Meningococcal Vaccination The meningococcal vaccination is being offered to Years 10-12 on 1st and 8th August. Consent cards will be handed out to students tomorrow. Consent cards need to be returned by 25th July with a yes or no indicated on the card by a parent/guardian.

From the Deputy Principal (Students)

Winter Uniform All students are required to wear the correct uniform on all occasions. This applies to the wearing of jewellery and boys being clean shaven. We look for your support by ensuring your child leaves for school in the correct uniform. It is frustrating and a breach of school uniform rules that some students choose to ignore the College uniform policy by wearing the incorrect uniform or wearing their PE uniform outside of the times when they are allowed to wear such uniform. Currently students receive 2 points for the first out of uniform infringements, ie Level 1. This increases to 4 points on the second instance, Level 2, resulting in a Thursday after school detention. Subsequent instances elevate the matter to Level 3, continued failure to comply with directions resulting in either a full day/half day/Saturday morning detention. If a student is wearing the uniform correctly as stated in the diary then there are no problems, most students already do. Uniform requirements are clearly stated in the student diary. If a student must be out of uniform for a day a note in the diary from parent/s is required. We are holding a full school assembly this Thursday and all students are required to be in full winter uniform. Failing to wear the uniform on Thursday will result in an after school detention. School Photos School photos and student ID cards have been delivered to the College and given out to students during Homeroom today. Some parents indicated for photos to be collected from the school office, these are now available for collection. If you have any problems with the photos, please contact the photographers Arthur Reed Photos directly at http:// www.arphotos.com.au/or 1800 032 028 Robert Blackley Deputy Principal - Students Alice Down the Rabbit Hole Catholic Regional College Melton presents Alice Down the Rabbit Hole. This spectacular re imagining of the classic tale is a music and dance showcase based on the "Alice in Wonderland" books by Lewis Carroll. The story follows an innocent girl who falls down a rabbit hole into Wonderland. As she meets the strange creatures and people who live there her life is changed forever. Performance nights: Thursday 27 July at 7pm, Friday 28 July at 7pm and Saturday 29 July 2017 at 7pm. Tickets are available for your family to purchase for Alice Down the Rabbit Hole. If you are making a group booking please purchase all the tickets at the same time to ensure your group is sitting together as we have allocated tickets. As in previous years tickets are only available online and must be purchased with a credit card or debit card. Tickets are not available on the night of the performances. The link is: www.trybooking.com/286759


This term in Vincit we have been out and about on many adventures. We have visited a local kinder, played lawn bowls and participated in a few different aerobics classes.

Congress 2017 Congress 2017 was an incredible 3 days and a bittersweet ending to my term on the VicSRC as an exec for 2016-17. Comprised of 12 amazing action team groups, passionate students from all over Victoria spent three days of their school holidays rallying for the issues within the education system that they feel most strongly about. 200 student delegates, educators, stakeholders and politicians at the Congress Open Morning heard our resolution action pitches. Some VIP’s present were Liana Buschanan, Victoria’s Principal Commissioner for Young People and James Merlino, The Minister for Education. As a result of three productive days of percolating ideas and debates, Victorian students voted the top 3 issues for the VicSRC to tackle within education is #GenderDiversity and the need for education regarding the LGBTQ+ community for a more inclusive education system; the implementation of real-life skills into classrooms; and the #Right2Rights, for all students to know and understand what their rights are within the education system and fair hearings. I have had the best year working along side 14 other amazing and insightful executives and am so proud to have had this experience. I highly recommend anyone to attend Congress 2018 and consider running for executive for the VicSRC, your voice is sure to be heard! Overall, vibes were positive and incredible and the main message was to “Speak Out, Spark Change!” Chloe Laurel Year 11 SRC Executive and VicSRC Executive 2016-17

The Inaugural African Diaspora Women’s Summit

On Monday 28th June a small group of students were privileged to attend the Women’s Summit. It was run by Dr.Mimmie Claudine Ngum Chi Watts – Commissioner of the Victorian Multicultural Commission and leader of Bachelor of Health Science at Victoria University. The theme of the summit was “Celebrating African Women, Their voices”. It was an amazing day listening to incredible speakers from all aspects of society. Some of the ideas expressed that stood out to us were; - “that the roles of African women within the family and in shaping behaviours of children remain critical to ensuring the success of the future generations” – Dr. Mimmie. We interpret this as the need to support our African mothers and to work with each other in our community to ensure that we are inclusive and that we are providing opportunities to have their voices heard. -“this is not my country, this is not your country, this is OUR country” - Vice Chancellor of Victoria University Professor Peter Dawkins. We interpret this as - We must all work together, we cannot work alone to make change. It is the responsibility of all, to come together for the betterment of our society and to provide young people with opportunities to be fruitful citizens. At CRC we encourage all young women and men, from all countries to be actively involved in our community and to take up the opportunities we offer but also to speak up and have their voices heard. We also heard from: The Honourable Bruce Atkinson MP – the President of the Legislative Council, Ms Georgie Crozier MLC – Victorian shadow Minister for Women and Professor Fetien Abay who had arrived from Ethiopia that morning to share her story regarding the struggles of women in science. Her message to young women was that you need to push through the challenges of life to succeed but with support and faith in yourself, you can make a valuable contribution to our world. Amanda Green - International student from Zimbabwe, focused on the difficulties she faced balancing home duties and the demands of senior school years. She asked that mums be patient with their daughters and encourage them to do as much study as possible. At the same time she expressed the desire for young women to be patient with their mothers while learning to deal with the changes they faced running their families in a different country. Other quotes of the day that we liked; “often we are held back by cultural barriers but we need to find a way to get over the barriers” “when you fall you need to stand up and move on” “why reach for the sky when there are footsteps on the moon” Overall it was an amazing day spent with amazing people who were both challenging and inspiring. Adhieu Moses, Taban Dau, Sarah Manyok Thiak, Athyang Akec and Ms Margaret Rowe-Watts

Year 9 Gadal News

Please note: A parent memo has been sent home with important dates for Year 9 for the next four weeks. Current opportunities available to all students in Year 9 Homework/Private study room Every WEDNESDAY lunchtime in GA201 Reading Club (EBook or hardcopy novel) Every FRIDAY lunchtime in GA201 Check library website to access eBooks as follows: http://crcmeltonlibrary.weebly.com/ Online resources Wheelers eBooks Students are encouraged to take on these opportunities wherever possible. The Gadal Team will be sharing the supervising responsibilities. 2018 Year 10 subject selections Please note that the Year 10 2017 Parent information night is scheduled for Wednesday 9th August 2017. More details to follow closer to this date. Students will be starting to gather information for subject selections as Domain Leaders will be speaking to all students in the coming weeks. Please have conversations with your child about the different options available at Year 10 for 2018.

Melbourne Experience June 23-24 June Melbourne Experience provided students with a “different learning experience� than the traditional classroom. Reports from supervising teachers about the students were positive, superb and exceptional in both their behaviours and attitudes. Students should be very proud. Further questions that will be asked of students in future Year Level Assemblies or extended homeroom for reflection will be: What did you individually learn during Melbourne Experience that you would not have learned in the classroom back in the Gadal Learning Centre? What important and valuable skills do you feel you have developed whilst getting to and from Melbourne and during the experience? Hopefully, all students have learned something valuable and important during this experience. A big thank you to all supervising teachers and the well behaved students. It made the last week of Term 2 quite enjoyable and fulfilling. Karina Dunne Year 9 Gadal Director

Ice Skating

Eureka Tower

Melbourne Star

Federation Square morning meeting location

Royal Botanical Gardens of Victoria Australian Catholic University Inspiration Day

Languages News- Year 8 Languages excursion to the Calabria Club and the Royal Melbourne Zoo

On Wednesday 28th June, the Year 8 Italian students visited the Calabria Club in Bulla. Students enjoyed engaging in an array of entertaining activities such as playing bocce and soccer, tarantella Italian dancing, pasta making and of course, the day ended with a delectable authentic Italian lunch full of Italy's signature dishes such as pizza and pasta with napoletana sauce as well as gelato for dessert. Thank you for a great day out Year 8s. Many thanks to Mrs Russo for coordinating the day and Ms Lillington, Ms Hume, Mr Johns, Mr McCann, Mr Ryan and Mrs Bardell for accompanying us on this day. The Year 8 Indonesian students explored the Royal Melbourne Zoo and enjoyed the beautiful scenery which has so many Australian native animals on display as well as admiring all the greenery, exotic plants along with the Japanese Garden. Thank you to Ms Alfonsi, Mr Gavran, Ms Emma Brown and Ms Belinda Brown for a wonderful experience. The Languages Team Languages Co-Ordinator

Calendar 2017

Homework Club Homework Club runs every Wednesday from 3.30pm 4.30pm in the Library until the last week of term

Term 3 July 18th 19th 20th 25th 27th 28th 29th 31st

NAIDOC week Year 12 Biology Excursion Year 9 Premier League Round 1 NAIDOC week Year 12 Biology Excursion Year 9 Reflection day NAIDOC week Senior Boys & Girls Soccer Round 2 Year 11 2018 Information Evening 7pm Year 9 Premier League Round 2 Unit 4 PE Excursion Gala Performance Gala Performance Year 11 Wood Tech Excursion Gala Performance Staff Professional Learning day - no classes

August 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Year 9 Premier League Round 3 Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp Unit 4 Outdoor Education Camp Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp Unit 4 Outdoor Education Camp Senior Futsal Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp Unit 4 Outdoor Education Camp

Academy Uniforms CRC Melton operating hours: Monday 8.00am –10am Thursday 11.30am—2pm Online orders: www.academyuniforms.com.au Online Password : Melton

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Geoffrey McIlroy Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.00pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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