19th august, 2014

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19th August, 2014 Reflection As we travel on our life’s way, along many paths, over many bridges do we travel alone ? What do we value ? What or who can be our compass ? “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30) Jesus is gentle and humble of heart......let him be your compass.

Staff Faith Day Our annual Staff Faith Day takes place this Friday, August 22. It is a student free day as staff volunteer in our local community assisting schools, churches, social service organisations and families in need of assistance. It is truly a day where we see Faith in action.

Interim Reports Interviews



Mark Sheehan Principal

Staff are currently completing Term 3 Interim Reports. They will be available on PAM from Monday, September 1 and will contain interview recommendations for our final Parent-Student-Teacher interviews that take place on Wednesday, September 10 (4 00– 7.00pm) and Thursday, September 11 (1.00 – 7.30pm).

Year 12 VTAC Information Evening

Please note that Thursday will be a student free day.

The VTAC Information evening for all Year 12s intending to apply for a Tertiary place next year, takes place tonight in the College hall starting at 7pm. We encourage all families to attend this most valuable information session presented by VTAC.

We will be trialing a new booking system for these interviews through our Parent Access Module (PAM). Term 3 Interim reports will be available on PAM before bookings open. Information on how interview times can be booked will follow once reports have closed.

2015 Subject Selections - Year 9 2015 GADAL Program

John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

Year 8 families are invited to attend an Information evening on Tuesday, August 26th at 7pm, regarding the GADAL program. Invitations have been sent home with students. The GADAL Handbook, Year 9 2015 Subject Selection Guide and Web Preferences guide will be available on the evening. Parents & Friends Meeting There will be a Parents & Friends meeting Wednesday, 27th August at 7.30pm.

Year 8 Reflection Days

Athletics Carnival

Reflection Days for Year 8 students will be next week and led by NET ministries from the Archdiocesan Office for Youth.  Wed 27 August for 8 Anthony, Bernard, Catherine & Dominic  Thu 28 August for 8 MacKillop, O’Reilly & Reed

The Athletics Carnival was a day that brought many smiles to many faces. It was a day that was full of friendly competition and fun for all year levels. The energy and laughter that CRC Melton gave, made the event much more enjoyable. The start of the day seemed to look a little bleak with rain and storm clouds hanging around, but by the early afternoon, the sun made a pleasurable appearance. During Fashions on Parade, the Year 12 cohort entertained us all with their creative and amusing costumes. We had Batgirl and woopie cushions, Wonder Woman and baseball players, a Tinkerbell and a Tardis that participated in the running, long jump and tug-ofwar tournaments. The 2014 King and Queen of the parade were Ryan Holzer as a baseball player and Sarah Spiteri as the Tardis. By the end of the day, with a winning team still needing to be announced, we all left the carnival with sore arms and legs, getting onto the buses ready for a good nights sleep.

All students are expected to attend. The Reflection Days are being held at school. The day will begin as normal in homeroom and conclude at 3.20pm. In keeping with the spirit of the day students will be able to wear their PE uniform. They will have both recess and lunch breaks at the same time as the rest of the school. Shaun Coates Religious Education & Faith Development Coordinator Fee Payments Please ensure, that when making direct payments into our bank account, that your reference and surname appear as per your fee statement.

Jemma Hughes 12D

Ordering Lunch for Delivery In recent weeks some students have organised for lunch to be delivered by outside businesses to the College, this is not permitted. The Canteen is available for students to buy their lunch. Year 9 Humanities On Wednesday 13th August during Humanities class 9 Mackillop participated in a class activity to begin their new unit of work: World War I. The students played the Anzac traditional game of Two - Up where straws were used as money and fake gold coins where used to throw in the air. The students really enjoyed the game as some won big and some lost big, giving the students a good perspective on how our soldiers entertained themselves during WWI.

The Athletics carnival was a day full of fun and excitement especially amongst the year 12 students. It was great to see everyone participating and getting involved. Although running a little behind, the events went really well and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and giving it their all! It was a busy day, full of rushing around from the teachers and leaders, but in the end it was all worth it! Special thanks to all of the teachers and Mr Guthridge, who organised it, especially for the second time around. Holly Azzopardi - Daffey House Captain

Year 8 Maths Games Day at PEGS

Unit 1-2 Legal Studies excursion

On the 11th of August, Zinah D'Souza, John Montejo, Shaun Cauchi, Dominic Bament, Josh Eagle, Veronica Smith, Maneet Hora and Michael De la Roca (Year 8's from MASP -More Able Students Program) along with Mrs Nuspan, attended a Maths Games Day. We competed in individual and group games and problem solving tasks against other schools. The event was held at PEGS ( Penleigh and Essendon Grammar) in East Keilor, sponsored by MAV (The Maths Association of Victoria) and Casio. It is an annual event at Penleigh and Essendon Grammar and has been running for 18 years. It was a fantastic day and we all had a lot of fun even though it was maths. Working together helped us all bond more and see how each of our minds worked. Our two teams placed around 35th out of 89 teams (2 teams of four students per school). The top four teams were PEGS (109 points), Camberwell Grammar (102 points), Box Hill High School (100 points) and The University High (94 points). Our two teams achieved 39 and 36 points. All received certificates and badges. I'm sure all of us would go there again if the opportunity arose. I hope the group next year will enjoy it as much as we did or even more! Zinah D’Souza 8A

Recently the Unit 1-2 Legal Studies class went on an excursion to the Melbourne Magistrates Court and the Victorian Parliament. Whilst at the Court students were able to observe the operation of the Court. They also witnessed firsthand the different types of hearings which are heard in the Magistrates Court. We then travelled to the Victorian Parliament where the students participated in a role play related to Legislative change in the Parliament. Students got to act out roles such as the Premier, Opposition Leader, Speaker of the House, MP’s and Sergeant-at-Arms. Overall, it was an enjoyable day where students were able to experience some of the topics studied in VCE Legal Studies. Daniella Harrington Legal Studies Teacher

Vietnam Veterans Commemoration

SACCSS Chess 2014 Twelve students travelled to Point Cook (Emmanuel College) to compete with 250 students in the SACCSS Chess Tournament. We departed school at 8:15am. Our students represented the College in an exemplary manner. They played seven rounds and placed in the middle of the field in all three divisions (Junior, Intermediate and Senior). Five year 12 students competed in their last ever school tournament and played well under great pressure. CRC Melton fielded two girls out of the twelve in the competition and they played nearly every match against boys and did quite well. Andrew Shortell

Yesterday the Vietnam Veterans Council welcomed people from the community and schools to commemorate the soldiers who had fought in the Battle of Long Tan during the Vietnam War. Mayor, Bob Turner, spoke of his appreciation for the soldiers and the respect he has for their efforts in the war, as well as the effects many have had to suffer with over the years. We had four students represent the College and lay a wreath on behalf of our College. The students were proud to have been a part of this service. St Vinnies Soup Van Last Friday night some students and I went on a trip to the St Vinnies Soup vans in North Melbourne. Students were able to serve food to the poor and homeless, learning the importance of being humble and knowing how privileged we all are. The students also handed out coats and toiletries which had been collected at school. The people we met were very grateful for us being there to help them and were thankful for the items they were given. Laura Grech

Cultural Excursion – The Lion King 2015

Dance Month: Zumba

Each year the Performing Arts department, at CRC Melton organises a cultural arts excursion, for interested students to immerse themselves within the Melbourne arts scene, by viewing a live theatrical performance. The booking for 2015 is The Lion King. Fifty student tickets have been purchased for the very reasonable price of $65 each. Fifty adult tickets have also been purchased at the price of $90 each; both staff and parents are able to purchase an adult ticket.

On Monday 18th August all students had the opportunity to participate in Zumba as a part of August Dance Month. Lisa Hughes, a qualified Zumba instructor, led the dance activity at lunchtime. 60 enthusiastic students from Years 7 – 11 participated. It was great to see so many students give up their lunchtime to be involved in Dance Fitness. Next Monday Belly Dance will be held in the Hall at lunchtime for all students to participate in.

This excursion takes place outside of school hours at 1pm on Wednesday 1st July, 2015 at The Regent Theatre, 191 Collins St, Melbourne. This date is the first week of the mid-year school holidays. Ticket permission forms are available from Ms. O’Sullivan.

Ashlee Hughes VCE Dance Teacher

Students will be required to make their own way into the city on the day of performance and to meet Ms O’Sullivan outside the theatre in Collins Street by 12.00pm. Students are also required to make their own way home via public transport or parent pick up, at the conclusion of the performance. Any student not confident in making their own way to the performance is able to negotiate other travel plans with myself. Parents are encouraged to contact me with any queries regarding this excursion. Clare O'Sullivan cosullivan@crcmelton.com.au Canteen News Year 11 and 12 Solo Performances The VCE Drama class shall be performing their 7 minute self-devised Solo Performances at 7pm on Thursday 28th August in the Drama Studio. All family and friends, as well as students from other year levels are most welcome to attend and support our students before they face the VCAA examiners later next term for their final grading. Please phone Samantha Frazzetto on 9743 6522 to RSVP your attendance for Solos, prior to the performance evening. Clare O’Sullivan VCE Drama teacher cosullivan@crcmelton.com.au

A lot of students are still complaining at the canteen window of missing out on what they wish to order at lunchtime. If students place a lunch order in the morning they are guaranteed of receiving their order. Students are not to come to the door at recess or lunch requesting forks or spoons, they are to line up at the windows. Only students ordering for themselves are to line up at the canteen windows. Students are not to purchase items for their friends. Also don’t forget we have lots of healthy options available which we can make ready for pick up—eg: Chicken & salad wraps/rolls Chicken tenders & salad wraps/rolls Hot chicken wraps etc Karen Honey Canteen

Dance Month: Contemporary Workshop

Sleep-out Friday

On Thursday 14th August, 10 students from Years 7 – 10 On Friday night, I spent the evening sleeping on the cold participated in a Contemporary Workshop lead by hard floor of the school gym along with 24 other Alexandra Andrews. students in order to raise awareness about the conditions homeless people suffer through. We Alexandra has made a successful career in the dance developed an understanding of how terrifying sleeping world, training in Sydney, winning a scholarship to “rough” can actually be. Victorian College of the Arts, studied in America and The night commenced with a brief discussion on why we travelled with numerous dance companies through where there and what we wished to gain from the Europe. She provided the students with some amazing evening with a mutual wish to experience how hard choreography that was technically challenging but also living on the streets could be and to help out with the excitingly world class. money we raised through our sponsorships. Alexandra was thrilled with the enthusiasm and talent of After everyone expressed what they hoped to gain from the students that attended and would love to come back the evening, we heard from Michael Walters of the St. Vincent De Paul who enlightened us with interesting again. facts and statistics regarding homelessness in Victoria Upcoming events for Dance Month: and instilled in us the idea that homeless people all have a story and reasons as to why they are in the position  Wednesday 20th August - Technical Ballet that they are in. We also listened to a representative Workshop from Caroline Springs Police who explained how they are involved in assisting the homeless.  Monday 25th August – Belly Dance Workshop at lunchtime After listening to our guest speakers we grabbed all our gear and whisked ourselves away to The CRC Soup  Friday 29th August - Hip Hop Dance Workshop Kitchen where Father Fabian blessed our soup and Ashlee Hughes sandwiches, and after grabbing as much as we could VCE Dance Teacher carry, we ate our food outside in the cold, as many homeless people do each and every night. We then set ourselves up in our sleeping bags and blankets outside near the canteen and then near the year nine portables before finally settling in the school hall. As the sun rose, we rose, and after achingly packing our things away, we headed back to our Soup Kitchen where we ate our breakfast along with our parents. While we were eating we had time to reflect on our experience and what it would be like if we had to do this every night. Then the moment finally came to announce how much money we had raised. There has never been a moment in my life where I have felt as proud or as humbled as I did when the figure $1599 floated in the air. It was voted and agreed upon that these funds will be donated to Ozanam House (provides food and emergency accommodation for homeless people) and the St. Vinnies Soup vans. After everyone headed outside for a group photo with all the participants, including Suki (our homeless dog ) we all headed to our warm homes more appreciative than ever. Catherine De Luca

Cabaret - A Night at the Movies The dates for this year’s Cabaret Performance, A Night at the Movies, are Thursday 4th September and Friday 5th September, at 7.30pm. Tickets will go on sale Monday 11th August, please return the ticket order form below or download from the College website http://www.crcmelton.com.au/co-curricula-performing-arts-cabaret

to Samantha Frazzetto in the Office. There will be no sit-down dinner this year. Light refreshments may be purchased during interval. Ticket sales close Friday 5th September at 3.30pm. The Cabaret Team -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cabaret – “A Night at the Movies” Ticket Order Form Venue: CRC Melton Hall Name:____________________________ Homeroom: ________________ Ticket Cost: $15 per person

Thursday 4th September - Night Performance 7.30pm – 9.40pm approx. No. Tickets Required: _____________

Friday 5th September - Night Performance 7.30pm – 9.40pm approx. No. Tickets Required: ____________

Total Cost: _____________

Please enclose correct money when purchasing tickets.

Return this ticket order form to Samantha Frazzetto in the Office.


Calendar 2014


Term 3

Term 3 August

August 19th 20th 22nd 25th 26th




Year 12 Parent VTAC Information Evening Year 8 AFL Grand Final Indigenous Excursion Staff Faith Day - Student free day Literacy Week Literacy Week Year 10 History Excursion Year 9 2015 Information Evening Literacy Week Year 8 Reflection day—Anthony, Bernard, Catherine & Dominic P & F Meeting—7.30pm Literacy Week Year 8 Reflection day—Mackillop, O’Reilly & Reed Year 11/12 VCAL Excursion Year 9 MAV Game Day - Williamstown HS Senior Soccer Round 3 Literacy Week

R. Mc Donald Wednesday 27th

Year 12 Food Tech Excursion

Homework Club Homework club will run from Wednesday 23rd July, 2014 until 10th September, 2014 from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the library

Mass Times

6.30pm - 7.30pm E. Moss Summer Fitting

12.00pm - 2.00pm K. Pigott C. Schembri

J. Johnson

M. Mullan

F. Conway M. Bastiaan

L. Toskovski

A. Salmon

Thursday 28th

Summer Fitting

5.00pm - 8.00pm

12.00pm - 2.00pm D. Taylor T. Naumovski

September 1st

Wednesday 20th

K. Vella

T. Davine

G. Mercieca

N. Woods

5.00pm - 8.00pm D. Shalders M. Salvators

Canteen 2014 Term 3 August

Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

Wednesday 20th Linda Tomac Donna Robinson Monday 25th Tuesday 26th Wednesday 27th Friday 29th

Tanya Gourdon Fiona Craig Heather Harrison Sandra Esposito

September Monday 1st Tuesday 2nd Wednesday 3rd Friday 5th

Emma Moss Rachel Cousins Maryanne Farrugia Michelle Keenan Robyn Dodd

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