19th july 2016

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19th July, 2016 Reflection World Youth Day “God, merciful Father, in your Son, Jesus Christ, you have revealed your love and poured it out upon us in the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, we entrust to you today the destiny of the world and of every man and woman”. We entrust to you in a special way young people of every language, people and nation: guide and protect them as they walk the complex paths of the world today and give them the grace to reap abundant fruits from their experience of the Krakow World Youth Day. Heavenly Father, grant that we may bear witness to your mercy. Teach us how to convey the faith to those in doubt, hope to those who are discouraged, love to those who feel indifferent, forgiveness to those who have done wrong and joy to those who are unhappy. Allow the spark of merciful love that you have enkindled within us become a fire that can transform hearts and renew the face of the earth. Mary, Mother of Mercy, pray for us Saint John Paul II, pray for us Saint Faustina, pray for us

Dear Parents and Students, World Youth Day 2016

At our recent College Assembly, CRC Melton acknowledged four students who are flying out for World Youth Day in Poland later this week. Anakin Anderson and Anna Cicalese both of Year 11, will leave for Poland on Friday with a group of students and teachers from across the Archdiocese of Melbourne. They have been sponsored by their schools and the Archdiocese. World Youth Day is a very special event culminating in a Mass with Pope Francis on Sunday 31 July in Kraków. Jonathan (Year 12) and Clare Antony (Year 9) are also attending this Catholic youth gathering as members of their own Parish's organised pilgrimage group. Our prayers and best wishes are with them. Presentations were made to Community groups Headspace and Wild Timor Water Project at last week’s Assembly.

Mark Sheehan Principal

Student Free Day

Parents & Friends Meeting

Staff will be attending a Professional Learning day this Friday, 22nd July. There will be no classes.

Wednesday 27th July at 7.00pm. All welcome.

Access Assessment Task Results on PAM

As a parent/guardian you have the capacity to access your child’s individual task results through PAM, Parent Access Module as they complete the task. The tasks come with comments by the teacher unlike the end of semester reports that provide a statement of results. To do this log onto your child’s profile, click on the tab Learning Areas, select 2016, Semester 1. Your child’s list of subjects will then appear with the assessment tasks completed for the semester, when you click on the task, the result and teacher comment will appear. If you have any questions or seek clarification please contact your child’s teacher. NAIDOC Week Celebrations Last week CRC Melton celebrated NAIDOC week. NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines’ Islanders’ Day Observance Committee. NAIDOC Week celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and achievements, and recognises Indigenous Australians' contributions to our country. Students across Year 7-9 all studied units of work related to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Students from Year 10-12, VINCIT and VCAL also studied related topics depending on their elective subjects and programs. We also enjoyed a number of additional activities as a school community which focused on the significance of NAIDOC week. These included: A walk of fame where students got to learn about significant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals. We also displayed a banner at the front of the school. Jack Whitehurst of Year 12 designed the banner. The wording on the banner reads - Wominjeka, which means ‘welcome’ in the Woiwurrung language. The Wurundjeri people are the local traditional owners of our land. During lunch the students had an opportunity to participate in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art activities and music. The Indigenous games had to be reallocated to some of the junior PE classes due to the very poor weather experienced during the early part of the week. On Thursday we had a Welcome to Country at our full school assembly which was provided by an Indigenous local elder from the Wurundjeri Tribe. Staff also gathered to enjoy an Indigenous morning tea. On Friday the Year 7’s had an opportunity to hear music and stories from Kinja who performed a fusion of Celtic and Aboriginal music and stories. Phil Geia shared knowledge about Palm Island – the good, bad and deadly” for the Year 9’s and from all accounts it was a fantastic performance enjoyed by the students. Phil also played in our new hub during the lunch period for any students who wanted to join in. We do hope that the students enjoyed any activities that they were involved in and for the students studying the content in class, that the week has increased their awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture. Daniela Harrington (Humanities Domain Leader) and Wendy Hine (Indigenous Support Officer)

Musical 2016 - Grease

Tickets are sold out! There will be no entry on the night without a ticket. Thank you for your fantastic support of our Production. Grease Sponsorship A big thank you to the businesses sponsoring this year’s production Grease! The generous contributions are greatly appreciated and have helped with many areas of the production including costume, set and prop purchase and hire, set building supplies, promotion and technical sound and lighting equipment. Gold Sponsor – “Your Space” Landscapes

Silver Sponsor - Bacchus Marsh Coaches Silver Sponsor - Professionals Ryder Real Estate Bronze Sponsor - Wilson’s Home Timber and Hardware Year 9 Gadal News Students in Year 9 have the opportunity to do Homework/Private study every Monday lunchtime in Room GA201 and attend Reading Club (EBook or hardcopy novel) every Friday lunchtime in Room GA201. Check library website to access EBooks as follows: http://crcmeltonlibrary.weebly.com/ Online resources Wheelers EBooks Students are encouraged to take on these opportunities where ever possible. The Gadal Team will be sharing the supervising responsibilities. 2017 Year 10 subject selections Please note that the Year 10 2017 Parent information night is scheduled for Wednesday 3rd August 2016. More details to follow closer to this date. Students will be starting to gather information for subject selections as Domain Leaders will be speaking to all students in the coming weeks. Please have conversations with your child about the different options available at Year 10 for 2017. Enquiry Minds Project Semester 2 Students will be moving into their new themed classes for this semester. Please ensure that students check their timetables (effective as of Term 3 Week 2) for their new room numbers and class teacher. The following teachers will be leading the following projects under the chosen themes: Ms Robyn Sullivan and Ms Laura Grech: Students requiring further extension Mrs Rebecca Carey and Mr Paul Butler: Studies of Society themed topics Ms Jules DeCinque: Hands on learning themed topics Mrs Karina Dunne: Economics themed topics Mr Jason Rowley: Technology themed topics Mrs Sasha Dickson: Natural Environment themed topics Once your child knows which class they have been placed in, please contact the relevant teacher for any clarifications or questions you may have regarding their Enquiry Minds Project. As this is the second time around, all teachers are setting a higher standard for the production of work output and the development of students’ management of personal learning and growth.

Melbourne Experience June 23-24 June

Melbourne Experience provided students with a “different learning experience” than the traditional classroom. Reports from supervising teachers about the students were positive, superb and exceptional in both their behaviours and attitudes. Students should be very proud. Further questions that were asked of students in last week’s Year Level Assembly for reflection were: 1. 2.

What did you individually learn during Melbourne Experience that you would not have learned in the classroom back in the Gadal Learning Centre? What important and valuable skills do you feel you have developed whilst getting to and from Melbourne and during the Experience?

Hopefully, all students have learned something valuable and important during this Experience. A big thank you to all supervising teachers and the well behaved students. It made the last two days of Term 3 quite enjoyable and fulfilling. Karina Dunne Year 9 Gadal Director

Rock Climbing Activity

Eureka SkyDeck

Old Melbourne Gaol

National Gallery of Victoria

Social Justice activities

Term Two House Flip Off On the last day of Term Two the social justice team and House Sports Captains organised a House Flip Off ( pancake breakfast). Most of the volunteer cooks had arrived by 7.45 and were very quickly getting busy making pancakes in house colours of bright red, blue, purple and green. We had lemon, sugar, maple syrup and strawberries for toppings. By 8.20 the hungry crowds had arrived to devour the warm pancakes. It was a great success. Many thanks to all that helped out and a special thanks to Mr. Scarlett ( amazing perfect blue pancakes). He was so good that he had two frypans going at once.

One Voice Josh Wilkins from One Voice attended our School assembly last week with a very important message – that anyone can become homeless and therefore we should extend a helping hand to all. Josh runs a “ shower bus” service in Melbourne for those experiencing homelessness. The bus visits various places in the city and is available for anyone who doesn’t have access to a hot shower. He explained that it is not just about being clean, it is more about being able to feel refreshed and restoring people’s dignity. He has asked us to donate items that can be shared with the clients that use the shower service – men’s and women’s underwear and toiletries. The items will be presented to One Voice at the Winter Sleep out. “who ever wants to become great among us must be your servant, just as the son of man did not come to be served but to serve” – Mt 20: 27 - 27 . This is our opportunity to serve others so I ask that everyone supports this collection of goods and shares the many “gifts” that have been bestowed upon us. After the assembly students were able to have a walk through the bus and have a follow up chat with him. Josh explained that welfare agencies are currently experiencing an overwhelming demand for supplies as the weather has been extremely cold and wet.

Year 9 Community Service St. Vinnie’s Op Shop The day started with the manager telling us all about how St. Vinnie’s works and who they help. Then we put price stickers on books and we put clothes in order on the racks. Yvette then let us help at the cash register and we got to help the shop assistant sell some items. She also explained about the vouchers they give out. Sam Harrison Matthew Grech Lachlan Borg Jacob Moss Lachlan Stewart

Tutoring at St. Catherine’s As part of Community Service we visited St Catherine’s and we played bingo games with the Grade One students. The games were to help them with spelling and sounding out the words, as well as helping them learn to read new words. Josh - It was fun, my group were really challenging Mark and Antonio - Our group were amazing and very quiet. We played two games of word bingo Laurie and Mitch - Our group was very loud, excitable and really challenging as they were quick to work out the answers. Laurie even got a hug from one of the students. The kids wanted to hang out with us a lot more and really just wanted to get to know us. Mark Tadros Antonino Gianino Laurie Megne Joshua Hartley Mitchell Brislin

Year 9 Prep party for St. Catherine’s During the last week of Term Two Ms Rowe-Watts Food Technology class hosted a party for the prep students from St. Catherine’s school. The Year 9’s had been planning the party in their food classes for a number of weeks, trialing the food, voting on what the most suitable options were and planning games and activities to keep the preps busy and entertained. Many of the preps came dressed for the theme of superheroes and seemed to enjoy all of the activities: balloon twisting, face painting, biscuit decorating and games. When they left they were all smiling and had their hands full with goodies to take home. The Year 9 students are to be congratulated on their performance throughout the day. Everyone pitched in and worked very much as a team. Even the cleaning up at the end was done very quickly. Thanks for a most rewarding day and a great way to end the term. Marg Rowe-Watts

The Annual Winter Sleep out Friday August 5th More than 22,000 people in Victoria are considered homeless, with almost 6000 of these being under the age of 18. The Winter sleep out provides us with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of homelessness and how it effects people’s lives. The Sleep out lets us experience in a very small way what it would be like to be homeless while also raising awareness and funds that will be donated to St. Vincent De Paul. If you cannot attend but would like to donate, donations can be left with the office. The details are as follows: 7.00pm: 7.00am:

Arrival at school on Friday Night, dinner provided, guest speakers and activities Saturday morning departure after breakfast and debrief

If interested, contact Ms Rowe-Watts: mrowe-watts@crcmelton.com.au Last year we raised $3000.00, let’s see if we can beat that amount this year and aim for $3500.00. Guest speakers for the night will be Josh Wilkins from ONE VOICE and Donna Bennett from HOPE STREET Melton. We are also hoping to present a collection of toiletries and underwear to One Voice so please start collecting and then drop them off at school.

Language News A warm welcome to our Italian visitors from our Sister School in Udine, Italy. We truly hope you love your Australian adventure. We will visit some beautiful places that Victoria has to offer like the Great Ocean Road, Geelong, Anglesea as well as Ballarat Wildlife Park and of course Sovereign Hill. Benvenuti in Australia - Welcome to Australia! We are also excited to announce the Dante Alighieri Italian Poetry Competition results which the Year 9, 10 and 11 students competed in at the University of Melbourne late last term. Melissa Cadman Dylan Hassan Jason Michaux Nicole Portelli Raya Quadar Aditi Solanki Crizel Vanguardia Christopher Campagna Madeline Rizzo Harmonie Wegener

Year 9 - Merit Year 9 - Distinction Year 9 - Excellence Year 9 - Merit Year 9 - Distinction Year 9 - Merit Year 9 - Merit Year 10 - Merit Year 10 - Merit Year 10 - Distinction

Congratulations on your amazing achievement. Claudia Russo Languages Co-Ordinator

Adelaide Hansen Brianna McMillan Vansh Narang Annamaria Praveen John Ashley Scicluna Samantha Stone Rebecca Chin Chloe Laurel Luke M Spiteri Rubén Aguirre Coto

Year 9 - Excellence Year 9 - Excellence Year 9 - Distinction Year 9 - Merit Year 9 - Distinction Year 9 - Merit Year 10 - Distinction Year 10 - Merit Year 10 - Distinction Year 11 - Merit


Calendar 2016


Term 3

Term 3



21st 22nd 26th 27th 28th 29th

Year 8 MASP IIS Excursion National Tree Planting Day Senior Boys & Girls Soccer Professional Learning Day - no classes Year 9 Premier League Round 2 P & F Meeting College Production Senior Futsal College Production Year 8 MASP Excursion

August 1st 2nd 3rd

4th 5th 9th 10th 11th 12th

Wednesday 20th 6.30pm - 7.30pm S. DeCourcy Wednesday 27th 1.00pm - 2.00pm M. Muse August Wednesday 3rd G. Mercieca

6.30pm - 7.30pm M. D’Souza

Wednesday 10th 1.00pm - 2.00pm D. Vasjuta A. Vranesic Literacy week Literacy week Year 9 Premier League - Round 3 Literacy Week Junior Hockey VCE Unit 2 & 4 Outdoor Ed Camp Italian visitors trip Year 10 2017 Information evening Literacy week VCE Unit 2 & 4 Outdoor Ed Camp Literacy week VCE Unit 2 & 4 Outdoor Ed Camp Year 8 Reflection days Year 9 Premier League - Round 4 Year 8 Reflection days Senior Hockey Year 9 Excursion Year 10 Reflection days Italian visitors depart VINCIT Excursion

Homework Club Homework Club will run every Wednesday from 20th July from 3.30pm to 4.30pm until Wednesday 7th September in the Library .

Wednesday 17th 6.30pm - 7.30pm G. Thiele Summer Fitting Wednesday 24th 12.00pm - 2.00pm J. Johnson M. Mullan M. Muse 5.00pm - 8.00pm F. Conway T. Hehir E. Flannigan L. Holt Thursday 25th L. Vella A. Salmon

12.00pm - 2.00pm K. Vella C. Grambau 5.00pm - 8.00pm G. Mercieca L. Bugeja

Wednesday 31st 1.00pm - 2.00pm D. Vasjuta

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Charles Balnaves Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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