19th september 2017

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19th September, 2017 Reflection A Prayer for Justice and Equality Father, you have given all peoples one common origin. It is your will that they be gathered together as one family in yourself. Fill the hearts of mankind with the fire of your love and with the desire to ensure justice for all. By sharing the good things you give us, may we secure an equality for all our brothers and sisters throughout the world. May there be an end to division, strife and war. May there be a dawning of a truly human society built on love and peace. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen.

Dear Parents and Students, Gorton Young Leaders Awards 2017

It was a great pleasure for me to attend the 2017 Gorton Young Leaders Awards on Monday. The Awards Ceremony was held at Caroline Springs at the office of Brendon O’Connor, Federal Member for Gorton. Anna Cicalese was nominated for this Award as she has been a fantastic Social Justice Captain this year. Anna has led many of our fund-raising campaigns, and has worked tirelessly to ensure CRC is a positive school environment for students, staff and parents. She has undertaken these roles in Leadership while keeping up with her Year 12 studies. Fernando Rios-Rodriguez is CRC College Captain this year and has led by example providing an excellent role model to his peers in Year 12 and also to younger students. He organised the Relay for Life, a community based fund raiser in Melton held earlier this year. Fernando has been a wonderful public speaker at School Assemblies and at Fr O’Reilly’s farewell dinner in the presence of 200 special guests.

Mark Sheehan Principal

From the Deputy Principal (Staff)

As this is our last Newsletter for the term, I wish all families a restful and safe holiday period. Our Year 12s will have a particularly busy time with revision work and practice exams. Term 4 Term 4 begins on Monday, October 9. This will be Day 1 of timetable. 2018 Subject Selections Current Year 11 students will be given their subject allocations this week. If there are any required changes, they need to be listed on the sheet as per instructions and returned to the office. If families are happy with the allocations then the forms do not need to be returned. Families that have not completed Re-enrolment via CareMonkey or who have Subject levies overdue will need to complete or see the office before Subject confirmations can be released. If you have queries with this please contact the office. Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews Interim Reports are now available through our Parent Access Module (PAM). If you have any difficulty accessing the Portal, please contact the College office or email itsupport@crcmelton.com.au As part of the report, a recommendation on attendance at the Parent-Student-Teacher interviews is included. Interviews are booked through PAM. Interviews will take place after school on Thursday, September 21 and during the day on September 22 (last day of term). Please note that classes will not operate on the last day of Term 3. Interview bookings will open Wednesday, September 13. Interview bookings will close Thursday at 10.15am. It is expected that students attend interviews with their parents/guardians. To access P-S-T Bookings:       

Log in to PAM At the top you will see the Parent Interviews link (click to enter) Then select your child (if you have more than one, each will be listed separately) Select the subject Choose an available time with that teacher Repeat for each class and child as needed. Use the print icon to print off your interview times.

John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) 2018 Re-enrolment A reminder that re-enrolment for 2018 is now due. Information regarding Re-enrolment has been sent out through CareMonkey. If your child will not be returning to the College in 2018, you are required to complete an Exit form which is available from Reception. A timely return of the Exit Form will assist the College in making decisions about new families applying to join the College community in 2018.

Unit 2 Legal Studies Excursion – Melbourne Magistrates Court and Victorian Parliament

On September 11, the Unit 2 Legal Studies students went on excursion to the Melbourne Magistrates Court and Victorian Parliament. Students had the opportunity to view the court in action and witness the Magistrate and Legal professionals conducting the hearings, they heard the request for adjournments, the calling of witnesses and legal argument between the defence and prosecution. In the parliament the students participated in a role play and got to sit in the chamber acting out the passing of a piece of legislation. We also had the opportunity to enjoy lunch together to chat about our day and the experiences we had. The students were excellent and as per usual represented CRC Melton with pride and professionalism. It is a possible career pathway for some of our students so the experience is really invaluable. Daniela Harrington Legal Studies Teacher (Humanities Domain Leader)

Gala 2017 DVD DVD orders for this year's Gala are closing this Friday at 1pm. Order forms are available at the student office and the PAC office. Please return your form and correct money to Mrs Falzon in the PAC office before 1pm on Friday or you will miss out.


During Term 3 in Vincit PDS the students have been participating in a range of activities. This has included squash, self defence, kindergarten visits and helping out at the Melton food bank.

CRC Melton European Tour 2019 - Poland and Italy Thank you to all families that have shown interest in the 2019 Tour. The response has been extraordinary. As a result of this, we have offered positions on the Tour to everyone who meets the application criteria, had paid their deposit and returned their forms by the due date of Friday 1st of September. Letters with details of further payments and preparations were sent home last week via email. You might like to check that your contact details are correct at this time. Families of students who were placed on the waiting list should have also received a letter via email. If you no longer wish your student(s) to attend, please email me so we can arrange a full refund of the deposit and offer the place to another student. (piannazzo@crcmelton.com.au)

VCE Student Folio Exhibition

The Art Faculty would like to invite all Parents/Guardians, students and friends to come and view the Annual Catholic Regional College Melton VCE Student Folio Exhibition. On display will be work completed throughout 2017 by our Year 11 and 12 students. The work has been produced to meet the VCE study design for the subjects of Media Studies, Studio Art and Visual Communication Design. Official Opening: Thursday 26th October at 6.30pm - 9pm in the Performing Arts Centre. The Exhibition will also be open to the students and wider community on Thursday 26th from 9am - 4pm and Friday 27th October 9am -12pm. All year levels are welcome. This is a great opportunity to take a closer look at the work produced at VCE if you are considering choosing any of these subjects in the next few years. We look forward to seeing you there. Amy Rowley Head of Art

Theatre Sports Students are invited to attend Theatre Sports sessions held in the PAC on Thursday afternoons in Term four, attendance is not compulsory, students may choose which sessions to take part in and choose not to attend if/when there are clashes with assessment, sporting commitments etc. Students will complete activities individually, and in teams, that foster learning in Drama such as vocal projection, confidence and other expressive skills. Start date: Term 4, week 2 (Oct. 19th) 3:30-5pm in PAC End date: Term 4, week 8 (Nov. 30th) If you are interested in coming along please email your name (students name) to Ms Godwell jgodwell@crcmelton.com.au or add your name to one of the sign up sheets located at all Year Level Coordinators offices so that you can be added to Caremonkey. Caremonkey forms will be sent out and due back by Term 4, Week 1 (Oct 12th) Jessica Godwell Drama Teacher

Year 10 History Excursion

Yesterday the Year 10 History students attended the Holocaust Museum and HMAS Castlemaine in Williamstown. The students had a wonderful day hearing a story from a Holocaust survivor and were guided through the impressive vessel which was used during World War II. The students were so moved by the story they heard that they all lined up to shake and hug the survivor. Carissa Lock & Ashlee Hughes History Teachers

Calendar 2017

Homework Club Homework Club runs every Wednesday from 3.30pm 4.30pm in the Library until the last week of term

Term 3 September 20th 21st


Mass Times 10 Vincit Work Experience Year 9 Outdoor Education Camps 10 Vincit Work Experience Year 9 Outdoor Education Camps Year 8 Premier League Round 1 Parent/Student/Teacher interviews 10 Vincit Work Experience Parent/Student/Teacher interviews Term 3 ends - no classes

Term 4 October 9th 12th 13th 19th 20th

Term 4 commences Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp Year 8 Premier League Round 2 Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp Year 9 Premier League Round 3 Year 12 Farewell Breakfast Year 12 Graduation Mass

Academy Uniforms CRC Melton operating hours: Monday 8.00am –10am Thursday 11.30am—2pm Online orders: www.academyuniforms.com.au Online Password : Melton

Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Geoffrey McIlroy Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.00pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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