1st april, 2014

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1st April, 2014 Reflection God our Father, The qualities I see lived out so well in some people are a reflection of your own goodness, and I know that I have much to learn from other people who reflect your image and likeness in different ways. Inspire me to respect others fully as my equals, seeing and loving in them what you see and love in them. Amen An Easter reflection

Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews

May I take this opportunity to thank each member of the CRC Melton community for your commitment and care for our students throughout this term. This has certainly been an extremely busy term made more so by the large number of co-curricular, sporting and cultural initiatives in which students have been involved. As we reflect upon the term, it is important to remember that our primary focus as parents and as teachers is to provide opportunities that will enable our students to participate fully to the best of their endeavors while striving always to extend their horizons, raise their sights and meet the challenges that face them as they strive to be people of integrity in the community.

Our first Parent-Student-Teacher interviews take place this week (April 2 & 3). On Wednesday, normal College classes operate but on Thursday, only VCE Unit 3/4 Classes operate Periods 1 & 2.

In recalling Jesus’ final days of earthly life we pray for all those who are alienated, oppressed and degraded in our world and for the peace of the Easter Season for all. These next two weeks of prayer and reflection remind us that our world is always graced with the hope inspired by Easter Sunday. Mark Sheehan Principal Holidays I wish all our families a restful holiday break. I hope that you have some quality family time and also wish you a Holy Easter. Year 12 students will need to ensure they complete all set work and take this opportunity to revise and consolidate their understanding of the Term 1 work covered.

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Wednesday’s Interviews: 4pm to 7pm Thursday’s Interviews: 1pm to 7.30pm

An information sheet on how to book interviews was mailed home last week. It is expected that students attend interviews with their parents/guardians. Overseas Trips Our staff and senior students have safely arrived in Kenya. They are assisting at the Brother Beausang School in Embulbul and from all accounts having a fantastic experience. With the support from the College, Parish and Local communities they raised nearly $20,000 towards building a netball court and other facilities for the students there. We also farewell a second College group that leave this Thursday for our biennial Indonesian trip. All the staff and students are looking forward to both this language and cultural immersion. Reports on both these trips will be published next term.

Parents & Friends Annual General Meeting The AGM will be held Wednesday 23rd April at 7.00pm. Please note this meeting is an addition to the P & F meeting schedule published at the beginning of the year.

College Athletics

Winter Uniform Term 2

It was with regret that we cancelled our College Athletics Day scheduled for last Thursday. Below is an explanation of the events that lead to this. Our procedure is to review weather conditions at 2pm on the previous day, which we did. Based on various weather forecasts, it was decided to go ahead with the day. We always do a review at 7am the morning of the event to allow for changed conditions and in this case we found that the track and field were not safe for competitors. At this stage we cancelled the event and then sent SMS / email notification to staff, parents and students advising of the change. Based on Office staff feedback from parents, not all families received the message as quickly as expected. We are reviewing our contact options for families to see if faster / more reliable notifications can be made. At this stage our College Athletics will be rescheduled for a date in August. The date will be confirmed next term when Mr Guthridge (our Sports Coordinator) returns from Kenya.

A reminder that the winter uniform is required from the start of Term 2.

Term Dates Major dates for the remainder of Term 1 are:     

Year 7 – 11 classes finish on Wednesday, April 2 at 3.20pm. Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews – Wednesday, April 2 (4 - 7pm) / Thursday, April 3 (1 - 7.30pm). Indonesian Trip staff and students leave on Thursday, April 3. VCE Unit 3/4 classes operate Period 1 & 2 on Thursday, April 3 (before P-S-T) Friday, April 4 is a Staff Professional Learning day (no classes).

Please note that Term 2 begins on Tuesday, April 22, as the Monday is Easter Monday and Friday, April 25 is a student free day due to Anzac Day. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) School Office and Library The office and library will be open in the second week of the holidays (14th—17th April). Office hours - 9.00am - 3.30pm Library hours - 9.00am - 3.00pm Impetigo (school sores) A case of impetigo/school sores has been diagnosed in a student in Year 9. For further information: www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au

In regards to the PE uniform students are to wear white sports socks only. Parents & Friends The Sakr family is the winner of the P & F raffle with $300 credited towards school fees. Payment for Parents & Friends is now overdue. The fee is $15 per family if you have completed 5 hours voluntary work last year. New families and families who have not completed 5 hours voluntary work are required to pay $115. Year 7 Camp During Term one the Year 7’s embarked on their first school camp as members of the CRC community. Apprehension, nerves and excitement were rife in the days and weeks leading up to the camp. Camp provided a great opportunity for old friends to rekindle past relationships as well as new friends to form and develop strong bonds. Team building activities that the students had the opportunity to participate in included: archery, low ropes course, rock climbing, abseiling, swimming, initiatives, raft building and canoeing. Evening activities included a fashion parade and a talent show. We thank all those students who displayed their individual talents during these two events. Special thanks to those teachers and peer support leaders for the invaluable contribution they had in ensuring the camp was a success. We congratulate the students on their excellent behaviour shown over the week and entrust that the memories and friendships gained during this camp will remain with them throughout their time at CRC.

Legal Studies Unit 1 & 2 Excursion

Year 10 History

On Wednesday the 19th of March the Year 11 legal class visited Barwon prison. Before we could enter the prison we had to pass multiple security scans such as a drug test, metal detector, and a further metal detection scan done by an officer. As Barwon prison is a maximum security prison these scans are compulsory. After everybody passed through the scans we were then taken to the visitors room, where we met multiple prisoners. It was very interesting to find out directly from prisoners what their opinions were on the current justice system in Australia. They were able to tell us the story of their crimes and how they were sentenced. Overall our visit to Barwon prison was a great experience and it gave a better understanding of how the justice system in Australia operates.

On Wednesday 26th March Miss Hughes' History class re-enacted the United Nations conference in 1948 and created their own Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This lesson is in relation to the new History topic Rights and Freedoms.

Travis Sheen Year 11 student

Each student was given a country from the United Nations and had to come up with individual lists that they thought were the most important human rights. As a class we sat around and had a debate about which human rights were the most important. The discussion that was created was one of professionalism and enthusiasm as each student was passionate about the rights they believed should have been included. The class did a great job and we came up with 12 Human Rights. Keep up the great work History students.

St. Patrick’s Day Mass St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne On Thursday the 20th March, Mrs Dunne and 6 students from the Year 8 cohort attended a Mass in Melbourne to celebrate the Feast Day of the Patron Saint, St. Patrick. Many schools were in attendance and the Church was very full. We were all very proud and honoured to represent Catholic Regional College, Melton. The Mass at the St. Patrick’s Cathedral was very spiritual and peaceful. We all felt very blessed in the presence of the Archbishop of Melbourne (Dennis Hart) and other members of the Clergy. It was a good learning experience about St. Patrick’s and our Catholic religion through the words of the Archbishop and through God’s words. Maneet Hora

Ashlee Hughes History Teacher

Autism Friendly Day at Sovereign Hill On Saturday the 5th April there will be an Autism friendly day at Sovereign Hill, to coincide with World Autism Awareness day on Wednesday 2nd April. If you and your family are interested in attending please visit the Sovereign Hill website http://www.sovereignhill.com.au Also available on this website are ‘social stories’ to use prior to your visit to help prepare your child. http:// education.sovereignhill.com.au/excursion-planning/ social-stories/ Rebecca Carey Student Support Coordinator

Year 9 Dance Performance

VCE Dance Performance

On Thursday 20th March the Year 9 Dance students performed a choreographed dance piece as part of their assessment. For many of the students involved it was their first time performing on a stage and they were very nervous and excited. The performance was seen by over 60 students who came and supported the performers. I would like to say that I am very proud of the effort put into this dance by all of the students and the lunchtime rehearsals they attended. Keep up the hard work.

On Wednesday 19th March the VCE Dance students performed the first choreographed dance piece as part of their curriculum assessment. The performance was seen by over 200 students who came and supported the performers. The dance students were buzzing with excitement to showcase the dance that they have been learning over the last 6 weeks and the audience was extremely supportive and receptive to the students. The students worked extremely hard to perfect all dance moves and convey the expressive intention of the dance. Congratulations students you should be very proud.

Ashlee Hughes Dance Teacher

Ashlee Hughes VCE Dance Teacher


Year 12 English

These students have been selected by their peers and teachers to be one of 5 representatives for their year level. They will be working closely with the Year 12 student leadership team and myself, taking on responsibilities of communicating upcoming events to the student body; will be a part of the decision making process; and will participate in student voice forums. Year 8: Ethan Valentine, Emma Winzar, Madison Giese, Erin Crowe, Madalyn McGill, Natasha Paproth, Boden Mugridge Year 9: Ruben Aguirre Coto, Amy Ross, Hannah Pace, Kaitlin Tissera, Jacinta Guirguis, Taylor Cikora Year 10: Luke Harrison , Nick Benca, Holley Beaton, Jack Doyle, Isabelle Williams, Demi Hockaday

The Year 12 students studying English this year were entertained by the Eagle’s Nest Theatre Company’s performance of ‘Summer of the Seventeenth Doll’ on the 12th of March this term. Students were thrilled to see the play they had been studying come to life, reconfirming what they had been taught. This was an invaluable incursion for the students and we look forward to the theatre company returning in Term 3 to perform ’12 Angry Men’. Thank you to Lauren Hill for organising the event for the students. Laura Grech Student Leadership Coordinator

School Spirit Award - Term 1 Year 7

Year 9 Jayden Grech - 9 Dominic

Luke Heaney - Year 7 O’Reilly Luke is friendly, kind and courteous towards his peers, even those not in his homeroom. He is inclusive of other students during his daily lessons and exhibits a positive outlook and attitude both inside and outside the classroom. Luke shows respect for both teachers and peers starting off his secondary schooling at CRC with a positive attitude. He has set an example of excellence in behavior and cooperation within his homeroom.

Jayden has spent a great deal of time working with new students to the College, helping them fit into life at CRC, showing them how things work, where to go and what to do.

Sarah Manyok-Thiak - 9 O’Reilly Sarah is a part of the DCT dance group and has attended all of the rehearsals from the beginning of the year and helped bake and sell the cakes at the bake sale last Friday.

Sinali Ratnayake - 7 Dominic Sinali has demonstrated integrity in her short time here at the College exhibiting a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom. She is a dedicated student, who always applies herself to all that she does and is a pleasure to have in the 7D classroom. While on Year 7 camp Sinali exhibited a high level of maturity and showed respect to her fellow students as well as both CRC and camp staff. She is a conscientious, hard-working student always striving to reach her full potential. Year 8

Year 10 Lauren Davine - 10 Dominic Lauren is a student who demonstrates great leadership ability, which was evident in her involvement with the Year 7 Camp as a Peer Support Leader. Her maturity, co-operation, engagement, initiative and empathy with the younger students is to be commended. At times she was put into difficult situations but her ability to use subtle persuasion to heal rifts was outstanding.

Braydan Shalders - 8 Mackillop Tempest Ardley - 10 Catherine Braydan is a quiet achiever who has a strong work ethic in the classroom by getting work completed and submitting assessment tasks on time. He is reliable, well organised and encourages others to try their best. Whilst on the Year 8 camp, Braydan was commended for participating in all the set activities and was fantastic in displaying encouragement and support to all of his classmates. Veronica Smith - 8 Reed Veronica is always polite, wears her uniform with pride and encourages others to do their best. She submits work on time, demonstrates excellent classroom work ethic and completes all homework to an exceptional standard. During the Year 8 camp experience, Veronica displayed great leadership qualities by showing support and encouragement to her classmates.

Tempset is reliable, motivated and willing to take on new challenges. She is punctual to class, polite and always willing to help other students. Tempest is creative, high achieving and consistently works hard to maintain high standards in all subject areas. She has an excellent rapport with other students and teachers which helps contribute to a positive classroom environment.

Year 11

Become A Volunteer Host Family

Emily Bettio - 11 Catherine

Make Your Place Their Second Home

Emily is a friendly and cooperative student. She is popular amongst her peers and is always respectful and courteous to staff. Emily has made a very positive start academically through maintaining an excellent work ethic across a range of subjects. Liam Gant - 11 Catherine Liam is a mature young man that has always impressed with the consideration he shows to others. He puts in effort to achieve his best and consistently follows school rules. Liam has proven to be a very reliable member of 11 Catherine. Year 12 Julien Johnson - 12 Bernard and Jake Kremers - 12 Anthony

Julien and Jake are hard working, diligent students who have settled well into the demands and rigors of Year 12 study. They are personable, respected by their peers and always willing to help when and where required. Julien and Jake are willing to sacrifice their time to aid other students in need and display a great deal of genuine care and concern.

World Education Program (WEP) is inviting Australian families to experience another culture within their own homes by becoming volunteer host families. Choose a student from Italy, Belgium, France, Switzerland, The Netherlands or South America and get a glimpse into the life of another culture without having to leave the comfort of your home! Our exchange students are just as excited about sharing their own culture and life experiences as they are about becoming a member of an Australian family. Find out more! Getting to know your student before he or she arrives brings fun and joy to everyone involved. Take the next step and contact WEP today to receive a full information pack for your family, including student profiles. Contact: Sylvia Kelly, Manager - Inbound Exchange Programs Phone: 1300 884 733 Email: info@wep.org.au Online: www.wep.org.au

SACCSS Swimming

Stations of the Cross

Another SACCSS Swimming Carnival and another year of CRC Melton dominating in the pool. After weeks of training, the team headed off to MSAC for the annual SACCSS carnival last Wednesday. Starting with wins and placings in the Medley relays, the team established a pattern that would be kept up for the rest of the day. The Girls 16 Year Old team broke the 4 x 50m Medley Relay record. More records would follow with Adam Benca taking the Senior Boys 50m Backstroke win and record. More records tumbled with the 16 Year Old Boys and Girls, both smashing the records in the 4 x 50m.

Mrs Claire O’Sullivan has once again produced a terrific performance using her Year 9 drama class. The annual performance of the ‘Stations of the Cross’ is the opportunity to perform in which many Year 9 drama students have participated in and demonstrated their teaching and understanding of what they have studied in this particular class. It’s a wonderful performance that shows the students of Catholic Regional College the journey in which Jesus travelled. All students appeared to have had an amazing time creating this small production and many greatly enjoyed the performance. Tempest Ardley

Overall though, it’s not about setting records. What sets the swimmers apart is their hard work and determination. Their ability to stay focussed when tired and lots is going on around them. Every swimmer who took to the pool performed at their absolute best. All of the personal bests set on the day are testament to that. In the end, CRC Melton took out the Division 1, Junior Girls, Junior Aggregate, Intermediate Aggregate and came second in the Senior Aggregate. A fantastic effort from all involved. It’s always nice to come away with a trophy and CRC Melton had most of the silverware on offer by the end of the day. Congratulations to all of the swimmers for their fantastic efforts on the day and at training. Congratulations as well to our 2014 captains, Jordan Williams and Jaime Salmon. Both swimmers have been members of the team for a long time and both have competed with distinction over the years. Thank you to the parents who attended and those who brought their children to the pool for early morning sessions. A special thanks to Leanne Ely and Aiden O’Neil for coaching the team and putting the team together. Age Champions: Erin Salmon (13 Year Old Girls) Jesse O’Rourke (15 Year Old Girls) Emily O’Rourke (16 Year Old Girls)

Careers Fair On the 25th March, the College held a Careers Fair to entice the Year 10, 11 and 12 students into what their future could hold. There were stalls from many Universities and TAFES, as well as many businesses offering apprenticeships and training. This was the perfect opportunity for students to walk around to each of the stalls and get some information about their future placements. Along with the university stalls there were also job specific seminars and year level presentations for gap year opportunities. Overall the Careers Fair was a huge success and a great experience for all Year levels. This was all made possible by Pauline Jakobovic, who worked tirelessly to make these opportunities available to all our senior students.


Calendar 2014


Term 1

Term 1



2nd 3rd 4th

Term 1 classes conclude Years 7 - 11 Parent/Student/Teacher interviews 4.00pm 7.00pm Indonesian trip departs Parent/Student/Teacher interviews 1.00pm 7.30pm Staff Professional Learning day

Wednesday 2nd

Winter Uniform Pickup

1.00pm - 2.00pm K. Vella

L. Vella

M. Tadros

6.30pm - 7.30pm

Term 2

G. Mercieca

22nd Term 2 commences at 8.45am 24th Senior Football 25th ANZAC day—No classes

Term 2

R. McDonald

Wednesday 23rd 6.30pm - 7.30pm L. Toskovski

G. Mercieca

Wednesday 30th 1.00pm - 2.00pm P. Searle

D. Taylor

Homework Club Homework club will run from Wednesday 12th February 2014 until 26th March, 2014 from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the library

Canteen 2014 Term 1 April Tuesday 2nd

Suzanne Smith

Term 2

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

Tuesday 22nd Rachel Cousins Wednesday 23rd Heather Harrison Thursday 24th Karen Normoyle Monday 28th Debbi Taylor Tuesday 29th Fiona Craig Wednesday 30th Michelle Keenan Donna Robinson May Friday 2nd

Tess Galea

G. Tarabone

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