1st august 2017

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1st August, 2017 Reflection The following prayer was commissioned to celebrate Fr John O'Reilly's long service to the Federation of Catholic Colleges, a Federation he founded. After 39 Years' service, his time as Canonical Administrator ends tomorrow. We wish him the very best in his future endeavours. Holy Father, God of Love, You are the Creator of this land and of all good things. Bless the Federation of Catholic Regional College, Who, through your servant Fr John O’Reilly, You inspired and gave vision to. As individuals, we are called to service and sacrifice, to take up our cross daily. Inspired by the Gospels, may we emulate your Son, through compassion and goodwill, By sharing in the Eucharist, in solidarity with one another. As a community, we look to welcome new members into our ellipse, Which is bound together by the love of Christ, in which all are accepted and unified. Give us the strength to be true disciples in our ministry to others. In our schools, we are challenged in our learning to our best each day. Allow us to use our God given gifts and unique talents, to live out the message of Jesus Christ. Through encouraging education, in the North-Western suburbs of Melbourne and for all young people. We celebrate the diversity within our federation, and foster reconciliation as people under the Southern Cross. Bless us, your sons and daughters who form this community. May the light of our Federation shine upon all your people. Amen

Dear Parents and Students, Father Ron Rolheiser OMI On Monday, the teaching staff attended a day with Catholic theologian, Fr Ron Rolheiser OMI at Werribee. To gain an insight into Fr Ron’s work, I have included two comments he made in a recent interview. Fr Ron, what is your impression of Pope Francis? In a word, wonderful! I think he is wonderful, given to us by the Holy Spirit. I sense that he is listening to both God and to the world and is directing us to exactly where we should be going. He is deep and he is deeply pastoral, and the whole world, not just Roman Catholics, is intuiting that. And he is leading with grace, that is, precisely with graciousness, charity, and respect towards all. What do you hope people will take away from your ministry and writings? In brief: I hope that my ministry and writings will help others see that faith and the church are credible and that they are inextricably connected to everything that is moving most deeply inside of us; our desires, our ambitions, our sexuality, even our most pagan and irreverent feelings, our “holy longing.” With St Augustine, I believe that God has made us for Himself and our hearts are restless until they rest there. My hope is that my ministry and writing will help people personalize those deep truths so that, following the hungers and aching of their own hearts, they will find their way into faith, into our churches, and, most important, into a personal intimacy with Jesus. https://www.americamagazine.org/content/all-things/sacred-fire-qa-father-ron-rolheiser-omi

Gala I had the privilege to watch Alice Down the Rabbit Hole on Friday night. It was a wonderful night of song and dance. Congratulations to all staff, students and parents. Student Achievement Congratulations to Patrick Elander Year 11 who was recently invited to try out for the Ivor Burge Victorian State Basketball Team. He was one of 2 individuals who made it through to the top ten men's squad before securing a place as a junior development player. Following this selection in the development squad, Patrick was contacted by Basketball Victoria & offered a scholarship that will see him working with top Victorian & Australian athletes & coaches. Year 7 2019 Enrolments Year 7 2019 Enrolments are now open. Please note there will be no enrolment meeting on Wednesday 2 August as advertised on the magnetic calendar. CRC Melton Foundation Day Painting This week a painting by Christine Sage was unveiled depicting the purchase of the land that CRC Melton is built on. The oil painting will be displayed in the new Principal’s Office. December 1978 Fr John O’Reilly drove from St Albans to Melton in December 1978 for an appointment with Fr Bill Donegan, the Parish Priest of St Dominic’s Melton. They met at the Parish house in Unitt Street, Melton and drove to Bulmans Road Melton West, on the unmade road as it was then. The weather was fine and a light breeze prevailed which made for a pleasant day for a visit. The Priests parked their car on Bulmans Road and walked towards the property where the farmer, Bert Jones, who owned the land, was sitting on his tractor. He was reaping the harvest in early summer and several cows were grazing in the background. On this day the Priests confirmed with Bert that his land was for sale and they negotiated the price and conditions as noted in the archives below. Note from the Archives: ‘At the time people wondered why he chose the site where Catholic Regional College sits today. Father Bill Donegan explained that land to the east of Bulmans Road was available at $50,000 per acre, on the west side it was $2,800 an acre, there was no difficult decision to be made. He initially bought ten acres for the site of Catholic Regional College and five acres for St. Catherine’s. After surveying the land, he decided to use the entire 15 acres for Catholic Regional College and bought a further five and a half acres for St Catherine’s. He had some difficulty in registering the loan but eventually it was set in place.’ Mark Sheehan Principal

From the Deputy Principal (Staff) 2018 Subject Selections Year 10 and 11 students finalise their 2018 subject selections this week with their Final Selection page (from Selection Guide) and a copy of their Web Preferences receipt due Friday, August 11. Please ensure these are submitted on time as late submissions may result in subject preferences being missed as VCE numbers will then be processed and initial blockings completed. Students will be given their initial allocations later in the term. VCAL students will be notified of the outcome of their application. Year 9 students and parents/guardians are invited to join us next Wednesday, August 9 for our Year 10 2018 Information Evening. I strongly encourage all families to attend as the Year 10 Elective selections are by far the most complicated over all year levels. VTAC and Year 12 Transition information Night Year 12 students interested in undertaking further education at university or in VET (Vocational Education and Training) are required to attend an information session with their parents on the VTAC application process and offer system. This presentation will also address alternatives to studying full time in 2018 and how best to prepare for transition into life beyond secondary school. The session will be held on Tuesday 15th August at 7pm in the PAC. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Student participation in the Legal and Political Field A number of students have been involved in some extra-curricular activities with a focus on Civics and Citizenship. It is very exciting for us to have our student voice being heard in different forums. On July 24, 10 Year 11 students attended the ABC's, Q&A session in Melbourne. It was a live audience with 365 Victorian high school students in attendance. The topic for discussion on the night was - "What if Australian high school students ran our country"? The students who attended had an excellent night and the discussion following the session was insightful and informed. On July 4, 10 Year 11 students attended the LEAP into law program ran by Victoria University. On the day students heard from the following guest speakers: Human Rights Lawyer, Julian McMahon; former Sudanese refugee, Kot Monoah, who is now an Australian Lawyer and Hon Dr Ken Coghill, who focused on his career in politics. Students also learnt how criminals are sentenced with a Criminal Barrister and how to analyse crime scenes with a Forensics Specialist. We also had a Year 10 student enter the Melbourne University School of Government John Button Prize. Amberlynn Menezes wrote her submission on the following topic: "The birth of racism in Australia". These are all great opportunities for the students and we are pleased that we have students from CRC Melton participating and representing our school. Daniela Harrington - Humanities Domain Leader Languages News The Languages Team is excited to announce the winners of the Education Perfect World Languages Championships who have received the following awards. Congratulations to these students who were awarded Gold awards: Gabrielle Medina and Amelia Campagna; the Silver award goes to Ayla Williams. The Bronze Awards are awarded to: Daniella Isabella Ahmet, Noah Clayton, Rhyanon Tarabene, Ellie Grainger, Xavier Keamy-Browne, Amulya Madanu, Anuji Peramuna, Lana Sciberras, Monique Wroblewski, Katrina Nuestro and Raheal Menistu. The Credit Awards are awarded to Nathan Furtado, Lilly Portelli, Hollie Wilson, Steve Teves, Shaun Somers, Nathanael Sacco, Dongrin Poundak, Selena Hickling, Nicole Portelli and Maria Arbizu Duran. Congratulations to all the worthy recipients. Also, a warm invitation is extended to our host families on Thursday 10th August in the staff room to farewell our Italian visitors from 6:30-8:30pm. This is a small way of thanking you all for your wonderful hospitality. Our Italian friends are not ready to go home at all. I look forward to seeing you then. Please email crusso@crcmelton.com.au if you are able to attend with the final numbers by Monday 7th August for catering purposes. Grazie Mille Claudia Russo - Languages Coordinator

Environmental Week/Schools Tree Day Last week CRC Melton celebrated “Environmental Week". Along with the usual terrarium making activity and planting the donated trees from the council, this year we held a 'Rubbish-Off Competition'. To combat litter in the yard, year levels had to collect the most rubbish across the week as a way to promote the sustainability of our school environment. A special mention must go to Amelia Campagna for this wonderful idea. The winning Year Level with the most rubbish will be awarded with a sausage sizzle. Numerous students across the year levels have dedicated their time, picking up rubbish, planting trees at the back of Gadal building and creating unique terrariums outside the food room. These activities have encouraged students to be more involved and aware of our school environment, especially with the assistance and support the SRC provided. “Recycling is an excellent way of saving energy and conserving our environment. It is clear that we need to work together, especially if we want to work toward a sustainable planet that will be around for many more years to come. It doesn’t take too much extra effort on your part and if more people would do it then the world would be a much cleaner place to be, which is also why we really need to learn more about recycling.” Environmental Captains Khaw Ti Ling and Bianca Ottone, in conjunction with the SRC.

9 Gadal News! Year 9 Reflection Day- Wednesday 17 July 2017 On the 17th of July, the Year 9 cohort had the pleasure of meeting Michelle Newland, a woman who at the age of 19 suffered a severe asthma attack and died in her Mother’s arms. A miracle happened and she awoke but was told that she was incapable of doing anything ever again except blinking but that didn't stop Michelle from achieving and improving. She re-learnt how to walk, talk, read, write and went on to become a public speaker to share her story with many young people, inspiring them with her life story and to never give up. She has achieved so much over time and overcome the impossible, who says anybody else can't as well? During the presentation, we learnt about Michelle's private life, watching a video of her before the accident and her recovery stages with her family. I felt rather sad watching and listening to her story, considering what a successful woman she was before the accident and what a successful woman she became after it. I also felt happy to see how happy she was with her life now and it made me realise that some people have it worse than others, to not take anything for granted and to never give up, because you can achieve the impossible if you just try. She was such an inspirational person to listen to and to watch. Ivana Giannakoulis 9 Catherine Relationship Matters Guest Speakers and Year Level Mass Students of Year 9 also had the pleasure of sitting in workshops that focused on social media and relationships. It was great to see students interact with the presenters, role play scenarios and acknowledge that there are benefits of using technology if it is used in a correct manner. This workshop was valuable for students and allowed a lot of student input into the discussions had. Following on from this workshop, students had the opportunity to celebrate Mass together as a cohort. This Mass was led by Father Patrick, the Assistant Priest from St. Anthony of Padua, Melton South. This day was a worthwhile day for Year 9 and I would like to thank Mr Shaun Coates for the organisation of the day. Reminders: 2018 Year 10 subject selections: Please note that the Year 10 2018 Parent information night is scheduled for Wednesday 9 August 2017. Students will be starting to gather information for subject selections as Domain Leaders will be speaking to all students in the coming weeks. Please have conversations with your child about the different options available at Year 10 for 2018. Karina Dunne Year 9 Gadal Learning Program Director

Reading Last semester we introduced the ‘Reading Program’ to students in Years 7 to 10. We would like to acknowledge how wonderfully the students have taken this on board. To hear students and staff talking about the books they are reading and recommending other genres to each other is wonderful. So, why are we doing this and how can you help. Research has shown that though children and young adults are ‘reading’ per se, they are not necessarily reading. That is, they are looking at pictures, reading a few words or reading tweets, snapchat and messages. This is not really reading, for reading will allow you to immerse yourself into the story. Once a child finds a way into the journey, they will grab hold of it with both hands. Ten awesome reasons why you and your children should be reading: 1. Children who read often and widely get better at it Practice makes perfect. The more we read, the more we know. 2. Reading exercises our brains Reading strengthens brain connections and actually builds new connections. 3. Reading improves concentration Children have to sit still and quietly for periods of time. If they read regularly, they develop the ability to do this for longer periods. 4. Reading teaches children about the world around them Through reading, children learn about people, places and events outside their own experience. They are exposed to ways of life, ideas and beliefs about the world which may be different from those which surround them. This learning is important for its own sake however it also builds a store of background knowledge which helps younger children learn to read confidently and well. 5. Reading improves a child’s vocabulary and leads to more highly-developed language skills This is because children learn new words as they read but also because they unconsciously absorb information as they read about things like how to structure sentences and how to use words and language effectively. 6. Reading develops a child’s imagination When we read, our brains translate the descriptions we read of people, places and things into pictures. When we’re engaged in a story, we’re also imagining how the characters are feeling. We use our own experiences to imagine how we would feel in the same situation. 7. Reading helps kids develop empathy When you can identify with a character, you know you are feeling what the character feels. This goes hand in hand whether you think about it or not. 8. Children who read do better at school And they don’t just do better at subjects like reading, English and History. They do better at all subjects and they do better all the way through school. 9. Reading is a great form of entertainment A paperback book doesn’t take up much space so you can take it anywhere and you’ll never be lonely or bored if you have a book in your bag. While we require students to read a physical book at school, the Kindle or Kobo can be used at home. Be aware though sometimes the temptation to flick between programs can result in children using email and the net on iPad rather than read. 10. Reading relaxes the body and calms the mind This is an important point because we seem to have forgotten how to relax and especially how to be silent. The constant movement, flashing lights and noise which bombard our senses when we’re watching TV, looking at a computer or playing an electronic game are actually quite stressful for our brains. When we read, we read in silence and the black print on a white page is much less stressful for our eyes and brains. Why not e-Readers? It is found the light of e-readers, the possibility of distraction, the underdevelopment of the eye muscles and the posture in which it is read, can cause some long term issues. As a result, students find it more difficult to be able to maintain concentration. So, keep reading and in the words of Abraham Lincoln, know that ‘All I have learned, I have learned from books’. Victoria Moore Literacy Coordinator.

CRC Melton European Tour Parents and guardians of students currently in Years 7 - 10 who are interested in attending the 2019 European Tour to Poland and Italy are invited to an information session on August 17th at 7pm, in the Performing Arts Centre. Students and parents who attend will hear details of the Trip, information on costs and how to apply. Paul Iannazzo

Fees Re enrolment occurs during August. Parents are reminded that school fees payments need to be up to date before re enrolment.


Homework Club

2017 Homework Club runs every Wednesday from 3.30pm 4.30pm in the Library until the last week of term

Term 3 August 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 7th 8th 9th 15th 17th 21st 22nd 23rd 25th 29th 30th

Mass Times Year 9 Premier League Round 3 Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp Unit 4 Outdoor Education Camp Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp Unit 4 Outdoor Education Camp Senior Futsal Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp Unit 4 Outdoor Education Camp Year 8 Reflection day Year 8 Reflection day Year 9 Premier League Round 4 Junior Hockey Senior Boys & Girls Soccer Round 3 Year 10 2018 Information Evening 7pm Year 9 Premier League Round 5 Senior Hockey Year 10 Reflection day SACCSS Chess Year 9 Premier League Round 6 Senior Boys & Girls Soccer Round 5 Senior Alpine Experience trip Year 9 Premier League Round 7 Gadal 2018 Information Evening 7pm Senior Football Grand Final Parents & Friends Meeting 7.30pm

Academy Uniforms CRC Melton operating hours: Monday 8.00am –10am Thursday 11.30am—2pm Online orders: www.academyuniforms.com.au Online Password : Melton

Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Geoffrey McIlroy Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.00pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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