20th october, 2015

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20th October, 2015 Reflection On Blindness In Scripture, blindness is a powerful metaphor that is used repeatedly. It is almost always a metaphor for blindness of heart, or blindness of mind rather than a purely physical problem. Jesus asks us to think about our inability to see our own faults and failures. We all should take a moment to reflect on what we see in ourselves, and what we choose not to see. Lord, we are so often blind in our lives: blind to the gifts we have, wanting only what we don’t have; blind to the real needs of family and friends, seeing only the superficial; and blind to the signs of your love present in our lives. Help us to really see our families, friends and colleagues: to see with loving eyes rather than with eyes of haste or indifference, and to have the courage to ask you for what is really needed in our lives. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Year 12 Final Day

Year 12 Final Assembly

Our Year 12 class of 2015 had a morning of fun and celebration today with students and staff getting into the spirit of things by dressing in costumes. Thanks to the staff who came in at 6 o'clock to cook up a hearty breakfast for the Year 12 Students. We look forward to our Graduation Mass and Ceremony tonight at St Catherine's Church.

Last Thursday we said goodbye to our Year 12 students of 2015 and inducted the 2016 Senior Student Leaders at our full school assembly. The College Captains of 2015 and 2016 addressed the students and included in the newsletter is a copy of their speeches. As you read them no doubt you will be impressed by their insights and their leadership qualities. As a school community we are fortunate and blessed to have such fine young people leading the students of CRC.

Parents & Friends The next meeting of the Parents & Friends will be held on Wednesday 28th October at 7.30pm.

2016 College Captains Maddison Bassal and Jack Doyle For those who don’t know me, my name is Maddison Bassal, I moved to CRC at the beginning of last year, and I am honoured to represent CRC as College Captain for 2016. Before I start, I would just like to show my appreciation and congratulate both the student leadership team and Miss Grech for their efforts this year. A lot of hard work and dedication goes into preparing for events and for that you should all be commended. To Tegan and Bowde especially, I know that Jack and I are both so privileged to be following in your footsteps and we hope that we can do justice to this school just as you have done this year, so thank you. There can be many misconceptions when it comes to leadership. While leaders may be seen as those that hold a position, whether it be in school or in the community, it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. One of the best things about leadership is that anyone can be a leader in some way, such as leading by example. Setting an example for others may seem insignificant but can be such a powerful action. This is why Jack and I are both eager to encourage people to get involved in school life, and give themselves the opportunity to be the leader that someone needs or can look up to. It is important however for those with a specific role to understand the responsibilities that come with it. A leader should be trustworthy, kind, and should not only be approachable but have the ability to listen to others. It is because of this that we aim to be people who you will not be afraid to talk to and to share your ideas with, as we believe that change does not occur through one person alone, but through a team of people. I believe passion is a driving force behind motivation, and it is this very reason why I decided I wanted to be school captain. I'm not only passionate about CRC, but I am passionate about connecting with people and learning from them, and I see College Captain as the greatest opportunity to do this. Having only been at CRC for nearly two years, I have learnt that a sense of belonging can truly make a difference to your schooling life. I have experienced this throughout my time here and therefore hope to exemplify this to others, so that they too may feel that sense of belonging. Finally, we want to wish the Year 12's the best of luck not only in your exams but in your future endeavours, and we hope and pray that you all succeed in your goals. And to the rest of us, we are excited to work with you and are looking forward to all that 2016 has to offer. Thank you. Maddison Bassal

First of all I would also like to again wish the Year 12 cohort good luck with their future endeavours and for the VCE students good luck in your upcoming exams. Becoming School Captain this year thanks to the staff and students of Year 11 is a massive job to undertake, and to be able to share the role alongside Maddy leaves me with optimism and hope that we both can achieve something throughout next year and represent the school proudly as I am sure we will. I personally am looking forward to the added atmosphere that is added with becoming School Captain, from presenting at school assembly's to attending meetings and making the school a better place. It is with the guidance and knowledge from people like Tegan and Bowde, that we will try to further the school and make a legacy of our own in the year to come. We look forward to the challenges that will confront us. With the new leadership team, we will be working close with them to innovate and produce fun and exciting ideas for ways in which to improve the school further. I'd also like to thank the school for the opportunity that has been presented to me and am hoping for an exciting and productive 2016 as one of your College Captains. In the words of Bill Bradley, "Leadership is unlocking people's potential to become better." That right there is what I want to achieve for all of us, we are all leaders within this school. So with your help we can make a more enjoyable time for all. Leading into next year use your innovation and help join us on our journey for 2016. For next years Year 12's, next year is our year, let's leave a legacy and help create an environment that is making students excited to be involved in the schools activities, along with the leadership team we can all lead the school and help form another chapter in CRC Melton. Thank you. Jack Doyle

2015 College Captains Tegan Lafranchi Lasting words: Well 2015 has been a crazy year, with many exciting times, and it is hard to believe that just 12 months ago Bowde and I were in the same position as Jack and Maddy are today. But it is all of you sitting in front of me who have contributed to making this year one to remember here at CRC. I have been incredibly lucky to lead you all alongside Bowde, and with the help of the student leadership team. Your enthusiasm is something to be admired. If I could say two things that I have learnt from being a College Captain this year, it would be to make the most of the present, and to not be afraid to try new things. I have been told on many occasions that high school is some of the best years of your life, and it hasn’t been until this year that I believed it to be entirely true. My personal experience here at CRC has taught me that high school is not simply a section of your life journey, but many little steps in a long journey. Thanks: We would like to thank all of you for actively involving yourselves in various aspects of school life. It is clear to see that you are all very enthusiastic participants in the ample opportunities we are offered here at CRC. It is easy to offer lots of different opportunities, but unless you choose to participate it is all for nothing, and it appears you have all made the decision to take part. Keep up the great work next year and continue to make CRC a fantastic place to be. To all of the staff, thank-you. You have all been tremendous supporters, of not only Bowde and myself, but also the entire leadership group, and all of our new initiatives, throughout the year. But a special thanks must go to our subject teachers, in particular our homeroom teachers Miss Hill and Mrs Rowley. You have been incredibly understanding and supportive of the occasional stresses that we found ourselves under at various stages throughout the year. We would also like to acknowledge and thank Mr. Sheehan, Mr. Blackley, Mr. Christie and Mr. Henneman for their guidance, support, words of wisdom, and yes, even Mr. Henneman’s sense of humour. We would not have been able to leave the legacy we have created without each of your contributions. Thanks must also go to our Year 12 peers. Your constant enthusiasm to get involved in the many activities that we have been offered, even with all of the stresses of Year 12, is a credit to each and every one of you. You, too, have all been great supporters of Bowde, the entire leadership group and myself and we wish you the best of luck for your exams and beyond.

To the Student Leadership Team of 2015- we set ourselves the goal of introducing some new initiatives this year. Well we have certainly achieved that. You have all contributed in some way, shape or form to the great success of our leadership team this year, and on behalf of the entire school community I would like to thank you for that. But we would especially like to thank Miss Grech for her tremendous and limitless dedication to the leadership group. Without her leadership, it would not have possible for any of the Student Leadership group’s initiatives to become a reality; and her efforts have helped to shape us all into better leaders within our school community. We would like to wish Maddy and Jack the very best of luck for next year. You both have great leadership qualities that make you very capable of filling this role, and we know that you will be supported by a leadership group of an incredibly high standard. We also know that you will do a fantastic job, and that you will be standing here this time in 12 months, knowing that you have left your own legacy on CRC Melton. I would also, personally, like to thank Bowde for all of his efforts throughout the year. He has been a great support, and I believe that we have been able to leave a wonderful legacy on CRC, most notably through the initiation of the Regional Student Leaders Forum with the student leaders of other schools in the Melton and Bacchus Marsh regions. We have not only become College captains together but we have also become great friends. So thank-you. I would also like to sincerely thank my family. You have given me endless support and love and you are the reason I am the leader and the person I am today so thank-you.

Bowde Griffith Good morning students, teachers and parents. Thank you all for being here for the final Year 12, class of 2015 assembly. We encounter many things in life as families, communities and individuals, world conflicts, natural disasters, financial economic crisis's religion or political leadership change. They affect everyone locally, interstate and nationally in some shape or form. Although when a new family member is born, or when a job promotion is given, or a member finds love and seals it with marriage and even sadly when a love one passes it only affects a limited amount of people. Today across our communities of Melton and Bacchus Marsh, the state of Victoria and nation-wide Year 12 students, their families, our communities and even ourselves as individual, are affected and encounter something of high importance. Our 13 year primary to secondary school education is over. To the Year 7, 8, 9, and 10s 2016 will just be another year; the 2016 Year 12s will be following in our footstep like we are following the 2014 Year 12s. As secondary students, we are all, expanding our knowledge of education; exceeding our sporting passion and striving for perfection, growing and shaping our friendship circles, and more importantly shaping ourselves. My Year 12 cohort and Year 12s across the nation now encounter the end of our childhood and begin forging the foundation of our lives by furthering our education or commencing our working careers. We start the journey of building our self independence. It may sound sudden but the facts are, this race has finished for this part of our lives and now we start our marathon of adulthood. No one can tell us how we will go, although what I do know, is that my Year 12 cohort will fight for what we want and work hard, shed tears, sweat and bleed getting there because we are strong fighters.

Thank you Mrs Henry for the push and guidance with my application for College Captain. Most students in the lower year levels will know, I am the first VCAL College Captain, and with the reassurance and support of Mrs Henry, Mr Henneman and Miss Abraham I went for this role with the simplistic view that a VCAL student couldn’t fulfil this role. I pushed to improve the image of VCAL with my election at CRC to show that VCAL shouldn’t be the second alternative option for others, but to be recognised as a renowned and positive alternative to the VCE stream. Knowing simply there was, isn’t and never will be a difference between our two streams of education of importance and especially no limitations to the intellectual capability and level of the students who choose the VCAL over VCE. I have been in the VCAL program for three years starting in the Year ten VINCIT class, and through my time in the VCAL stream I believe I haven’t limited my educational capability. With my performance this year I hope that no student should feel discouraged to do VCAL. My expectation is that students and teachers alike will portray VCAL equally, as a positive alternative to the VCE stream, and know that both of our forms of education are here to direct us to only triumph our ambitions. Thank you Tegan for your everlasting friendship and support. And finally to my family, thank you for all of your guidance, love and care that has been demonstrated without question, not only through this year, but throughout my life. For Tegan and myself our final message to students, teachers, friends and family as College Captains is that, you should never fear, be ashamed or embarrassed in saying “I love you” to your family or mates, letting them know that you are so very grateful for all that you have done. Because there nothing more powerful or moving to those who receive those words of appreciation. Thank you CRC and God bless.

There are so many people, students, teachers alike that Tegan and myself would like to thank for supporting, helping and guiding us, we won’t mention them all till the Graduation dinner but will name a few. Firstly I would like to thank my mates that I have made over my time at CRC from Year 9 to Year 12, (by the way wishing my mate Jake a very happy 18th birthday) to all my mates, thank you for helping me adapt to this school with all your friendships. You have all helped me in times of need, and made me laugh dreamlessly throughout recess, lunch and class.

School traffic in and around the school

Lunch Delivery to the School

The College has been notified that this week the Victoria Police will be operating an Electronic Traffic Board out the front of the College and a tasking car has been allocated. We have been informed there will be zero tolerance shown towards offending motorists/ pedestrians. Common penalties are listed below.

Some students are placing lunch orders with outside providers to deliver to the school at lunchtime, eg. pizza delivery, this is not permitted. The College provides a canteen service for students to purchase their lunch.

VCE Student Folio Exhibition

Fail to stop and remain stationary at children’s crossing $379 (3 Demerit Points)

Make incorrect left, right or U-turn or turn improperly $152 (2 Demerit Points)

Use hand held mobile phone while driving $455 (4 Demerit Points)

Fail to wear properly fastened and adjusted seat belt (driver) $303 (3 Demerit Points)

Driver carrying passenger under 16 not restrained $341 (3 Demerit Points)

Leave motor vehicle unattended with keys in ignition, motor running, and brakes not secured or doors unlocked $152

Fail to wear securely fitted approved bicycle helmet $190 (Same fine if riding on a scooter)

Stopped in a no stopping zone


Stopped in a bus zone


Stopped – double park


Stopped within 20 metres before a children’s crossing $152

Stopped on a nature strip

Exceed speed limit by 15kmh but less than 25kph $303


Robert Blackley Deputy Principal

The Art Faculty invite all Parents/Guardians and friends to view Catholic Regional College Melton’s annual VCE Exhibition. On display will be works completed throughout 2015 by our Year 11 and Year 12 students. The work has been produced to meet the VCE study design for the subjects of Media Studies, Studio Art, Visual Communication Design & Materials Technology Food/Wood. Official Opening: Thursday 22 October at 7 - 9pm in the Performing Arts Centre. Exhibition will also be open Friday 23 October from 9am - 4pm. All year levels are welcome. This is a great opportunity to take a closer look at the work produced at VCE if you are considering choosing any of these subjects in the next few years. We look forward to seeing you there. Amy Rowley Head of Art

End of Year Year 9 Exams and Year 7 & 8 Timed Assessment Tasks Years 7 & 8 Apart from timed assessment tasks that will operate in normal class times, all Year 7 & 8 students will do a Timed Assessment Task in Mathematics and English at the same time. These assessment tasks will take place in Padua Exam Centre and take the place of the normally timetabled class. These are listed below. Thursday November 5

Thursday November 5

Friday November 6

Friday November 6

Year 8 English Period 1

Year 7 English Period 2

Year 7 Mathematics Period 1

Year 8 Mathematics Period 2

Year 9 Year 9 students will undertake exams beginning Tuesday, November 10. Elective exams will take place in normal scheduled class times. Exams in Mathematics, English, Science and Humanities will take place in the Padua Exam Centre on the following dates. Tuesday November 10

Wednesday November 11

Wednesday November 11

Thursday November 12

Year 9 English Per 4

Year 9 Maths Per 3

Year 9 Science Per 4

Year 9 Humanities Per 4

Years 10 & 11 Year 10 & 11 students will finish formal classes on Friday, November 6. Year 10 and Year 11 exams will run from Monday, November 9 to Thursday, November 19. Students will then be involved in Jumpstart classes for 2016 from Friday, November 20 until Friday, November 27. The exam schedule for Year 11 and 10 is set out below. Year 10 & 11 Exam Timetable November 2015 (Padua Exam Centre)

Time 8.50 – 10.15

10.50 – 12.15

1.55 – 3.20

Monday Nov 9 11 General Maths

11 English 10.50am – 2.05pm

Tuesday Nov 10 10 RE

Wednesday Nov 11 10 Core Maths 10 Core Plus 10 PreFoundation

Thursday Nov 12 11 Biology 11 VCD 10 Indonesian 10 Hospitality

Friday Nov 13 11 Methods 10 ICT Game Design 10 Cells to Creatures

Monday Nov 16 11 General Maths Adv

10 English 10.50 – 1.05pm

Per 3 - 9 Maths 12.00 – 1.15pm

11 History Chemistry in the Environment 10 Science

11 Literature 11 Language 10 Art 10 Geography

11 Physical Education 11 VET Music 10 Textiles

Per 4 - 9 English

Per 4 - 9 Science

Per 4 - 9 Humanities

11 General Maths (Exam 2)

11 Methods (Exam 2)

11 Studio Arts 11 Accounting 10 Food 10 Wood

Tuesday Nov 17 11 Psychology 10 Business & Commerce

Wednesday Nov 18 11 Food Technology 11 Media 11 Wood 10 History

Thursday Nov 19 11 HHD 11 Physics 10 Mind Matters 10 Newton Sparks a Star War

11 Legal Studies 10 Advanced PE

11 Chemistry 11 Drama 11 Information Tech 10 VCD 10 Italian 10 Dance

11 Business Management 10 Media 10 Outdoor Ed

Term 4 Key Dates Listed below is a summary of Term 4 key dates: Year 12 2015 Year 12 VCE students finished classes yesterday and celebrated their Farewell Activity this morning . Their Graduation Mass is on this evening. They are on SWOTVAC from Wednesday, October 21 to Tuesday, October 27. VCAA exams begin on Wednesday, October 28 until Friday, November 20. That evening is their Graduation Dinner. Students need to be at the College at least 30 minutes before the exam published reading time to ensure smooth entry into the exam venues. Students may wear casual clothes. Melbourne Cup Day Tuesday, November 3 is the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday. The College has a mid-term break on Monday, November 2. VCAA exams will still operate. Jumpstarts VCE Year 12 2016 JUMPSTART runs from Friday, November 20 – Friday, November 27. Our Year 11 Farewell Mass takes place that Friday afternoon. VCE Year 11 2016 JUMPSTART runs concurrent with the Year 12 from Friday, November 20 – Friday, November 27. The Year 10 Farewell Mass is also that afternoon. Year 12 2016 VCAL Jumpstart Monday, October 26 – Friday October 30 (Monday, Tuesday & Thursday only) Year 11 2016 VCAL Jumpstart Monday, November 23 to Friday, November 27. Year 9 Finish Year 9 classes will conclude on Wednesday, December 2. Year 9 Mass is that afternoon. Year 9 City Experience takes place from Thursday, December 3 to Friday, December 4. Year 7 & 8 Finish Year 7 and Year 8 students finish classes on Thursday, December 3 with a special last day program on Friday, December 4. Awards Night Takes place on Wednesday, December 2. Year 7 2016 Orientation Day Takes place on Tuesday, December 8. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

House Points Tally 2015

2017 European Pilgrimage Update


Last Tuesday we had an excited gathering of well over 40 families seeking information about this trip. Since then further families have requested information about the itinerary and approximate costs ($5000+). Thanks to those who attended and who have already paid their $300 deposit which is due by 11 November. It is very early, but it does appear that the trip will go ahead.

CRC Swimming Carnival – Reed 1st place on 2405 points CRC Athletics Carnival – Reed 1st place on 2575 points Social Justice 1st place – Reed 124 points 2nd place – Fitzgerald 107 points 3rd place – Daffey 83 points

Shaun Coates RCIA: The Rite for Christian Initiation of Adults

4th place – Glasheen 74 points Academic 1st place – Reed 42 points 2nd place – Daffey 30 points 3rd place – Glasheen 28 points 4th place – Fitzgerald 24 points Sport 1st place – Reed 133 points 2nd place – Daffey 99 points 3rd place – Glasheen 92 points 4th place – Fitzgerald 79 points Performing Arts 1st place – Fitzgerald 161points 2nd place – Reed 160 points 3rd place –Glasheen 148 points 4th place – Daffey 121 points Overall Points Score 1st place – Reed 5,439 points 2nd place – Daffey 4,986 points 3rd place – Glasheen 4,889 points 4th place – Fitzgerald 4,520 points House MVPS REED – Erin Salmon 13 points DAFFEY – Madeline McCann 14 points GLASHEEN – Ashlee Rasic 11 points FITZGERALD – Dylan Naumovski 10 points

It is wonderful that adults from the parish are coming forward requesting to be prepared to become Catholics: to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Till now, Fr Michael has undertaken an informal preparation program for these occasional marvellous new people. With an increase in numbers interested and with Fr Charles now in the parish, we are starting a more formal preparation program that provides a structured introduction to Catholic faith. The program will run from early November (after Cup Day) through till Easter (excluding the Holiday period) and candidates will be baptised, confirmed, and receive Eucharist as a part of the Easter ceremonies: a tradition that has come down from the earliest years of the Church. SO!!!! Two calls to action by you: First Planning: do you feel called to assist with preparing / running this program? If so: please call Fr Charles on 0417 319 556 and have a chat with him. The sooner the better so we can plan what’s coming. We hope to have a meeting next week to start the planning. Second Candidates: if you yourself are interested in becoming a Catholic then call the parish (9743 6515) and give Dee your details so we can contact you. OR if you know someone who may be interested in becoming a Catholic give them this request.

Soup Van Last Friday evening with John Christie behind the wheel, Robyn Sullivan and myself as the support crew and a giving group of seven Year 11 female students we commuted into the CBD to connect with the homeless community in Melbourne. When you volunteer to participate in this valuable program there is a feeling of apprehension as you are never sure about what you may be confronted, challenged or rewarded by. There are four designated places around the city where the Soup Van sets up to feed, nourish and nurture people from all walks of life. It is a humbling experience to be able to meet and greet such a diverse group of people that find themselves ‘homeless’ for a range of different reasons. Every person has their own story to share and these stories continue to filter through you as you return to your grounded and happy life. At a stop outside Hanover House I spent time talking with a young man, 29 years of age, who had just been released from prison after 10 years of incarceration. He had only been out of jail for five weeks and was still trying to assimilate to life on the outside. He shared stories of his hopes for the future, finishing his Diesel Mechanic study, finding a job and one day giving back to the community by volunteering for Saint Vinnies. He was so appreciative of being able to converse with what he called ‘a normal person’ where he spoke openly and honestly about his life, family and making the wrong choices. There is a quote from a book that I read some years ago that came into my mind when reflecting on this encounter. “The truth is that there are no good men, or bad men,' 'It is the deeds that have goodness or badness in them. There are good deeds, and bad deeds. Men are just men - it is what they do, or refuse to do, that links them to good and evil. The truth is that an instant of real love, in the heart of anyone - the noblest man alive or the most wicked - has the whole purpose and process and meaning of life within the lotus-folds of its passion. The truth is that we are all, every one of us, every atom, every galaxy, and every particle of matter in the universe, moving toward God.” ― Gregory David Roberts, Shantaram I would like to acknowledge the amazing students who volunteered their time on Friday night. They showed compassion, empathy, understanding and maturity whilst interacting with some very vulnerable and lonely people. Wendy Hine

I would like to acknowledge all of those that have attended or supported the soup van during the year. Our school community has participated in this amazing experience 8 times this year. Each time we have taken along gifts of toiletries and clothing that I know has been welcomed with open arms. These gifts have come from our school community so on behalf of the clients that we have visited " THANK-YOU AND GOD BLESS". Thanks, Marg

Homework Club Homework Club will be held in the Library each Wednesday between 3.30pm and 4.30pm .



2015 2015 Term 4 Term 4 October October 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 27th 28th 29th

Year 12 Graduation Mass Year 11 Biology Excursion Year 8 Premier League Round 4 VCE Arts Exhibition VCE Arts Exhibition Year 11 Legal Excursion VCAA Exams Begin Year 10 Reflection Day Parents & Friends Year 8 Premier League Round 5

Wednesday 21st

1.00pm - 2.00pm

G. Mungeal Wednesday 28th

6.30pm - 7.30pm

N. Woods November

November Wednesday 4th 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

College Holiday - No classes Cup Day Holiday - No classes Outdoor Education Camp Unit 2 Year 7—8 Timed Assessment Tasks Outdoor Education Camp Unit 2 Year 7 - 8 Timed Assessment Tasks Year 8 Premier League Semi Final Outdoor Education Camp Unit 2 Year 7 - 8 Timed Assessment Tasks Year 10 & 11 classes finish

M. Mullan Wednesday 11th M. Salvatore

St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

F. Conway

12.00pm - 2.00pm

Wednesday 25th

Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm

6.30pm - 7.30pm

Wednesday 18th Packing Day

D. Taylor R. Mc Donald

Mass Times

1.00pm - 2.00pm

J. Johnson

K. Vella

6.30pm - 7.30pm

L. Eagle December Wednesday 2nd

1.00pm - 2.00pm

G. Mungeal Wednesday 8th

Orientation Day

9.00am - 12.00pm K. Vella

D. Taylor

12.00pm - 3.00pm L. Vella

J. Johnson

T. Davine

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