21st August 2012 - Newsletter

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21st August 2012 Reflection Reflecting The Face of Christ As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Paul to the Colossians 3: 12–17

Since last week’s newsletter much has happened, Mark Sheehan is recovering well from his medical operation, a group of Year 10 and 11 students participated in the Victorian University Legal Studies and Politics competition, rehearsals continued for Cabaret, Year 10 students and parents had the opportunity to meet with teachers re subject selections for 2013, VCAL classes have organised a blanket drive for the homeless, LOTE day and our annual Celebration Day was held. Mr Sheehan’s medical team was very pleased with the outcome and expects him to make a good recovery. He is now recuperating and making good progress. All the activities for the students indicate the different opportunities they have to participate in and the support available to them here at CRC. It was very pleasing to hear the positive comments regarding the number of students attending and the respect shown by them at the Back to Parish Masses today. We also received news that the Federal Government announced, that Australian schoolboys will be able to get the successful Gardasil® vaccine, which will protect them against developing a range of cancers and bolster the effectiveness of this vaccine in women.

Also, starting in 2013, the Government will fund the vaccine for 12 and 13-year-old boys through school-based programs under the National Immunisation Program, and Year 9 boys will also be able to receive the vaccine at school under a catch-up program for the next two years. To support implementation of the program for boys at the start of the 2013 school year, the Immunisation Section is developing a number of resources for the ongoing Year 7 boys and girls program, and the catch-up for boys in Year 9. Robert Blackley Acting Principal Staff Faith Day - Student free day A reminder that this Friday, 24th August, is a Student free day as staff will be involved in a Faith Development day.

P & F Meeting The next P & F Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 29th August at 7.30pm in the Conference room.

Year 12 Information

2013 Subject Selections

Our Western Representative from VTAC presented a successful evening, last Wednesday. Topics relating to the application process, special entrance requirements, scholarships, SEAS applications and ATAR calculations were covered. A lot of the information presented provided much clarification for parents and a direction for students.

This term, our students in Years 8 – 11 will be involved in selecting their 2013 subjects. Year 10 and 11 students finalise their initial selections this week with Initial Selection Forms and Web Preference Receipts due to their Homeroom teacher on Wednesday (August 22). Year 9 students and families will have information regarding their subject selection process sent home this week. The Year 10 - 2013 Information evening has been scheduled for next Wednesday, August 29 at 7.00pm. Year 8 students will receive information regarding their 2013 Year 9 elective choices on August 30.

Students should be well into their application now, formulating a list of preferences, ensuring that they are fully aware of the prerequisites and additional requirements. In relation to SEAS, all students should be applying for Category 1: Personal Information and Location as we will be classified as an under represented school. Students, who are applying for other categories, should be organising impact statements by professionals and creating drafts of their own applications. All students, where possible and relevant should apply for SEAS as VTAC encourages an equal playing field and this is achieved partially by such schemes. For further information relating to SEAS, contact me on gaucic@crcmelton.catholic.edu.au or the site: http://www.vtac.edu.au/pdf/publications/seas.pdf A reminder that optional Parent / Teacher / Student Transition interviews will be held on Thursday 23rd August. Appointments should be made with Homeroom teachers ASAP. Thursday Afternoon Activities Thursday 23rd August (Finish time 12.45pm) Pastoral session: Mock VTAC Applications / Year 12 commemorative art work creation Thursday 30rd August (Finish time 1.30pm) Presentation: Success Integrated Chantelle Gauci Year 12 Coordinator

Pedestrian / Vehicle Gates Along with our vehicle entry gates being converted to electronic opening, we have now designated 2 pedestrian (student) entry gates. These are single gates thus ensuring that students do not enter through the same gates as cars. Students have been notified of this during the past weeks through the student bulletin and as of now, any student entering through a vehicle gate will be given demerit points. Staff will be on duty in the mornings at the student gates. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Unit 3-4 Legal Studies Supreme Court Visit On Monday the 13th August, the Unit 3 and 4 Legal Studies class went on an excursion to the Victorian Supreme Court in Melbourne, along with Mrs Harrington and Mrs Closter. Our first stop was to see a court room, where we talked to a judge. We were then able to sit in on a murder trial. On our way out, we had a tour of the Supreme Court Library, where we saw hundreds of books about law. It was an amazing experience and we learned a lot. Thank you to Mrs Harrington for organising the excursion and a fantastic day. Lauren McGinley Uniform News Summer fitting for Year 7 2013 students will take place Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th August, 12.00— 2.00pm and 4.30 - 7.30pm. Any new students needing to buy summer uniform for Term 4 2012 need to order by these dates. Any student wanting a navy VCE jumper for next year also needs to order by the end of August.

School Spirit Award

Zach Miesen and Anjalee Fernando - 9 Bernard

Tristan Rus - 7 Dominic

Zach and Anjalee have received the award for their commitment to academic excellence. Both students have consistently worked hard this term and applied maximum effort to their studies. They are proving to be excellent role models for other students.

Tristan is continually in a happy mood. She always greets students and staff with a smile or a funny story. Nothing is too much trouble for her to assist others with. Tristan works hard at her studies, putting in her best effort. She takes pride: in attending CRC Melton, in her homeroom and in her family. Congratulations, Tristan. Awal Kuk - 7 Catherine Awal is a dedicated and hardworking student who always strives to do her best. She is described by her fellow classmates as polite, always cheerful and works hard in all classes. Awal treats everyone she comes across, staff and students alike, with the utmost respect. She wears the College uniform proudly and correctly every single day. Awal is extremely organised and enthusiastic about her studies. She has demonstrated leadership qualities and is currently the SRC representative for 7 Catherine. Congratulations to Awal. Tania Kremers Year 7 Coordinator James Simpson - 8 Anthony James had to deal with issues that have affected both his attendance at school and his energy levels whilst at school. He has faced many challenges along the way. James maintains a positive approach to life and his schoolwork. He shows respect to teachers at all times and he appreciates the chance to come to school each day and learn. Kitty Robinson - 8 Bernard Kitty always completes work and tasks to an excellent standard. Not only does she set high standards for herself, she also takes the initiative to assist peers in the classroom as often as she can with their work. Kitty has participated in a number of extra curricular activities in 2012, including one of the lead roles as Charlotte in the school production. Dean Henneman Year 8 Coordinator

John McCann Year 9 Coordinator Robyn Hockaday - 10 Mackillop Robyn is a student who participated in the school production and also dedicated time to the VUT Business enterprise competition while still maintaining her grades in all her subjects. In class, she is respectful and mindful of others and is always willing to lend a helping hand. James Shelly-Robbins - 10 Anthony James is a student who is always willing to take on new challenges. He really stepped up during Melbourne Experience and demonstrated great leadership skills. James is an exceptional guitar player and a dedicated member of the schools Liturgical Ensemble. Lydia Jovanovic Year 10 Coordinator Rheann Baker - 11 Anthony Rheann is conscientious with her studies, and participates in her classes asking questions when clarification is required. She has become pro-active in her own learning taking on advice and suggestions to improve her outcomes. Rheann is currently also successfully completing Unit 3 & 4 Legal Studies at Year 11. Recently she has been involved in an awareness campaign in relation to children in detention.

School Spirit Award continued Stephanie Polglaze - 11 Mackillop Stephanie is a student who is new to the College this term. Since arriving she has embraced her new school and become a part of the school community with a seamless transition. Stephanie is achieving excellent results in all of her subjects and established positive relationships with both her peers and teachers. She has also been involved in the Social Justice Group and in the recent awareness campaign related to children in detention. Alistair Bloom Year 11 Coordinator Sarah Attard - 12 Bernard

students, instructor.

Sarah always uses her class time wisely and completes all set tasks to the best of her ability. She spends some of her free periods at school, meeting with staff and perfecting tasks to achieve the highest possible standard. In her recent Examinations, Sarah achieved extremely high outcomes. She always assists fellow especially in the classroom, acting as a peer


MASS 7.30AM followed by a cooked breakfast @ 8am in the Parish Centre Guest Speaker: Bishop John Stewart (Anglican Bishop) Cost $5 pp (payable on day). This function is open to males and females 15 years and over. For catering purposes, please return the tear off section into St Bernard’s Parish Office letter box at 61 Lerderderg St. Tel: Parish Office 5367 2069 Email: bacchusmarsh@cam.org.au Facsimile: 5367 4863 rsvp: 28 August 2012

Yes, I will be attending the Mass and Breakfast Names……………………………………… …………………………….

James Maher - 12 Anthony

Number of people attending…………

James has shown a high level of maturity and organisation over the past few weeks with his involvement in the SACCSS soccer program. He has played the game fairly, yet competitively, whilst assisting in the organisation and mentoring of younger students. James is a pleasant member of the cohort, acting with respect and following school guidelines.


Chantelle Gauci Year 12 Coordinator


VCAL Blanket Drive Every night over 20,511 people can be found sleeping rough in the street or are affected by homelessness in Melbourne. Homelessness is not a choice people make, it happens. Year 11 VCAL, as part of their ongoing commitment to Social Justice are currently organising a blanket drive. Melbourne winters are cold, so please donate a blanket. A small gift of a blanket can make all the difference. Please drop a blanket or two into the blanket bin located at Student Reception. We will then pass them onto St Vincent de Paul for distribution to those in most need. Closing date: 28th August. Many thanks. 11 VCAL Students & Mrs Clinton

Cabaret Masquerade Ball 2012 Rehearsals

CRC Melton Cabaret Restaurant ‘Masquerade Ball” ticket order form Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Student’s name: _________________________________________________ Homeroom: ________________ Contact Number: ______________________________________________________________________________ Three Course Meal and Performance ($30.00 each ticket): Wednesday 5th September, 2012

Number of Tickets: __________

Thursday 6th September, 2012

Number of Tickets: __________

Viewing Night – Performance only ($10.00 each ticket): Friday 7th September, 2012

Number of Tickets: _________

Total cost: $ _________________________ Money must be enclosed in order to receive tickets. Please advise of any dietary restrictions.




2012 Term 3

Term 3



Wednesday 29th Summer Fitting Day 1

23rd SACCSS Senior Soccer Year 12 VTAC application interviews 24th Year 9 Alpine Experience Staff Faith day - Student free day 28th Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp 3 29th P & F Meeting Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp 3 Year 10 2013 Family Information Evening 7.00pm 30th Year 12 VCAL Excursion

12.00pm - 2.00pm A. Watson S. Theuma J. Johnson R. Mc Donald


12.00pm - 2.00pm K. Piggot D. Taylor

3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

Year 8 Reflection Day Year 7 Maths Day Year 8 Reflection Day SACCSS Tennis Year 7 Premier League Round 1 College Cabaret Performance Year 12 VTAC Applications College Cabaret Performance College Cabaret Viewing Night

4.30pm - 6.00pm S. Thorburn T. Davine

F. Conway A. Salmon

6.00pm - 7.30pm E. Mitchell K. Serra

L. Toskovski S. Woods

Thursday 30th

Summer Fitting Day 2 L. Muscat

4.30pm - 6.00pm C. Schembri C. Arthur

D. Simpson

M. Salvatore

6.00pm - 7.30pm T. Agius S. Jakeman S. Kovacic

D. Day

September Wednesday 5th


K. Arandt

L. Broadway

Homework Club Homework Club Term 3 starts Wednesday July 25th until Wednesday September 12th Homework Club will be held every Wednesday in the Library from 3.30pm—4.30pm

Mass Times St. Dominic’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am, 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

Canteen 2012 Term 3 August Wednesday 22nd Lisa Wilkie Suzanne Smith Thursday 23rd Grace Mercieca Monday 27th Tuesday 28th Wednesday 29th Thursday 30th Friday 31st

Julie Harkin Libby Harrison Heidi Roberts Tess Galea Robyn Dodd

September Monday 3rd Tuesday 4th Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Friday 7th

Lyn Bellin Jacqui Shelly Christine Dennison Heather Harrison Linda Tomac Amanda Horwood Tabatha Hehir

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