22nd april, 2014

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22nd April, 2014 Reflection The Resurrection of Jesus But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, taking the spices that they had prepared. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they did not find the body. While they were perplexed about this, suddenly two men in dazzling clothes stood beside them. The women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be handed over to sinners, and be crucified, and on the third day rise again.� Then they remembered his words, and returning from the tomb, they told all this to the eleven and to all the rest. Now it was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the other women with them who told this to the apostles. But these words seemed to them an idle tale, and they did not believe them. But Peter got up and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves; then he went home, amazed at what had happened. Gospel of Luke: Ch 24

Term 2

Staff Term 1 Professional Learning Days

Welcome back to all students and families, I hope that the break provided some restful family time for you all. For our VCE students, it was also a time to catch up on and reinforce content from Term 1.

Staff spent the last day of Term 1 undertaking Professional Learning sessions. On the Friday, staff undertook sessions looking at Assessment for Learning Techniques. Various Questioning and Feedback strategies were reviewed and then put into class situations. This theme will be followed up throughout the year, as staff feedback to students and student feedback to staff are key factors in improving student learning. Classes are currently completing on-line surveys for staff providing data on how students see the teaching styles of staff. These surveys will again be used throughout the year for staff to use to improve targeted learning within our classrooms.

Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews Thanks to all families who attended our Term 1 ParentStudent-Teacher interviews. I trust that the interviews were informative and constructive. If you were not able to attend, please feel free to contact the College to request a phone call / meeting. If you wish to follow up on any issues, please contact the relevant teacher or Year Level Coordinator to make an appointment. Staff email addresses are available through our Web site and are often the best way to contact staff. Please use the Parent Portal to continue to monitor the progress of your son/daughter. ANZAC Day On Thursday we will conduct an ANZAC Day reflection as part of our whole School Assembly. Lest we forget. Mark Sheehan Principal Parents & Friends Annual General Meeting The AGM will be held Wednesday 23rd April at 7.00pm. Please note this meeting is an addition to the P & F meeting schedule published at the beginning of the year.

Staff Recognition Dinner On Friday, March 28, the College held its Staff Recognition Dinner. At this event staff gather to share a meal and formally acknowledge three of our long serving staff. Nerida Thurn, Kerrie-Anne Matthews and Alistair Bloom (20 years) were added to the College Staff Honour Board and presented with gifts acknowledging their service, skills and commitment to the College. We are indeed fortunate to have staff of their quality within the school. School Supplies I ask that families use the start of term to check that their child / children have a complete set of stationery needs (pens, pencils, etc.). John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

School Uniform

Attendance at College Events

All students are required to wear winter uniform at the start of Term 2; there is no transition period. The requirements are set out clearly in the student diary and the most recent newsletter. It is clearly stated the College Blazer is the external garment to be worn to and from school. Excuses of leaving the blazer at home or in the locker will not be accepted.

The College schedules a number of religious, sporting and cultural events during the course of each school year e.g. Celebration Day, College swimming and athletic carnivals. These days provide important opportunities for the growth and development of individual students and are critical for the development and celebration of community. Normal classes do not run on these days and the events are an integral part of the education of each student enrolled at Catholic Regional College. All students must attend all College events as a condition of their enrolment. Student absences will be monitored and non-attendance will be taken into account as part of the re-enrolment process.

The PE uniform is only worn when the student has a timetabled PE or Drama class, or when otherwise specified by the College Leadership team. In regards to the PE uniform, students are to wear white sports socks only. The winter PE uniform requires the wearing of the College rugby top or sports jacket as the external garment. Students are only permitted to wear one plain silver or gold stud or small sleeper in the ear, no facial piercing is allowed. We look for your support in ensuring your son or daughter is wearing the College uniform correctly to and from school. I also bring to your attention matters regarding grooming; make-up and nail polish must not be worn. False or extension nails are not permitted. Boys are to be clean-shaven and students are expected to keep a neat appearance at all times. Students absent on holiday during regular school term The College often gets requests from parents re taking students out of school time for extended holiday periods. The following procedures have been in place to meet these requests:  Parents need to write to the Principal providing details of why and when the student will be absent from school. The College will acknowledge this correspondence.  Catholic Regional College teaching staff will not be required to provide work for students who are absent from class and miss teaching/learning due to holidays taken during the school term.  Course outlines will be provided by the subject teacher and available through the school intranet (PAM) if requested so that parents can deliver/ arrange appropriate instruction through a tutor.  It will be the responsibility of the student to arrange alternative dates for assessment task completion prior to his/her departure.  If the student does not submit the assessment work prior to his/her departure, he/she may receive a grade NS (not submitted) for each task.  If the student is absent for a period longer than two weeks, the assessment of his/her work will be made on the tasks completed for the period of the semester he/she has been in attendance at school.  It is not advisable that VCE students are absent from school for extended periods during the school term. These absences may have a detrimental effect in subject areas where sequential learning is important.

Year 12 Parent Information Evening There are many challenges facing you as parent/s or guardians of VCE students, especially if it is a first time experience. Questions you maybe asking yourself include how much pressure do I apply to them at home, what can I do and how can I help them? To help with some of these questions we are offering a parent program delivered by motivational speaker and success coach Darren Pereira. The parent evening is being offered Wednesday April 30, 7pm in the VCE Building. You will find the evening enlightening, inspiring and practical. His program has been specifically geared for parents with teenagers and concentrates on how you as a parent can:    

build your child’s self confidence so that they reach their fullest potential motivate your child to achieve both academically & in life communicate effectively so that you can understand your child & develop a close, positive relationship discover & develop your child’s talents toward a meaningful pathway

A letter has been mailed to all Year 12 parents outlining more details. If you are planning to attend, please complete the attached reply slip on the letter and return it to your son/daughter’s Homeroom teacher with the number of people attending. Robert Blackley Deputy Principal-Students

The Centenary of the Consecration of Mary MacKillop Memorial Chapel Three staff from CRC Melton, Shaun Coates, Edwina La Rose and myself, recently represented the College at the Centenary of the Consecration of Mary MacKillop Memorial Chapel in North Sydney on the 19th March. It was an honour to be a part of this celebration that brought together 45 schools from around Australia, that had a link to Mary MacKillop and her wonderful work in the education of young people. Our College connection to Mary MacKillop is through our first Principal, Sr Helen Reed who is a member of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, the order that Mary established in 1867. The celebrations included a celebration Mass in the chapel, followed by the burying of a time capsule that included items from all the schools present. We also placed with the capsule, soil from our College to represent our blending with the other schools in tribute to Mary MacKillop. A tour of the Mary MacKillop Place Museum certainly emphasized the greatness of this woman who took on church authorities in the name of poor and uneducated children of her time. Mary MacKillop is buried in the Memorial Chapel and again this was a special place for us to visit and reflect on her life.

Catholic Identity Parent Survey Catholic schools across Victoria were created through the vision, dedication, hard work and commitment of the whole Catholic community. Today, schools are challenged to:  articulate their identity and vision  express their distinctiveness as Catholic schools in a society where the Christian faith is increasingly marginalised. To assist schools in facing these present realities the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd (CECV) and the Catholic Education Offices of Melbourne, Ballarat, Sandhurst and Sale have entered into a research partnership with the Catholic university in Leuven, Belgium (KULeuven) to profile and develop the Catholic Identity of Catholic Schools. The Enhancing Catholic School Identity Project will assist schools to understand better how their Catholic Identity is expressed in work and practice and support them in their future development. The Project is to assist schools to understand better how their Catholic identity is expressed in work and practice and to support them in their future development.

Robyn Sullivan The main questions being explored are:  How is Catholic identity lived and shaped in the school?  What is the preferred situation?  What is the potential present in the school to realise its preferred Catholic Identity? Participation in the project involves the completion of a number of surveys by the following groups in schools:  Year 7 – 10 students  Year 11 and/or 12 students  Teachers / staff  Parents All groups access the surveys online and are given password-protected access when undertaking the surveys. Parent Survey sessions: Thursday 8th May 2014 - 1.45pm, 4.00pm or 7.00pm in the College Library. Therefore we are seeking 70 parents who are prepared to be involved by answering questionnaires that will require about an hour of their time. We invite parents to attend one of the sessions above where a staff member will lead you through the online process here at school. To show our appreciation the school will provide drinks and nibbles and give each parent participant a movie voucher. If you are interested in participating please email: kmatthews@crcmelton.com.au by Wednesday 30th April with your name and session time.


Calendar 2014 2014 Term 2 April

April 23rd 24th 25th 28th 30th

Parent & Friends meeting 7.00pm Senior Football ANZAC Day - No classes Year 11/12 Drama Performance Year 9 - 12 Drama trip Year 12 Parent Information evening

Wednesday 23rd L. Toskovski Wednesday 30th P. Searle

6.30pm - 7.30pm G. Mercieca 1.00pm - 2.00pm D. Taylor

G. Tarabone

May May 1st 2nd

Senior AFL Round 2 Senior Netball Round 1 Year 10 VINCIT Excursion Year 10 VINCIT Excursion Year 8 Medieval Day Year 10 Drama Performance

Wednesday 7th D. Shalders Wednesday 14th T. Gant T. Davine

R. McDonald 1.00pm - 2.00pm J. Johnson

T. Naumovski


Homework Club Homework club will run from Wednesday 30th April, 2014 until 18th June, 2014 from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the library

6.30pm - 7.30pm

2014 Term 2 April Thursday 24th

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

Karen Normoyle

Monday 28th Debbi Taylor Tuesday 29th Fiona Craig Wednesday 30th Michelle Keenan Donna Robinson May Friday 2nd

Tess Galea

Monday 5th Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th Friday 9th

Katherine Hayward Diane Cadman Suzanne Smith Linda Tomac

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