22nd july, 2014

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22nd July, 2014 Reflection Lord, In a glance, a sound, a symbol, a touch, in the fleeting moment filled with infinite grace, in the parables as we hear them again, and remember that, in these small things, we find echoes of your Kingdom. Jesus put before them a parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.” (Mt 13:31-32) Lord Jesus, help us to remember the smallest amongst us. Well nurtured they can achieve the greatest wonders. Like the birds that build nests in the branches of the tree, help us build places imbued with love, that enable life and growth. Amen

MH17 Tragedy We are all well aware of the tragedy that occurred last week with Malaysian airlines flight MH17. A plane loaded with people heading to Kuala Lumpur and Melbourne was shot down in circumstances that are hard to come to terms with. It’s quite normal for families to be flying back from Europe at this time of year. Families, teachers and other travellers are taking the long flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur and then on to Melbourne. Some were also heading to the AIDS conference in Melbourne; others back to school or work.

What we share with the victims of MH17 is our common humanity. Each person who died and each person who grieves for them is a person, each with their own hopes, loved and loved by others, each with commitments and plans, which will now be unfilled. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families and friends and, in particular the students, staff and parents of Bacchus Marsh Grammar. Mark Sheehan Principal

An Eynesbury family who were known to many in our community were among the people lost in this tragedy. Johannes (Hans) van den Hende, his wife, Shaliza Dewa and their three children Piers, Marnix and Margaux lost their lives. The children attended Bacchus Marsh Grammar and the family was immersed into the community in sporting clubs and in many other ways. With all of the media coverage, our focus can be drawn in so many directions. Let’s keep the people who died on MH17, their relatives, friends, school mates and their local community in our thoughts and prayers. We can be overcome by such an evil act and be consumed by anger and outrage .

Parents & Friends Meeting There will be a Parents & Friends meeting Wednesday, 30th July at 7.00pm.

VCE / VCAL Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews

Semester One Reports

As mentioned last week, we are offering VCE Unit 4 and 2nd Year VCAL Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews. They will take place this Thursday, July 24 and run between 4.00 – 7.30pm. Any parent / guardian that has concerns with VCE Unit 3 or 2nd Year VCAL results are encouraged to attend. Year Level Coordinators and subject teachers may also contact parents regarding other students with VCE or VCAL concerns. Information on how to book interviews was in last week’s newsletter.

If any parents have been unable to access Semester One reports please contact the school by email: itsupport@crcmelton.com.au or phone 9743 6522

2015 Subject Selections Year 10 and 11 students have begun their 2015 Subject Selections. The Year 11 2015 Subject Selection started with the Information Evening last Thursday which was well attended. Students should now be gathering recommendations from their teachers. As part of the process we also have student, parent/guardian interviews. Booking forms were inside the information envelope addressed to each student. Year 12 2015 Subject Selection Guides and Instructions will go out this week to Year 11 students. 2015 Term Dates To assist families in planning for next year, below are our 2015 Term dates: Term 1: Year 12 students start: Thursday, January 29 Year 11 and Year 7 students start: Friday, January 30 Year 7 – 12 Classes begin: Monday, Feb 2 Classes end: Wednesday, March 25 Term 2: Classes begin: Monday, April 13 Year 10 Work Experience: June 22 – 26. Classes finish: Friday, June 26 Term 3: Classes Start: Monday, July 13 Classes end: Friday, September 18 Term 4: Classes Start: Monday, October 5 Year 12 VCAA exams finish: Friday, November 20 Year 11 students finish: Wednesday, November 25 Year 10 students finish: Tuesday, December 1 Year 7 – 9 students finish: Friday, December 4

John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Parent Information Evening - Student Motivation July 29 Last term, the College provided an opportunity for Year 12 parents to attend an information evening suggesting strategies they can use to support their child whilst doing Year 12. The focus was on motivation, support techniques and tips. Unfortunately it didn’t run because of poor numbers. A number of parents across other year levels contacted me about the possibility of offering a similar opportunity for them. We are offering the opportunity for parents across Years 7-11 to attend a parent evening on July 29 at 7pm in the College Hall. A letter outlining the presentation will be distributed to students at the end of this week to take home. Please return by Thursday 24 July if you are attending. More details will also be available on the College website. Rob Blackley Deputy Principal (Students) Parents & Friends Affiliation Fee and Service Levy A reminder that the Parents & Friends Affiliation fee and Service levy are now overdue. Reminder letters were sent home late last term. Please return payment and form to the office.

Year 10 Textiles Last term, students studying Year 10 Textiles explored the use of fabric to create a wall hanging using tie dying and block printing, embellishing using any other accessory in the classroom. Students had to follow a design brief and create a story board of their thought process. The following are just a few of the designs from our talented students.

Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) - Second Instalment Parents/guardians who lodged an EMA application at the beginning of the year are not required to lodge another EMA application to receive the second instalment of EMA. If you have a child under 16, and hold a valid Health Care Card, Pension Card, or are a foster parent, you may be eligible to receive the EMA. Parent/guardians whose children have transferred to this school will need to submit a new EMA application form and return to the College with a copy of their Health Care Card. Application forms are available from the office. Applications close on 1st August 2014. Late applications cannot be processed. If you have any queries please contact the School office. The Visual Communication Design Room Students used design principles and elements and Adobe Photoshop to complete a poster for a play based on the writings of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Amy Garofalo Year 9 VCD

Alana Grech Year 9 VCD

Jack Norris Year 9 VCD

Jayden Grech Year 9 VCD

One Punch Presentation In February this year, I was watching an episode of 60 Minutes that shared the story of Michael McEwen, the victim of a 'coward's punch'. It gave an insight into the impact that such an event has on the victim's family and the medical staff that look after them. It made me think about how I would feel if this sort of tragedy effected my family. I emailed Mr Henneman and Mr Blackley suggesting it as a video to be watched at a Year level assembly throughout the year. Mr Blackley passed it on to Inspector Stephen Mutton, of the local police, who suggested that we jump on an educative opportunity. Once this became the case, the hope I had for the day was for it to influence at least one person, and impact their decision making to prevent a family and every one else effected from experiencing the heartache of this happening to their loved one. So, with the assistance of both Mr Blackley and Inspector Mutton, we managed to gather the time and expertise of Ben O'Toole (assault victim and Education officer at Step Back Think), Megan Kelly (ICU nurse at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and Co-ordinator of the P.A.R.T.Y Program), Charlie Bezzina (ex-Victoria Police detective and lead investigator into the death of Australian cricketer David Hookes), and Lois Foster and Anita Bowcock (alcohol and drug clinicians from Western Health). In preparation for the day, with the assistance of numerous teachers (particularly Mrs Griffin), I also put together a video to introduce the audience to the issue. The day was a success and I believe that each and every person who was present would have taken something out of the presentation. I am extremely grateful for the support and assistance of Mr Blackley, Inspector Stephen Mutton, Senior Sergeant Glenn Schumann, and the enthusiasm and support of our special guests who gave up their time to present, as well as all of the other teachers who helped make the day possible.

Megan Kelly an ICU Nurse P.A.R.T.Y Program Co-ordinator from the Royal Melbourne Hospital displayed confronting pictures and diagrams of what happens to the brain when you are hit and are unconscious. Charlie Bezzina ex-Victoria police detective told the students about David William Hookes (an Australian cricketer, broadcaster and coach of the Victorian cricket team) who died after being punched by a hotel bouncer outside a pub where he had been drinking with Victorian players following their victory in a match earlier in the day. The last two speakers of the day were Lois Foster and Anita Bowcock, Alcohol and Drug Clinicians from Western Health. They spoke to the students about when we drink and take drugs we may think we are fine when really we aren't as the brain gets confused and is unable to negotiate simple actions. Http://www.stepbackthink.org/ Stacey Pieper

Celebration Day Fundraiser At last weeks assembly we welcomed representatives from Bacchus Marsh Legacy, Alex and Ern, who are World War II Veterans, Br Doug from St Vinnies Soup Vans. We also watched a video from Br Beausang school in Kenya. The representatives accepted a donation from CRC Melton. The money donated was collected from Celebration Day last term, where we raised $7,800. This was shared equally between the organisations and will help them to take care of people less fortunate.

Tegan Lafranchi On Thursday the 26th of June at 1:30pm-3:20pm all Year 11s and 12s gathered in the Hall for a presentation called One Punch which was organised by Tegan Lafranchi. Tegan took to the stage and told the story of Michael who was a victim of a one punch incident. Inspector Stephen Mutton who is from the Victoria Police stated how 531 people have been assaulted in Melton. Ben O'Toole an Education Officer who is from Step Back Think, is working to try and help people learn about what the consequences of throwing a punch are. He also showed a video on a teenager who has severe brain damage due to a one punch situation.

Laura Grech Student Leadership Coordinator

CRC Refugee awareness Towards a Better World


“Perhaps the greatest cause of division is dwelling on one another’s differences. On the cross, Jesus outstretched arms to embrace everyone. All humans are equal in God’s sight, making it wrong to discriminate against people on the basis of race, nationality or religion. We are all created in the images and likeness of God. The challenge for us as followers of Christ is to recognise the dignity of every person and to welcome and to help all cultural and ethnic groups to feel at home in this great country of ours.” Written by The Most Reverend Joseph Grech D.D. This week at the College we are running activities as a part of Refugee Awareness Week. The Social Justice team has planned a guest speaker, a trivia quiz, wrist band selling and a short film at lunchtime. Everyone is welcome to attend the lunchtime activities and several classes across the school have been invited to hear our guest speaker. Our aim is to unravel some of the myths about refugees and to give everyone a chance to move Towards a Better World. Homeless Person’s Week August 4th – August 10th

Activities happening during this week will be: Year 9s invited to make sandwiches for the Soup Van in Maidstone, muffins available for purchase to raise funds for the Vinnie’s soup van and a winter sleep out at school on Friday night. Some senior students will be attending the City soup van the following Friday. On Tuesday 5th students will be able to wear a beanie or scarf ( gold coin donation) belonging to their favourite sporting team as a means to raise funds for Melbourne City Mission. The Intermediate VCAL class is also hoping to collect more blankets, scarves, jackets etc to be donated to the City Mission who will pass these onto their very worthy and needy clients. Any students interested in being part of our first ever winter sleep out are asked to email mrowewatt@crcmelton.com.au

Blankets, coats, scarves etc that have been collected for the winter appeal will be taken by the Year 9s to Maidstone for distribution in the Western suburbs and by senior students who visit the city soup van for distribution to our homeless in the inner city regions. WE CAN ALL MAKE A DIFFERENCE by simply participating in one of these activities.


Calendar 2014


Term 3

Term 3



24th 28th 29th 30th 31st

Year 12 Parent/Student/Teacher Evening UNSW English Competition Year 12 English Performance Year 8 AFL Day Senior Boys Soccer Round 2 Year 9 Careers Session—Melton YS P & F Meeting Senior Futsal Year 12 Drama Session Year 11 2015 Subject Selection Interviews

August 1st 4th 5th 6th

7th 8th

Wednesday 23rd N. McLeod Wednesday 30th G. Tarabone

F. Conway 1.00pm - 2.00pm A. Ashman

August Wednesday 6th

SACCSS Hockey LOTE week LOTE week Year 9 Premier League Round 3 LOTE week Year 7 LOTE Activity day Year 8 & 9 MASP Excursion Year 10 2015 Information evening LOTE week Senior Girls Soccer Round 2 LOTE week

6.30pm - 7.30pm

M. Salvatore Wednesday 13th J. Bartolo Wednesday 20th R. McDonald

6.30pm - 7.30pm S. Phelps 1.00pm - 2.00pm L. Vella 6.30pm - 7.30pm E. Moss

Canteen Homework Club Homework club will run from Wednesday 23rd July, 2014 until 10th September, 2014 from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the library

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

2014 Term 3 July Wednesday 23rd Suzanne Smith Donna Robinson Friday 25th Rosa Mirabelli Monday 28th Emma Moss Tuesday 29th Diane Cadman Wednesday 30th Karen Normoyle August Friday 1st

Debbie Winzor

Monday 4th Tuesday 5th Wednesday 6th Friday 8th

Katherine Hayward Joyce Van Ravenstein Michelle Keenan Tess Galea

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