22nd november 2016

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22nd November, 2016 Reflection Sarum Prayer God be in my head and in my understanding. God be in my eyes and in my looking. God be in my mouth and in my speaking. God be in my heart and in my thinking.

Dear Parents and Students, Year 12 Graduation Dinner Congratulations to our Year 12 staff led by Alastair Bloom who coordinated the Year 12 Graduation Dinner last Friday night at Ultima Reception Centre, Keilor. Special acknowledgement to Marion Jackson who set up the room, the balloons in the school colours looked fantastic.

Time to celebrate, time to morn I was reminded of the reading from Ecclesiastes on the weekend as we celebrated my son's wedding on Saturday, and on Monday we came together to farewell my Uncle Jack with a Requiem Mass in Bendigo. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; May we all take time with our families as we lead up to Christmas. Mark Sheehan Principal

From the Deputy Principal (Staff)

Years 10 & 11 All returning students will be involved in Jumpstart classes for 2017 from tomorrow. Individual VCE Jumpstart timetables have been given to all students. Students may use this time to review their 2017 selections but must attend at least 2 – 3 periods and have an interview with Mrs Jakobovic or Mrs Dickson before any change can occur. Jumpstart for 2017 Foundation & Intermediate students will occur from this Wednesday November 23 - Friday December 2 (Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays only). Friday December 2 all students are expected to attend the College for Year 10 & 11 Masses & Assemblies. Year 9 & 10 Electives 2017

With the commencement of Jumpstart we have found some Year 9 students did not follow process in terms of selecting a VCE subject in 2017. Those students who did not have their selection endorsed by the Head of Domain will be removed from the VCE class and will need to reselect other Year 10 electives. I remind all families that changes to 2017 Year 9 and Year 10 electives have now closed. Year 9 Finish Year 9 classes will conclude on Tuesday, December 6. Year 9 Mass is that afternoon. Year 9 City Experience takes place from Wednesday, December 7 to Friday, December 9. Year 7 & 8 Finish Year 7 and Year 8 students finish classes on Thursday, December 8 with a special last day program on Friday, December 9. College Awards Night Takes place on Thursday, December 8 at TabCorp Park. Year 7 2017 Orientation Day Year 2017 Orientation day is on Tuesday, December 6. Current Year 7 students will not be required at school. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Year 7 2017 Enrolment A reminder to families who have a child in Grade 5, Year 7 2018 Enrolment Application forms are to be returned by Wednesday, 30th November, 2016.

Intermediate VCAL ‘Skateboard Project’

In Term four as part of the Personal Development Skills Unit, Intermediate VCAL students completed their final piece of assessment. The following are some reflections from the students about the learning process of creating a Skateboard Design. ‘We started with sanding the boards back then coming up with a design for the board. We had to print and laminate the design then cut it out like a stencil. I picked a tribal bear image. I chose it because it stood out and I thought the image looked pretty cool. We had to order all the spray paint we needed. My design only needed black and lime green spray paint with the background being black with the design being lime green. We had to set up the spraying in the maintenance shed with newspaper laid down so we didn't get the paint everywhere. When we were done, we had to leave them with the teacher so she could use them for jump start.’ (Connor Monaghan – Year 11) ‘We had to make a design of something we liked and something that represented us, so I googled some awesome designs for a skateboard, and how to make it into a stencil. It wasn't long until my heart was set on something I love which was the idea of having a Subaru logo on my skateboard. My reason for this is because I have always loved Japanese cars and I currently own a Subaru, so I thought there was nothing better but to create this design. I found a picture of the Subaru logo, printed it out onto an A3 piece of paper and then got a cutting board and scalpel to start cutting out a stencil for the skateboard. Once I had everything cut out and ready, we went to the back shed, laid down heaps of newspaper and started spraying. I sprayed my board blue to start off with, let it dry and then placed my stencil on the board and spayed the logo white so it had a blue background with the white Subaru logo.’ (Daniel Smith – Year 11) ‘This project was challenging - a different mind-set of creativity by having to create a design that we enjoyed and wanted to use as after jumpstart we would be given the boards to take home. The design of most of the skateboards were sprayed using stencils but mine was done freehand which I thought added a bit of character to my board. The reason I chose my design was it is my nickname from my friends and I chose this design because I enjoy graffiti. I didn't use a stencil as I thought that free hand would be more artistic. I sanded my board before everyone else as I took it home and used an electric sander to sand my board. Painting it was fun and the cans were easy to use and there was plenty to go round. It would have been nice to have an instructor but it wasn't a big deal.’ (Jack Whitehurst – Year 12) ‘Within the skateboard project we had to pick a board and choose a design we'd like to spray paint onto it. First we sanded back the boards so it created a smooth surface for the paint. We then searched for a design and printed it out. From there we laminated them and used stencil pens and boards to cleanly cut the design. With everything completed and the spray paints ready to go we set up in the maintenance room. Each person set up their area and grabbed the paints they desired. Spraying the base coat of black and contemplating what colour the design was going to be tested out. Finally picking blue, the stencil was set up and it was sprayed. I added an additional pink rim around the board and the last coat was a clear vanish. That was the project completed. The design I picked was a dragon. It connects back to a PlayStation game I play. I simply like the look of the dragon and seemed it would be an easy and affective design for the skateboard.’ (Shelby Whelan – Year 11) The above reflections show the thought process and creativity from the students. I congratulate Ms Jo Clinton for inspiring and leading the students through this final Project. Robert Johns - Intermediate VCAL Literacy.

World Day of Prayer 2017

On March 3, 2017 we will be celebrating World Day of Prayer, prepared by the women of the Philippines. This is an event where the Christian Churches around the World gather together in local communities to pray for World needs. In our Local Community of Melton, a Christian Community takes on organising and hosting the event. In 2017 this honour has been delegated to St Anthony’s of Padua and I have been asked to be the Convenor. Everyone is welcome and it would be great to see many of you there. But at this early stage I am approaching the people in our Catholic Community who come from Philippines for assistance to make this event truly about the Philippines. Sr Therese Dagge, RSJ Peer Support Training Day Yesterday the Year 9 students participated in the Peer Support Training Day during Period 3 and 4, where students worked on their communication and leadership skills discussing topics of resilience and team work. Students wishing to apply have been given application forms which are due this Friday the 25th of November. Laura Grech Student Leadership Coordinator





Term 4

Term 4



Wednesday 23rd Uniform Packing Day 12.00pm - 2.00pm K. Vella L. Vella M. Mullan A. Vranesic

23rd 24th

December Tuesday 6th Orientation Day 9.00pm - 12.00pm J. Johnson L. Vella T. O’Rourke 12.00pm - 2.00pm K. Vella C. Grambau

Homework Club Homework Club will run in the Library every Wednesday from 12th October from 3.30pm to 4.30pm until Wednesday 30th November.

25th 28th 29th 30th

Year 11 & 12 2018 Jumpstart Year 11 & 12 2018 Jumpstart WEC Awards Evening Year 11 & 12 2018 Jumpstart Year 11 & 12 2018 Jumpstart Year 11 & 12 2018 Jumpstart Year 11 & 12 2018 Jumpstart

December 1st 2nd 6th 7th 8th 9th

Year 11 & 12 2018 Jumpstart Year 11 & 12 2018 Jumpstart Year 7 2017 Orientation day Year 9 Farewell Mass Year 9 City Experience Year 9 City Experience Year 7 - 11 Awards Evening Year 9 City Experience Year 7 - 9 End of Year

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