23rd august 2016

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23rd August, 2016 Reflection Lord, in the world that you love so much Lord, in the world that you love so much we are surrounded with advertising on the streets, in magazines, on TV and on the Internet – all trying to convince us of ways of enjoying ourselves and becoming likeable and popular. Keep our vision clear and show us how to distinguish between what is shallow and what is of lasting value. Inspire us to choose ways of deeper happiness that lead to fullness of life. We ask this of you who said so clearly: ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life’. Amen

Dear Parents & Students, ‘Out of Africa’ What a terrific night we experienced last Thursday night as our staff, students and parents came together for ‘Out of Africa’. I was proud to see many wonderful performances from students in the dancing and their costumes were magnificent. Our dancers included:    

Lou Apieu, Grace Nuer and Naima Koko from Year 9 Nylcour Malual, Monica Dor and Abui Dau from Year 8 Achol Manon, and Gisma Lieba from Year 10 Sofia Mbuto, Adela Marinjira and Agnes Alumbulwa - Year 8 girls doing the Congo routine

Senior students also spoke about aspects of African culture:  

Taban Dau and Sarah Manyok Thiak spoke about family roles within their culture Adhieu Moses and Awein Kir Deng spoke about the ritual of Weddings in the Sudanese community

I would also like to acknowledge the presence of former College Captain Annika Miesen (2012). Annika spoke with great passion about her 3 visits to Br Beausang school in Kenya.

The funds raised from this event go directly to Br. Beausang school with whom CRC has had a long and supportive association. Special thanks to Marg Rowe Watts, Belinda Brown, Robyn Sullivan and Claire Hume. Mark Sheehan Principal

Parents & Friends There will be a Parent & Friends meeting on Wednesday 31st August at 7.30pm.

From the Deputy Principal (Staff)

Child Safe Policy As stated last week, an information Sheet “Safety at Your Child’s school” is available on the College Website along with our Child Safe Policy and Staff Code of Conduct. We encourage all parents to read the information sheet (produced by the Victorian Registrations and Qualifications Authority) and College Policy. Should you have any questions about the information sheet, College Policy or Code of Conduct please contact the College. 2017 Subject Selections Year 10 2017 subject selections close tomorrow (Wednesday). Year 10 Dance and Drama is now being offered for selection. All forms must be finalised and submitted to their Homeroom Tutor by Thursday, August 25. Year 8 students and families please note that our 2017 Gadal Information evening is tonight starting at 7pm in the Hall. 2017 VCE Blocks are nearing completion. Unfortunately, due to low student numbers, the following VCE Subjects will not be offered in 2017: Australian & Global Politics Units 1&2; Dance Units 1&2; Geography Units 1&2; Product Design – Textiles Units 1&2; Computing Informatics Units 3&4; and Product Design – Wood Units 3&4. Unit 3& 4 students will be individually spoken to and Unit 1&2 students will have subjects allocated from their reserves. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) From the Deputy Principal (Students) We welcome back Year 10 Level Coordinator Lydia Fus from Long Service leave and would like to thank Kath Jones for stepping into her role whilst she was away and Elise Nowak taking on the role of assistant Level Coordinator. Both Kath and Elise did an outstanding job in supporting the Year 10 students especially in the busy and important time of subject selections. Group/Team Photos Team photos were taken last week, they will be available for purchase later in the term. More details will be available when the photos are released. Robert Blackley Deputy Principal (Students) School Improvement Surveys 2016 - Have your say We are seeking your participation in school improvement surveys to help shape the ongoing improvement of our school for the students in our care. To date only 3 parents have responded, we are in need of at least another 40 to 50 parents. If you are willing to complete the survey please email: kmatthews@crcmelton.com.au The survey will be available from Monday 29th August, 2016. Our School Improvement Report is an invaluable resource in our ongoing pursuit of improvement. This helps us to identify what is going well and not so well and the ways in which we can improve and further develop our school. We would therefore greatly appreciate your continued support by completing the survey this year.

Showcase 2016

The theme for Showcase 2016 is “Crème de la creme”. Music Performances include the always impressive Ensemble, the Year 12 VET Music class: a Psychedelic Rock band, Jazz Trio: the “Sax Pistols”, Contemporary Duo: Brandon & Sophia, Classic Rock Duo: Tahlia & Joel, Acoustic Duo: Tylah & Alison, Music Theatre Solo: Julie, Modern Solo: Brittney, Contemporary Solos: Jack & Jacinta. Dance Performances include the newly formed Junior Dance Group and Elite Dance Groups. Tickets for Thursday 6th October and Friday 7th October are $15 for adults & $10 for children. Show commences at 7pm sharp. Please note that tickets also include finger food provided by the Year 10 Hospitality class. Tickets are on sale now. They will only be available via the TryBooking website. There will be no tickets available at the door.

Tickets are available through the TryBooking website. Make sure you book group tickets early to ensure you are all seated together. For bookings go to: https://www.trybooking.com/MSQS and https://www.trybooking.com/223514

Sports News

The attitude and dedication the whole team had towards each other and the game, was incredible; we were able to stay positive and enjoy our day regardless of the results. It really was a time where everyone came together from other schools and socialized. All this is thanks to SACCSS for putting together such a good day. On behalf of the whole team, I would like to thank Mrs Russo and Mr de Wit for their attempts to try and make us hockey champions and putting up with us all. With only a couple of minor injuries, all the girls pulled through and managed to finish the day with a draw and in good spirit. Even though we only scored one goal all day, the energy everyone had, made the day worthwhile and helped us make our last Year 12 sporting event one to remember. Emily Thatcher - Year 12

Languages news We had a wonderful farewell celebration last week for our Italian visitors. They have arrived safely back home and are reliving their amazing Aussie adventures. Another celebration is taking place on Friday 2nd September for our Year 7 students. Along with the English and Arts Departments, students will partake in an array of activities from hearing an English animator, to participating in an Italian music and drama show. Our day will end with an Arts activity. A multicultural lunch: sushi or pizza may be ordered from the canteen by Monday 29/8/2016. A Gelati van will also visit us at lunchtime . Gelati can be purchased for $4. Hooray for festivities! Ciao! Claudia Russo on behalf of the Languages Team Year 7 Humanities Ancient China Exhibition On Thursday September 8, all Year 7 students will participate in an expo to celebrate their work in Humanities. The unit of work to be exhibited is their Ancient China unit. Students have been working and continue to work towards completing this unit in readiness for the expo. All parents and carers are invited to attend, as are all Year levels of the school community. The expo will run from 2.45 pm until 4.45 pm. Some of the students will also be performing some beautiful Chinese dance routines throughout the expo. The students have been preparing their performance for a number of months. It would be wonderful to see as many parents and carers attend the expo as possible in celebration of the students work. Students are encouraged to stay until the end of the expo (4.45pm). If parents of Year 7 students have not responded to CareMonkey yet or even if you have, we encourage all students to stay until the conclusion of the expo. If you were unaware of this, it is possible to edit your response by re-entering the request sent via CareMonkey and you can alter your response. We look forward to seeing you at the expo. Daniela Harrington on behalf of the Year 7 students and teachers Humanities Domain Leader

Out of Africa

Year 12 Legal Studies excursion to Supreme and County Court Melbourne

Last week our Year 12 Legal Studies students visited the Supreme and County Courts of Melbourne. Students got to meet with a Supreme Court Justice and a County Court Judge and had the opportunity to ask questions about their experiences of the legal profession. Students also participated in a role play and sat in a criminal case in both the Supreme and County Courts. Students had the opportunity to witness the Justice giving direction to the jury, examination and cross-examination of the witness and the presentation of legal argument from both the Prosecution and the Defence. The excursion was a great experience for the students and gave them a true insight into the workings of Victoria's most senior courts. The students were praised for their impeccable behaviour and willingness to participate in the courts educational programs. Daniela Harrington and Lauren Hill Legal Studies Teachers


Calendar 2016


Term 3

Term 3




25th 26th 29th 30th 31st

Literacy week Year 11 Legal Studies Excursion Senior Football Grand final Year 9 MASP Excursion Literacy week Vincit Excursion CRC Melton Cross Country Literacy week Vincit Excursion VCAL Foundation Excursion Athletics Division 2 Vincit Excursion Year 7 2017 Academic testing - 4.15pm Year 9 & 10 Drama Excursion Year 7 2017 Academic testing - 4.15pm P & F meeting - 7.30pm

Summer Fitting/Year 7 2017 Uniform Fitting Wednesday 24th 12.00pm - 2.00pm J. Johnson M. Mullan M. Muse 5.00pm - 8.00pm F. Conway T. Hehir E. Flannigan L. Holt Thursday 25th L. Vella

12.00pm - 2.00pm K. Vella C. Grambau 5.00pm - 8.00pm G. Mercieca L. Bugeja

A. Salmon

Wednesday 31st 1.00pm - 2.00pm D. Vasjuta September

September 1st 2nd 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 12th 13th 14th 15th


VET Sport & Rec First Aid training day Year 7 LOTE Day Year 9 MASP Excursion SACCSS Tennis Apprenticeship Taster Day Vincit Excursion Year 9 Premier League Semi Final Year 7 MASP Excursion Year 7 China Expo VET Music Night (Year 11) Vincit Excursion VET Music Night (Year 12) Vincit Work Experience Vincit Work Experience Vincit Excursion Year 9 Premier League Vincit Work Experience CRC Melton Sports Awards Night Year 10 History Excursion Vincit Work Experience VET Allied Health Excursion Year 8 Premier League Round 1 Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews Vincit Work Experience Term 3 ends Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews

Wednesday 7th S De Courcy

6.30pm - 7.30pm G. Thiele

Wednesday 14th 1.00pm - 2.00pm A. Vranesic

Homework Club Homework Club will run every Wednesday from 20th July from 3.30pm to 4.30pm until Wednesday 7th September in the Library .

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Geoffrey Mcilroy Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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