23rd may 2017

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23rd May, 2017 Reflection Love is the Measure What we would like to do is change the world–make it a little simpler for people to feed, clothe and shelter themselves as God intended them to do. And to a certain extent, by fighting for better conditions, by crying out unceasingly for the rights of the workers, of the poor, of the destitute–the rights of the worthy and the unworthy poor in other words, we can to a certain extent change the world; we can work for the oasis, the little cell of joy and peace in a harried world. We can throw our pebble in the pond and be confident that its ever widening circle will reach around the world. We repeat, there is nothing that we can do but love, and dear God–please enlarge our hearts to love each other, to love our neighbor, to love our enemy as well as our friend. (Dorothy Day 1946)

Dear Parents and Students, Funding for Catholic Schools 2018-2027 Parents would be reading a lot in the various media over the past few weeks about future funding of Catholic schools. There are many narratives running on this issue which is very complex. Please find below information from Catholic Education Melbourne about this funding issue which is being debated in Federal Parliament today. There is understandable anxiety with funding of Catholic Primary and Secondary schools, in Years 3-10 of the so called ‘Gonski 2.0’ package. You can expect further information on this issue as it evolves, but parents of CRC Melton should not expect any major increases in school fees in 2018. Beyond next year, I am not sure at this stage how the funding of Catholic education will go - I will keep you posted. Mark Sheehan Principal

School funding needs to keep pace with school costs Nearly one in four Victorian students attends a Catholic school. Catholic school families are pretty similar to government school families and are open to anyone seeking Catholic education. Catholic schools tend to keep school fees as low as possible, so that more families can make that choice for their children. Over the next three years, the Australian Government has committed to growing funding for Catholic schools in Victoria by only 3.5%. While this might seem high in the current climate, to put it into context, teacher salaries in Victoria are expected to increase by 3.25% over the same timeframe. This short-term gain comes with long-term pain. From 2021, the Turnbull Government is now proposing to introduce a minimum annual indexation rate of 3%. The government originally intended on introducing a variable measure that would have resulted in significantly lower annual increases to Catholic school funding. While the government’s newer proposal is a positive step, annual funding growth may not keep pace with school costs, particularly if teacher salaries continue to rise at the current rate. Any decision to reduce Catholic school funding – by not having school funding keep pace with actual school costs – will mean that parent fees will have to go up. The alternative is to cut educational programs in schools, which will undermine the good work that many Catholic schools like this one do every day. Neither option is acceptable, nor will our school community take this cruel hoax from the Education Minister, Simon Birmingham.

From the Deputy Principal (Students)

School Photos June 1 Full school photos are scheduled for June 1. Ordering of photos will be online. Details as to how to order photos have been distributed to each student. The photographer Arthur Reed Photos will also provide the opportunity for family photos. Students will be required to wear full winter uniform for the photos, if a student has PE or related activity they will need to bring their PE uniform to school and change from their school uniform.

Parents & Friends There will be a Parent & Friends meeting on Wednesday 31st May at 7.30pm

From the Deputy Principal (Staff)

Opportunities This term truly illustrates the opportunities that CRC Melton students have access to. Last Tuesday we had the College’s annual Celebration Day where all students returned to their local parishes for a morning Mass, followed by an afternoon of activities (Rides, Footy Challenge, Bubble Soccer, Inflatables Castles, Banner Making, Community Groups Information, BBQ, and Performance / Dance). This is our major fundraising day to support our College Charities and our student / family support was again outstanding. We then had Year 7 Premier League, Units 1&3 OED Camps, and a Year 10 Geography Camp. At the end of last week we also had Motivational Media Presentations, Year 8 & 9 Gifted Student and Year 12 VCD Excursion. Today we had Year 11 & 12 Careers Expo & Tertiary Information Service Sessions. We follow this with Reconciliation Week Performances, Year 9 Outdoor Education Camps, a Year 10 University Experience day and Senior AFL & Netball games against other SACCSS schools. Finally on Friday, we have a Year 11 Biology Excursion and a Year 9 Western Cluster Trade Tasting day. These student opportunities, we believe, help to develop the holistic character of our students and alongside their academic program equip them to play key roles in society. Semester 2 Subject / Electives Changes Year 11 students will be able to investigate any Unit 2 subject changes from next week. Requests for Semester 2 subject changes must first go to Mrs Jakobovic or Mrs Dickson. Once a pathway plan has been approved students can complete a Change of Subject Form. Students must first talk to their subject teacher before requesting a time to meet with Mrs Jakobovic or Mrs Dickson. All changes must be applied for and processed by June 20. All Year 10 and Year 9 students will receive copies of their Semester Two Electives (as chosen last year) this week. After reviewing with parents, request for changes to Semester 2 electives must be emailed to me - Mr Christie at (jchristie@crcmelton.com.au) between June 5 and June 16. In the email students need to nominate the electives they wish to change from and change to, along with a reason. I will then email students times to follow up on requests. Note that all changes are subject to blocking clashes, class sizes and selection requirements. Mid Year Exams and Timed Assessment Tasks Below is the College’s formal assessment schedule that will operate across Years 7 – 11. Years 7 & 8 Apart from timed assessment tasks that will operate in normal class times, all Year 7 & 8 students will do a Timed Assessment Task in specific Mathematics’ Blocks and English at the same time. These assessment tasks will take place in their Homerooms and take the place of the normally timetabled class. These are listed below.

Tuesday June 6

Wednesday June 7

Monday June 5

Tuesday June 6

Tuesday June 6

Monday June 5

Year 8 ENGLISH Period 3

Year 7 ENGLISH Period 1

Year 7 MATHS HR A – C Period 3

Year 7 MATHS HR D - R Period 3

Year 8 MATHS HR A – C Period 1

Year 8 MATHS HR D - R Per 2

Year 9

Year 9 students will undertake assessment tasks beginning Thursday, June 15. Elective assessments (TATs) will take place in normally scheduled class times. Exams in Mathematics, English, Science and Humanities will take place in the GADAL Centre on the following dates. Date

Period 1

Period 2

Period 3

Period 4

D9 Thursday 15th June

Normal classes (Enquiry)

Normal Classes

English exam

Normal Classes (Electives 1)

Normal classes (electives 2)

Normal classes (Enquiry)

Normal classes

Science exam

Normal classes

Normal classes (electives 2)

Normal classes

Mathematics exam

Humanities exam

Normal Classes (Electives 1)

Normal classes

Normal classes

D10 Friday 16th June

D1 Monday 19th June

D2 Tuesday 20th June

Year 11 and Year 10 June Exams Year 11 students will undertake VCE Unit 1 exams from Thursday, June 15 to Friday, June 23. Year 10 students will also have exams between Thursday, June 15 to Friday, June 23.      

All Year 10 & 11 exams will take place in our Padua Exam centre. Students are only required at school when they have exams. Supervised Study rooms will operate for students who need or wish to be at school during non-exam periods. Students will be expected to wear full College Uniform when present for exams. Students need to be at the College at least 15 minutes before the published starting times to ensure smooth entry into exam venues. Friday, June 23 is allocated as a catch up day for any students who need to complete a missed exam or not completed Subject Outcome.

All Year 10 & 11 students will be given a copy of the exam schedule.

Year 10 & 11 Exam Timetable June 2017

Time 8.50 – 10.15

Thursday June 15

Friday June 16

Monday June 19

Tuesday June 20

Wednesday June 21

Thursday June 22

11 Maths Foundation 11 General Maths 11 Methods

10 RE

10 Core Maths 10 Core Plus Maths 10 PreFoundation

10 Chemistry in Environment 10 Science 11 Spec Maths 11 Psychology

10 Media 11 Biology 11 Wood

11 Legal Studies 10 Hospitality 11 Physics 10 Wood

11 English Finish 1pm

11 History

11 Literature Finish 1pm 11 VET Sport & Rec 10 Cells to Creatures

11 Language Finish 1pm 11 Food Technology 10 Engineering 10 Advanced PE

10 Business & Commerce 10 Outdoor Education 11 Media 11 Chemistry

10 Geography 10 Political Law 11 Physical Education

11 VCD 11 Accounting 10 Art 10 Italian

Normal Year 10 classes Per 1. 10.50 – 12.15

10 English Finish 1pm

1.55 – 3.20

10 Food 10 Game Design 11 Studio Arts

11 Computing 11 Italian 10 History

10 Psyched 11 Business Management 11 Drama

11 HHD 10 Drama 10 VCD

Friday, June 23 Year 10 & 11 Assess ment Catch Up Day

Years 12 & 11 - VCAA General Achievement Task (GAT) All Year 12 VCE Students and any Year 11 students undertaking a Unit 3/4 study must sit the GAT on Wednesday, June 14 as below:

10.00am – 1.15pm



Year 10 Vincit and Year 11 & 12 VCAL students will follow their normal programs during the exam period. Queen’s Birthday Monday, June 12 is the Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday. VCE Semester 2 Unit 4 Studies begin on Monday, June 19 & Unit 2 Studies begin on Monday, June 26. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

Year 7 Humanities Ancient China Expo

On Thursday May 11 the Year 7 Humanities students were involved in an exhibition celebrating their work in the Humanities classroom. The unit of work related to History and in particular their Ancient China unit. Students were very proud to show off their work to families, carers, other students and teachers who had been invited to attend. There were some excellent pieces of work on display and the students should be really proud of their work. It was fantastic to have so many family members attend and we all enjoyed watching how proud the students and parents/ carers were. Daniela Harrington Humanities Domain Leader

Legal Studies Incursion As part of the Unit 1 Legal Studies class students were privy to a presentation by Victoria Police. Students had the opportunity to hear stories of current real life experiences of being a member of the police force in Victoria, in 2017. Students viewed evidence from a case that has concluded here in Victoria and had the opportunity to question police process, court process and the Victorian justice system. It was an “eye opening� experience for the students. The presentation helped students understand the rights and responsibilities of the police and individuals when dealing with the police force and justice system. Daniela Harrington Legal Studies Teacher Humanities Domain Leader

Jewish Holocaust Museum- Year 8 IS MASP students On Thursday the 11th of May the Year 8 IS MASP group had the privilege of visiting the Jewish Holocaust Centre, located in Elsternwick. We were first greeted by a tour guide who gave us an insight of what it was like during the Holocaust, as well as an introduction to the topic. We then had a tour around the museum where we were able to gain a deeper understanding about how the Holocaust impacted the Jewish people, as well as the Germans. One exhibit that had a huge impact on us emotionally was the model of a concentration camp. It was made by a survivor, fully based on memory and their perspective of what was experienced. At the conclusion of our tour we had the honour of meeting a survivor named Tuvia. Tuvia is now 92 and has dedicated the last 25 years of his life to sharing his survival story with students. Although he is only one of three survivors in his family, he remains eternally optimistic and his message to us was to always hope for a better tomorrow. Overall, this day made us realise how lucky we are and how important it is to continue to embrace acceptance and tolerance in today's society. Written by Ayja Grigg, Amy Agius and Ayla Williams of Year 8 All students reflected on the experience and felt truly honoured to hear Tuvia's story. They represented the College with pride and conducted themselves in a respectful and mature manner. Simone Bennett and Loretta Kalms IS MASP teachers

Celebration Day 2017

Last week’s Celebration Day was a fantastic gathering for the College as we collectively celebrated our community, our identity and our faith. The Student Leaders, with my support, were able to create a memorable day with many activities designed to cater for every student. A highlight of the day was the Mario Kart Tournament brilliantly led by Academic Leader Thomas Spiteri; in addition to The Longest Kick Competition organised and supported by Matthew Spiteri, William Di Mieri, Boden Mugridge and Fernando Rios-Rodriguez. There was also a photobooth to remember the day by, organised by Chloe Galakos, Shiann Grech and Amy Ross. Other notable activities were the two mechanical rides, inflatables, bubble soccer, movies, a reading nook, make-up tutorials, yoga, DJs, Gala Performances, community stalls and of course the annual CRC’s Got Talent with the winner soon to be announced. The event was successful due to it being a team effort, in addition to support and organisation from Mr Dan Askew and Mrs Elizabeth Falzon (Gala Performances), Ms Marg Rowe-Watts (Community Stalls), Ms Nerida Thurn (Year 10 Hospitality Teacher), Jordyn Syme and the heroic Maintenance Staff. Donations are to be finalized, however we are very close to raising $10,000 for our three, student-leader-chosen, charities: Br Beausang; Hope Street Youth and Family Services and I Am More. If you have any feedback from the day, please email enowak@crcmelton.com.au Elise Nowak Student Leadership Coordinator

Languages News

The World Championships in Languages has commenced on Language Perfect and will end at midnight on Thursday 25th May. We praise those students who have spent hours on this Languages competition and we encourage many more students to log on. So far we have 15 students who have obtained certificates. We would also like to thank the eight families - Christie family, Williams family, Paproth family, Chin family, Hansen family, Stone family, Attard family and Antony family who have offered their homes to host our Italian visitors from Cividale Nazionale Paolo Diacono who will be with us at the beginning of Term 3 for four weeks. Grazie Mille. Claudia Russo - Head of Languages VicSRC Congress 2017 Scholarship

I am delighted to announce that Bianca Ottone, Year 11 Deputy Environment Captain, has been selected as one of 20 students to receive a Metro Scholarship to attend VicSRC’s 2017 Congress event. This includes accommodation, meals and many other ‘goodies’. Congress is run by students, for students and attended by the Minister for Education. The event brings students together from all across the state to debate, decide and act on the issues that really matter to their education. Through interactive workshops and solution-focussed debate, student delegates determine the VicSRC policy agenda for the coming year, and appoint the Student Executive that will implement it. This is a commendable achievement and the College looks forward in supporting Bianca in her leadership endeavours. Elise Nowak Student Leadership Coordinator

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Invest in your most precious asset......Your Marriage! Forget life’s tensions and interruptions and rekindle the closeness, intimacy, love and romance that brought you together. Recharge your relationship batteries and explore the precious nature of your marriage, allowing you both to share your feelings, hopes and dreams with each other in ways that normal, daily living tends to inhibit. There is no group sharing. Couples and a priest present the weekend. It is based around Catholic values but couples of all faiths are welcome. 2017 Melbourne weekend dates : 28-30 July, 17-19 November, 2017 Starts 7pm on Friday. Ends 5pm Sunday. Accommodation and all meals provided. Information/Bookings: PH: Marianne & Marcel (03) 9733 0997 Email: vicbookings@wwme.org.au Website: www.wwme.org.au


Homework Club

2017 Homework Club runs every Wednesday from 3.30pm 4.30pm in the Library until last week of term.

Term 2 May 24th 25th

26th 29th 31st

Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp Year 7 Premier League Round 5 Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp Senior AFL & Netball Year 10 University Expo Reconciliation Week Performance Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp Year 11 Biology Excursion Foundation VCAL Excusion Girls AFL Year 7 Premier League Round 6 P & F Meeting - 7.30pm

June 1st 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 12th 14th 15th 16th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 26th 27th


29th 30th

School Photos Senior Netball TATs week TATs week Senior AFL TATs week Year 9 SSG Excursion Year 7 Premier League Round 7 TATs week TATs week Queen’s Birthday Holiday Women in Science Excursion Year 7 Premier League Semis VCAA GAT Year 9-11 Exams Year 12 Retreat Year 9-11 Exams Year 12 Retreat Year 9-11 Exams Year 9-11 Exams Year 9-11 Exams Year 7 Premier League Grand Final Year 9-11 Exams Year 9-11 Exams Year 10 Work Experience Year 10 Work Experience Senior AFL/Netball Grand Final Year 9 City Experience Senior Girls Soccer Round 1 Year 10 Work Experience Year 9 City Experience Year 8 Languages day Pathways Program 10 Junior Futsal P & F Meeting 7.30pm Year 10 Work Experience Year 9 City Experience Senior Boys Soccer Round 1 Year 10 Work Experience Year 9 City Experience Term 2 concludes

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Geoffrey McIlroy Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am Sunday: 5.00pm

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

Academy Uniforms

CRC Melton operating hours: Monday 8.00am –10am Thursday 11.30am—2pm Online orders: www.academyuniforms.com.au Online Password : Melton

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