24th July 2012 - Newsletter

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24th July 2012 Reflection People of Grace There are grace-filled people in our world in whom we see the face of Christ. We see in Moira Kelly the Christ for whom all people are equal; all people are lovable and deserving of human dignity. Moira has created a future for many children from developing countries who have needed medical support and who can now return to their families and begin a new life. Like so many people who carry life’s burdens of suffering or illness, we see in Jim Stynes the face of Christ as we reflect on the way he took up his cross of suffering and bore it bravely, thinking more of others than himself. Jim worked closely with young people through his Reach Foundation and helped them to believe in their own goodness and find a future for themselves. Margaret Oates had the great gift of seeing Christ in her fellow human beings. She was known as the ‘Angel of Collingwood’, as she used to walk about the district bringing food and help to poverty-stricken families. Margaret never just dropped things off but always took the time to talk and connect with people, sharing a cup of tea and listening to their stories. We have known your grace in our own lives, O God the source of all grace. May we reflect the face of Christ in our work and through our lives that your reign of justice and love will come to birth in our world. Amen.

This week brings much excitement and anticipation with the upcoming evening performances of Charlotte’s Web at the Crate Theatre in Sydenham from Thursday to Saturday. Saturday is already booked out, but I urge families to attend either the Thursday or Friday if possible – you will not be disappointed! We also greatly look forward to officially welcoming our new CRC parents / guardians this Wednesday at 7.00pm in the library. Year 9 and Year 10 Subject Changes Year 9 and Year 10 elective changes close this Friday, July 27. After this time it would not be possible for students to achieve positive outcomes in any new studies. Asthma The Asthma Foundation has just released new guidelines for the use of Puffers and Spacers. Details of these changes and the implications for both the College and families will be outlined next week. John Christie Deputy Principal - Staff

Chill Skills

Year 12 Information

Chill Skills is an 8 week program for supporting students to build skills in managing anxiety. With the rapid growth of the College and progression to VCE, it has become evident that an increasing number of our students are struggling with home/school/work/ relationship pressures which can lead to anxiety, depression and disconnection. According to data from ‘Headspace’, anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problems experienced by young people aged 12-25 years. In an effort to address this issue the College is working with 2 counsellors from ‘Headspace’ on a program known as Chill Skills which will be targeting Year 11 students, but may also include students from Year 10 and Year 12. The program involves three presentations by Headspace staff to: 1. Year 11 students 2. Staff 3. Parent Information Evening From these sessions approximately 15 students will be selected (or self-select) to take part in the 8 week program with a ‘Headspace’ counsellor. The aim of the program is to reduce symptoms of anxiety by increasing resilience, coping abilities and help seeking skills. As with any mental health issue, getting help is one of the most important ways to minimise the impact of the problem in a young person’s life over the long term.

Throughout Term 3 students will be involved in an intensive program, which prepares them for University and TAFE entrance, as well as preparation for the workforce. Below is a Year 12 Transition timeline.

Common symptoms of anxiety are: -persistent worrying and excessive fears -avoiding challenging situations -being unable to relax -excessive shyness

Thursday 6th September Thursday 13th September

Follow on effects can include: -poor concentration -poor self esteem -sleep problems -social isolation -eating problems -avoidant behaviour If your child is in Years 10-12 and you feel that this program may be of benefit please send me an email. nthurn@crcmelton.catholic.edu.au Nerida Thurn Student Wellbeing Counsellor For additional information there are fact sheets available on the Headspace website www.headspace.org.au PARENT INFORMATION SESSION – ANXIETY ( Chill Skills Program- presented by ‘Headspace’ counsellors, Alison McRoberts & Scott Ward) Thursday 2nd August School Library – 7pm All parents are welcome. RSVP – by August 1st Please email- nthurn@crcmelton.catholic.edu.au

Date Thursday 26th July Tuesday 31st July Thursday 2nd August Thursday 9th August Wednesday 15th August

Thursday 23rd August

Activity Period 3 – Distribution of VTAC books and introduction to the transition timeline 7pm – 8pm: Parent information night “Where to from Here” Period 3 – VTAC presentation and student online registration Period 3 – VTAC Application workshops 7pm – 8.30pm – Parent information night, “VTAC and the Application Process” presented by VTAC representatives Extended homeroom – Mock VTAC applications 4pm – 7pm – voluntary parent/student/teacher consultations relating to applications Period 3 and 4 - VTAC online Applications VTAC APPLICATIONS DUE

*Please note that there will be other dates and deadlines in this process where students will be required to provide additional information for special entrance programs. Students should have also, by this stage, had discussions with Mrs Jakobovic in relation to pathways advise or career planning. Thursday Afternoon Activities Thursday 26th July (Finish 3.20pm) Period 3 – VTAC booklet distribution and presentation Period 4 – Motivational Media Presentation Thursday 2nd August (Finish 1.15pm) Period 3: VTAC presentation and online registration Chantelle Gauci Year 12 Coordinator

Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) - Second Instalment Parents/guardians who lodged an EMA application at the beginning of the year are not required to lodge another EMA application to receive the second instalment of EMA. If you have a child under 16, and hold a valid Health Care Card, Pension Card, or are a foster parent, you may be eligible to receive the EMA. In 2012 the total annual amount for secondary students is $470. Payment for the second instalment is $141.00. Parent/guardians whose children have transferred to this school will need to submit a new EMA application form and return to the College with a copy of their Health Care Card. Application forms are available from the office. Applications close on 3rd August 2012. Late applications cannot be processed. If you have any queries please contact the School Office. Coles Sports for Schools Our school is collecting Coles Sports for Schools vouchers. Your support is much appreciated. Sacrament of Confirmation at St Dominic’s

Intermediate Hockey Congratulations to our intermediate mixed hockey team who remain undefeated against St Monica’s College. The team played on Thursday, 19th of July and showed a high level of skill and teamwork, totally outplaying the opposition to gain a result of 2 – 0. Player of the match was Zac Miesen. Dan Kelly Head of Health and Physical Education

The Bishop will be celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation on the 1st September, 2012 in the Parish of Melton. Any student wishing to receive this Sacrament, please contact the Parish Office on 9743 6515 as soon as possible. Dante Alighieri Poetry Italian Competition Congratulations to Renata Blanco - Year 11 Anthony, Matthew Previti - 9 Catherine and Stephanie Zacharias 9 Anthony who received a High Distinction at the Dante Alighieri Poetry Italian Competition at Melbourne University. Students will be presented with their certificates at a School Assembly. Other students who were awarded certificates of Merit were: Carmen Gianino - 9 Bernard, Flora Daw - 9 Dominic, Emmalea D’Antonio - 9 Dominic and Elroy Mascarenhas 9 O’Reilly. Well done everyone! A fantastic effort. Claudia Russo LOTE Teacher Re-enrolment The re-enrolment process is presently underway. The Parish Priests and Finance Committee are currently drawing up lists of families who are behind in their Thanksgiving envelopes and fees. To avoid an interview please make an effort to have your fees and Thanksgiving envelopes up to date.

Northern Territory Experience 2012 Thirty six students from Years 11 and 12, four teachers, two bus drivers, a cook, a camel named Bruce, a really big rock and one bus: Northern Territory 2012. Australia is a really, really big place. Understandably, anyone who is going to travel to the Red Centre is going to have to cover a lot of territory. Most of the first two days were spent on the bus. The first night in Adelaide was on the shores of West Beach. A great place to stretch the legs and even track down a big screen to watch the Bombers. The second night was in Coober Pedy. Accommodation was underground in a cave. It gets pretty hot in Coober Pedy in summer and below freezing in winter. But inside the dug out homes, the temperature remains twenty three degrees. On the third day we finally reached the Northern Territory border. Here we pushed (literally) the bus over the line as a sign of good luck and travelled on to Ayres Rock Camp Grounds.

After three days in the bus it was time to set up camp for a couple of days. Traditionally, people have something to eat and drink while watching Uluru change colour at sunset, CRC Melton's expedition was to be no exception. The next day we drove back to Uluru. At the Cultural Centre we listened to the Dreamtime stories from an Aboriginal elder. Four hundred thousand people visit every year. Most get a short talk about Uluru from a ranger. Many hear a story from a local Aboriginal. Maybe one hundred people each year hear a full set of Dreamtime stories. We're part of that hundred. Following this, we walked around Uluru. The features are striking and from close up it looks very different to the photos most people have seen. After Uluru, we headed to Kata Juta and hiked through the Canyon of the Winds. The landscape is so diverse and colourful. The walks take hours and by the time we were back at camp it was time for a well-earned rest.

The next day we decamped for Kings Creek Station. We ventured out to Kings Canyon to attempt the Rim Walk. It starts with a section referred to as "Heart Attack Hill". Steps lead up the face of the canyon, it's about a hundred metres of vertical climb, thus the name. Some of the students decided on the far less strenuous Waterhole Walk. Regardless of choice, the views to be taken in were nothing short of spectacular, for many people, the absolute highlight of the trip. It's hard to describe how good it is to be in such a huge, ancient land, with the valley and canyon spread out before you.

Broke camp the next day and headed to Alice Springs. After the best part of ten hours hiking, over the previous two days, it was decided that we needed a bit of a break. The students descended on Alice for a quick round of shopping and junk food. Ormiston Gorge was our last walk. Here we relaxed by the creek bed, soaking up some sun and climbing the rocks. As is the way of these things time slipped by quickly. At night we visited Rex's Reptiles. Rex has a crocodile named Terry and a large collection of other reptiles. Most of the world’s most dangerous snakes are featured along with lizards and a friendly Olive Python by the name of Zeus. Zeus slithered along everyone's shoulders and we held the (non venomous) creatures for a photo op. The next day we packed up for the last time. Into Alice once more to see what the Royal Flying Doctors is all about. The RFDs provide medical treatment for about 80% of Australia. Every one of their planes is worth over six million dollars.

2012 Parent Seminar Series A program for parents, carers and guardians of students in Catholic primary and secondary schools. Topic: Healthy Sibling Relationships Presenter: Michael Grose Ages: Primary and Secondary

Then home. Well, not quite. It's two and a half thousand kilometres from Alice Springs to Melton: About thirty hours on a bus plus a couple of toilet and food stops. Big thank you to the teachers who gave up their holidays. Edwina LaRose, Gemma Feben and Nathan Guthridge gave their time and enthusiasm to make the trip happen. Last thank you goes to the students who came along and made it such a great trip. Their enthusiasm and effort is greatly appreciated and really makes the time worthwhile. Paul Iannazzo

Raising kids should be a joy, but it’s a hard slog when kids fight and argue every minute of the day. There’s no doubt that sibling rivalry destroys peace and harmony in family life. The GOOD NEWS is that family life doesn’t have to be so hard. In this practical seminar you’ll hear simple, easy-to-use techniques and principles that will help change feuding families into a super-strong team and make your life as a parent easier and happier. In this seminar you’ll discover:  How children’s birth order affects their personalities and how best to parent kids in each position  Secrets to reducing competitiveness in kids  Ways to respond positively when kids fight and argue so that conflict reduces and becomes more manageable  Key relationship skills kids can learn in their family that will stay for life  Positive strategies that build strong families  How kids need to learn to live with each other, even though they may not like each other. Thursday, August 9th, 7pm—9pm, St Augustine’s, Keilor (Ref. Mel. Map 14 E4) Registration/Further Information: Contact your school or the Catholic Education Office Melbourne, Parent Seminar Series Coordinator: Mrs Shirley O’Sullivan on 9464 5225 or shirley@stclaresthomastown.catholic.edu.au. Seminars Cost $10 per person to be paid in advance and is non-refundable.


Calendar 2012


Term 3

Term 3



25th 26th 27th 28th

Year 8 Maths Game Day ‘Charlotte’s Web’ Production 7.30pm ‘Charlotte’s Web’ Production 7.30pm ‘Charlotte’s Web’ Production 7.30pm

Wednesday 25th 1.00pm - 2.00pm K. Arandt

J. Barbara

M. Tadros

August August 1st U4 Outdoor Education Camp 1 2nd U4 Outdoor Education Camp 1 SACCSS Hockey Year 12 VTAC Presentation and Registration 3rd U4 Outdoor Education Camp 1 Indigenous SSG Excursion 8th Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp 1 9th Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp 1 SACCSS Senior Soccer Year 12 VTAC Workshops 10th Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp 1

Wednesday 1st

6.30pm - 7.30pm

G. Thiele

N. Woods

Wednesday 8th

1.00pm - 2.00pm

C. Crotty

L. Fawcett

P. Syme

A. Massey

Canteen 2012 Term 3 July

Mass Times

Wednesday 25th Lisa Wilkie Heather Harrison Thursday 26th John Segrave Friday 27th Donna Robinson Monday 30th Tuesday 31st

St. Dominic’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am, 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

Debbie Taylor Libby Harrison

August Wednesday 1st Thursday 2nd Friday 3rd

Meagan Salton Tess Galea Amanda Horwood Amanda De Abel

Homework Club Homework Club Term 3 starts Wednesday July 25th until Wednesday September 12th Homework Club will be held every Wednesday in the Library from 3.30pm—4.30pm

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