24th june, 2014

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24th June, 2014 Reflection On the Feast of the Sacred Heart, this coming Friday, we celebrate Jesus Christ’s complete and unfailing love for humanity. Love has made a circle that holds us all inside. Where strangers are as family and loneliness can’t hide. You must give yourself to love, if love is what you’re after. Open up your hearts to tears and laughter and give yourself to love, Love is born in fire; it’s planted like a seed. Love can’t give you everything, but it gives you what you need. Love comes when you’re ready; love comes when you’re afraid. It will be your greatest teacher, the best friend you have made. (from Give Yourself to Love. From The Spirit of Love, Awakening Heart) Lord, open our hearts to your transforming grace that we may be true witnesses to your Word and live a life of compassion and love for all. Thank you Father for the abundant care of your Son for all. Help us to grow and love like Christ whose life amongst us in the ‘Word made flesh’ is both our Truth and inspiration. Amen.

End of Term

Catholic Education Today Magazine

As we approach the final week of Term 2, exams have been marked, final assessment tasks submitted and the results have been uploaded onto PAM, it is a good opportunity to reflect on Semester One. This is what I put to the students at last week’s full school assembly. I posed the following questions - Did I work to the best of my ability this semester? Am I happy with my results and effort? What can I do or need to do to improve? Is my behaviour impacting on my ability to learn and the ability of others to learn? These questions are particularly important and relevant to our Year 12 students, who upon returning after the holidays, have one full term of schooling left.

Last week the Catholic Education Today magazine, featured a report on Annika Miesen’s success in achieving the Macpherson Smith Rural scholarship. Annika thanked the College community by commenting, “here you are encouraged to be the best you can be, in and out of the classroom”. As a community we wish Annika every success.

Work Experience This week our Year 10 students are on Work Experience, for many of them it will be the first time in a work place environment. We wish them well for the week and hope they gain a lot from the experience. For some it will reinforce what they want to do in the future and for others it will throw up more questions and possibilities. This experience will also be valuable in their VCE Subject Selection process that begins next term. Staff will be making visits to the students across the week to speak with employers and the students.

Last Day of Term 2 Please note that Term 2 classes finish at 2.30pm this Friday, June 27. This is to ensure our students finish in line with other secondary schools for bus connections. Please note that the local SITA Town buses will continue to operate on normal times. We advise that students who catch these buses may find it more convenient to make other arrangements home this day. On behalf of the College I wish every family an enjoyable and relaxing holiday over the Term 2 break, if travelling please be safe and we look forward to everyone returning next term. Finally, a newsletter will be mailed home at the end of the week. It will contain information on accessing Semester One Reports. Reports will only be available through the College’s Parent Portal. Robert Blackley Acting Principal

Semester 2 Elective Changes –Year 9

Italian Exchange Students - Help needed

Year 9 students will have access to Semester 2 changes this week. It will be expected that students who request a change have a strong reason for their request. Many classes are full and numbers are very limited in others and students need to be aware of curriculum choice requirements as well. Semester 2 Electives for both Year 9 and 10 classes will begin at the start of Term 3.

The College has 7 Italian students from our sister school Convitto Nazionale P.Diacone in Cividale arriving 11th July at 1.05am and departing 11th August at 9.25pm. Thank you to the families who have already offered to host a student. The College still requires one family to host a 17 year old male student. Please submit your interest as soon as possible by emailling Jessica Conte at the College: jconte@crcmelton.com.au

Year 9

Short Solos

Year 9 students are involved in two major events this week. Their Year 9 Reflection Day takes place on Wednesday and on Thursday, they head to Ballarat for our annual Sovereign Hill excursion. Families are asked to note any special requirements needed on these days.

The Year 12 Drama students will be presenting their Short Solo Performances at 5pm on Thursday 26th June, in the Drama Studio at CRC Melton. Family, students within the College, as well as members of the College community are warmly invited to attend to support our senior drama students.

John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Unit 3-4 Business Management Excursion Recently, the Unit 3-4 Business Management classes attended CUB in Abbotsford. We witnessed the process of the manufacturing line at Carlton United Breweries as part of our study in relation to facilities design and layout. Much was gained from this experience, as we learnt about the process and operations of a large scale manufacturing operation. The overall experience was beneficial and educational for our studies in Business Management. Joshua Binek and Corey Tewma

Victorian All Schools Cross Country Championships – Sat. 21st June 2014 A squad of our best runners represented the College in the Championships at Bundoora Park last Saturday. All the competitors ran well in a tough event that draws athletes from throughout the state and acts as the state titles. Andrew Amor was our best placed runner, finishing 4th in the U/15 Boys 4 km event and Nick Benca ran very well to finish 17th in the U/17 Boys race over 6 kms. Congratulations to all our competitors. Zac Miesen, Dom Miesen, Justin Newton, Connor Delaney, Evana Miesen, Montana Djatschenko, Grace Nuer and Simone Newton. Phil Brown

School Sport Australian Nationals We wish the following students all the best when they compete at the Swimming School Sport Nationals to be held in Melbourne from 20th to 26th July. Lucas Dingli: Year 8 13/14 Years - 200m Breaststroke Mitchell Wills, Year 10 5/16 Years 400m Freestyle Adam Benca, Year 12 17-19 Years 50m / 100m / 200m Backstroke Medley and Freestyle Relays

Andrew Amor

U/14 Girls Team of Evana, Simone, Grace and Montana

School Spirit Award

Year 9

Year 7

Isabelle De Luca - 9 Catherine

Sarah Clewer - 7 Bernard

Isabelle has impressed many teachers with her improvement during 2014. She is a very bright student, who is also enthusiastic and organised, especially in her Physical Education elective, Sports and Leadership. Isabelle demonstrates lots of initiative and is somewhat of a natural leader. Keep up the great work, Isabelle.

Sarah is conscientious and supportive of her peers and teachers. She excels in creative writing, participating in the UNSW writing competition and Shared Short Stories as well as writing her own short stories as a hobby. Sarah is also compassionate towards others, and participates in the social justice group at CRC Melton. Samantha Stone - 7 Mackillop Samantha has a strong work ethic and always strives to achieve her best. She is a mature and well-rounded student and as time has passed, Samantha has grown in confidence and gained the respect of fellow peers and teaching staff. She demonstrates initiative as the 7M SRC representative and develops activities that others can participate in.

Montana Salton - 9 Catherine Montana has completed some outstanding work throughout Semester One. She especially excelled with the practical and creative work for her Hospitality class's 'Children's Party'. Montana also made her own dress up outfit and demonstrated outstanding leadership during the activities on the day and was a great role model for the visitors and her class members. Well done, Montana. Year 10

Year 8 Anna-Marie Denton - 10 Catherine Madeline Rizzo - 8 Reed Madeline brightens up the classroom by the smiles that are given so willingly each day. She is a very polite and respectful person who wears the school uniform with pride. Madeline is always enthusiastic, has a great sense of humour and contributes freely, maturely and honestly to classroom discussions. She always tries her best in the classroom and often helps out other students. Madeline is respectful towards teachers and always tries to achieve high marks.

Anna-Marie contributes to many activities within the College. She represents the College in the Dance Comp Troupe and will also be performing in this year’s Cabaret production. Anna-Marie is a competitive athlete and has represented the College in swimming competitions. She is hard working in class, always striving to achieve her best. Anna-Marie relates well to teachers and students alike and is a credit to Catholic Regional College Melton. Jonathan Antony - 10 Catherine

Harris Leiataua - 8 Anthony Everyday Harris has a happy smiling face. He shows determination in completing all of his set work in each class and works hard to overcome obstacles. Harris has shown great quality of character by being honest and returning $20 on Celebration Day when he saw someone drop it. He always treats everybody equally and is a pleasure to have in 8A’s homeroom.

Jonathan is a student who is also a positive role model within the College. He is fully engaged with his studies, he is polite, positive and always respectful towards staff and students. Jonathan always wears his uniform with pride and represents the College well.

Year 11

Year 7 Fish Dissection

Ethan Horvatic - 11 Anthony

Year 7 students completed their first ever fish dissection. These students were excited to put their knowledge into practice before their final practical assessment task for their Classification Unit and students thought that this was the “most exciting part of the unit.” It gave them the opportunity to put to use the knowledge they had gained through the semester; allowing them to comprehend what was being studied in a hands on activity that demonstrated it in a fun and effective way. Some found the experience confronting, but the overall result was positive.

Ethan is a cooperative member of the Year 11 cohort who has progressed well in the senior years of his schooling. He is organised, focused and has displayed initiative throughout the year. Ethan has taken on the responsibility of organising his own pathway opportunities through securing a Traineeship. Jade Portelli - 11 Mackillop Jade has proven to be a cooperative member of Year 11. She participates willingly in class and has settled very well into her Year 11 program. Jade has shown initiative and regularly takes responsibility for her own learning. She ensures that work is completed to the best of her ability.

Tempest Ardley

Regional Rail Link Work

Year 12 Holly Azzopardi - 12 Mackillop Holly is a conscientious and diligent student who always applies herself to her studies and was nominated by a number of staff. She has achieved very good results this year and always shows a determination to do her best. Holly is personable and relates well to both her peers and teachers.

Regional Rail Link works will take place between 21 June – 15 July predominantly over the July school holiday period. Coaches will replace trains on the Albury and interstate lines between 21 June and 10 July, and Ballarat, Bendigo, Shepparton and Seymour lines between 28 June and 15 July. For further information about Regional Rail Link visit www.regionalraillink.vic.gov.au or call 1800 107 925. *Please note that these dates are subject to change. Catholic Schools Gala “Time to Shine”

Amelia Williamson - 12 Bernard Amelia has also been nominated by staff. She is completing a senior VCAL course and is also a hard working student who is diligent and achieves her best. Amelia is personable and involved in a number of community service projects, which often demand strong initiative and organisation skills. Lost Property We have an assortment of items ranging from USB’s, prescription sunglasses and jewellery in Reception. All items will be donated at the end of term if not claimed.

Would you like to be the student to perform as a “rapper” in one of our major production numbers as we stage and televise the inaugural Catholic Schools Gala? “Time to Shine” will be staged at the Palais Theatre on September 13 over two performances and also be recorded for replay and DVD release. Working under the guidance of a professional Musical Director, together with one of the most respected choreographers in Victoria, you could get to be one of the lead performers in ‘Time to Shine”. You will need to apply for an interview and the successful applicant will receive coaching from our musical director and attend several rehearsals. This is an opportunity of a lifetime, so for those of you who would love the opportunity to perform at the Palais, a theatre that holds an audience of just under just under three thousand patrons, please contact: Eliane Pinheiro epinheiro@ceomelb.catholic.edu.au 9267 0312


Calendar 2014


Term 2

Term 2






Year 10 Work Experience Year 7 Premier League Grand Final Year 9 Reflection Day Year 12 Biology Excursion Year 12 Legal Studies Excursion Year 10 Work Experience Senior Boys Soccer Round 1 Year 9 Sovereign Hill Excursion Year 8 LOTE Excursion Year 10 Work Experience Term 2 concludes 2.30pm

July 14th 15th 17th

Wednesday 25th A. Hindell J. Davine

1.00pm - 2.00pm N. McLeod

L. Vella

Canteen 2014 Term 2

Term 3 commences Year 9 Premier League Round 1 Year 12 TIS Event St Albans Year 11 2015 Information Evening

June Wednesday 25th Michelle Keenan Heather Harrison Friday 27th Rosa Mirabelli Term 3 July

Homework Club Homework Club will resume Term 3

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

Monday 14th Tuesday 15th Wednesday 16th Friday 18th

Maryanne Farrugia Karen Normoyle Heather Harrison Tess Galea

Monday 21st Debbi Taylor Tuesday 22nd Fiona Craig Wednesday 23rd Suzanne Smith Donna Robinson Friday 25th Rosa Mirabelli

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