24th October, 2017

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24th October, 2017 Reflection To You Lord a Treasure To you, O Lord, we bring a treasure, greater than the mountains, deeper than the ocean and more glorious than the sun; a gift outweighing all creation, even the gift of our heart, to be laid at your feet, to be placed on your breast, to be embraced by your Spirit. Amen. (Mechtild of Magdeburg)

Dear Parents and Students, Year 12 Graduation Mass and Ceremony Last Friday night was a terrific occasion for families and staff to celebrate the Graduation of our 143 Year 12 students with Mass and then the Graduation Ceremony. Thanks to Fr Patrick Bradford and Shaun Coates who coordinated the Mass. Families Leaving the College I would like to acknowledge the following families who will be finishing their time at CRC Melton at the end of the school year: Allison, Ancrum, Anderson, Andrada, Andrew, Angok, Bachan, Bellin, Brooking, Bucukovski, Buhagiar, Camilleri, Caruana, Cicalese, Conway, Coverdale, Dau, Di Meiri, Emmerton, Feliciano, Fenech, Fritzz, Frost, Garofalo, Gathercole, Gilson, Grech, Guirguis, Hibberd, Horan, Hosking, Jakeman, James, Johnson, Keenan, Lamos, Landells, Lewis, Mikulic, Morrissey, Noble, Norris, Parsons, Patterson, Porter-Smith, Raic, Richardson, Rios-Rodriguez, Rivas, Roman, Ross, Rus, Saheicha, Salvatore, Speranza, Spiteri, Staric, Svaljek, Thompson-Fraser, Tissera, Tongpao, Urban, Vangelovska, Vasjuta, Vella, Voss, Walker, Watt-Beckhurst, Whelan, Wiederstein

Parents & Friends There will be a Parent & Friends Meeting on Wednesday, 25th October at 7.30pm. Mark Sheehan Principal

2017 Awards The following awards were presented at the College Graduation Mass last Friday: Community Spirit The Community Spirit Award is presented to a student who has reflected a selfless giving of time and effort in order to assist others both within the College and the wider community. In doing so, they have upheld the Christian ethos promoted at Catholic Regional College and provided a role model for their peers. This years Community Spirit Award was presented to Jacinta Guirguis who raised money for another student who was suffering from a chronic illness by busking in her own time, volunteered at the St Bernards Fathers Day breakfast, Has been involved in several Cabarets, playing the role of Marty in "Grease", and the role of Questioning Alice in "Alice Down the Rabbit Hole". Jacinta has been an integral member of Ensemble since Year 7 through to Year 12 and has been described as a person who genuinely considers everyone else’s needs and never leaves anyone out. School Spirit The School Spirit Awards are presented to students who, as the award suggests, have been involved in a number of different pursuits that have been offered at the College. They are recognised for their leadership qualities, commitment to the College and achievement across a wide range of activities, including academic and extra curricula involvement. The first recipient of the School Spirit Award was Amy Ross, who has been a reliable contributor to the College over the 6 years she has been at the College. Amy has been involved in extra curricular activities every year and has proven to be a reliable member of the cohort. She has excelled in her leadership roles in the College, including being the Fitzgerald House Captain, as well as being involved in the designing and implementation of the Year 12 cardigan. The second recipient of the School Spirit Award is Anna Cicalese. Anna has been a passionate advocate for those in the community who need a helping hand. She has been a leader who has readily displayed empathy and compassion in many situations. Alongside all this, Anna has been able to maintain very high academic standards from Year 7-12. Peer Award Leah Thorburn and Dominic Miesen were the recipients of the Peer Award. Both students have displayed maturity and have acted as role models to their peers. Their approach and attitude to school is noticed through their work ethic and academic results. Leah and Dominic are quiet achievers, that is, they go about their business in their usual way without recognition. They are personable, approachable and are well regarded members of the cohort. Abby Rogers Award The Abby Rogers award is in honour of a former student of Catholic Regional College who tragically passed away earlier this year. Abby was a personable and gentle student who endeared herself to all. She constantly demonstrated a willingness to attempt any task and applied herself to do her best despite any difficulties that confronted her. Abby was resilient to adversity and determined to complete Year 12 to enable her to follow her vocation. Many staff and friends would remember Abby for her persistence to overcome obstacles with positive energy and a smile. Chloe Galakos was the recipient of this award who, like Abby, has worked hard in the face of adversity to find success this year. Chloe has displayed enormous resilience throughout Year 12 and has gone about her business despite many setbacks to her health. She has remained positive, even when most of her days at school were a struggle. A lot can be learned from Chloe’s outlook on life, in particular her ability to continue striving for excellence when things aren’t going as well as they could. Principals Award The recipient of the 2017 Principal’s award was presented to Fernando Rios-Rodriguez who is dedicated to his studies, a role model for his peers and who has made positive contributions to the College. Academically, Fernando strives to get the best marks possible across a range of subjects. Not only does he work hard independently, but he also encourages others to achieve their best. Fernando’s no fuss attitude and calm demeanor has been noticed by many teachers. He has been described as ‘A most genuine and intelligent leader who gets people's attention for issues that truly matter’. Fernando has participated in social justice activities such as the Winter sleep out, is an advocate for minority groups and has always wanted to give a voice to those who feel like they don’t have one. He organised a ‘Racism stops with me’ soccer match by himself and gained the support and respect of his peers for saying No to racism at CRC Melton. He truly believes in the Catholic social teaching of equality and lives by these standards, being a role model to so many others, showing them that equality is achievable. This event promoted team work and a selfless giving of time in order to raise awareness of the important issues in our community.

From the Deputy Principal (Staff) Year 12s Last Thursday, our departing students received a farewell filled with colour, activities and laughter. I would like to compliment our Year 12 students on their positive behaviour. Thank you to Mr Henneman and Mr Coates along with our Year 12 Homeroom Teachers for organising and coordinating our Graduation Mass. It was a beautiful service led by Father Patrick Bradford, which was his first Graduation Mass. The formal presentations ran smoothly and both our 2017 and 2018 College Captains spoke admirably. I hope all families enjoyed the opportunity to share the experience with their child and then the chance to join teachers and friends for supper. Year 12 VCE students are now on SWOTVAC until Tuesday, 31st October. VCAA exams begin on Wednesday, 1st November until Friday, 24th November. Students need to be at College at least 30 minutes before the exam published reading time to ensure smooth entry into the exam venues. Students may wear casual clothes. Graduation Dinner will be held on Friday 24th November 2018 Subject Selections Current Year 9 students will receive their 2018 Year 10 initial confirmation letters this week. Melbourne Cup Day Tuesday, 7th November is the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday. The College has a mid-Term break on Monday, 6th November. VCAA exams will still operate. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

2018 College Fees The tuition fee now incorporates camps, class set levies and the Parents & Friends Levy. Direct Debit Forms will be mailed out next week. CATHOLIC REGIONAL COLLEGE MELTON FEES FOR 2018 Year 7- 10 Tuition Fee $4000 Year 11-12 Tuition Fee $4250 *All inclusive fee, except as detailed below *Additional charges: Years 7, 8 - iPad program $200 *Years 9-12 Some subject levies, as per handbook. eg Outdoor Education Student/family discount Years 7-10 2 students 3 students 4 students 5 students

$317.90 per student $635.80 per student $953.70 per student $1271.60 per student

Years 11 & 12 $367.30 per student $734.60 per student $1101.90 per student $1469.20 per student

From the Deputy Principal (Students) Year 12 Final Assembly Last Thursday we said goodbye to our Yr 12 students of 2017, acknowledged and thanked the work of our 2017 senior student leaders and inducted the 2018 Senior Student Leaders at our full school assembly. The College Captains of 2017 and 2018 addressed the students, below is a copy of their speeches. As you read them no doubt you will be impressed by their insights and their leadership qualities. As a school community we are fortunate and blessed to have such fine young people leading the students of CRC.

2017 College Captains Fernando Rios Rodriguez I would like to firstly give my advice to all students, take it or leave it. It's 2 simple words. " Make mistakes " although under one condition, you must be willing to learn from your mistake. Because once you have learned from your mistake you will grow and improve in yourself day in day out. To Leadership, I congratulate Athyang on a successful year, we were able to achieve all our objectives we set, but most importantly I'd like to highlight your courage to apply for College captain with only being here for 2 years. I would also like to thank my year level. We've had a lot of ups and downs, from books being "misplaced" to locks going missing and of course the beautiful spam of emails we always wake up for. But on a serious note I congratulate you all on your efforts and wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Briefly I would like to mention some teachers who have made a massive impact in my time at CRC. Ms Grech, was able to unveil my leadership capabilities and taught me to believe and have trust in myself. Mr Henneman your work truly goes unnoticed, you go above and beyond for the year 12’s and the impact you've made in my life will never go unnoticed to me. Lastly Mum, the one who consistently asks how my day was, even if she had the worst day. The one who put food on the table for me, a roof over my head and gave me this outstanding education. At one point you did this by yourself and I still can't grasp how you did it, but I'm truly thankful to call you my mum. Thank you CRC Melton, for not only changing me as a student but as a person. Athyang Akec Through this role I’ve often been asked "what do you do" well between representing CRC at other schools throughout the year attending conference and community events, I had the opportunity to interact with people outside my own immediate environment. I meet different kinds of people, in different moods, with different attitudes and with different values everyday. My position as College captain taught me to be patient with people, to have responsibility and to appreciate people for who they are. Being captain this year has taught me many things, to have no regrets, but only for what I haven’t attempted rather than what I have. To treat people and myself well and to work hard. Importantly to strive to make a difference to the people I meet and the people I already know. I want to thank Ms Nowak for assisting Fernando and I in our role as School Captain and allowing the leadership team to take forward our initiatives. Also I want to thank our teachers who have taught us well. To the new school captains, Maddy and Ethan I wish you luck in your endeavour to continuously strive to serve the school and its community. I have all the faith in the world that you will do a fantastic job and bring your own style and creativity to the role.

Madalyn McGill I can't begin to put into words how grateful I am to be standing in front of you all as your 2018 College Captain. Even though the process leading up to this achievement was and is extremely nerve racking, I am excited and determined to make the best out of this opportunity alongside Ethan, as well as an extremely strong leadership team, full of qualities and capabilities that I will most definitely learn from over the year ahead. I am eager for this journey and the ways in which I can develop and learn from the experience, as I look forward to applying my leadership skills with the help and support of my teachers and my cohort, to represent the college to the best of my ability. I hope that I am able to continue with my successes and embrace the challenges that come with this role in my final year of schooling. I know that both Ethan and I look forward to being able to receive the badges that we will wear proudly from both Athyang and Fernando, as we both hope to leave a mark that is as significant as theirs, as they did an incredible job in their role this year, and have also set high expectations that I, myself, wish to achieve. I thank you all for allowing me to have this opportunity and I thank my family, and my parents who are here today for their constant support and always pushing me to do my best. Ethan Trethown I am very honoured to be standing here today as one of CRC’s College Captains for 2018. Over my years at the College I have witnessed the great leaders who have represented CRC in this prestigious role, becoming role models for myself and many other students. Fernando and Athyang have continued this legacy throughout 2017, one that Maddy and myself will strive to uphold and contribute to. I am extremely excited to undertake this role next year, and I endeavour to take advantage of every opportunity I can in order for me to successfully fulfil such an honourable position. Not only am I looking forward to applying my leadership and teamwork skills to the role, but also to embrace and learn from the other student leaders and the invaluable experiences, as we work together to create a positive impact on the school. I would like to acknowledge my family who is here today, for always being very supportive and encouraging. Also I would like to thank my fellow year 11 peers and all of the teachers and staff, who have helped to create this amazing opportunity for Maddy and I to undertake.

2018 Student Leaders We held our final Year 12 school assembly and 2018 Leadership Investiture last week. This was an opportunity to thank the 2017 Student leaders and induct our 2018 leaders. We farewelled the Year 12 students and thanked them for the contribution they have made to the College. We wish them well in their exams and whatever path they take. The 2018 Student Leadership Workshop will be held this Friday. Our Student Leaders for 2018 are: Captains

Deputy Captains

College Captain

Ethan Trethowan

Deputy Media

Cassandra Nguyen

College Captain

Madalyn McGill

Co-Deputy Sport

Veronica Thatcher


Jarrod Iaria

Co-Deputy Sport

Danielle Sultana


Boden Mugridge

Deputy Liturgy

Evana Miesen


Sheehan Tennakoon

Deputy Social Justice

Annmariya Praveen John

Social Justice

Rebecca Chin

Deputy Arts

Denise D’Souza


Culain Ardley

Deputy Academic

Nicole Portelli


Madeline Rizzo

Deputy SRC Executive

Dylan Hassan

SRC Executive

Chloe Laurel

Deputy Environmental Nikita Jarosinski


KhawTi Ling


Thomas Presnell and Georgia Azzopardi


Macy Le Huray and Corey Beaton


Erin Crowe and Harmonie Wegener


Kayla Davis and Renee Lancaster

Elise Nowak

Martial Arts—Term 4 News

Welcome back to all of our students and families to our final term of training for the year! Term 4 is looking very busy as many of the students prepare for their end of year gradings. Congratulations to Danica Klasic in Year 9 who graded to Brown belt at the conclusion of Term 3, her new ranking was well deserved. We wish our Senior Brown belts all the very best as they are now in their final months of training before undertaking their Black Belt gradings in early 2018. Our training times/ day and venue have now changed and are as follows: Thursday 6.30pm - 7.30pm (General class) Osma Building Thursday 7.30pm - 8.30pm (General class) Osma Building Students can train at either of these classes or alternatively train from 6.30-8.30pm NEW STUDENTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME (4 YEARS – ADULT) SO COME ALONG AND TRY TWO FREE CLASSES AND GET ACTIVE WITH THE FAMILY WITH SELF DEFENCE/MARTIAL ARTS. For further information please contact either Sensei James 0407 830 435 or email Ms. Michelle Alfonsi at the College at malfonsi@crcmelton.com.au Michelle Alfonsi

VCE Student Folio Exhibition The Art Faculty would like to invite all Parents/Guardians, students and friends to come and view the Annual Catholic Regional College Melton VCE Student Folio Exhibition. On display will be work completed throughout 2017 by our Year 11 and 12 students. The work has been produced to meet the VCE study design for the subjects of Media Studies, Studio Art and Visual Communication Design. Official Opening: Thursday 26th October at 6.30pm - 9pm in the Performing Arts Centre. The Exhibition will also be open to the students and wider community on Thursday 26th from 9am - 4pm and Friday 27th October 9am -12pm. All year levels are welcome. This is a great opportunity to take a closer look at the work produced at VCE if you are considering choosing any of these subjects in the next few years. We look forward to seeing you there. Amy Rowley Head of Art

Theatre Sports Students are invited to attend Theatre Sports sessions held in the PAC on Thursday afternoons in Term 4, attendance is not compulsory, students may choose which sessions to take part in and choose not to attend if/when there are clashes with assessment, sporting commitments etc. Students will complete activities individually, and in teams, that foster learning in Drama such as vocal projection, confidence and other expressive skills. Start date: Term 4, week 2 (Oct. 19th) 3:30-5pm in PAC End date: Term 4, week 8 (Nov. 30th) If you are interested in coming along please email your name (students name) to Ms Godwell jgodwell@crcmelton.com.au or add your name to one of the sign up sheets located at all Year Level Coordinators offices so that you can be added to CareMonkey. CareMonkey forms will be sent out and due back by Term 4, Week 1 (Oct 12th) Jessica Godwell Drama Teacher

Calendar Term 4

Homework Club Homework Club runs every Wednesday from 3.30pm 4.30pm in the Library until the last week of term

October 25th 26th 27th

Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp VCE Arts Exhibition P & F Meeting Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp VCE Arts Exhibition Year 8 Premier League Round 4 Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp VCE Arts Exhibition Bandana Day 2018 Student Leadership Workshop

November 1st - 24th 2nd 6th 7th 8th - 10th 10th - 17th 16th 20th - 21st 20th - 24th 23rd - 24th 23rd 24th 27th - 30th 27th - 30th 29th

VCAA Exams Year 8 Premier League Round 5 College Holiday - no classes Melbourne Cup Day - no classes Year 7-8 TATS Year 9 Exams Year 8 Premier League Grand Final Year 10-11 Exams Year 10 VINCIT Work Experience 2018 Jumpstart SACCSS Awards Year 12 Graduation Dinner 2018 Jumpstart Year 7 Swimming VET Orientation Day

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Geoffrey McIlroy Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am Sunday: 5.00pm

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.00pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

Uniform Shop Academy Uniforms CRC Melton operating hours: Monday 8.00am –10am Thursday 11.30am—2pm Online orders: www.academyuniforms.com.au

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