25th october 2016

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25th October, 2016 ReflecƟon A Prayer For God's InspiraƟon Father, May everything we do begin with your inspira on and con nue with your saving help. Let our work always find its origin in you and through you reach comple on. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen

Dear Parents and Students, Year 12s Farewell Part 2 Last week I commented on what a great morning was experienced by our depar ng Year 12 students and staff. I would now like to compliment our Year 12 students and thank Mr Coates and Mr Bloom along with our Year 12 Homeroom Tutors for our Gradua on Mass. It was a beau ful service led by Father Glasheen (in his last year as Parish Priest of St Bernards) celebra ng his 34 year involvement with the College. The formal presenta ons ran smoothly and both our 2016 and 2017 College Captains spoke admirably. I hope all families enjoyed the opportunity to share the experience with their child and then have the chance to join teachers and friends for supper. We have noted that this will be out last year that we can use St Catherine’s Church for this event as our numbers have outgrown the venue. We will look to use our Assembly hall next year. All the best to our Year 12 VCE students who begin their VCAA exams tomorrow, Wednesday, October 26 un l Friday, November 18. That evening is their Gradua on Dinner. We have been very pleased by the number of Year 12 students who have taken advantage of their SWOT Vac me to meet with staff and do exam prepara on over the past week. Students need to be at the College at least 30 minutes before the exam published reading me to ensure smooth entry into the exam venue. Students may wear casual clothes. Year 12 VCAL students will con nue with classes un l Thursday, October 27. Melbourne Cup Day Tuesday, November 1 is the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday. The College has a mid‐Term break on Monday, October 31 but VCAA exams will s ll operate. 2017 Subject Selec ons Current Year 8 and 9 students received their 2017 Year 9 and Year 10 ini al confirma on le ers last week. I realise that some students / families are disappointed that not all offered elec ves are running but student selec ons decide what classes are viable or not and this varies each year with the par cular strengths / interest of each cohort. Year 7 – 11 Assessment Please note that there has been one late change to our key assessment dates for our Year 7 – 11 students. Year 9 students will no longer undertake a Health & PE Exam, but instead will do a class administered task. Wishing you all a res ul Cup weekend break. John Chris e Deputy Principal (Staff)

Parents & Friends There will be a Parent & Friends mee ng on Wednesday 26th October at 7.30pm

From the Deputy Principal (Students) PE uniform 2017 The College is introducing CRC sports socks to the PE uniform for 2017. It will be compulsory for all Year 7‐11 students to wear the CRC sports socks with the PE uniform, students in Year 12 who are enrolled in PE will also be required to wear the CRC sport socks. The socks are now available to be purchased directly from the College uniform shop and front office at a cost of $8.00. A CRC cap will also be introduced next year as part of our Sun smart policy, the cap will be compulsory to wear during PE classes and outdoor spor ng events eg swimming and athle cs sports during Terms 1 and 4. In both cases the students on the SRC had the opportunity to have input into the decision making on the style of socks and cap. The cap will be available from the Uniform shop later this year. ABC Man Up Recently on ABC TV a 3‐part program called Man Up was broadcasted. The program was the brainchild of Sydney radio personality Gus Worland who embarked on a journey to discover the good, the bad and the ugly of Australian masculinity. In one episode it centered around a class of 15 year old school boys working with Tom Harkin. Tom runs workshops with teenage boys that help them navigate the many pressures they face as they approach manhood. Tom says one of the biggest issues boys face is mixed messages, with some people telling them to be strong and tough and others saying they should be in touch with their feelings. You can watch it on iView or follow the link h p://www.abc.net.au/tv/programs/man‐up/ Rob Blackley Deputy Principal (Students) Founda on VCAL Chocolate Tour On Monday October 10 students from the Founda on VCAL class par cipated in the "Chocoholics Tour' as part of their Work Related Skills subject. The purpose of this excursion was to further improve and develop skills such as teamwork, communica on and organisa on, as well as meet the outcomes and requirements for Unit 2. The organisa on of the day was the responsibility of the students, a lot of preparatory work went into this; students had to prepare and put together an ac vity submission, risk assessment, Care Monkey permission slip, transport and an i nerary of the day. During the tour students visited places such as Koko Black, Haigh's, Lindt, Ganache and Chocomama, as well as some amazing landmarks of Melbourne, including the Block and Royal Arcades. A delicious day was had by all.

Early English text order for students in Years 10, 11 & 12 2017 Students in Year 10, 11 & 12 in 2017 have the opportunity to purchase their English novels early so that they can read them over the Christmas holidays. It is highly recommended that students purchase these texts as they are required to have read them before school commences in 2017. Students will receive a hard copy of the order form in homeroom tomorrow. This form must be filled out and returned to the College by Wednesday 2nd November 2016. Alterna vely, orders can be completed online at www.campion.com.au using “QF3V” as your code. Online orders must also be completed by Wednesday 2nd November 2016. Thank you for your support. Lauren Hill English Domain Leader

VCE Folio Exhibi on Last Thursday saw the oďŹƒcial opening of our annual VCE Folio Exhibi on. This night has become a highlight on the Art/ Technology Faculty calendar and this year the student talent was excep onal. On show was work from Media, Woodwork, Food, Studio Art and Visual Communica on Design and the wonderful food was made by our Year 10 Hospitality students. We had over 200 parents, friends and past students through on the night and many students viewed the exhibi on throughout the day. Our guests were welcomed and entertained by some of our talented VET Music students which gave the night an extra touch of class. All that was on display was a credit to our student’s hard work and dedica on to their subject. Amy Rowley Head of Art

Tutoring We went to St. Catherine's and tutored Prep and Grade 1 students. We no ced that there was a major difference between the Grade 1's books and the Preps in terms of difficulty. A lot of the children were very quiet and shy when reading. We no ced that the Preps used pictures to read and guess the words on the page. We used a strategy with the Grade 1's to help them read the word which was blocking out the syllables and sounding out the word slowly. Another strategy we used was ge ng the Grade 1's to think about what they read and also ask them ques ons about what they've read to help with their understanding of the book. Evana, Denise, Vansh, Dylan, Cassandra, Savannah Year 9 Community Service Wedge Park ‐ Wednesday 12/10/16 Sadeepa, Jason and Cooper went to Wedge Park Primary for their community service this week. The boys were not at all disappointed that they didn't have to tutor the Grade 5's in a frac ons lesson as was originally planned. They assisted the Grade fives in a Rugby program run by a Melbourne Storm player. For a warm up drill the boys played paper, scissors, rock with the Grade 5’s having to run the length of the 3 basketball courts if they lost. They played some rugby skills based games, became very compe ve and had a great me.

Year 9 Community Service Melton Food Bank ‐ Wednesday 19/09/16 Caleb, Ashlee, Emilie and Elise did their community service at the Melton food bank this week. One of the volunteers explained how the food bank works and the other services that they offer. The group weighed and packaged bags of rice, taped together packs of 2 minute noodles and cans of tuna to sell. The students asked a lot of ques ons and worked quickly impressing the other volunteers in the food bank.

Medica ons at School Parents are required to provide their child’s medica on to the school if they wish the medica on to be administered. The medica on will be administered according to either the advice in CareMonkey or the advice on a Medica on Administra on form provided by parents or guardians.


Calendar 2016


Term 4

Term 4



25th 26th 27th 28th 31st

Year 7 & 8 TAT’s Student Leadership Training Day Year 7 & 8 TAT’s VCAA Exams begin P & F Mee ng ‐ 7.30pm Year 7 & 8 TAT’s Year 8 Premier League Round 5 Year 9 Exams Year 9 Exams Vincit Excursion College holiday ‐ No classes

4th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th

November Wednesday 2nd A. Salmon

6.30pm ‐ 7.30pm L. Bugeja E. Flanigan

Wednesday 9th C. Grambau

1.00pm ‐ 2.00pm

Wednesday 16th 6.30pm ‐ 7.30pm G. Thiele S. DeCourcy

November 1st 2nd 3rd

Wednesday 26th 1.00pm ‐2.00pm M. Mullan M. Muse

Melbourne Cup Day ‐ No classes Year 9 Examina ons Year 9 Examina ons Year 8 Premier League Semi Final Year 9 Examina ons Year 9 Outdoor Educa on Program Year 9 Outdoor Educa on Program Year 9 Outdoor Educa on Program Year 7 2018 Informa on Evening Year 8 Premier League Grand Final Outdoor Educa on 3 & 4 Excursion Year 7 Immunisa on Year 10 & 11 Examina ons Vincit Work Experience Year 10 & 11 Examina ons Vincit Work Experience Year 10 & 11 Examina ons Vincit Work Experience Year 10 & 11 Examina ons Vincit Work Experience SACCSS awards Year 10 & 11 Examina ons Vincit Work Experience Year 12 Gradua on Dinner

Wednesday 23rd Uniform Packing Day 12.00pm ‐ 2.00pm K. Vella L. Vella M. Mullan A. Vranesic Wednesday 30th 6.30pm ‐ 7.30pm L. Holt M. D’Souza G. Mercieca December Tuesday 6th Orienta on Day 9.00pm ‐ 12.00pm J. Johnson L. Vella T. O’Rourke 12.00pm ‐ 2.00pm K. Vella C. Grambau

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Geoffrey Mcilroy Weekend Mass mes: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am Sunday: 5.00pm

Homework Club Homework Club will run in the Library every Wednesday from 12th October from 3.30pm to 4.30pm un l Wednesday 30th November.

St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass mes: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Weekend Mass mes: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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