26th july 2016

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26th July, 2016 Reflection Celebrating Diversity Almighty God, through your Holy Spirit you created unity in the midst of diversity; We acknowledge that human diversity is an expression of your manifold love for your creation; We confess that in our brokenness as human beings we turn diversity into a source of alienation, injustice, oppression, and wounding. Empower us to recognize and celebrate differences as your great gift to the human family. Enable us to be the architects of understanding, of respect and love; Through the Lord, the ground of all unity, we pray.

Dear Parents and Students, Last Friday staff were involved in a PL Day with Dr Ernesto Valente. CRC Melton hosted the presentation which was attended by staff from CRC Sydenham, St Albans and Caroline Springs and also Parade College and John Paul College. We received overwhelming positive feedback of the day. Below are some of Ernesto’s quotes, for your Reflection:

The law of God is held to be inscribed upon the human heart ( our students). In Christ we have all the revelation we need to find salvation. Salvation begins now. God is a merciful God, a God of kindness. We are all disciples of Christ. We need to creatively recreate the gift of Jesus - this is our challenge as Catholic educators. It is through Jesus that we can be transformed ourselves and transform others. The Gift of Grace heals, renews expands and elevates human nature. How might we become more like Jesus? Through our actions. Parents and Friends Meeting Our July meeting is being held tomorrow evening starting at 7.30pm. The heater will be on and a cup of tea available to keep parents warm! All welcome. Musical 2016 - Grease Good luck to staff, students and parents involved in Grease.

Mark Sheehan Principal

From the Deputy Principal (Staff)

We certainly know that it is July with the very cold conditions now part of our weekly routine. We continue to monitor conditions at recess and lunch and if extreme we do operate wet day arrangements where students can have access to internal classrooms. As part of our Term 2 holiday maintenance program all class heaters were serviced, so students are warm inside rooms. Please note that temperatures are set to 21C, which is the recommended maximum. Looking forward to Septembers warmer conditions! 2017 Subject Selections Year 11 and Year 10 students continue with their 2017 Subject Selections. Our 2017 Year 11 Subject Selection process now involves family interviews this Thursday. I hope to see many parents / guardians take the opportunity to be involved with their child’s selections, as in previous years these conversations have been extremely valuable.

Year 9 students and parents/guardians are invited to join us on Wednesday, August 3 for our Year 10 2017 Information Evening. Semester Two Subject Changes All Year 10 and Year 9 Elective changes for Semester Two have been finalised. 2017 Term Dates To assist families in planning for next year, below are our 2017 Term dates: Term 1 Year 7, 11 and 12 students start: Wednesday, February 1 Year 7 - 12 Classes begin: Thursday, Feb 2 Term finishes: Friday, March 31 Term 2 Classes begin: Tuesday, April 18 Year 10 Work Experience: June 26 - 30 Classes finish: Friday, June 30 Term 3 Classes Start: Monday, July 17 Classes end: Thursday, September 22 Term 4 Classes Start: Monday, October 9 Year 12 VCAA exams finish: Friday, November 24 Year 11 & 10 students finish: Friday, December 1 Year 7 – 9 students finish: Friday, December 8 John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

From the Deputy Principal (Students)

The College often gets requests from parents re taking students out of school time for extended holiday periods. The following procedures are in place to meet these requests: 

Parents need to write to the Principal providing details of why and when the student will be absent from school. The College will acknowledge this correspondence.

Catholic Regional College teaching staff will not be required to provide work for students who are absent from class and miss teaching/learning due to holidays taken during the term.

Course outlines will be provided by the subject teacher and available through the school intranet (PAM) if requested so that parents can deliver/arrange appropriate instruction through a tutor.

It will be the responsibility of the student to arrange alternative dates for assessment task completion prior to his/her departure.

If the student does not submit the assessment work prior to his/her departure, he/she may receive a grade NS (not submitted) for each task.

If the student is absent for a period longer than two weeks, the assessment of his/her work will be made on the tasks completed for the period of the semester he/she has been in attendance at school.

It is not advisable that VCE students are absent from school for extended periods during the school term.

These absences may have a detrimental effect in subject areas where sequential learning is important. Robert Blackley Deputy Principal (Students) Tree Planting Day On Thursday the 21st of July, we held our 3rd Annual Tree Planting day. This year we visited the Melton Botanical Gardens and had 40 students work with the Friends of the Melton Botanical Society. Thank you to John Bentley and his team for allowing our students to participate in the planting of new areas within the gardens. At lunch we had terrarium making and then finished with planting new herbs, vegetables and fruit trees in our own veggie patch. Thank you to Val Turner and the team at Bunnings, Melton for donating the plants for our school veggie patch. It was a wonderful day and all students involved were able to do their little bit for the environment. Laura Grech Student Leadership Coordinator English Teacher

Help Needed

This year students are studying Certificate II in Allied Health Assistance. Each student is expected to do a one week work placement per year in the health industry. We are seeking help from parents who may have contacts in the health services and may be able to take one of our students for a one week placement. The course’s focus is very broad and can include such employment as physio, pharmacy, aged care, podiatry, x-ray or medical. To help them fit into the workplace, all students will already have completed TAFE modules focusing on infection control and communication. If you are able to help or have some ideas that I can follow up please contact me by email: mmcgonegal@crcmelton.com.au Michael McGonegal

Fulfilling International Mission for Skilled Volunteers Communities in East Timor, PNG, Kenya, Kiribati, Samoa and elsewhere are looking for teachers, health and community development workers, administrators, agricultural workers and others. You can assist to mentor local workers in your field of expertise. This will provide opportunities for those who have not had the advantage of an Australian education; improve the operations of organisations in vital sectors of local communities and so assist poverty reduction. For 55 years Palms Australia has assisted such communities to recruit, prepare and support Australian Catholics who volunteer to share their lives and skills. We have increasing numbers of requests from communities who believe this approach, more than anything else, assists their self-reliance and sustainable development. Want to know more? An Information Session will be held on Saturday August 6, 10:30 am at Ross House (247-251 Flinders Lane) RSVP to joey@palms.org.au or call 02 9518 9551. If you cannot make it, we would still love to hear from you. Language News Italian Visitors - Here are a few pics of our Italian visitors arriving in Australia and greeted by Mr. Sheehan. We welcome Lisa Michelutto, Chiara Gobbo, Cristina Mijatovic, Martina Brovedan, Emma Calligaris and Domenico Pinto. We hope they are enjoying their stay. It is great to hear that some of our visitors have been to Mildura, South Australia, Phillip Island, Federation Square and of course, the Melbourne Zoo. Lots of wonderful tourist destinations have already been explored. Today they visited Anglesea, Torquay and Geelong. Next week they are off to Sovereign Hill and the Ballarat Wildlife Park. Grazie. Mrs Claudia Russo Languages Co-Ordinator

The Annual Winter Sleep out Friday August 5th More than 22,000 people in Victoria are considered homeless, with almost 6000 of these being under the age of 18. The Winter sleep out provides us with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of homelessness and how it effects people’s lives. The Sleep out lets us experience in a very small way what it would be like to be homeless while also raising awareness and funds that will be donated to St. Vincent De Paul. If you cannot attend but would like to donate, donations can be left with the office. The details are as follows: 7.00pm: 7.00am:

Arrival at school on Friday Night, dinner provided, guest speakers and activities Saturday morning departure after breakfast and debrief

If interested, contact Ms Rowe-Watts: mrowe-watts@crcmelton.com.au Last year we raised $3000.00, let’s see if we can beat that amount this year and aim for $3500.00. Guest speakers for the night will be Josh Wilkins from ONE VOICE and Donna Bennett from HOPE STREET Melton. We are also hoping to present a collection of toiletries and underwear to One Voice so please start collecting and then drop them off at school.

Year 9 Community Service to the Melton Food Bank Josh Jenkins - I thought this experience was very different and I really enjoyed learning about it all. Brock Willmott - It was a very eye opening experience and would love to do it again! Luke - It was a good experience and I would do it again. Bryanna Hickey- I really enjoyed learning about what goes on in the facility and it was nice to help out. Shanae - It was good to learn about how the food bank operates. Georgia- It was nice to see people giving their time to help less fortunate. We had to divide up large bags of rice and packets of noodles so when everyone came to get the food they needed there was enough for everyone. At the end we were talking to the volunteers and it was good to hear about how they run the food bank and the op shop next door which helps support the food bank with money.

Helping Hands


Calendar 2016 2016 Term 3 Term 3 July July 27th 28th 29th

P & F Meeting College Production Senior Futsal College Production Year 8 MASP Excursion

August 1st 2nd 3rd

4th 5th 9th 10th 11th 12th

Wednesday 27th 1.00pm - 2.00pm M. Muse August Wednesday 3rd G. Mercieca

6.30pm - 7.30pm M. D’Souza

Wednesday 10th 1.00pm - 2.00pm D. Vasjuta A. Vranesic Literacy week Literacy week Year 9 Premier League - Round 3 Literacy Week Junior Hockey VCE Unit 2 & 4 Outdoor Ed Camp Italian visitors trip Year 10 2017 Information evening Literacy week VCE Unit 2 & 4 Outdoor Ed Camp Literacy week VCE Unit 2 & 4 Outdoor Ed Camp Year 8 Reflection days Year 9 Premier League - Round 4 Year 8 Reflection days Senior Hockey Year 9 Excursion Year 10 Reflection days Italian visitors depart VINCIT Excursion

Wednesday 17th 6.30pm - 7.30pm G. Thiele Summer Fitting/Year 7 2017 Uniform Fitting Wednesday 24th 12.00pm - 2.00pm J. Johnson M. Mullan M. Muse 5.00pm - 8.00pm F. Conway T. Hehir E. Flannigan L. Holt Thursday 25th L. Vella A. Salmon

12.00pm - 2.00pm K. Vella C. Grambau 5.00pm - 8.00pm G. Mercieca L. Bugeja

Wednesday 31st 1.00pm - 2.00pm D. Vasjuta

Mass Times Homework Club Homework Club will run every Wednesday from 20th July from 3.30pm to 4.30pm until Wednesday 7th September in the Library .

Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Charles Balnaves Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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