27th august, 2013

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27th August, 2013 Reflection Last Friday CRC Melton staff were invited to go out to the community to provide acts of service inspired by the reading below: The Anointing at Bethany While he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at the table, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very costly ointment of nard, and she broke open the jar and poured the ointment on his head. But some were there who said to one another in anger, “Why was the ointment wasted in this way? For this ointment could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii, and the money given to the poor.” And they scolded her. But Jesus said, “Let her alone; why do you trouble her? She has performed a good service for me. For you always have the poor with you, and you can show kindness to them whenever you wish; but you will not always have me. She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for its burial. Truly I tell you, wherever the good news is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in remembrance of her.” Mark 14:3-9

Funding update from the Catholic Education Office With the Federal election looming, the CEO have sent the information below for your consideration. While on the topic of the election on September 7th, CRC Melton is a polling booth and our students travelling to Kenya next year, are raising funds with a BBQ on the day. Understanding the facts on funding for Catholic schools For over 180 years, Catholic schools have educated children in Australia. Today, Catholic schools enrol 735,000 students in 1,706 schools across Australia. Both major parties have committed to increases in school funding over the next four years. It is important to understand the facts on funding for Catholic schools. One-in-five Australian students currently attend a Catholic school. Catholic schools have a strong social justice mission to form well-rounded individuals who make a positive contribution to their local communities. A strong Catholic education system contributes to a strong Australian community. All governments provide important funding for Catholic schools along with families who contribute to the costs of Catholic education through fees and fundraising. According to the Australian Government’s My School website, Catholic students receive, on average, 20 per cent less government funding than students in government schools.

Even when parent fees are taken into consideration, Catholic schools nationally operate with an average of 10 per cent less recurrent funding than government schools. Even with fewer resources per student, the Australian Catholic school system is amongst the best in the world, compared to Shanghai, Finland and Singapore on international tests, for student performance across all socioeconomic backgrounds. Catholic schools save the taxpayer $2.2 billion each year which helps take the pressure off government schools. Catholic education policy priorities Catholic education is seeking a statement from both major parties on their education policies and how they will affect the 735,000 students educated in the 1706 Catholic schools across Australia. Parents & Friends Meeting There will be a Parents & Friends meeting Wednesday, 28th August at 7.30pm.

Reminder Re-enrolment 2014 There are a large number of families who are still to return their re-enrolment paperwork. All paperwork is due by this Thursday 29th August.

Both major parties have been asked the six questions below. Their responses will be provided in the near future. Policy Questions 1. How will your policy support parents to choose the education they want for their children and ensure religious freedom for Catholic schools is preserved? 2. How will your policy affect the ability of Catholic education systems and schools to distribute funding according to locally-identified needs? 3. How will your policy deliver additional government funding to support student needs and ensure funding keeps pace with the real cost of educating a child? 4. How will your policy support the needs of students with particular disadvantage, students with disability and other special needs to receive funding to meet their needs, regardless of the school they attend? 5. What government funding for the capital needs of Catholic schools do you have planned? Does this funding recognise Catholic education’s support of disadvantaged communities and willingness to establish in new growth areas? 6. How will your policy deliver funding certainty for schools? Catholic education will continue to work with all parties in the Parliament to ensure that Catholic schools have the resources to support the needs of all students. Mark Sheehan Principal VCE Drama Solo Performances The Year 11 and 12 Drama class for 2013 will be presenting their solo drama works on Tuesday 27th August at 7.00pm in the Drama Studio. All parents, family members and friends of the cast are welcome, as are members of the College community. This performance provides an opportunity for any students in younger years, particularly years 9 & 10, who think they may choose Drama as a VCE subject, to witness the performance work of our current VCE drama class. As the students performing shall be assessed on this same evening, it is imperative that standard theatre etiquette is observed. In line with this, it would be advisable that babies or small children do not attend. Clare O’Sullivan VCE Drama

2014 Subject Selections Year 8 students have been given their Year 9 Electives Selection Guide. Students should be talking to their parents regarding their Year 9 elective preferences. The 2014 Year 9 Subject handbook is located on the College website under ‘Teaching & Learning – Year 9 Tabs’. Students will be issued with their individualised Web Preferences Access code next week with submission due by September 6. Interim Reports and Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews Information for booking Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews will accompany next week’s newsletter. Interim Reports will be available from next Tuesday, September 3 through our Parent Access Module (PAM) on the College website. These reports will indicate if interviews are recommended or required. Interviews take place on Wednesday, September 11 (4 00– 7.00pm) and Thursday, September 12 (1.00 – 7.30pm). Please note that the Thursday will be a student free day. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Fathers Day Communion Breakfast 2013 A Fathers Day Communion Breakfast will be held on Saturday 31st August commencing with Mass at 7.30am and followed by a home cooked breakfast in the Parish Centre. This year’s Guest speaker is Fr Gerald O’Collins SJ author of the recently launched book “On the Left Bank of the Tiber”. Fr Gerald will talk about “Living and Teaching in Rome for Thirty Years”. Fr O’Collins was there for the last years of Pope Paul VI, experienced at first hand the cruelly short pontificate of John Paul l (“the smiling pope”) and appeared on television for the final sickness and death of John Paul ll. He was on the BBC platform for the election of Benedict XVl. In 2006 he was created a Companion of the General Division of the Order of Australia (AC), the highest civil honour granted through the government of Australia. This is an event not to be missed. Registration can be made by emailing the parish bacchusmarsh@cam.org.au or by phone 5367 2069. RSVP by 27 August, 2013. Head Lice There has been a case of head lice reported at the College. If a student has head lice we ask parents to inform the College and take the appropriate action. Further information can be obtained on www.dhs.vic.gov.au/phd/headlice

You’re the Voice” CRC Melton Cabaret 2013

We strongly encourage you to check these dates and keep them free as any student unable to attend a Dress Rehearsal or Performance will be unable to be involved in the Cabaret. The Facebook page is www.facebook.com/#!/ crc.cabaret. Videos and regular updates can be found here. If a student is unable to make a weekly rehearsal for any reason please email either Mrs Falzon efalzon@crcmelton.com or Miss Hughes ahughes@crcmelton.com as soon as possible. How to stay in touch on the adolescent roller coaster Presenter: Bill Jennings Age: Secondary

The theme for Cabaret 2013 is “You’re the Voice”: a look at music from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s. Our 4 talented Voice Coaches: Joel, Seal, Delta and Keith will lead performers through a competition based on the popular TV show. Tickets went on sale Monday 12th August. They are available by contacting Samantha Frazzetto in the Office. Please note that tickets for Wednesday and Thursday nights include dinner as well as the performance and seats are limited. There will be a Friday ‘viewing’ night, which does not include dinner. Tickets for the dinner shows close this Wednesday 28th August. th

Whether you are already living in the ‘teenage laboratory’ or you’re in the queue for the ride alongside your child on the adolescent rollercoaster, this seminar will provide: 

The opportunity to practise a skill that will help keep communication strong whether your child is an adolescent now, or will be one day

The knowledge for each parent role: mother-son; father-son; mother-daughter; and father-daughter

Young people’s words and insights

Key ingredients (from Bill’s research) to assist your child in a healthy transition to young adulthood

Practical material to readily begin the practice of strengthening communication with your child.


Tickets for Wednesday 4 and Thursday 5 September are $30 per person. This includes dinner and a pre-dinner drink. BYO soft drinks and alcohol. Tables are strictly limited to ten people per table and table preference must be mentioned at the time of booking to ensure families are sitting together. Tickets for Friday 6th September are $10 per person. This is a ‘viewing night’ only. Ticket sales close Friday 6th September at 3.30pm. All Cast and Crew are reminded that they are required to attend all of the following Dress Rehearsals and Performances: Friday 30th August - Dress Rehearsal 3.30pm-6.30pm Monday 2nd September - Dress Rehearsal 3.30pm6.30pm Tuesday 3rd September - No Rehearsals scheduled Wednesday 4th September - Performance 5.30pm9.40pm (approx) Thursday 5th September - Performance 5.30pm-9.40pm (approx) Friday 6th September - Performance 5.30pm-9.40pm (approx)

Date: Time: Location:

3rd September 7pm—9pm Thomas Carr College, Tarneit Melways Map 202 H5

To register and for further details contact the Parent Seminar Series Coordinator, at the Catholic Education Office (CEOM) on 9267 0228 or dsandiford@ceomelb.catholic.edu.au All seminars cost $10 per person. Uniform Shop News Summer uniform fittings for Year 7, 2014 students will be held on Wednesday 28th August and Thursday 29th August. Current students requiring summer uniform should order by these dates also.


Calendar 2013


Term 3

Term 3


Summer Fitting

28th Year 8 Reflection day 29th Year 8 Reflection day Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp 30th Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp

Wednesday 28th 12.00pm - 2.00pm S. Theuma K. Pigott

September 2nd Year 7 MASP Excursion 3rd SACCSS Tennis 4th Year 7 Premier League Round 1 Cabaret Performance 5th Cabaret Performance Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp 6th Cabaret Performance Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp 10th Year 8 Premier League Grand Final Year 10 History Excursion 11th Year 7 Premier League Round 2 Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews 12th Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews Student Free Day Senior Soccer Grand Final

S. Jakeman A. Salmon

D. Taylor

5.00pm - 8.00pm F. Conway T. Agius

Thursday 29th

12.00pm - 2.00pm

J. Johnson Karen Vella

T. Davine

K. Serra L. Toskovski September Wednesday 4th

1.00pm - 2.00pm

L. Vella

G. Thiele

Canteen 2013 Term 3

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

August Wednesday 28th Heather Breich Friday 30th Natalie Rabottini September Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Wednesday 4th Thursday 5th Friday 6th

A. Watson

5.00pm - 8.00pm C. Schembri J. Harvey

Homework Club Homework club will run each Wednesday from 24th July until 4th September in the Library from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.

D. Simpson

Michelle Vranvsic Libby Harrison Heather Harrison Lisa Trethowan Cynthia Amor Donna Robinson

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