27th January 2015 Welcome back to CRC Melton
What’s happened over the Christmas holidays?
Welcome back to all families for the 2015 school year and a special welcome to new families who are joining us. CRC had a terrific year last year best exemplified by our College Dux Ryan Brown. You can expect to see more about our VCE Results in following newsletters.
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Included with this Newsletter is a School Excursion and PE Permission form that needs to be updated and returned by Monday 2nd February.
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Mark Sheehan Principal Deputy Principal – Staff Welcome back to all families for 2015. I hope that you have had a restful break. I look forward to the return of our Staff and Students over the next weeks. Teaching Staff returned on Tuesday, January 27 to a program of orientation and preparation. Student Start Dates Families are reminded of the following College start dates for 2015. Year 12 Students Return Thursday, January 29 for their 2 day retreat. Year 11 Students Return Friday, January 30 for their Orientation Day. Permission forms for both these events were sent home last year and must be returned on the day if not already submitted. Year 7 Students Return Friday, January 30 for an Induction day program. Please note that Year 10 Peer Support students are NOT required this day. All Students Classes begin for all students on Monday, February 2. Homeroom begins at 8.50am. Students dismissed at 3.20pm. Students will be given their timetables, planners and lockers this day. Students should bring all books and materials on this day.
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Shade sails and seating are being installed between the VCE/Year 10 Area. Next to the Soccer Pitch we are installing a PE / spectator shelter that can accommodate up to 60 students. Our Performing Arts Centre will have classes operating in it next week. A new Physics lab has been established in Room N179. B Block has been refreshed with new paint, furniture and offices for our GADAL program. G140 / 141 (our old Drama and Dance rooms) have been converted into Year 8 Homerooms. Both the rear of our PAC and Year 10 Buildings have been levelled out and had stones put down.
John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Deputy Principal-Student Welfare I wish to bring to your attention a few important matters that assist in getting the new school year off to a positive and fruitful start. Behaviour Expectations The beginning of the school year is an ideal time for students and parents to familiarise themselves with the behavioural expectations of the College. These expectations are clearly outlined at the front of the student diary therefore any confusion can be avoided. School Uniforms Term 1: The College has a set school uniform policy and students are expected to wear it correctly. Uniforms are to be kept clean, pressed and mended and school shoes kept clean and polished. Frayed trousers/track-suit hems are not permitted. All items of clothing must be clearly named. The uniform is sold exclusively through the College Uniform Shop. Below is an extract from the student diary regarding the uniform and grooming requirements for students. We look forward to your support in ensuring your son and daughter is in the correct uniform and neatly groomed. Penalties will be issued to students if they are wearing the incorrect uniform.
Boys Blazer Trousers Shorts Shirt Jumper Tie Shoes Socks Belts
Comment CRC Blazer need not be worn in Term 1 Navy Blue with CRC monogram. Navy Blue with CRC monogram. Worn with navy blue socks. Summer only. White open neck shirt with CRC monogram. CRC Jumper can only be worn to and from the College if under the Blazer. Optional. If worn, the tie is to be done up to the shirt collar and worn correctly. Black leather lace-up school shoes. Navy Blue (no sports socks). Plain Black with traditional plain silver or gold buckle.
Girls Blazer
Comment CRC Blazer need not be worn in Term 1 Dress CRC Summer Dress (length to knee). Jumper CRC Jumper can only be worn to and from the College if under the Blazer. Shoes Black leather lace-up school shoes. Socks White anklets (no sports socks). Hair White, Black or Navy ribbons; clear or hair coloured combs. VCE/VCAL Students wear the VCE/VCAL navy blue jumper College Bag Navy backpack with emblem – compulsory. Note: Black runners/gym shoes/black ballet style shoes/ buckle shoes/other black fashionable styles are not permitted. A plain white t-shirt may be worn under the school shirt. The sleeves are not to be seen. Sports Uniform The students are to wear the sports uniform on approved days set down by the College. In hot weather, the students are permitted to travel to and from the College without the tracksuit, provided they are wearing the approved shorts. Sports Shirt School T-Shirt with CRC Melton emblem. Shorts Navy Blue, Gold and Maroon with CRC Melton emblem. Tracksuit Pants School Tracksuit pants with CRC Melton emblem. Rugby Top School rugby top can be worn instead of the sports jacket. Sports Jacket School Sports Jacket with CRC Melton emblem. Waterproof Jacket School Sports Jacket with CRC Melton emblem. (Optional) Shoes The sports uniform requires appropriate footwear. Non-marking cross trainers/athletic runners are required for all PE lessons. For health and safety reasons casual shoes/ volleys shoes are not to be worn with sports uniform. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
Socks Non branded White sports socks only • A plain white t-shirt may be worn under the sports shirt. The sleeves are not to be seen. Note:
The only jewellery that is permitted in the ear is one plain silver or gold stud or one small sleeper. If sleepers are worn they must be removed during PE and at other times as requested by staff. No facial or multiple piercing is allowed. Plastic/transparent piercing are not permitted The wearing of a watch and chain with a small cross/crucifix is also permitted. Notes from parents will not entitle students to be out of uniform for more than one school day. Students coming to College wearing other jewellery will have these items confiscated and can claim these items back at the end of the term. Grooming • Make-up and nail polish must not be worn. • Students are expected to keep a neat appearance at all times. • Students’ hair must be off the face. • No radical hairstyles or radical hair colours are permitted. • The College reserves the right to determine what constitutes radical hairstyles or colour. • Boys are to be clean shaven. Attendance The School requires regular and punctual attendance at school and to all classes. Students must be at school throughout the hours of a normal school day, this includes Homeroom at the start of the school day. Attendance enables proper continuity of programs, development of understanding, completion of work in class and dissemination of information. I remind parents that on occasion that students will be late of absent you are asked to SMS the College in advance and provide a note in the College diary to be shown to the student’s Homeroom teachers on there return. Using the excuse of having slept in is not an acceptable or tolerable reason. All students who arrive at school after homeroom MUST sign in at the Student Office. Failing to do so results in parents receiving an SMS from the College indicating their child is not here which causes unnecessary confusion and distress. I look forward to working with you in a positive and productive way for the benefit of your son or daughter throughout this year. Rob Blackley Deputy Principal – Student Welfare
Secondary School Vaccine Program Transfer of contact information to local council Dear Parent/Carer, The secondary school vaccine program helps ensure students and communities are protected from diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, human papillomavirus and chicken pox. Local councils deliver the program and schools distribute the vaccine consent forms. Recently the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2009 were amended to authorise schools to release parent and student information to local councils so that councils can follow up with parents after the consent forms have been distributed. This means that we will provide your local council with your contact details and a local council representative may contact you with vaccine program information. If you do not wish for your details to be provided to your local council, please advise the school in writing before close of business on 28 February 2015. If you are unable to contact the school by the above date you will need to contact the officer responsible for the vaccine program at your local council, in the event that you have queries about your contact details.
Every day immunisation saves lives and makes it possible for Victorians to live free from the illness and the disability caused by many infectious diseases. All Victorian secondary students can receive these vaccines for free through the school-based program. The next step will be to return the student’s vaccine consent forms to the school. Without returning a consent form, a student may miss the opportunity to be vaccinated. It is important the consent forms are completed and returned to the school, regardless of whether you agree that the student will be vaccinated or not as part of the school-based program. For further information please go to the following link: http://www.crcmelton.com.au/OurCollege-Policies Mark Sheehan Principal