28th march 2017

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28th March, 2017 Reflection Loving Creator of mine, I feel the pace quicken, the time draw near. I am filled with joy as I move toward Easter and the promised reconciliation with you. Teach me to follow the example of your Son, to be worthy of being called one his people: a Christian. Help me to live each day as he did turning hatred to love and conflict to peace. I await the new life with eagerness, faith and a deep gratitude.

As the term comes to an end I would like to wish all families a safe and restful Easter break. Further to last week’s newsletter regarding communication between home and school, a draft copy of CRC Melton Parent - College Relationships Code of Conduct is on pages 5 and 6 of this newsletter. This will be presented at tomorrow night’s Parents & Friend meeting for discussion. I encourage families to read and provide feedback. Parents & Friends

Parents are warmly invited to attend tomorrow night’s Annual General Meeting at 7.30pm. Below is information from Jenny Machado, the current P & F President. The Parents & Friends committee would like to welcome you all to CRC for another great year. We would in particular like to extend a warm welcome to new families and hope that you enjoy being a valued member of our school community. Thank you to the families that have been and continue to be supportive and involved with our school community. The Parents & Friends help in many ways ie: canteen, working bee, sports carnivals, special BBQ days and more. We have been able to use funds from the Parents & Friends levy for such things as shade cloths, seating, music equipment and also the beautiful artwork for the Performing Arts Centre. The Parents & Friends normally meet on the last Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm in the conference room. Our principal, Mr Mark Sheehan is in attendance and is always happy to report on the progress of the school. He is always willing to discuss general business and happy to answer and follow up on any questions from parents & friends. Regards, Jenny Machado Tomorrow night our group of 35 students and 6 staff head off on the trip of a lifetime to Italy and France. Today some gathered for a quick photo as part of final preparations. We wish them all the best on this fabulous trip. Mark Sheehan Principal Office Holiday hours 9.00am to 3.30pm Monday 10th April Tuesday 11th April Wednesday 12th April Thursday 13th April Friday 14th April - closed (Good Friday)

From the Deputy Principal (Staff)

As this is our last Newsletter for the term, I would like to wish all families a safe and restful Easter break. Term 1 always seems short but students have experienced many opportunities for learning and other activities (Camps / Sports days / excursions). With Easter at the end of the break, we return to Term 2 on a Tuesday this year. Term 1 Reports and Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews Interim Reports are available through our Parent Portal (PAM). If you have any difficulty accessing PAM, please contact the College Office or email itsupport@crcmelton.com.au Parent-Student-Teacher interviews are also booked through our Parent Access Module (PAM). Interviews take place this week (March 30 & 31). On the Thursday, normal College classes operate but on the Friday, no classes will operate.  

Thursday’s Interviews: 4pm to 7pm Friday’s Interviews: 9 am to 1pm

It is expected that students attend interviews with their parents/guardians. To access P-S-T Bookings:       

Log in to PAM At the top you will see the Parent Interviews link (click to enter) Then select your child (if you have more than one, each will be listed separately) Select the subject Choose an available time with that teacher Repeat for each class and child as needed. Use the print icon to print off your interview times.

Booking close this Thursday at 10am. End of Term 1 / Start of Term 2 The last day of Term 1 for students is Thursday, March 30. Term 2 begins on Tuesday, April 18. This will be Day 7 of our timetable. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Full-On Theatre, raise the heART and CRCM present, THE CHANGE A theatrical experience that explores racism, community and belonging. The journey begins with an immersive physical labyrinth that the audience travels through. It’s full of installations that the performers bring to life and where you become part of the story that's unfolding. It features projections, actors, live music and cool sound designs. This is followed by a performance of THE CHANGE. THE CHANGE has been created by Year 8, 9 & 10 students in association with a professional theatre company. Performance for friends and families: Wednesday 29th March, 7pm Venue: Performing Arts Centre, Catholic Regional College Melton The links to purchase tickets are below and tickets are free. https://www.trybooking.com/PICQ or https://www.trybooking.com/269116

From the Deputy Principal (Students)

Term 2 Winter Uniform All students are required to wear the winter uniform at the start of Term 2; there is no transition period. The requirements are set out clearly below and in the student diary. It is clearly stated the College Blazer is the external garment to be worn to and from school. Excuses of leaving the blazer at home or in the locker will not be accepted. All winter uniform ordered is available to be collected from the uniform shop this Thursday 11.30am - 2.00pm. Girls Blazer Winter Kilt Shirt Jumper Tie Tights Socks

Compulsory - It is the required external garment worn to and from school CRC Tartan length to knees White long sleeve shirt with CRC monogram Can only be worn to and from the College if under the Blazer The College tie is compulsory Navy Blue Long Navy Blue

Boys Blazer Trousers Shirt Jumper Tie Socks Shoes

Compulsory - It is the required external garment worn to and from school Navy Blue with CRC monogram White long sleeve shirt with CRC monogram Can only be worn to and from the College if under the Blazer The College tie is compulsory Navy Blue Black leather lace up school shoes

The PE uniform is only worn when the student has a timetabled PE or Drama/Dance class, or when otherwise specified by the College Leadership team. The winter PE uniform requires the wearing of the College rugby top or sports jacket as the external garment to school. CRC sport socks are compulsory for Years 7-11, Year 12 students to wear plain white socks instead of CRC sport socks. We look for your support in ensuring your son or daughter is wearing the College uniform correctly to and from school. Parent Information Evening-Strategies for Teenage Success There are many challenges facing you as parent/s or guardians of students and we often get asked for strategies and advice on how parents can support their child through school. That is why we are bringing to our College an extremely engaging Study Skills Coach and Inspirational Speaker, Darren Pereira, who will give you practical strategies that will help you help your child not only survive, but thrive at school. It will help you understand teenage pressures and give you a toolkit of communication skills to build your child’s resilience & create a positive home environment for academic success. The evening will be held on Tuesday April 19, 7pm in the Performing Arts Centre. You will find the evening enlightening, inspiring and practical. Darren’s program has been specifically geared for parents with teenagers, therefore applicable to all year levels and concentrates on how you as a parent can: • • • •

build your child’s self confidence so that they reach their fullest potential motivate your child to achieve both academically & in life communicate effectively so that you can understand your child & develop a close, positive relationship discover & develop your child’s talents toward a meaningful pathway

An invitation to attend will be sent through CareMonkey, with a link to Trybooking to reserve seats. There is no cost. Robert Blackley Deputy Principal (Students) Project Compassion - almost $2000 collected Thanks to all students and staff who supported this fundraiser. Special thanks to Year 9 who collected almost half of the total. Well done to the following classes in particular: 9 Anthony - $382.65, 9 Bernard - $259.65, 8 Reed - $119.10

Humanities Excursion - Kryal Castle Year 8 Excursion

On the 7th of March, all Year 8 students went on an excursion to Kryal Castle, in Ballarat. We had an amazing time learning about the history of castles and the lives of the peasants, kings, queens, doctors and animals during the Middle Ages. We participated in a range of educational activities which included: archery, execution, apothecary (medicine), weapons and armoury, sword fighting, social norms and we also learnt about the creation and development of the trebuchet. We had a great time working with the staff and our peers on different activities which helped us gain knowledge about medieval times. Everyone returned back to the College with a huge smile on our face and amazing memories of our awesome day spent at Kryal Castle. Written by Madilynn Augoustakis, 8B

Languages News We would like to wish our Year 9 to 12 students along with Mr Coates and his staff a wonderful time away as they embark on their Pilgrimage trip to Italy and France. They depart tomorrow night and we will eagerly await their return on Tuesday 18th April. They will visit some amazing cities such as: Rome, Venice, Florence, Siena, Udine, Trieste and of course, Paris. Our sister school in Cividale: Convitto Nazionale Paolo Diacono will also be visited and our students will reunite with the Italian students who visited us last year in July. Very excited staff and students are now counting down the hours before they experience a trip of a lifetime. Wishing you a very safe and enjoyable Easter break in Europe. Buon viaggio e Buona Pasqua! Uniform Shop Academy Uniforms are now operating the uniform shop. All winter uniform ordered is available to be collected from the uniform shop this Thursday 11.30am - 2.00pm. Opening hours: CRC Melton shop Monday 8.00am - 10.00am & Thursday 11.30am - 2.00pm (Not open in school holidays) Thomastown store Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm and Saturday 9.00am - 12.00pm 238 Wolseley Place, Thomastown. Online ordering is now available: www.academyuniforms.com.au Password: Melton If you still have second hand uniform at the College to be sold we would appreciate it being collected by Thursday 30th March 2017. If second hand uniform has not been collected by this date we will donate it to our welfare department. Thank you.

CRC Melton Parent – College Relationships Code of Conduct Introduction At Catholic Regional College Melton we are committed to nurturing respectful relationships and active partnerships with you as parents. We believe that our students’ learning journeys are enriched through positive and reciprocal home and school relationships. As parents, you act as one of the most influential role models in your child’s life. We therefore seek your support in promoting and upholding the core values of the school community and its culture of respectful relationships. This Code of Conduct is intended to guide you in your dealings with staff, other parents, students and the wider school community. It articulates the school’s key expectations of both staff and parents with regard to respectful relationships and behaviours. It also specifies the school’s position with regard to unacceptable behaviours that breach our culture of respect. This Code of Conduct is to be read in conjunction with the College’s:  

Child Safety Policy Complaints Policy

Our Culture of Respectful Relationships Among students, staff and parents we strive to develop the following:       

a respect for the innate dignity and worth of every person an ability to understand the situation of others a cooperative attitude in working with others open, positive and honest communication the ability to work respectfully with other people trusting relationships responsible actions

In promoting and upholding this culture, we expect that parents will:     

support the school’s Catholic ethos, traditions and practices support the school in its efforts to maintain a positive teaching and learning environment understand the importance of healthy parent/teacher/child relationships and strive to build the relationships adhere to the school’s policies, as outlined on the school website treat staff and other parents with respect and courtesy

In promoting and upholding this culture, we expect that staff will:     

communicate with you regularly regarding your child’s learning, development and wellbeing provide opportunities for involvement in your child’s learning maintain confidentiality over sensitive issues relate with and respond to you in a respectful and professional manner ensure a timely response to any concerns raised by you

Raising Concerns and Resolving Conflict

(Refer also to our Complaints Policy) In raising concerns on behalf of your child, or making a complaint about the school’s practices or treatment of your child, we expect that you will:    

listen to your child, but remember that a different ‘reality’ may exist elsewhere; observe the school’s stated procedures for raising and resolving a grievance/complaint; follow specified protocol for communication with staff members, including making appointments at a mutually convenient time and communicating your concerns in a constructive manner; refrain from approaching another child while in the care of the school to discuss or chastise them because of actions towards your child. Refer the matter directly to your child’s teacher for follow-up and investigation by the school.

In responding to your concerns or a complaint, we expect that staff will:     

observe confidentiality and a respect for sensitive issues ensure your views and opinions are heard and understood communicate and respond in ways that are constructive, fair and respectful ensure a timely response to your concerns/complaint strive for resolutions and outcomes that are satisfactory to all parties.

Staff Safety and Wellbeing The school places high value and priority on maintaining a safe and respectful working environment for our staff. We regard certain behaviours as harmful and unacceptable insofar as they compromise the safety and professional wellbeing of our staff. These behaviours include, but are not limited to:      

shouting or swearing, either in person or on the telephone physical or verbal intimidation aggressive hand gestures writing rude, defamatory, aggressive or abusive comments to/about a staff member (emails/social media) racist or sexist comments damage or violation of possessions/property.

When a parent behaves in such unacceptable ways, the principal or a senior staff member will seek to resolve the situation and repair relationships through discussion and/or mediation. Where a parent’s behaviour is deemed likely to cause ongoing harm, distress or danger to the staff member and others, we may exercise our legal right to impose a temporary or permanent ban from the parent entering the school premises. In an extreme act of violence that causes physical harm to the staff member and his/her property, the matter may be reported to the police for investigation.


Homework Club

2017 There will be no Homework Club this week. Term 1

Mass Times

March 29th

30th 31st

Full on Theatre Student Performance Senior Cricket Grand Final Europe Trip leaves Full on Theatre Family Performance Parents & Friends AGM PST Interviews PST Interviews (No classes) Term 1 concludes

Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Geoffrey McIlroy

Term 2 starts Senior AFL Year 8 Cyberbullying Workshops Year 7 Premier League Parenting Strategies Evening Year 7 Cyberbullying Workshops Year 10 History Excursion Year 9 Forensic Science Day

St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

Term 2 April 18th 19th

20th 21st

Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am Sunday: 5.00pm

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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