2nd august 2016

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2nd August, 2016 Reflection A Prayer for Humility Lord Jesus, when You walked the earth, your humility obscured Your Kingship. Your meekness confused the arrogant, hindering them from grasping Your purpose, Your nobleness attending to the destitute. Teach me to model after Your eminence, to subject my human nature to humility. Grant me with a natural inclination to never view myself greater than anyone. Banish all lingering sparks of self-importance that could elevate me greater than You. Let my heart always imitate Your humility! Amen

Dear Parents and Students, What a pleasure it was to attend the Saturday night performance of ‘Grease’. The amount of time and effort put into the show by the performers, musicians, light sound techs, backstage crew and production staff was evident by the quality of the performance. A special thank you to: Michelle Moeser Emma Brown and Ashley Hughes Lis Falzon Amy Goldby Daniel Askew Amy Rowley Dyson Miller

Creative Director Choreographers Technical Producer Assistant Director Musical Director Photographer and Front of House/Program Stage Manager

And an added thank you to the many other staff who assisted in the lead up and for the Performances. The Production team would like to extend their gratitude to the amazing parents/community members that found time to contribute to this year's production. Natalie Rabottini for sourcing props and set pieces, Joy Polglaze, Julie McKay and Carmel Cassar for their sewing talents, Jodie Caruana helping with wig styling and make-up for all 4 performances, Wesley McDougall assisting with set construction and April Crone, Judy Johnson and Tracy Spiteri for catering. Mark Sheehan Principal

Re-enrolment 2017

During Term 3 a formal re-enrolment process will take place. This process enables the College to comply with a CEO requirement regarding enrolment data which is due in Term 4. The actual enrolment prediction for the 2017 school year will influence the recurrent funding for the College. To ensure you do not jeopardise your child’s re-enrolment we would appreciate all fee payments and Thanksgiving envelopes being brought up to date. From the Deputy Principal (Staff) 2017 Subject Selections Year 11 and Year 10 students finalise their 2017 Subject Selections this week with their Final Selection page (from Selection Guide) and a copy of their Web Preferences receipt due this Friday, August 5. Please ensure these are submitted on time as late submissions may result in subject preferences being missed as VCE numbers will then be processed and initial blockings completed. Students will be given their initial allocations later in the term. VCAL students will be notified of their application outcome. Year 9 students and parents/guardians are invited to join us this Wednesday, August 3 for our Year 10 2017 Information Evening. I strongly encourage all families to attend as the Year 10 Elective selections are by far the most complicated of all year levels. VTAC Information Evening Year 12 families are reminded the VTAC Information evening will be presented to all Year 12s in the Melton area this Thursday, August 4 from 7.00pm in the Performing Art Centre. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) From the Deputy Principal (Students) iPad Damage There has been a recent spike in the number of students bringing their iPad to the IT staff for repair because of either damage to the casing or a broken screen. Damage is less likely to occur if the iPad is maintained in the protective cover provided to each student. The iPad is not covered by warranty if the iPad was not in it’s case. Some of the damage reported is not possible if the iPad was in its protective cover. The excess currently on the insurance claim is $100, however if we continue to see the rate of damage as is currently being experienced there will be pressure to increase the excess as the school’s insurance costs will increase. Please remind your child to look after and take care of their iPad. The number of iPads handed into the IT staff means there is a backlog in repairing them for return. Robert Blackley Deputy Principal (Students) VCAL Application forms due in Friday 5th August Just a reminder that all VCAL Application forms for 2017 (both Year 11 & Year 12) are due in to me by this Friday. If you have any questions please come and see me in my office in the Trade Training Centre or email me: shenry@crcmelton.com.au Thanks Susan Henry VCAL Coordinator

Out of Africa night

On Thursday 18th August the school is hosting an “Out of Africa� night. The night will be showcasing everything African, including delicious foods prepared by staff, students and some parents, music, drumming, dancing and talks about African culture. Funds raised from the tickets will be sent to Br. Beausang College in Kenya to be used for student sponsorship and major projects such as rebuilding the netball / basketball court. It is going to be an exciting night so please be sure to get your tickets before they sell out. The tickets can be purchased from the office. Adults (over 18) - $20.00, children - $12.00 and a family ticket ( 4 seats) for $55.00. Arrival time is 6.30 for a plate of food and then the show will start at 7.15. Doors will close at 7.10pm.

Year 9 Community Service

Today we explored Coopers animal shelter in Bacchus Marsh. We found it very inspiring to see all the rescued animals that are being cared for. We swept up kangaroo poo and lashed out hay on the mud, then we got to pat some of the kangaroos and a baby wombat. We put hay on the wire in the lambs house so they don't trip on it, then we made a formula of food for the lambs and fed them. We all really enjoyed the day. It was great fun and the animals were super cute. Bridget Gianino Jaclyn Ronzio Skye Sagert Samantha Stone Melissa Cadman Tyler Sutherland Brandon Surace

Year 8 Integrated Studies MASP On Thursday the 21st of July the Year 8 Integrated Studies MASP class went to Science Works for an education session in the test lab Design Your Future. The students were given a design brief and were asked to consider a world where the government had banned cars as a result of an energy crisis. All residents would need to get to necessary locations within 20 minutes. Students were then given a white board and various Lego pieces and challenged to design a new energy efficient city. Students’ also visited the Think Ahead Exhibition where they considered how past, present and future problems are considered, designed and imagined. Students thoroughly enjoyed the experience and represented the College well.

Simone Bennett - IS MASP Co-ordinator

Pope Francis - Secrets to Happiness

Fr Ron Rolheiser, OMI

In a recent interview, Pope Francis weighs in on the topic of Happiness, submitting his own “Top 10 Tips” for Happiness. What are Pope Francis’ tips for happiness or, as he said, “for bringing greater joy to one’s life”? http://www.irishcatholic.ie/article/top-10-secrets-happiness 1. Live and let live. All of us will live longer and more happily if we stop trying to arrange other peoples’ lives. Jesus challenged us not to judge but to live with the tension and let God and history make the judgments. So live we need to live by own convictions and let others do the same. 2. Be giving of yourself to others. Happiness lies in giving ourselves away. We need to be open and generous because if we withdraw into ourselves we run the risk of becoming self-centered and no happiness will be found there since “stagnant water becomes putrid.” 3. Proceed calmly. Move with kindness, humility, and calm. These are the antithesis of anxiety and distress. Calm never causes high blood pressure. We need to make conscious efforts to never let the moment cause panic and excessive hurry. Rather be late than stressed. 4. A healthy sense of leisure. Never lose the pleasures of art, literature, and playing with children. We don’t live by work alone, no matter how important and meaningful it might be. In heaven there will be no work, only leisure, we need to learn the art and joy of leisure not just to prepare for heaven but to enjoy some of heaven now. 5. Sundays should be holidays. Workers should have Sundays off because Sunday is for family. Accomplishment, productivity, and speed may not become our most valued commodities or we will begin to take everything for granted, our lives, our health, our families, our friends, those around us, and all the good things in life. That is why God gave us a commandment to keep the Sabbath holy. 6. Find innovative ways to create dignified jobs for young people. If you want to bless a young person, don’t just tell that person that she is wonderful. Don’t just admire youthful beauty and energy. Give a young person your job! Or, at least, work actively to help her find meaningful work. This will both bless that young person and bring a special happiness to your own life. 7. Respect and take care of nature. The air we breathe out is the air we will re-inhale. This is true spiritually, psychologically, and ecologically. We can’t be whole and happy when Mother Earth is being stripped of her wholeness. Christ came to save the world, not just the people in the world. Our salvation, like our happiness, is tied to the way we treat the earth. It is immoral to slap another person in the face and so it is immoral too to throw our garbage into the face of Mother Earth. 8. Stop being negative. Needing to talk badly about others indicates low self-esteem. Negative thoughts feed unhappiness and a bad self-image. Positive thoughts feed happiness and healthy self-esteem. 9. Don’t proselyte, respect others’ beliefs. What we cherish and put our faith into grows “by attraction, not by proselytizing.” Beauty is the one thing that no one can argue with. Cherish your values, but always act towards others with graciousness and respect. 10. Work for peace. Peace is more than the absence of war and working for peace means more than not causing disharmony. Peace, like war, must be waged actively by working for justice, equality, and an ever-wider inclusivity in terms of what makes up our family. Waging peace is the perennial struggle to stretch hearts, our own and others, to accept that in God’s house there are many rooms and that all faiths, not least our own, are meant to be a house of prayer for all peoples.

Confirmation Classes

Children who have received the Sacraments of Penance and Eucharist in Grade 6 or higher and wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation are asked to contact the Parish Office to enroll. Classes commence Thursday August 11th at 7.00pm in St Catherine Church foyer. Lost Property There is an extraordinary large amount of unnamed uniform at the office. Also a mobile phone was found in the audience section at one of the Grease performances in the Performing Arts Centre. These items can be claimed at Student reception. Swimming Teachers Paul Sadler Swimland Melton is looking to recruit new swim teaching staff in the next fortnight. They are looking for students who turn seventeen in 2016 - in order to gain the necessary qualifications. The hours are generally good for school students, with nighttime shifts not running very late. The flexible hours are then suitable for university students. Paul Sadler also offers career pathways for full time employees - many of whom started out as swim teachers. You don't have to be a good swimmer to apply as all (paid) training is supplied and the general policy is "hire the personality and teach the skill". If you are interested, visit http://paulsadlerswimland.com.au/employment/join-team/ and fill out an application. CatholicCare- Family Wellbeing Support Service (FWSS) and African Dad and Kids Camp CatholicCare in partnership with MacKillop Family Services and VICSEG provide a Family Wellbeing Support Service (FWSS) within the Melton/Bacchus Marsh region. CatholicCare are experts in family-focused care and provide a range of counselling, education, community and pastoral services. They support all people regardless of their religious belief or background. The FWSS can help your family to better deal with life’s transitions and challenges. They provide a free, flexible support service that enhances resilience, health and wellbeing for families with children up to the age of 18, including those from new and emerging communities. A special focus of the Melton/Bacchus Marsh FWSS is supporting families from culturally and linguistically diverse communities. They have bi-cultural team members who can assist and understand specific cultural issues for families new to Australian life. CatholicCare invites dads to bring along one of their children between the ages of 8–16 for a FREE fantastic camp experience - which acknowledges and celebrates the importance of fathers in a child’s life. The camps provide fun activities for dads and kids to enjoy together, in a relaxed setting, where open discussions can be had and fathers can spend quality one-on-one time with their child. Discussions include: • Respecting traditional cultures • The challenges and differences between parenting in Africa and parenting in Australia • Ways to strengthen the father-child relationship • Understanding each other’s strengths

An application form can be found on the next page.


Calendar 2016 2016 Term 3 Term 3 August August 3rd 4th 5th 9th 10th 11th 12th 15th 16th 17th 18th


Year 10 2017 Information evening Literacy week VCE Unit 2 & 4 Outdoor Ed Camp Literacy week VCE Unit 2 & 4 Outdoor Ed Camp Year 8 Reflection days Year 9 Premier League - Round 4 Year 8 Reflection days Senior Hockey Year 9 Excursion Year 10 Reflection day Italian visitors depart Vincit Excursion Health & Wellbeing Week SACCSS Chess 2017 Vincit interviews Health & Wellbeing Week Year 9 Premier League Round 5 Health & Wellbeing Week Senior Boys and Girls Soccer Year 12 Legal Excursion Health & Wellbeing Week Year 12 Legal Excursion SACCSS meeting Out of Africa Evening Staff Service day - no classes

Homework Club Homework Club will run every Wednesday from 20th July from 3.30pm to 4.30pm until Wednesday 7th September in the Library .

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Charles Balnaves Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

Wednesday 3rd G. Mercieca

6.30pm - 7.30pm M. D’Souza

Wednesday 10th 1.00pm - 2.00pm D. Vasjuta A. Vranesic Wednesday 17th 6.30pm - 7.30pm G. Thiele Summer Fitting/Year 7 2017 Uniform Fitting Wednesday 24th 12.00pm - 2.00pm J. Johnson M. Mullan M. Muse 5.00pm - 8.00pm F. Conway T. Hehir E. Flannigan L. Holt Thursday 25th L. Vella A. Salmon

12.00pm - 2.00pm K. Vella C. Grambau 5.00pm - 8.00pm G. Mercieca L. Bugeja

Wednesday 31st 1.00pm - 2.00pm D. Vasjuta

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