2nd september, 2014

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2nd September, 2014 Reflection Let the Renewing of Your Minds Transform You ‘With your eyes wide open to the mercies of God, I appeal to you, my sisters and brothers, to worship in a way that is worthy of thinking beings, by presenting yourselves as a living gift, dedicated and truly pleasing to God. Do not model yourselves on the behaviour of the world around you, but let the renewing of your minds transform you. This is the only way to discern for yourselves what is the will of God – what is good and acceptable and mature.’ (Romans Ch 12) Paul’s message to us is to have deep respect for one another, and let our love be tender and loyal. To give ourselves wholeheartedly to the work of God. And keep the fires of the spirit burning.

Spring has arrived early! It appeared that Spring had arrived early on the weekend but being Melbourne we will, no doubt, get a sample of all four seasons in the next three months. The quintessential reflection on Spring is that it’s a time of new growth. We see the new growth in nature with the blossom and colours in the garden. What about our spiritual lives? posed St Teresa of Avila. Can you ask God what new life is ready to break out in your personal world? She said that you sometimes need to get rid of the junk (spring clean) in our lives to make room for God. She believed that God gradually enlarges our souls to make room for His vastness. Cabaret Good luck to all staff and students involved in the Cabaret this week! Reminder Re-enrolment 2015 There are a large number of families who are still to return their re-enrolment paperwork. All paperwork is now overdue. Paperwork needs to be returned even if your child is not returning. Mark Sheehan Principal

Interim Reports Interviews



Term 3 Interim Reports are now available through our Parent Access Module (PAM). As well as student overall progress and work habits, they also contain interview recommendations for our final round of Parent-Student-Teacher interviews that take place on Wednesday, September 10 (4.00-7.00pm) and Thursday, September 11 (1.00 – 7.30pm). For these interviews we will be trialing a new booking system through our Parent Access Module (PAM). To access P-S-T Bookings:  Log in to PAM  At the top you will see the Parent Interviews link (click to enter)  Then select your child (if you have more than one, each will be listed separately)  Select the subject  Choose an available time with that teacher  Repeat for each class and child as needed.  Use the print icon to print off your interview times. Following feedback, we will be using 3 venues for interviews, the J (Year 12) Building, the R (Year 10) Building and our new Trade Training Centre (T Building). On entrance to whichever building you enter first, there will be a staff location sheet. Please note that Thursday, September 11 is a student free day except for Year 12 students who are required for a compulsory and normal school day. At the conclusion of classes (Period 1&2) at 12:00pm there will be a short presentation for all Year 12’s run by the VCAL students. Year 12 students will be dismissed around 1pm. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

Year 8 Reflection Day

Dance Month: Hip Hop Workshop

NET (National Evangelisation Teams) are a volunteer organisation made up of about 50 young people that form 9 teams who visit schools, parishes and work in different diocese throughout the country. They run retreats, camps, RE classes, youth groups and much more, all with the focus of sharing their experiences of Jesus’ power in their lives. On the 27th and 28th of August the Year 8 students attended a Reflection Day hosted by the NET team. The focus of this day was self image. Throughout the day the students participated in games, group activities, personal reflection and listened to the NET teams stories and experiences with self image and how God helped them through difficult times. Overall it was a fantastic day of reflection and sharing stories within our homerooms.

On Friday 29th August students from Year 7 - 11 participated in an awesome hip hop workshop after school. The workshop was run by Renee Von Senden, who teaches at many dance schools around Victoria and was in the senior company at Dance World in Melbourne. This marks the end of Dance Month for 2014. I would like to thank all of the amazing students who participated in the workshops. There are so many students at this school that have incredible talents in dance. Keep up the great work boys and girls. We will see you next year for another dance month in the new Performing Arts Centre. Ashlee Hughes VCE Dance Teacher

Veronica Smith 8R

Maths Talent Quest 2014 The College entered 6 teams in this year’s Maths Talent Quest which was judged at Latrobe University in August. The 12 students involved are to be congratulated on their initiative in entering the competition and the time they committed to completing their projects. They were : Year 7 Liam Beck and Ethan Williams Year 8 Madison Giese and Gavin Smith, and Zinah D’Souza and John Montejo Year 9 Nick Hibberd and Dominic Miesen, and Kyle Harvey and Cooper Lewis Year 11 Matt Previti and Elroy Mascarenhas All the projects scored well. Our best results were a Credit to Zinah and John and Distinctions to both Madison and Gavin, and Nick and Dominic.

Italy trip 2015 Students studying Italian in Years 8, 9 and 10 who wish to attend the Italy trip next year are still eligible to go. The due date for the deposit of $500 and insurance of $118 has been extended until Friday 19th September. Please see Jessica Conte for forms and information or email her at: jconte@crcmelton.com.au

St Dominic’s Parish Office Hours Phil Brown The Parish Secretary will be on Long Service Leave from 1st September till early November. Therefore the Parish Office will only be open Mondays and Wednesdays from 10am till 4pm, until further notice.

Social Justice News Winter Sleepout money Last week I had the privilege of handing over $900.00 to Ozanam House. This is a facility in North Melbourne that provides emergency accommodation for men along with free meals every day. The students who attended the Winter Sleep out decided that they wanted to donate half the funds to the St. Vincent De Paul Society and half to Ozanam house. The money will be used to buy Swags (waterproof and warm sleeping bags that have a built in mattress).

It gives you a good feeling, if I ever have the chance to do it again I definitely would and would strongly suggest for everyone to jump on board and do it as well. You'll have an unbelievable experience and will come out with different views on homelessness and will appreciate what you've got. " Jack Hughes There have been five trips out on the van this year with approximately 6 students attending each time. We have one more to go. They have been very rewarding for all and we hope to continue next year.

Winter Appeal donations Next Week is Animal Awareness week On Friday night when we attended the soup van we were able to hand out the coats, blankets etc that had been collected for the Winter Appeal. This year your donations were numerous and kindly accepted by those that live out on the streets. Some even commented on the quality of the items and were pleased to have a range to choose from. Thank you to all who sent donations.

We will be making and selling cup cakes and muffins on Monday as a means to raise funds for the RSPCA. We will also be running short films at lunchtimes about the issues of animal cruelty, puppy farming etc. Everyone is welcome to get on board. Canteen - Footy Final Fever

Students and staff out in the streets of Melbourne On Friday night three of the Intermediate VCAL students, attended a St. Vincent de Paul soup van along with Julia Sansone, Brianna Grech, Ms Rowe-Watts, Mrs Hine and Mr. Sheehan. It was an experience that opened the eyes of all who attended in more than one way. The Catholic Regional College teachers and students did their best to make the event beneficial for everyone who was involved including the clients. "I thought that the event was a real eye opener, I had seen and heard things from people that I had never expected to. Out of all that occurred during the night I definitely have come back with a new idea on homelessness and sleeping rough. It will be an experience that I'll never forget and if the opportunity was to come up again I would accept it without a second thought. I hope all who read this consider volunteering for the Vinnie’s soup van, you won't regret it". Ethan "The experience at the St Vinnie’s soup van was very interesting and eye opening. At the start I was a little nervous because I didn't know what to expect from it. By the end I loved doing it, hearing the stories from the homeless, helping them out, giving them food, drinks and clothes. Seeing how happy & appreciative the homeless were when doing something nice for them is great.

This Friday the 5th September we are going to have a special footy lunch day. These will consist of three different packages—(only available with a lunch order, not over the counter). Package 1: Cost $6.00 (Normally $7.30) Meat Pie Zombie Chew (Please add 30c for tomato sauce) Can of drink or bottle of springwater Package 2: Cost $6.00 (Normally $7.00) Hot Dog - with or without sauce Cookie Can of drink or bottle of springwater Package 3: Cost $6.00 (Normally $7.40) Healthy option Chicken & Salad roll Packet flavoured popcorn Bottle springwater Please place an order in the morning to ensure it being ready for lunch. Please include 10c for bag if needed. Come on join in the fun of the footy finals and enjoy a great lunch at a great price! Thanks everyone, happy eating. Karen Honey Canteen

Cultural Excursion – Les Miserables

Cabaret - A Night at the Movies

As the time for the cultural excursion to Les Miserables draws nearer, it is timely to confirm details with all of the student and parent ticket holders. There will be a meeting on Thursday 4th September at the start of lunchtime in the Drama Studio for all students attending the performance.

The dates for this year’s Cabaret Performance, A Night at the Movies, are Thursday 4th September and Friday 5th September, at 7.30pm. Tickets will go on sale Monday 11th August, please return the ticket order form below or download from the College website -

Tickets have been allocated and are currently being stored in a secure location. Tickets will be allocated on the day of the performance, outside Her Majesty’s Theatre, one hour prior to the show starting (from 12 midday to 12.45pm). Please do not be late. At 12.45pm I will leave any unclaimed tickets, clearly labelled in an envelope, at the box office.


to Samantha Frazzetto in the Office. There will be no sit-down dinner this year. Light refreshments may be purchased during interval. Ticket sales close Friday 5th September at 3.30pm. The Cabaret Team

All students are asked to bring photo ID to the performance.



Cabaret – “A Night at the Movies” Ticket Order Form

Time: Date:

Her Majesty’s Theatre, 219 Exhibition St, Melbourne 1pm Wednesday 24th September, 2014

Transport: Students and parents are required to make their own way into the city on the day of performance. Students are also required to make their own way home via public transport or parent pick up, at the conclusion of the performance. Please note: Any student or parent, not confident in making their way to the performance is more than welcome to approach me personally or via email, with a view to organizing to meet up as a group to travel into the city. Parents are encouraged to contact me with any queries they may have regarding this excursion.

Venue: CRC Melton Hall Name:____________________________ Homeroom: ________________ Ticket Cost: $15 per person Thursday 4th September - Night Performance 7.30pm – 9.40pm approx. No. Tickets Required: _____________ Friday 5th September - Night Performance 7.30pm – 9.40pm approx.

Clare O'Sullivan cosullivan@crcmelton.com.au

No. Tickets Required: ____________

Cultural Excursion – The Lion King 2015

Total Cost: _____________

There are no more tickets available for The Lion King performance during the mid-year holidays in 2015. Please note, that any student and or parent who has expressed interest in tickets and has been allocated a ticket is required to make a deposit on that ticket. A reminder that student tickets are $65 each and parent/adult tickets are $90 each. The deadline for the final payment of each ticket is Wednesday 17th September. Parents are encouraged to contact me with any queries regarding this excursion. Clare O'Sullivan cosullivan@crcmelton.com.au

Please enclose correct money when purchasing tickets. Return this ticket order form to Samantha Frazzetto in the Office.


Calendar 2014


Term 3

Term 3



4th 5th 9th 10th 11th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th

Cabaret Cabaret SACCSS tennis Year Premier League Grand Final Senior Football Grand Final Parent/Student/Teacher interviews Parent/Student/Teacher interviews 10 VINCIT Work Experience SACCSS Athletics Division 1 10 VINCIT Work Experience Year 10 Drama Ensemble Performance 10 VINCIT Work Experience 10 VINCIT Work Experience Year 8 Premier League Round 1 10 VINCIT Work Experience Term 3 concludes 2.30pm

Term 4

Wednesday 3rd

1.00pm - 2.00pm

A. Hindell

J. Portelli

Wednesday 10th

6.30pm - 7.30pm

L. Vella

E. Moss Wednesday 17th

1.00pm - 2.00pm

J. Davine

P. Searle

Term 4 October Wednesday 8th

1.00pm - 2.00pm

M. Tadros

G. Tarabone

Wednesday 15th

6.30pm - 7.30pm

October 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Term 4 begins Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp A Year 10 & 11 Drama Excursion Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp A Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp B Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp B Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp C Year 8 Premier League Round 2 Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp C

R. McDonald S. Phelps

Canteen 2014 Term 3 September Wednesday 3rd Friday 5th

Michelle Keenan Robyn Dodd

Monday 8th Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Friday 12th

Katherine Hayward Diane Cadman Karen Normoyle Tess Galea Rosa Mirabelli

Monday 15th Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th

Debbi Taylor Fiona Craig Suzanne Smith Donna Robinson

Term 4 October Monday 6th Tuesday 7th Wednesday 8th Friday 10th

Emma Moss Rachel Cousins Heather Harrison Rosa Mirabelli

Homework Club Homework club will run from Wednesday 23rd July, 2014 until 10th September, 2014 from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the library

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