31st may 2016

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31st May, 2016 Reflection A Prayer for Reconciliation Lord, we pray for Reconciliation: That the wrongs of the past may be recognized, That our awareness of the journey so far be awakened, And that the Spirit move us to walk the talk and see through what has been started. We ask this in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Dear Parents and students, ‘That’s Life’ ‘You’re riding high in April, shot down in May but I know I’m gonna change that tune when I’m back on top, back on top in June.’

Do Frank Sinatra’s lyrics from a past era strike a chord with you? If your son or daughter was doing well with their studies in April and hit a few hurdles in May, it may be time to refocus their efforts for the month of June. June means test, TATs, GAT and exams for students. As Frank noted: ‘I’ve been up and down and over and out and I know one thing, each time I find myself layin’ flat on my face I just pick myself up and get back in the race …..’ Best wishes, Mark Sheehan Principal

From the Deputy Principal (Students) School Photos Students who were absent on the 26th May will have the opportunity to have their photo taken on the catch up day this Thursday, June 2nd. Ordering can be done online until June 5th and delivery can be expected in approximately 4 weeks. Rob Blackley Deputy Principal (Students)

From the Deputy Principal (Staff)

With the start of June approaching, students are now finishing their Semester One studies and preparing for the upcoming Timed Assessment Tasks (TATs) at Years 7 – 9 and Exams at Years 10 & 11. Details of these were published in last week’s newsletter. Year 11 students will start their Unit 2 studies in the last week of term and Semester Two electives for Years 9 & 10 will begin in Term 3. Year 7 & 8 Art / Technology rotations will also occur at the start of Term 3. Semester Two Subject Changes Requests from Year 11s for changes to Semester 2 studies are now open. Students have until the end of term to finalise any changes. Year 11 students who wish to investigate a change of subject need to see me for paperwork. Year 10 students will have access to Semester 2 changes from June 6 – 17. They will receive a confirmation copy of their current Semester 2 electives this week. They will be at Work Experience during the last week of term. Year 9 students will be given their current Semester 2 electives next week. Year 9 students may inquire about possible changes during the last 2 weeks of this term. If parents have any questions about the process, please contact me. Year 12 / Unit 3 / Senior VCAL Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews There is a Parent-Student-Teacher Interview evening for Year 12/Unit 3/Senior VCAL students next week. These interviews will be booked through our Parent Access Module (PAM). Interview bookings will close at 4pm on Tuesday, June 7. Interviews take place next Wednesday (June 8). Normal classes will operate during the day with Year 12 students heading off for their overnight Retreat on the Thursday afternoon. Interviews: 4pm to 7.30pm in Osma Building. It is expected that students attend interviews with their parents/guardians. To access P-S-T Bookings (from this Tuesday, May 31):       

Log in to PAM At the top you will see the Parent Interviews link (click to enter) Then select your child (if you have more than one, each will be listed separately) Select the subject Choose an available time with that teacher Repeat for each class and child as needed. Use the print icon to print off your interview times.

Parent-Student-Teacher interviews for Year 7 - 11 will be held on 15th & 16th September John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

Celebration Day 2016

Social Justice News

On a very cold and windy Thursday morning last week, Victoria Vassallo, Anna Cicialese, Ms. Belinda Brown and myself attended a breakfast function at Tabcorp Park. The event was in support of Hope Street Youth and Family Services to build a youth homelessness centre in Melton. We all attended with curiosity and enthusiasm. Curious as to who they are and enthusiasm with regard to how Catholic Regional College can help support our Melton community. The presenters were CEO Donna Bennett of Hope Street, Inspector Rudken from Victoria Police and two young adults who have previously accessed Hope Street support services. The common thread running through all of their presentations was that Melton needs more support services for our youth. Over the past year, at least 300 youths in Melton have experienced homelessness. Both the CEO and Inspector suggested that these young people more likely than not, have found themselves in this situation as a result of family violence. Being unable to return to their home and feeling disconnected from family and friends, often leads to further issues of unemployment, alcohol abuse, drug use and possibly crime. These factors can then lead onto mental health issues. They all agreed that to best support these adults, we need to help them stay connected to what is familiar; keeping them near friends, helping them stay in school, near their places of employment and mostly help them stay in Melton. The Hope Street foundation aim to set up a crisis centre that can be accessed 24 hours a day 7 days a week and provide one on one support to young people. They were calling on organisations and businesses in the local area to help with financial support and to help spread the word that this is something that Melton needs and needs quickly. As Social Justice coordinator at the school, I will be investigating practical ways for us to support Hope Street and in turn help provide a better future for many young people in Melton. Amongst the other organisations represented at the breakfast was the assistant Marketing Manager of Woodgrove Shopping Centre – Katherine Shaw. She explained that the centre had organised “The Hope St Tree”. Shoppers are able to support Hope Street by purchasing a butterfly ( a symbol of hope) from the service desk and have it attached to the tree. Margaret Rowe-Watts Social Justice Coordinator Year 9 Community Service Combined Churches Caring Melton. Emergency Relief Food Bank. The combined church food bank is a place where the needy and homeless can go to get food and seek financial help. The food bank provides food, toiletries, beverages and some food items to assist others. Much of the stock is either donated by people or donated by local supermarket companies. The workers at the combined church volunteer their time to help those in need. They are not paid for their time. The workers at the combined church show people that helping those in need really does a lot for a community. Denise, the manager, explained that it is about helping people “get back on their feet” and secure a brighter future.

Packing rice into 1Kg bags.

Billy Rogers, Aleisha King, Ruby Carr, Michael Dudley, Jack Willaims and Ryan Bishop

Dividing bulk noodle packs

Still smiling at the end

Animal Shelter

Cody Boyle, Thomas Cadden and Noah De Courcy visited Cooper’s animal refuge last week. The boys discovered that Christine has only had the shelter open since last December. Previously she had been a foster carer to injured animals before making the move to run her own shelter in Bacchus Marsh. Most of the animals arrive as a result of accidents or others finding them and contacting Christine. The animals stay with her until they are healthier and then move to another stage of release. Unfortunately, very few of the really little ones survive however while they are alive they are provided with lots of care and love. If you want to find out more about Cooper’s Animal Shelter have a look at their facebook page.

SACCSS Cross Country 2016 Last Thursday the principals from all SACCSS schools met to discuss the possibility of rescheduling the 2016 cross country carnival. After much discussion it was decided that due to time constraints on staff and students during Term 3 and 4 the event would not be rescheduled. Thank you to all members of the cross country squad for your time, effort and preparation in the lead up to the event. It is unfortunate that you will not have the opportunity to put all your hard work to use however I would like to invite all students to try out for the SACCSS athletics team which is currently training at lunch times. SACCSS will look to agree on a backup date for Cross Country 2017 and also one back up day in 2017 for Athletics to avoid event cancellations in future years. Year 10 Volleyball Our Year 10 Girls’ team was entered in the prestigious Volleyball Victoria Schools Cup, held on Friday 27th May at the State Volleyball Centre, Dandenong. The girls had trained 3 times a week for four months to prepare for this one day competition. The girls were matched to teams who were regular competitors at this level and it showed early when they started slowly against perennial champions, Upwey High School, and looked a little overawed by both the size of the opposition and the stadium environment. Once settled, they competed very strongly to just go down to Lady Mary Immaculate in their second game. Up against Aquinas College, the girls finally hit their groove and won 2 sets to 1. This win and the earlier close loss put them in to the Bronze Medal match, again meeting Aquinas College. Finals nerves set in and our team was quickly down 10-4, before recovering to storm home to win the first set 20-17. On a roll now, the girls were confident and playing strongly, convincingly winning the second set 20-13 to win the Bronze Medal. This was an outstanding achievement by the girls in their first attempt playing at this level and they are to be congratulated for their skill levels achieved from hard training and their resilience to keep competing even when down in games. Our thanks go to our visiting coach, Anton Micallef, who has helped mold this group of girls in to the strong, skilled, competitive volleyball team that they have become. Team members: Natalie Folker, Imogen Goullet, Anglena Koj, Gisma Lieba, Cheyanne Llanes, Jinella Lopez, Achol Manon, Danielle Sultana.

Languages News

A heartfelt thanks to the five families in our wonderful CRC community who will be hosting the five students from our Sister School in Udine, Italy during July and early August. Thank you to Madeleine Hodge, Breanna Pretty-Murphy in Year 8, Natalie Folker and Olivia Rabottini in Year 10 and Juliet Brooking in Year 11 who have kindly opened their homes to our Italian friends. A big thank you also to Mrs Wendy Hine and Mrs Helen Bardell who are also hosting the Italian teacher, Domenico Pinto. Exciting times ahead. Musical 2016 - Grease This year Catholic Regional College Melton is proudly performing our first major Musical in a number of years: “Grease”. Grease tells the story of Danny Zuko and Sandy Dumbrowski, after their time on the beach falling in love, their summer romance has to end as the school year begins, what neither of them know is that they both now attend Rydell High and their unexpected reunion is just around the corner. “Grease” is filled with music, dance and laughter causing you to sing along and move to the beat of this classic musical. The show will leave you with joy in your mind and love in your heart and the Knowledge that “Grease is the word!”. Rehearsals are well underway and everything is shaping up for an amazing performance season in the Performing Arts Centre on Thursday 28th, Friday 29th and Saturday 30th July 2016. Tickets are now on sale and available through the TryBooking website. Make sure you book group tickets early to ensure you are all seated together. For bookings go to: https://www.trybooking.com/LRCY OR https://www.trybooking.com/204904


Calendar 2016 2016 Term 2 Term 2 June 1st 6th 7th 8th

9th 10th

13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th

Year 7 Premier League Round 6 TATs week Senior AFL TATs week TATs week Unit 3/4 PSTIs Year 10 & 11 Exams begin Year 7 Premier League Finals TATs week Year 9 - 11 exams Year 12 Retreat TATs week Year 9 - 11 exams Year 12 Retreat VCAA Semester 1 ends Queen’s Birthday - no classes Year 9 - 11 exams Year 7 Inside Out Presentation Year 9 - 11 exams Year 7 Premier League Grand Final Year 9 - 11 exams Year 9 - 11 exams Year 7 Immunisations Year 10 Work Experience Staff Professional Learning Day-no classes Year 10 Work Experience Junior Futsal Year 9 Food Activity Year 10 Work Experience Year 8 LOTE day Senior AFL/Netball Grand Final Year 10 Work Experience Year 12 Biology Excursion Year 9 City Experience Year 10 Work Experience Year 9 City Experience Term 2 concludes

July 11th

Term 3 begins

June Wednesday 1st A Salmon

6.30pm - 7.30pm

Wednesday 8th M. Mullan

1.00pm - 2.00pm

Wednesday 15th 6.30pm - 7.30pm E. Flanagan Wednesday 22nd 1.00pm - 2.00pm K. Vella

Homework Club Homework Club will run every Wednesday from 20th April from 3.30pm to 4.30pm until Wednesday 22nd June in the Library.

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Charles Balnaves Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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