3rd march, 2015

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3rd March, 2015 Reflection The Transfiguration (Mk 9:2–10) Let’s go up the mountain. Let’s go up to the place where the land meets the sky, where the earth touches the heavens, to the place of meeting, to the place of mists, to the place of voices and conversations, to the place of listening. “This is my Son, the beloved; listen to him.” O God, we open our eyes and we see Jesus, the months of ministry transfigured to a beam of light, the light of the world, your light. We open our eyes and we see Moses and Elijah, your word restoring us, showing us the way, telling a story, your story, his story, our story. We open our eyes and we see mist, the cloud of your presence which assures us of all we do not know, and that we do not need to fear that. We open our eyes and we see Peter’s constructions, his best plans, our best plans, our missing the point, our missing the way. We open our eyes and we see Jesus not casting us off, but leading us down, leading us out to ministry, to people. We open our ears and we hear your voice, “This is my beloved Son, listen to him!” And we give you thanks. Amen. (Adapted from: William Loader 2001 )

Year 7 & 8 Camps Last week our Year 7s and 8s attended camp and from all reports had a fantastic time.

Student Free Day Next Tuesday, March 10 is a Student Free Day

Staff Day – March 10


A reminder to all families that next Tuesday, March 10 is a Student Free Day. During the day, College staff will undertake a session in First Aid training. In the afternoon our staff will join all other Catholic Regional College staff for a combined Federation Mass at CRC Sydenham. The office will be closed from 12.30pm this day. Also note that Monday, March 9 is a public holiday (Labour Day).

Please be advised the school does not provide Panadol on Excursions, camps or activities. If parents wish Panadol or any other medication to be administered at School or on any external activity, parents must supply the medication and complete a Medication Administration form which is available at Reception. Lost Property

Camps Last week our Year 7s and 8s attended camp and from all reports had a fantastic time. Congratulations to staff and students who all contributed to a positive outcome for the week. If you would like to provide feedback on either camp, please email the relevant Year Level Coordinator. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Working Bee 2015 This year, the College Working Bee will be held on Saturday, March 14th and Saturday, October 17th. We thank you for your wholehearted participation in previous years and look forward to an equally enthusiastic response again this year. It is a great opportunity to socialise with staff and other families in an atmosphere of communal endeavour in improving the College for our students. If you are available to help on the day please complete the Participation form on page 6 of the newsletter. Peter Drew Property Manager

There are numerous articles in Lost property collected after the Swimming Carnival and camps. If you have lost anything please come to the office. All unclaimed articles will be disposed of at the end of term. Canteen The year has started off at full pace. The students have all been enjoying the salads and healthy options. I know I sound like a broken record but we have still been getting unhappy reactions to not having enough food available over the counter at lunch time. To avoid missing out, students should place a lunch order in the morning and they will be assured of getting their order and will not need to line up. Could everyone also please check the 2015 pricelist to ensure they are including the right money - the menus are online or a hardcopy can be obtained at the canteen or office. Please don’t forget that if any problems or suggestions arise to feel free to contact me. Thanking you, Karen Honey

Young Vagabond Workshops – Year 9 Last week CRC Melton was lucky enough to host the Young Vagabond and Westpac School Series Workshops after securing one of only ten places on offer in Victoria. The Young Vagabond School Workshops use interactive and creative facilitations to empower young people to think critically about how constructs of gender affect their lives. Their aim is to encourage participants to challenge existing ideas perpetuated through the media and other social systems and to gain confidence in developing improved understandings of what gender identity means to them. Students are also introduced to tools and resources that will strengthen their ability to choose their own path in this stage of their life. The following are student responses after attending the workshops: The Young Vagabond session was very informative and enlightened all of us to see just how much gender stereotypes control today's world. We also learned about how we should not wear a mask so we can display who we really are. This helped us to acknowledge that we don't need to put on a fake identity and to be ourselves wherever we go. Lastly, we also discovered that it's fine to be emotional and to not follow the stereotype or not be peer pressured to do anything that's against your will. We thank the Young Vagabond team for coming to our school and sharing their experiences in life to help us achieve what we most desire. Emmanuel Nuer, Joshua Eagle, Shehan Tennakoon The team did an excellent job in informing my peers and I of the problems and stresses we face in the modern world today. The workshops were entertaining and interactive, as the team got all students involved and allowed us to vent our opinions while also enforcing listening to others. It was extremely effective and I know myself and my peers will now think differently as we learnt new strategies to face the society we live in. On behalf of all the Year 9 students I would like to thank the Young Vagabond team for their time and for giving us the opportunity to learn in an enjoyable way. Charlee Keating Elise Nowak Assistant Year 9 Coordinator

The Performing Arts Showcase

We are very pleased to announce that tickets for The Performing Arts Showcase, to be staged on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th March are selling very well; there are 18 tickets remaining for the Friday performance. Please order tickets via the form attached below and be sure to arrive early for the pre-show drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Tickets are $10 each and are available from Samantha Frazzetto in the College office, phone 9743 6522.

Youth Strategy Forum On Thursday the 26th of February, students from Year 9 to 12, who are leaders within the school, represented CRC Melton at the Youth Strategy Forum hosted by the City of Melton. The day was run by Kate Wilde, from The Human Development Workshop; Cr Sophie Ramsey, Mayor of Melton; as well as other dignitaries from local schools and the council. Demi Hockaday was also one of the guest speakers at the event because she is an active member of the YAC forum for Melton City Council; she spoke wonderfully and represented the College to a high standard. The aim of the forum was to encourage leadership within schools and show students that they can make a difference for the better in the community. A range of topics which affect young people in Melton were also discussed including anxiety and depression, transport, drugs and alcohol, jobs, and safety. Overall it was a successful and productive day, where we were able to meet students and counsellors from our local community.

Catholic Regional College, Melton Performing Arts Staff ................................................

Corey Vella Deputy Media Captain

CRC Melton Performing Arts Showcase ticket order form Name: _______________________________________ Student’s name: _______________________________ Homeroom: ____________ Contact Number: ______________________________

Stations of the Cross 2015

Number of tickets (tickets $10 each)

Stations of the Cross shall be performed by the Year 9 Drama class on Wednesday 25th March in the Performing Arts Centre. All parents and members of the community are warmly invited to attend. The Stations of the Cross shall be staged four times, for four different year levels with performances beginning at 9am, 9.40am, 11.00am and finally at 11.40am. If you are interested in attending any one of these performances, please RSVP to Samantha Frazzetto in the College office on 9743 6522. On the day of performance, please assemble in the front office, where students shall usher you to your seats prior to show time.

7pm Thursday 19th March, 2015 7pm Friday 20th March, 2015 Total cost: $ ___________________ Money must be enclosed in order to receive tickets.

Clare O'Sullivan cosullivan@crcmelton.com.au

Year 9 Calling Camp Part of a journey is to acknowledge that things will change, you will expect some downfalls but it is how you react to those situations that makes you a whole person. Our camp was a great example of how people can put differences aside and work together to achieve an outcome. Students participated well in the different levels of challenges that were offered to them, being singing or dancing in a talent quest in front of peers, completing team challenges to earn the most points, letting go of issues and making a fresh start. It was extremely rewarding and encouraging to welcome parents for dinner that had been prepared by students. Students were welcoming and were able to have some quiet time with their parents to thank them for all that they have learnt so far in life. It was a good opportunity for parents to hear how grateful their children are of them and how they can continue being life-long mentors to their child. The letters that were distributed to students allowed them to have some quiet reflective time (alone) and contemplate everything that their parents wrote in these special letters, hopefully creating some discussion upon their return home. We thank parents for your support in this program. Overall, it was a great emotional camp that was much needed by students and parents. Well done to all who invested their time and effort into preparing and participating in the camp. On behalf of the Rite Journey Team, Karina Dunne Year 9 Gadal Director

Working Bee 2015 Participation Form Saturday 14th March 9am-3pm Your help is needed in continuing this great tradition at the College

Please complete the details below and return the form to the College as soon as possible FAMILY NAME


PHONE NUMBER ___________________________


STUDENT NAME(S)__________________________


STUDENT HOMEROOM _____________________


FULL NAME(S) of those attending (including sons/daughters) 1) _________________________________

2) _________________________________

3) _________________________________

4) _________________________________

I/WE would like to be involved in:









Tree Lopping


Provide Morning tea

For our catering purposes please indicate below:

I/We will attend lunch

Please indicate any special Skill or Trade that you can perform

Skill/Trade ________________________________________________________________ There are limited tools and equipment at the College and it would be appreciated if you could assist by bringing any necessary equipment for the tasks you wish to undertake. .....................................................................................................................................................

I/We are unable to attend, but send a donation as a sign of our support

Donation herewith $ ____________


Calendar 2015


Term 1

Term 1

March 4th 5th 6th 9th 10th 11th 13th 14th 16th 17th

18th 19th


23rd 24th 25th

26th 27th

VCE Units 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camp VCE Units 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camp Year 10 Keys Please Program VCE Units 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camp Labour Day Holiday Federation Mass day - Student free day Senior Sports Day Year 9-12 Drama TOP CLASS Performance Senior Cricket Semi Final College Working Bee VINCIT Work Experience VINCIT Work Experience Year 11 Tertiary Orientation Day Parent/Student/Teachers Bookings open Year 9 Humanities Excursion VINCIT Work Experience 10M Homeroom Excursion VINCIT Work Experience 12 VCAL Excursion Performing Arts Showcase VINCIT Work Experience Senior Cricket Grand Final Performing Arts Showcase Year 9 SSG Excursion 10 VINCIT Excursion SACCSS Swimming Parent/Student/Teachers bookings close Term 1 concludes Parent/Student/Teachers Interviews 4pm - 7pm VCE Unit 3 classes operate per 1 & 2 Parent/Student/Teacher Interview 1pm - 7.30pm Staff Professional Learning day

March Wednesday 4th

6.30pm - 7.30pm

R. McDonald

M. Gonzalez

Wednesday 11th 1.00pm - 2.00pm T. Davine Wednesday 18th 6.30pm - 7.30pm L. Eagle

M. Salvatore

Wednesday 25th 1.00pm - 2.00pm M. Mullan

I. Guy

Homework Club Homework Club will run from Wednesday, 11th February from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the Library and finish 18th March.

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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