3rd may 2016

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3rd May, 2016 Reflection At the rising of your sun… Lord God, Creator of light, at the rising of your sun each morning, let the greatest of all lights - your love rise, like the sun, within my heart. Amen

Dear Parents and students, Catholic Schools Gala Concert - 'Time to Shine’ On Saturday night myself and Ms Matthews attended ‘Time to Shine’ at the Regent Theatre in Melbourne. We were proud to see four CRC Melton students perform. Kitty Robinson, Brydie Gleeson, Jacinta Guirguis & Sophia De Domenico performed to great acclaim in front of 1600 people on Saturday night. Congratulations to the girls and to all involved in the Production - it was fantastic to see! This Thursday the College is hosting a visit from the Vicar General Mons Greg Bennett and members of the Archdiocese of Melbourne Finance team. The aim of the visit is to observe how the school has been developed in recent years with the support of the CEM and Archdiocese. On Friday afternoon, the official Opening and Blessing ceremony for the Gadal building will take place, so we hope for good weather for our visitors on this occasion. Could parents note that the CRC Federation has proposed 2 changes to the current school uniform. Information regarding these changes can be found on page 7 of the newsletter. We welcome your feedback on these changes. Mark Sheehan Principal From the Deputy Principal (Staff) It was unfortunate that our SACCSS Cross Country was cancelled today. The decision was not taken lightly as it involved over a dozen schools competing. However, in light of weather forecasts for extreme winds and the location of Brimbank Park having a large number of trees, it was decided that the risk to students was too great. Students were safely delivered back to school and we hope to re-schedule the event for later in the year. Bacchus Marsh Bus Transport As all parents of bus travellers from Bacchus Marsh / Darley would be aware we have been experiencing overload problems on some buses. Much of this has been due to students preferring to take the later bus in the morning (leaving some of the earlier buses below capacity) and taking the first bus home after school. Bacchus Marsh Coaches have now designed a short term plan to deal with this situation. Starting next Monday, the later Darley pickup in the morning will no longer operate, and students will need to catch one of the earlier buses from Darley. Likewise after school the early bus will not stop in Darley and instead students will board one of the other buses that all arrive a little later. We realise that this may inconvenience some families but the College will support any plan that ensures students can travel safely to and from the College and have a seat. Details of the updated Bus Schedules will be sent home shortly via CareMonkey. John Christie Deputy Principal

From the Deputy Principal (Students)

Project Rocket Last week all Year 7 students participated in a workshop targeted at anti-bullying presented by Project Rockit. It was a fun and meaningful experience for all Year 7 students. We learnt about what we can do when faced with a bullying situation and what we can do to help ourselves and others who might get bullied. It was great advice and all of us enjoyed what we learnt whilst also having a laugh. I guarantee students will be looking forward to Project Rocket again in Year 8. Brooke Azzopardi Year 8 students spent a whole day with the Project Rockit team developing a better understanding of cyberbullying and the concept of digital citizenship. They should have come away with new strategies for standing up to cyberbullying and protective/proactive behaviours. Check out their tips. http://projectrockit.com.au/blog/2016/4/6/hot-tips-for-dealing-with-cyberbullying-in-social-games Parent Evening - Strategies for Teenage Success Last Tuesday evening an invitation was extended to all parents/guardians through CareMonkey to attend the presentation Strategies for Teenage Success. 150 people indicated they would be attending, which was a great response, the reality was 30 parents/guardians turned up. This was extremely disappointing and embarrassing. Booklets were copied based on the numbers of those who indicated they would be attending. One can conclude people indicated they would attend to rid themselves of the CareMonkey reminders. If you do not intend to come to such presentations, please indicate so. Those who did attend found it valuable and informative. School Photos - May 26 Full school photos are scheduled for Thursday 26 May. Ordering of photos will be online. Details as to how to order photos will be given to each student next week. The photographer Arthur Reed Photos will also provide the opportunity for family photos. Students will be required to wear full winter uniform for the photos, if a student has PE or related activity they will need to bring their PE uniform to school and change from their school uniform. Whitten Project Congratulations to Year 10 students Madeleine Rizzo and Boden Mugridge for being nominated for the Whitten Project. The project is supported by the Western Bulldogs and Melton City Council. These two young leaders were nominated by student Billy Metters and teacher Mr Pittman, along with a record breaking 300 other nominees in Melbourne's west - they were both successful in being selected amongst 77 other young leaders. Madeleine and Boden began their 6 month journey at Whitten Oval last week. They received their uniforms and met the other 53 young leaders who they will spend extensive time with, learning and demonstrating the best leadership and coaching skills learnt from industry leaders. Community Road Safety Forum The City of Melton is holding another Community Road Safety Forum at the Melton Library this Wednesday night. Please refer to the attached flyer for more information. The evening begins at 6.45 and there are up to 12 FREE driving lessons to be won.

School Spirit Awards Year 7 Raheal Mengistu Raheal is a positive and enthusiastic member of 7 O’Reilly, who always has a smile on her face. She contributes to class discussions and is always kind, generous and willing to put herself out in order to help others. Raheal exhibits a positive outlook and attitude both in and outside the classroom setting an example of excellence in behaviour and cooperation. Raheal is honest and trustworthy in dealings with others and a valued member of her homeroom. Solomon Miesen Solomon is organised and prepared for all subjects and is always willing to assist other members of the 7Reed homeroom. He is always smiling and is honest and trustworthy in dealings with staff and students alike. Solomon welcomes various leadership roles within various groups and has been very successful in extra-curricular activities offered at CRC Melton, particularly in the College Athletics Carnival. Year 8 Razerly Perez Razerly is a hard working student who is respectful towards both students and staff. She approaches her studies seriously and is always happy to help those who are finding the work tough. She is always smiling and happy and respected by both staff and her fellow students. Michael Bill Michael works consistently during class time. He is always on time for homeroom and class. Michael always has a positive attitude and gives 100% to all activities and he works well in group situations and does his best to support his fellow classmates. He is a quiet achiever who deserves recognition. Year 9 Brock Willmott Brock is a student who is always courteous to both staff and students. He is a high achiever academically, contributes well to class discussions and studies to the best of his ability.

Liam Orr Liam is a student who is always courteous and respectful to both teachers and students. He always acknowledges staff in the yard or going to and from classes. Liam is a high achiever academically, contributes well to class discussions and demonstrates a lot of respect for his peers. He demonstrates good leadership skills in all that he does. Year 10 Olivia Rabottini Olivia has been a fantastic role model in class and at rehearsals for Grease. She always gives 100% to all tasks and rehearsals. She approaches her studies with maturity and is always willing to lend a hand to others or take on extra roles as required. She has a consistently positive attitude and interacts well with both teachers and students. Brandon Clarke Brandon is a valuable member of the VINCIT program. He always gives everything his best effort, wears the uniform correctly, is polite & very grounded.

Year 11 Ruben Aguirre Coto Ruben consistently achieves high marks across a range of subjects. Teachers have described him as dedicated, enthusiastic, organised and respectful. He completes all required work to an exceptional standard. Athyang Akec Athyang started at the College this year and has quickly become a positive and valuable member of the CRC community. She is engaged with her studies and strives to do her best, she is always respectful towards staff and students. Thyang has made an excellent impression in her short time at the College so far.

Year 12 Anna Marie Denton Anna Marie is a student who was nominated by her teachers. She is a hard working, diligent and conscientious student who listens to feedback and implements any advice given. Anna Marie is personable and relates well to both her peers and teachers alike. She is a House Captain and has shown excellent leadership qualities at both the swimming carnival and the athletics carnival. Anna Marie was part of the swimming team and participated in the training despite the demands of her academic study. She has also filled in the gaps at the cross country as well as being a member of the school production. On ANZAC day she attended the dawn service in Bacchus Marsh representing the College. Alyce Carr Alyce is a conscientious student who is diligent and works hard to complete all of the required homework and assessment. She is willing to listen to feedback and work to improve her work to achieve a higher standard. Alyce relates well to both her teachers and peers and is willing to provide help whenever required. Her work ethic and dedication to her studies makes her a role model for other students at the College. Mr Robert Blackley Deputy Principal-Students CareMonkey Parents wishing to enhance or refresh their skills with CareMonkey are welcome to come along to an informal session we are hosting on Monday 9th May at 4pm. Please email caremonkeyadmin@crcmelton.com.au if you would like to attend, or advise the office. Please bring your CareMonkey and email log in details with you. NAPLAN Testing Next week, all Year 7 and 9 students will be undertaking the annual NAPLAN testing at the College. The National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. All students in these year levels are expected to participate in tests in reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation and numeracy. NAPLAN is not a test of content. Instead, it tests skills in literacy and numeracy that are developed over time through the school curriculum. The tests provide parents and schools with an understanding of how individual students are performing at the time of the tests. Teachers at our College will ensure students are familiar with the test formats and will provide appropriate practice in the lead up to the tests. We ask that all parents/carers encourage their students to do their best on each NAPLAN test. NAPLAN is not a pass-or-fail type test, but a measure of individual student performance shown on a national achievement scale for each test. The results of the NAPLAN test will be posted to you later in the year and show the performance of your child compared to the average performance of all students in Australia. Testing of our Year 7 and 9 students will take place this year on Tuesday 10th , Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th of May. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 10th May 11th May 12th May Language Conventions Reading Numeracy Calculator 45 minutes 65 minutes 40 minutes

Writing 40 minutes

Numeracy Non Calculator 40 minutes

Please note that all students in Year 7 to 9 must have their own calculator for the Numeracy test on Thursday 12th May. Further information regarding NAPLAN can be found on the College website: http://www.crcmelton.com.au/teaching-learning-overview

VET Music Buskers - Celebration Day As part of SAC Performance Assessment the VET Music class will be performing on Celebration day Tuesday 17 May. There will be 3 performances running simultaneously in three different locations: Emmaus Walk (between the Hall & the PAC), behind the Hall (between the food room & the external hall stairs), and the Music Garden (in front of the Music Foyer). th

There will be a mixture of styles: Psychedelic Rock, Jazz, Music Theatre, Contemporary Ballads, Heavy Rock, just to name a few. Come along and support the VET Music Students and bring along some coins to throw in their hats. All donations will help to support Brother Beausang and other charities.

Victoria SRC Conference On Friday the 29th of April CRC Melton held the regional Victoria SRC conference. We spent the day along with 13 other schools from around the regional area, where we developed our skills and leadership qualities. Leaders networked with other schools, as we shared the issues our schools are facing and developed various strategies to resolve the problems and implement them throughout the year. We had the opportunity to work with Kate Wilde, an influential and inspiring woman, that shared her creative ideas and how to implement change within a leadership team. Thank you everyone who attended and those who helped the day go ahead it was truly amazing and such a learning experience for us all. Jordyn Syme & Victoria Vassalo Year 12 Leadership Team

Celebration Day 2016 On the 17th of May we will be holding our annual Celebration Day, where students will attend mass in the morning and then come back to school where there will be fun games and activities for the students to enjoy to help raise funds for our chosen charities. Celebration day is a day where we can all celebrate being a part of the CRC federation and acknowledge our faith. So as a part of our faith we need to help those less fortunate and fundraise more money than we have every raised before. We are aiming to raise $10,000 this year. From next week, early bird wristbands will be on sale for $10 to students out the front of the library. They will then be on sale for $15 the week of Celebration Day and on Celebration Day from 10.30-11.30am. These wristbands will entitle the students to unlimited rides, banner making and entrance to the DJ set. For prices of food please refer to the Celebration Day menu, which will be released next week, as the canteen will be closed on the day. We are welcoming back the Darley General Store and Cuppa4U again this year. This year the funds raised will be shared between our school in Kenya, Br Beausang; Headspace, helping youth with mental health (www.headspce.org.au); and Wild Timor Water Project, who make fresh water available to rural communities in East Timor (www.wildtimorcoffee.com/programs.html). Also many of the new ideas present this year have come from our Student Leadership Team, as they have been working tirelessly to make this event possible. This year we will have four exciting rides: · The Spin Out - A carnival ride that uses centrifugal force to push students back in their seats. · The Fireman’s Challenge - An inflatable firetruck where students climb up the pole and slide down into the front of the fire truck. · The Footy Challenge - An inflatable obstacle course where students compete against each other. · A giraffe jumping castle for Year 7 and 8 students only. All rides are provided by Action Events (www.actionevents.com) Other activities: · DJ: this year the DJ will be students who have won the DJ competition. Winners receive a JB Hifi Voucher and a DJ set time. · Talent Show: Students showcase their talents and are in the chance to win one of 3 Woodgrove vouchers. · Banner Making: A large painted tree where students decorate a leaf that is attached to the tree. The banner will be displayed in the hall. · 3 point contest: Students sign up in teams and compete in a 3 point basketball competition. · Busking: VET Music students will be showcasing their talents in 3 locations around the school. · Tape the teacher/student : For a gold coin donation students and teachers can buy a length of tape to try and suspend a teacher or student on a wall. · Lab Party: The computer labs will be open for students to compete in a gaming competition. · Community stalls : We have many local and national community stalls coming to talk to students about how they can use their resources or get involved in social justice activities outside of school.

We would like parents/guardians to be aware that some of the rides and activities may not be suitable for students with asthma, heart conditions, epilepsy, anxiety, vertigo and low blood pressure. If you have any queries please contact Sue Davie in the office.

Proposed Uniform Changes Students and parents have over time raised concerns regarding the heaviness off the College blazer and the cut of the girls’ kilt. As a result of this, we have decided to look at ways of improving the current blazer and skirt. We would like your feedback on a blazer made of lighter material and a skirt with an improved and more comfortable cut. Academy Uniforms, our uniform manufacturer, has developed models of both. These are on display at the College office today until 25th May. If we make these changes there will also be a slight reduction in cost. If there is good support from students and parents for the proposed changes, the new items will be available from 2017. Students can continue to wear the current blazer and kilt for as long as families can access them. This includes items that are passed down or sold second hand. The change will only affect families when they buy a new blazer or skirt. New ‘older style’ blazers will also be available at the discounted price. The re-sale of the older style blazer and kilt will also occur into the foreseeable future. Please visit the College to take a look at the proposed blazer and skirt. It would be great to have your feedback. Comments can be emailed to kmatthews@crcmelton.com.au If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the college. Kind Regards The Executive – Catholic Regional College

Building resilience in children—Presented by Andrew Fuller

To celebrate National Families Week 2016, Relationships Australia Victoria invites parents and teachers to attend this free, fun and informative session on building children’s resilience and emotional intelligence.

Topics  How resilience and emotional intelligence contribute more to career and life success than academic intelligence.  The active ingredients of resilience.  How parents can develop these in their children.  Friendship skills.  Parenting tricky kids.  Creating happy kids.  Building self-esteem and dealing with set backs.  How to talk to boys and girls.  About the presenter  Andrew Fuller is a clinical psychologist and author of books including Tricky Kids,  Raising Real People and Life: A Guide. He is a co-author of programs on the promotion of resilience and emotional intelligence.  Andrew is a Fellow of the University of Melbourne’s Department of Psychiatry and the Department of Learning and Educational Development. When Where

4 - 6pm, Thursday 26 May 2016 Resurrection Catholic Primary School, 51 Gum Road, Kings Park

Cost Free of charge. Bookings are essential.

Bookings and enquiries Resurrection Catholic Primary School Ph: 9366 7022 Email: hbelden@kingspark.catholic.edu.au


Calendar 2016 2016 Term 2 Term 2 May May 4th 5th 6th 10th 11th 12th 13th 16th 17th 18th



Social Justice Conference Year 7 Premier League Round 3 Senior AFL & Netball Year 12 Studio Arts Excursion Year 11 Legal Studies Excursion NAPLAN Year 9 & 10 Dance Excursion NAPLAN VCE Unit 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camp CRC Melton Sports Awards Night NAPLAN VCE Unit 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camp VCE Unit 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camp Year 9 SSG City Excursion VCAL I Excursion Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp Celebration Day Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp Year 7 Premier League Round 4 Year 9 & 10 Drama Excursion Year 10 Geography Camp Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp Careers Expo Senior AFL & Netball Year 10 Geography Camp Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp Year 10 Geography Camp Year 11 Biology Camp Senior Girls Soccer WEC Trade Training Centre Open Day Year 9

Wednesday 4th T. Hehir

6.30pm - 7.30pm M. D’Sousa

Wednesday 11th 1.00pm - 2.00pm M. Muse L. Vella Wednesday 18th 6.30pm - 7.30pm F. Conway L. Holt Wednesday 25th 1.00pm - 2.00pm J. Johnson June Wednesday 1st A Salmon

6.30pm - 7.30pm

Wednesday 8th M. Mullan

1.00pm - 2.00pm

Wednesday 15th 6.30pm - 7.30pm E. Flanagan Wednesday 22nd 1.00pm - 2.00pm K. Vella

Mass Times Homework Club Homework Club will run every Wednesday from 20th April from 3.30pm to 4.30pm until Wednesday 22nd June in the Library .

Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Charles Balnaves Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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