3rd september, 2013

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3rd September, 2013 Reflection Father's Day Prayer God our Father, in your wisdom and love you made all things. Bless these men, that they may be strengthened as Christian fathers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honour them always with a spirit of profound respect. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Re enrolment process A reminder that all re-enrolment forms were due back last week. Please return the forms immediately as I need to confirm numbers for all classes for 2014. St Bernard’s Parish Fathers Day St Bernard’s Parish celebrated Fathers Day, last Saturday, with Mass followed by breakfast in the Church hall. CRC Melton was well represented with Josh and Jess Tejedor being readers at the Mass and the following students being waiters at the breakfast: Georgia Fellows, Hayley McDonald, Annika Miesen, Zach Miesen, Dom Miesen, Gabrielle Hosking, Ken Dumandan, Grace Allen, Amelia Williamson, Mikayla Tyrrell and Isabella Williamson. Fr Gerald O’Collins was the guest speaker at the breakfast. Fr Gerald, an eminent theologian, spoke about his 30 years in Rome as an educator and his personal encounters with Pope John Paul II during his tenure as Pope. Fr Gerald was awarded an Order of Australia in 2006, and he has just released a book titled “On the left bank of the Tiber”. He is pictured above being thanked by Amelia Williamson. Mark Sheehan Principal

Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews - 11th & 12th September Interim Reports are now available through our Parent Access Module on the College Website. These reports will indicate if interviews are recommended or required. This newsletter also contains information on how to book interviews. Interviews take place on Wednesday, September 11 (4.00 – 7.00pm) and Thursday, September 12 (1.00 – 7.30pm). Please note that Thursday, 12th September is a student free day. 2014 Subject Selections Year 8 students need to submit their Year 9 Electives choices on the Year 9 Selections sheet with an attached Web Preferences receipt by this Friday, September 6. Mr Henneman and the Year 8 Homeroom teachers have been guiding students with their selections. VCE Selections are currently being finalised and all Year 10 and Year 11 students will be advised of their initial allocations this term. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

Social Media Social media is a very powerful and very wide reaching means of communication for schools, students and parents. It is very challenging to stay ahead of the growing traffic of communication between young people. For many young people they are oblivious and naive of the consequences that can and do emerge if they use the different forms of social media to engage in activities that are offensive and inappropriate.



Only share account information with people you trust. Only letting people you trust to know your SnapChat username, Qooh.me account or ask.fm profile can limit unwanted communication from others. Most services have block and report functions for objectionable content, know these functions. As per cyberbullying guidance, it's a good idea to keep a screenshot or copy of the objectionable content before deleting it, just in case it needs to be reported to police as a serious incident. Encourage users to think before they post. Once something is shared digitally, it can be publicly and permanently available. All users need to think before they post, consider the impact of their words on others and ask themselves "would I still say that if everyone knew it was me?"

ThinkUKnow is an Internet safety program delivering interactive training to parents, carers and teachers through schools and organisations across Australia using a network of accredited trainers. In its recent newsletter it highlighted new social media websites you should be aware of and discuss with your son/daughter.


The allure of anonymity

Social Media reminder from the Victoria Police

Behaving differently when no one else is watching is nothing new to the digital age, just more pronounced. It's an extension of the "what would you do if you were invisible?" question, as there are opportunities for you to be somewhat invisible over the internet. Examples of sites that allow anonymity are: Ask.fm Ask.fm is a social Q&A app, it allows users to ask and answer questions using their public profiles or anonymously. Despite claiming that the site should not be used "to ask questions that are mean or hurtful," the company knows full well that its service can be used to cause harm. In the modern day version of "enter at your own risk," the app's terms and conditions state that "Ask.fm shall have no liability to you for content that you may find objectionable, obscene or in poor taste." Qooh.me Qooh.me is a website which encourages users to "Flirt/ chat and be random." It allows users to answer anonymous questions asked by others (who do not need a Qooh.me account) and share these answers via Facebook and/or twitter. Qooh.me is a social networking site whereby anonymous people can ask any question to those that set up an account. They can ask absolutely anything and there are no restrictions on who or what is asked. How do we encourage ethical use and discuss with your children? 1.

Restrict anonymous correspondence. Many young people begin using these services to have fun with their friends, so to keep the experience an enjoyable one, restrict correspondence from anonymous users.

Recent incidents have been brought to the attention of Victoria Police to suggest that primary and secondary students are being specifically targeted on social media sites such as Facebook. We have had reports of young people being asked to provide inappropriate, naked or partially naked images of themselves and or friends. This is a timely reminder for all students to be careful not to send any image of themselves or others on Face Book; particularly to unknown ‘friends’ or “randoms” Please consider having a conversation with your child and ask to review their Face Book page to identify any unknown friends. It is also important to ensure your child’s accounts have the appropriate security settings and are not public settings which leaves them highly susceptible to inappropriate contact by unknown persons. The participation of the public is essential to the success in protecting and identifying individuals providing unwarranted attention to children on the internet. Remind children about the dangers of the Internet and what they should not do while on the Internet. If any student has been contacted or any parent is concerned with inappropriate social media please contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. The link below gives you steps you can take to ensure children are protected from harmful material or web pages that may not be suitable for your children. http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000526.htm

School Spirit Awards - Term 3

Year 9

The following students were nominated within their year level as worthy winners for Term 3 School Spirit Awards. They were presented with their award at last week’s full School Assembly. Congratulations to all winners of the award.

Grace Allen and Ken Dumandan - 9 Mackillop

Year 7 Macey LeHuray - 7 Catherine Macey is polite and has an excellent work ethic. Her homework/assessment tasks are always submitted on time and to an exceptional standard. She is always prepared for classes and wears the correct uniform. Macey has recently been selected in the Year 7 girls netball team and is a valued and well-respected member of 7C. Maddison Giese - 7 Dominic Maddison has had a go at everything that has come her way this year. She has participated in sporting events, was part of the School production, a cabaret waiter and the 40hour famine. Maddison has also been a valuable member of the 7D homeroom, helping other students and being a positive role model in class. Year 8 Nathan Brewis - 8 Mackillop Nathan consistently does the right thing without much recognition. He received excellent results across a range of subjects in Semester One. Nathan became a very important member of the Year 8 Premier League Volleyball team and impressed with his mannerism and conduct when representing the school. Emily Kro - 8 Anthony Emily is consistently punctual to class, well organised and always takes interest in topics by genuinely engaging with what she is learning. She is a responsible and high achieving student who is a great role model to her classmates. Emily will often go out of her way to assist teachers without being prompted or asked. Recently, she represented Australia in the Karate Youth World Cup in Greece, where she won a Silver and Bronze Medal.

Grace and Ken are quiet achievers who go about their activities without a fuss. Since the start of this year they have been inseparable, participating in the debating team and the school Karate Dojo. They have also volunteered to be student guides for teacher conferences, altar servers for Celebration day at their local church, and serving food at the Father's Day mass. Year 10 Tegan Lafranchi - 10 Bernard Tegan is motivated, ambitious and always willing to lend a helping hand. She has been described by her teachers and peers as friendly, conscientious and reliable. Tegan recognises opportunities and gets involved in all aspects of school life. Lachlan Reid - 10 Bernard Lachlan is reliable and willing to take on new challenges. He puts 100% into everything he does, he is a positive member of the Year 10 VINCIT classroom, and always wears his school uniform with pride. Lachlan has been working hard in class to achieve his best and is always respectful to his peers and teachers. Year 11 Bridget Di Mieri - 11 Anthony Bridget has an infectiously positive personality. She is a solid and mature role model within the year level always demonstrating appropriate models of behaviour not only to her peers but also teachers. Within the classroom, Bridget works to the best of her ability to achieve the best possible outcomes. Jake Kremers - 11 Anthony Jake always demonstrates a willingness to do his best. He demonstrates this through his commitment to his studies and the perseverance he shows with difficult situations and concepts. Jake has represented the College in various sporting events and also participates in school based staff versus students games. He is a positive role model to all students in the year level and this is shown through his election as SRC representative for his class.

Year 12

Fund raising for Kenya/Polling Booth

Catherine Hanaford - 12 Anthony & Will Dao - 12 Mackillop

There will be a sausage sizzle this Saturday outside the polling booth at the College. The funds raised will go towards projects at Brother Beausang School in Kenya.

Catherine and Will are both diligent students who work hard at their academic studies. They are also active participants in extra curricular activities such as senior sport and College productions. Both recently participated in the City to Surf run in Sydney, showing their ability to balance studies with other activities. Catherine and Will are personable and relate well to both their peers and staff, as is indicated by the number of staff nominations both received for this award. Robert Blackley Deputy Principal-Student School Sores (Impetigo) School sores are a highly contagious skin infection easily spread through touch. Impetigo may affect skin anywhere on the body but commonly occurs in the area around the nose and mouth. It first appears as a small itchy, inflamed area of skin which blisters. As children are at the highest risk of developing Impetigo, please see a link below to view further information from the Department of Health Victoria. http://ideas.health.vic.gov.au/bluebook/impetiginfo.asp Medical Forms Currently there are a substantially large amount of unreturned ‘Parent & Consent forms’ for 2013. Repeated attempts have been made to parents with a request to check, sign and return the forms. Until forms are returned, student’s with missing forms will be excluded from excursions.

A for attitude to positive parenting Presenter: Julie Davey Ages: Primary and Secondary Julie Davey presents proven strategies to build resilience in children and enhance wellbeing for the whole family. Topics will cover: Positive attitudes for health and happiness, including: -tips and techniques to reduce stress and anxiety in children -Improving personal performance, health & success for yourself and your child. The fabulous First 5 Minutes Program, including: - teaching children how to deal with problems as opportunities - the importance of setting achievable goals and reaching their full potential - building confidence in children and helping them focus in class Food for Thought provides fun ways to: - convince your child to eat nutritious foods - focus on their positive traits and potential - become more resilient Date: Time: Location:

17th September 7pm—9pm St Lawrence School, Derrimut Melways Map 39 B3

To register and for further details contact the Parent Seminar Series Coordinator, at the Catholic Education Office (CEOM) on 9267 0228 or dsandiford@ceomelb.catholic.edu.au All seminars cost $10 per person.

Dear Parents Our final 2014 Parent/Teacher/Student interviews will be held between 4.00pm – 7pm on Wednesday, September 11 and 1.00pm – 7.30pm on Thursday, September 12. You can now book interviews at times that suit YOUR FAMILY BEST. Go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and follow these simple instructions. This link will also be available on the College website. BOOKINGS OPEN TUESDAY, September 3 at 9am

Enter THIS school event code. Then follow the 3 simple steps.


When you click finish, your interview timetable will be emailed to you automatically - check your junk mail folder if you do not receive your email immediately. You can return to www.schoolinterviews.com.au at any time, and change your interviews - until bookings close.

For parents that don’t have access to the internet at home, at work, at a friend’s house or on their phones, computer kiosks will be available in the College Library from September 3, so that parents can still make their own bookings. Students with written permission from parents may also have access to the kiosk. Interviews are strictly 10mins and spaces are limited. If you require more time, please contact your teacher directly to make alternative arrangements. Parents can change their interview bookings, any time prior to the closing date, by re-visiting the www.schoolinterviews.com.au website, and using the event code. Remember to use the same name and email address, you used when you made your original booking. Parents wishing to change their interview times after the closing date, should contact the school directly on: 9743 6522

Cancer Council Fundraising

Year 9 Dance Performance

Joshua Pace-Rinaldo of 8 O’Reilly is showing his compassion for others by shaving his head to raise money for the Victorian Cancer Council. The shave will take place on Thursday 19th September at the College. You can support him by clicking the following link and donating

On Tuesday 27th August the Year 10 Urban Dance students performed their first dance to an audience of 160 students. The students, as part of their assessment task, were taught a choreographed piece of dance which consisted of dance styles such as Hip Hop, Contemporary and Neo Classical. The dance students were buzzing with excitement to showcase the dance they have been learning over the last 6 weeks and the audience was extremely supportive and receptive to the students, cheering for them during the performance. The students worked extremely hard to perfect all dance moves and convey the expressive intention of the dance. Congratulations girls you should be very proud.

http://vic.cancercouncilfundraising.org.au/ joshuashavesfundraising A donation of any sum will be appreciated. Many of us have been affected by cancer and this really is a great way to assist those people in need. Well done Joshua! SchoolNuts allergy research is coming to CRC Melton Researchers from The Royal Children's Hospital will be visiting Year 7 and 8 at CRC Melton on Thursday 19th September as part of the "SchoolNuts" program. Researchers are investigating food allergy, anaphylaxis and asthma - why are these conditions increasing and how do they impact children and adolescents? Even if your child does not have an allergy, your participation will help researchers answer these important questions. All Year 7 and 8 students will be invited to complete a questionnaire if they have parental consent. Upon completion students will take part in an education session with allergy nurses from The Royal Children's Hospital. An information sheet and consent form has been sent home with your child. Please complete the consent form via one of the following methods: Online: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CONSENTSCHOOLNUTS-QUESTIONNAIRE Hardcopy – return the consent form to your child’s school or post it directly to MCRI Even if your child does not have a food allergy we encourage you to complete and return the forms as this will provide invaluable information which may help future children with an allergy. Dean Henneman Year 8 Coordinator

Ashlee Hughes Dance Co-ordinator


Calendar 2013 2013 Term 3 Term 3 September September 4th 5th 6th 10th 11th 12th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th

Year 7 Premier League Round 1 Cabaret Performance Cabaret Performance Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp Cabaret Performance Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp Year 8 Premier League Grand Final Year 10 History Excursion Year 7 Premier League Round 2 Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews Student Free Day Senior Soccer Grand Final SACCSS Athletics—Division 1 Year 10 Work Experience Year 10 Work Experience Year 10 Work Experience Year 10 Work Experience Year 10 Work Experience Term 3 concludes

Wednesday 4th

1.00pm - 2.00pm

L. Vella

G. Thiele

Wednesday 11th 6.30pm - 7.30pm C. Bettess

N. Woods

M. Salvatore

Wednesday 18th 1.00pm - 2.00pm P. Searle

M. Mullan

Term 4 October Wednesday 9th


C. Crotty

R. McDonald

Wednesday 16th 6.30pm - 7.30pm L. Cadman

S. Bala

Homework Club Homework club will run each Wednesday from 24th July until 4th September in the Library from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.

Canteen 2013 Term 3

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

September Wednesday 4th Thursday 5th Friday 6th Monday 9th Tuesday 10th Friday 13th

Heather Harrison Lisa Trethowan Cynthia Amor Donna Robinson Debbi Taylor Johanna Blain Sandra Esposito

Tuesday 17th Wednesday 18th Thursday 19th Friday 20th

Heather Breich Suzanne Smith Maria Zaharogiannis Rosa Mirabelli

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