4th march, 2014

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4th March, 2014 Reflection Lord, as we begin this holy season of Lent, grant us a change of heart that we might turn away from sin and follow your Son’s Gospel. We ask you to fill us with a hunger for what is just. By your grace, may our lives become more deeply rooted in prayer, self-sacrifice and a willingness to share. In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus said to the disciples, “Beware of practising your piety before others in order to be seen by them; for then you have no reward from your Father in heaven. So whenever you give alms, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be praised by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be done in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”

Some thoughts for parents of teenagers

Parents and Friends news

A newsletter article from Andrew Neal (Principal, Bacchus Marsh Grammar) caught my eye last week, and I republish below with the author’s permission. It addresses the issues around parenting teenagers in today’s world. I have observed in schools and in sporting clubs that I am associated with a tendency for some parents to “micro- manage” their children’s lives which doesn’t help their kids in the long run. I endorse Andrew’s comments below for parents to reflect on.

At our Parents and Friends meeting last Wednesday, we decided to bring forward the starting time for meetings to 7pm. Also a request was made for parents to have an opportunity to inspect the new Trade Training Centre. As parents are aware I conducted a tour of the TTC last Saturday morning. Another opportunity will be on Wednesday March 26 at 6.30pm. Also current families are welcome to join our school tours which are of one hour duration - please book with Kerrie Ann Matthews (kmatthews@crcmelton.com.au). Dates: Monday March 16 at 9.15am and Wednesday March 26 at 2pm.

“We have a slight outbreak in the Junior Secondary area of over protective behavior from parents. From the age of 12/13 students really start to cease being children and need to start being considered as young adults. Part of that process is enabling students to become increasingly responsible for their actions or indeed lack of action. In the school setting we start to increase the expectations we have of students to be responsible for their organisation and learning and to also appreciate that in life there are consequences for our decisions or actions. Parents do their children no service by attempting to protect them from the consequences of inaction or not being organised. Equally they do not assist them by continuing to “micro-manage” their lives. Part of the education process is learning to deal with the fact that there is a consequence for forgetting your sports gear or that a teacher doing their job will hold you to account if you have not completed your homework. I would ask that parents rather than immediately jumping to protect their child from a consequence look at the issue more broadly and allow your child to understand that sometimes not doing things will have a consequence. I can guarantee that learning the lesson whilst younger in a relatively mild way will be a great deal easier than having to learn it later when facing the hard realities of adult life.” Andrew A. Neal, Principal, Bacchus Marsh Grammar Feb 19,2014”

Working Bee Thanks to all parents, students and staff who attended Saturday’s working bee. The school certainly looked much cleaner and in good shape when I walked through the school grounds on Monday morning. Special thanks to the Parents and Friends committee who prepared and cooked a fine lunch on Saturday. Mark Sheehan Principal

Staff Day – March 11 A reminder to all families that next Tuesday, March 11 is a Student Free Day. During the day, College staff will undertake sessions in Professional Learning and Faith Development as well as undertaking initial preparation for our College Faith Day in August. In the afternoon our staff will be joined by all other Catholic Regional College staff for a combined Federation Mass at St. Catherine’s Church. Also note that Monday, March 10 is a public holiday (Labour Day). Bulman’s Road – Roadworks With the development of a new Roundabout at Sovereign Boulevard, roadworks will continue at the Northern end of our Bulman’s Road location. We ask all parents and other CRC Melton Community members to adhere to the interim parking restrictions along Bulman’s Road. Both the construction company and Melton City Council have apologised for the inconvenience during this time. Any concerns regarding the roadworks can be directed to Peter Mavrogenis from Patten Pavement Services on 8360 7420. Camps Last week our Year 8’s attended the Burnside camp in Anglesea and from all reports had a fantastic time. Congratulations to staff and students who all contributed to a positive outcome for the week. This week, our Year 7 students head off to Campaspe Downs for 2 days of activities, personal development and fun! I feel sure all students will have a great time, as I have seen the amount of preparation and planning that has gone into this camp. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

Year 8 Camp Last week Year 8’s went on a two day adventure and took part in a surf camp at Anglesea. This adventure gave students the opportunity to complete different challenges by choice. We could learn how to surf, assist others in initiatives games and climb the 20 metre high ropes obstacle course. The main highlight for me was learning to surf. It was my first experience and I was very nervous. As I dragged the board into the water, my nerves grew but I continued trying not to panic. Once I got on the board and rode my first wave, my nerves went away and unassisted I began my next wave, but face planted, getting a mouthful of salty water. Felt a surge of courage as I went deeper in the water, got on my board, paddled, caught the wave and surfed towards shore. Looking up noticing the teachers cheering me on, I felt proud and relieved. I’d finally ridden a wave and successfully stood up. James Previti - 8 Reed

Cross Country 2014

Kenya! Here we come

Congratulations to Ally James and Ryan Holzer for being appointed Cross Country captains for 2014. Training is well under way for the SACCSS event to be held at Brimbank Park early in second term.

With great excitement I can say it is now only 24 days until we fly out to Embulbul in Kenya. The Kenya Immersion Team has worked continually for the past 8 months trying to raise funds for Br. Beausang school to put towards the cost of a Basketball/ Netball court. With the much appreciated assistance from many in the school community and local businesses within Melton we have been able to raise over $16,000. A great effort. Over the weekend we held our final fund raising activity, a cake stall was held at St Bernard’s Parish which raised over $800. Over the past months we have had two Bunnings Barbeques, a polling day barbeque, a movie night, a chocolate drive, sports day barbeques, celebration day offerings, a staff Christmas raffle and have door knocked many businesses. I also have a huge collection of stationery and black socks on my desk ready to pack to take with us. Thank you to all that have contributed to this amazing effort.

Cultural Excursion – Les Miserables Each year the Performing Arts department, at CRC Melton, organise a cultural arts excursion for interested students to immerse themselves within the Melbourne arts scene, by viewing a live theatrical performance. This year, the performance selected is Les Miserables the musical. Forty student tickets have been purchased for the discounted price of $50 each. Twenty staff members will also be accompanying the students on this excursion. This excursion takes place outside of school hours at 1pm on Wednesday 24th September, 2014 at Her Majesty’s Theatre, 219 Exhibition St, Melbourne. This date is the first week of the September school holidays. Ticket permission forms are open to students in Years 7 – 12 and are available from Ms. O’Sullivan. Students will be required to make their own way into the city on the day of the performance and to meet Ms. O’Sullivan outside the theatre in Exhibition Street by 12.30pm. Students are also required to make their own way home via public transport or parent pick up, at the conclusion of the performance. Any student not confident in making their own way to the performance is able to negotiate other travel plans with myself. All notices and money to be paid to Ms O’Sullivan no later than March 31st. Parents are encouraged to contact me with any queries regarding this excursion. Clare O'Sullivan cosullivan@crcmelton.com.au

Thursday night we enjoyed a wonderful Kenyan feast cooked up by the team and shared with the parents. It was a great way to spend time talking about the trip, easing concerns and revelling in the excitement of this incredible journey we are about to embark on. Nathan Guthridge and myself are very proud to be travelling with a great group of girls and to be entrusted with their care while away. We all look forward to telling you about it when we get back. So for now, we are counting the days and trying to keep our excitement contained. Margaret Rowe-Watts

Catholic Education Visual Arts Exhibition

Italian Principals Visit

Every year Catholic Regional College Melton takes part in the Catholic Education Visual Arts Exhibition, this year we have been particularly successful and delighted as the following students artwork was accepted as part of the exhibition.

Last week Vittorino Michelutti the Deputy Principal of the Convitto of Cividale, our Italian sister school, arrived in Melbourne together with two other principals, Paolo Battigello, Principal of Agricultural School in Cividale and Raffaele Franzese, President of the High Institute for Technologies in Sardinia. The purpose of their visit was to further establish the sister school relationship. Furthermore, the visit assisted in expanding future agreements between the two new schools, in particular future student and teacher exchanges. Vittorino, Paolo and Raffaele were extremely impressed with Catholic Regional College and the opportunities we provide for our students. The various pathways offered to students was recognised by our international visitors, in particular the developing Trade Training Centre. We look forward to welcoming students from the Convitto of Cividale in July this year.

Angeline Lopes - Alice's Café

Greta Burns – Artificial Beauty

Chloe Galakos, Lili Alcock, Kaitlyn Tissera, Xavier Rabbotini, Cheyenne Voss, Montana Salton - The Sea

Jessica Conte Languages Coordinator Canteen News Please be aware that tomorrow (05/03/2014) is Ash Wednesday and there will be no meat products for sale in the canteen. Examples of what are available: pastizzi, hash browns, hash brown rolls, all salads either on rolls, wraps, sandwiches or in packs - also available with tuna - be creative or let us be creative!

Courtney Grech – Dreams

Please also note that if you are requiring a fork or spoon to use with food brought from home, you are required to line up at the window, do not come to the door of the canteen. There is a cost of 20c for each piece of cutlery. Students are reminded that if you wish to have something specific for lunch (eg. Hot dog) an order needs to be placed in the morning otherwise there is no guarantee that it will be available at lunchtime.

We would like to invite you and your family to the Catholic Education Visual Arts Exhibition 2014 where you will be able to view our students work along with many of the other Catholic Primary and Secondary Students across the archdiocese in Melbourne. The Family Viewing session takes place at the: Catholic Leadership Centre, 576 Victoria Parade East Melbourne Saturday 15 March 2014 Centre open from 1.30 – 4.00 pm The exhibition is also open on the 16th March 1.30 - 4pm and 17th - 22nd March 9am - 3.30pm.

Karen Honey Canteen Lost Property There are numerous articles in Lost property collected after the Swimming Carnival and camps. If you have lost anything please come to the office. All unclaimed articles will be disposed of at the end of term.


Calendar 2014



Term 1

5th 6th 7th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th

Year 7 Camp - A, B & C Ash Wednesday Year 7 Camp - D, M & O Year 7 Camp - D, M & O Year 7 Camp - D, M & O Labour Day holiday Federation Faith Day—No Classes Unit 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camp 1 VCE Drama Excursion Year 12 English - Theatre Co. Performance Unit 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camp 1 VCE Arts Excursion Unit 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camp 1

March Wednesday 5th M. Mullan Wednesday 12th

Homework club will run from Wednesday 12th February 2014 until 26th March, 2014 from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the library

G. Tarabone

T. Naumovski

6.30pm - 7.30pm

E. Moss Wednesday 19th T. Davine

Homework Club

1.30pm - 2.30pm

1.30 pm - 2.30pm N. McLeod

L. Vella

Canteen 2014 Term 1 March Monday 3rd Tuesday 4th Wednesday 5th Friday 7th

Debbi Taylor Karen Normoyle Suzanne Smith Tess Galea Rosa Mirabella

Wednesday 12th Michelle Keenan Thursday 13th Linda Tomac Friday 14th Sandra Esposito Monday 17th

Tanya Gourdon Emma Moss Tuesday 18th Joyce VanRavenstein Wednesday 19th Donna Robinson Friday 21st Jo Ince

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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