5th august, 2014

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5th August, 2014 Reflection The anniversary of the outbreak of World War One Father of all, remember your holy promise, and look with love on all your people, living and departed. On this day we especially ask that you would hold for ever all who suffered during the First World War, those who returned scarred by warfare, those who waited anxiously at home, and those who returned wounded, and disillusioned; those who mourned, and those communities that were diminished and suffered loss. Remember too those who acted with kindly compassion, those who bravely risked their own lives for their comrades, and those who in the aftermath of war, worked tirelessly for a more peaceful world. And as you remember them, remember us, O Lord; grant us peace in our time and a longing for the day when people of every language, race, and nation will be brought into the unity of Christ’s kingdom. This we ask in the name of the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Device for Year 11s in 2015

2015 Subject Selections

In a letter to parents dated June 25 this year, I outlined some decisions regarding the Student Devices which the school has endorsed for use from the start of 2015. In response to that letter, several parents of current Year 10 students have written to the school on the issue of the ACER tablets, and their unreliability for their child's learning.

Year 10 and 11 students need to submit their Initial Subject Selections sheet along with their Web Preferences Receipt by this Friday, August 8. This applies to students wishing to do VCE or VCAL pathways. VCE numbers will then be processed and initial blockings completed. Students will be given their initial allocations later in the term. VCAL students will also be notified regarding the outcome of their application. Year 9 students and families have their 2015 Information Evening this Wednesday, August 6. The evening begins at 7pm and will explain the selection process for Year 10 subjects and the VINCIT program.

I raised this matter in different forums at school, including our eLearning team, our Leadership team and the Parents and Friends forum last Wednesday night. Given all the input, the decision is that the ACER tablets will be phased out in the second half of this year, and be replaced with iPads. Details: In October (date tbc) Year 10 students will bring their ACER device plus $50 and receive an iPad for their use. The $50 will cover a two year warranty and service agreement. Parents will pay a contribution of $200 in Year 11 and another $200 in Year 12 towards the cost of the iPad. Thanks to the parents who gave us feedback on this matter. Mark Sheehan Principal

Student Activities This weekend, the College continues to offer activities for students. Some of our senior students and staff head off to the snow (Mt Buller) on Friday afternoon. Hopefully the recent snow falls will mean good skiing over the weekend. Other students and staff will also travel to compete in the Sydney City to Surf over the weekend. Best wishes to all competitors and I am sure both activities will provide positive experiences for our students. College Athletics Carnival Our rescheduled College Athletics Carnival takes place next Monday, August 11. Information regarding this event will be sent home this week. A decision on whether the day will go ahead due to weather conditions will be made this Friday. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

Re-enrolment 2015 During Term 3 a formal re-enrolment process will take place. This process enables the College to comply with a CEO requirement regarding enrolment data which is due in Term 4. The actual enrolment prediction for the 2015 school year will influence the recurrent funding for the College. The Parish Priests and Finance Committee are currently drawing up lists of families who are behind in their Thanksgiving envelopes and/or school fees. To avoid an interview please make an effort to have your fees and Thanksgiving envelopes up to date. Re-enrolment paperwork will be sent home the week beginning the 11th August and will be due, with a $100 per child re-enrolment fee, on Thursday 28th August. School Improvement Surveys We are seeking the support of our parents as we believe our parent voice is important to help shape the ongoing improvement of our school. The School Improvement Survey will be available from Monday 28th July 2014 to Friday 22nd August, 2014. Why Do We Survey? The main aim of the survey is to identify factors that contribute to the organisational health of your child’s/ children’s school and provide valuable information about what is going well and not so well and the ways in which this may be improved and built upon. We are consulting families to gather your input to shape the future development of our school. Although we strongly encourage you to complete the survey, your participation is voluntary. If you are willing to complete the survey please email: kmatthews@crcmelton.com.au to receive the survey information. Feast of St Mary MacKillop To celebrate the feast of St Mary MacKillop, you are invited to visit the Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre, 362 Albert Street East Melbourne on Saturday 9th August between 10.00am & 4.00pm. You can tour the Museum, pray in the Chapel where Mary prayed, visit the Gift Shop and enjoy refreshments in the peaceful surroundings. A guided Mary MacKillop Walking Tour of Fitzroy & East Melbourne will be available at 11.00am.

Year 10, 11 and 12 Math Students CAS Calculator batteries for sale If your CAS calculator charges when plugged into a power source, but doesn’t hold the charge as soon as it’s unplugged, then you may need a new battery. New batteries can be purchased from the office for $16.50 each. If you require help to replace the battery, please see Ms Jahnke.

Year 12 Drama Last Thursday the Year 12 Drama students had the opportunity to be involved within a physical theatre workshop run by a practitioner from Zen Zen Zo Physical Theatre Company. The purpose of the workshop was specifically to generate material for the students’ Solo Performances, which are required to be 7 minutes in length and which shall be graded by an external panel, appointed by VCAA, in Term 4. The students are to be commended on the commitment and enthusiasm they demonstrated in devising their performance works. Clare O’Sullivan

Cabaret - A Night at the Movies

Italian Students

The dates for this year’s Cabaret Performance, A Night at the Movies, are Thursday 4th September and Friday 5th September, at 7.30pm.

Our visiting Italian students joined our Year 11 Studio Arts class creating Ceramics and teaching us how to make Pizzas.

Tickets will go on sale Monday 11th August, please return the ticket order form below or download from the College website http://www.crcmelton.com.au/co-curricula-performing-arts-cabaret

to Samantha Frazzetto in the Office. There will be no sit-down dinner this year. Ticket sales close Friday 5th September at 3.30pm. The Cabaret Team ----------------------------------------- -

Cabaret – “A Night at the Movies” Ticket Order Form Venue: CRC Melton Hall Ticket Cost: $15 per person Thursday 4th September - Night Performance 7.30pm – 9.40pm approx. No. Tickets Required: _____________ Friday 5th September - Night Performance 7.30pm – 9.40pm approx. No. Tickets Required: ____________ Total Cost: _____________ Please enclose correct money when purchasing tickets. Return this ticket order form to Samantha Frazzetto in the Office.


Calendar 2014


Term 3

Term 3




7th 8th 9th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th

LOTE week Year 7 LOTE Activity day Year 8 & 9 MASP Excursion Year 10 2015 Information Evening LOTE week Senior Girls Soccer Round 2 Year 11 Foundation VCAL Excursion LOTE week Senior Snow camp Senior Snow Camp City to Surf College Athletics Year 8 MAV Game day Year 9 Premier League Round 4 UNSW Math Competition Unit 2 & 4 Outdoor Education Camp 3 Year 10 VINCIT 2015 Interviews Unit 2 & 4 Outdoor Education Camp 3 Italy 2015 Family Information Evening Unit 2 & 4 Outdoor Education Camp 3 SACCSS Chess

Wednesday 6th M. Salvatore Wednesday 13th J. Bartolo Wednesday 20th R. Mc Donald Wednesday 27th

6.30pm - 7.30pm S. Phelps 1.00pm - 2.00pm L. Vella 6.30pm - 7.30pm E. Moss Summer Fitting

12.00pm - 2.00pm K. Pigott C. Schembri

J. Johnson

M. Mullan

L. Toskovski

A. Salmon

5.00pm - 8.00pm F. Conway M. Bastiaan

Homework Club Homework club will run from Wednesday 23rd July, 2014 until 10th September, 2014 from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the library

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

Canteen 2014 Term 3 August Wednesday 6th Friday 8th

Michelle Keenan Tess Galea

Monday 11th Tuesday 12th Wednesday 13th Friday 15th

Emma Moss Leanne Mugridge Suzanne Smith Jo Ince Frances Mc Guffie

Monday 18th Debbi Taylor Tuesday 19th Karen Normoyle Wednesday 20th Linda Tomac Donna Robinson Monday 25th Tuesday 26th Wednesday 27th Friday 29th

Tanya Gourdon Fiona Craig Heather Harrison Sandra Esposito

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