5th February 2013

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5th February, 2013 Reflection What will this year bring? We do not know; It will likely bring us its usual times of work and play, experiences of learning, newness, success and challenges, all things that are part of school life. It’s a new beginning; The planting of a seed that will grow for a year, the seed of fruit that will blossom in times to come. It offers new hope; Hope for good work, for successful results, for friendship, for fun, for learning. In this coming year, may there be learning, prayer, and fun. May there be hard work, faith and friendship. May no one in school be lonely; May no one be left out in class; May no one suffer because of how others treat them. As we begin this new school year in hope, in prayer and friendship, may God begin it with us, be with us during it, and successfully bring it to its conclusion.

Traffic movement in Bulmans Road

Australia Day Award

As you are aware from last week’s newsletter, there are changed arrangements for buses, cars and pedestrian traffic outside the school. A pedestrian only zone has been created in front of the main entrance and in line with the supervised crossing. There is now a bus only zone to cater for the 30% of the school population that travels to school via bus.

Mrs Jo Clinton accepted the Community Achievement Award for the Disability in Sport Awareness Program on behalf of the College. This Year 11 VCAL program was developed to raise awareness of disability through sport so our students could foster a greater understanding of disability, develop a sense of empathy, a sense of community and to show them that anything is achievable regardless of circumstance.

We need the support of parents in lessening the traffic gridlock along Bulmans Road, both in the morning peak from 8.30am-8.45am, and in the afternoon from 3.15pm-3.45pm. Can I suggest the following ideas for families to consider: 

Encourage more of our students to walk to school (see article from Sunday’s Herald Sun on page 3.)

Promote the idea that students should aim to get to school earlier than the peak period - the Library is open from 8.10am.

Persuade students to walk 500 metres to a pick up point after school.

A special thanks to Darren Cunningham, Resource and Development Officer for Access for all Abilities - Darren is a strong advocate for the program and has actively participated during activities and class time.

The College would also like to acknowledge the support and assistance of Australian Paralympic Athlete, OAM, coach to some of our 2012 Paralympic Athletes and Australian Paralympic Committee Manager for Pathways and Development, Tim Matthews for his ongoing involvement in the project. The Disability in Sport Awareness Program will continue in 2013 to reach out to more of our community. The aim is to develop greater community partnerships and develop a greater understanding of living with disability.

Education Maintenance Allowance – Information for Parents currently receiving EMA Changes to the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) for 2013: In 2013 the annual EMA payment for families with children in Secondary School (Year 8 up until the age of 16) will receive an annual payment of $250. Children in Year 7 will receive an EMA payment of $300. The School Start Bonus has been discontinued. Eligibility: To be eligible for the EMA in 2013, you must: 

Mark Sheehan, Mayor of Melton, Cr Kathy Majdlik and Jo Clinton

Be either a parent or guardian of a primary or secondary student up to the age of sixteen; and Be an eligible beneficiary of a Centrelink pension, allowance or benefit with the meaning of the State Concessions Act 2004* or be a Veterans Affairs (TPI) pensioner or be a temporary foster parent.

*i.e. – the parent/guardian must be the holder of a valid Health Care Card or valid Pension Card. Payment Amounts 2013:

Pictured above is Stacey Pieper with Mark Sheehan and Jo Clinton. Stacey sang the National Anthem at the City of Melton’s Australia Day Ceremony. Congratulations to the school leaders who were introduced at yesterday’s College assembly. College Captains: Bryce Robinson and Annika Meisen Liturgy Leader: Irene Fernandes Arts Leader: Jemma Carmichael Social Justice Leader: Joanne Tissera Sports Captains: Joshua Seymour & Hannah Taylor House Captains: Blue Conner Farrugia Kate Jenkins Red Brock Kennedy Megan Spiteri Green Jackson Taylor-Dobson Ella Blight Purple Josh Tejedor Brianna Cameron Mark Sheehan Principal

Instalment One

Year 7 $210

Year 8 – Age 16 $175

Instalment Two

$ 90

$ 75

Annual Total



The eligibility criteria must be met as at 29 January 2013 (Instalment One) and 15 July 2013 (Instalment Two). Contact: School Office for an EMA application form and to lodge your application. A copy of your current Health Care Card is required. The closing date for EMA application forms to be submitted to the school is 28 February 2013. Please note that late applications cannot be processed. Winter Uniform Fitting Winter uniform fittings will take place on Wednesday 13th February, 12 - 2pm and 6pm - 8pm. To ensure you have a uniform to start back in Term 2 you must order on this day. Girls will need a kilt, tie and long sleeved blouse and boys will need a long sleeved shirt, tie and trousers.

Will your child walk to school? by Parenting & pregnancy expert Fiona Baker Government and health organisations are urging parents to ditch the car and make the school run on foot As the kids jump into the back seat of the car for the one -kilometre-or-less drive to school or the bus stop, there would be many parents who must occasionally wonder if perhaps their kids – and them – should be making the journey on foot. Yet a recent study found that less than half of kids who live within a 15-minute walk of their school actually use their feet to walk any further than from the school gate, where they are dropped. The Deakin University study also found that, despite this, a vast majority of kids would prefer to walk.

Children who walk or cycle to school rather than being driven by their parents have increased powers of concentration, according to a recent Danish study involving 20,000 students. This increased ability to focus was found to last about four hours. Several other studies have also confirmed that even short walks have a positive effect on mood, reducing feelings of anger and anxiety while putting people in contact with their natural environment and local community. Be a good role model A UK paper, aptly titled The Backseat Report, had this warning for parents who drive their kids every day: “We believe that getting a lift to school every day limits horizons, leading to isolated, vulnerable children.”

A couple of generations ago walking was the only way to get to school, or at least to a bus to take to you school. Today parents have become their kids’ chauffeurs for a variety of reasons ranging from time constraints to safety fears.

Kids also get exercise from walking to school. According to Federal Government guidelines, kids need an hour of at least moderate exercise a day, yet it is estimated that less than 20 per cent of Australian kids get that.

Deakin University has explored these reasons and found that 45 per cent of parents were concerned about traffic, 22 per cent thought their child was too young or unreliable and a fifth had fears of “stranger danger” or danger from other adults.

“My tip to parents is that if you have to be in the car, get out and park it 500 metres to a kilometre away from the school and enjoy a walk with your child,” Scruby says. “While you’re at it you’ll also be instilling in your kids valuable road-sense skills so they will know how to be safe pedestrians.

Harold Scruby, Pedestrian Council of Australia chairman and organiser of National Walk Safely to School Day each year, urges parents to rethink how to get their precious cargo to and from school, and come up with a plan that includes walking. “Research recommends that children should not be crossing a road without holding an adult’s hand until about the age of 10. So if your child is younger than 10, walk with them,” Scruby says. Benefits of walking “There are so many reasons why walking to school is good for kids. It’s healthy, it’s better for the environment, it sets up good habits and it kick-starts a better day of learning for the kids,” he says. Scruby’s arguments for walking to school can be backed up by research – and quite a lot of it.

“You can have a good chat while enjoying a walk together and you’ll set up good exercise habits that will last a lifetime.” Save the date: National Walk Safely to School day is May 24 this year. See www.walk.com.au for more information. Courtesy of Sunday Herald Sun, February 3, 2013.

Performing Arts for 2013 The Performing Arts Department will be presenting two main works for 2013, as has become tradition. Our College production for 2013 will be ‘Peter Pan’, an action packed play which will incorporate storytelling and dance. Peter Pan will be performed at The Crate Theatre, Catholic Regional College, Sydenham. The Crate Theatre provides a professional setting with facilities that not only enhance our students’ performance, but which also provides an appropriate working environment for both staff and students. Dates for Peter Pan are Thursday 25th, Friday 26th and Saturday 27th July. Cabaret Restaurant meanwhile, provides an alternate opportunity to showcase some of our students’ other performance work, particularly our music students’ instrumental work, the Year 11 and 12 VET music classes, the Liturgical Ensemble as well as a variety of other student devised dance and musical performances. The theme of this year’s Cabaret Restaurant is ‘You’re The Voice’. The Voice coaches, Joel, Seal, Delta & Keith will take us on an extravagant journey through the music of the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s & 00s. In keeping with tradition, guests attending Cabaret Restaurant will be treated to the culinary delights of our Hospitality and Food Technology students, who will serve a three course meal. We will again be offering a ‘performance only’ evening to compliment the restaurant evenings. The dates for Cabaret Restaurant are Wednesday 4th & Thursday 5th September with the ‘performance only’ evening on Friday 6th September. An art exhibition showcasing the talents of the College’s visual artists will also be on display. Audition forms for Cabaret will be available from the main office in the last week of Term 1. The due date for these audition forms is Friday 19th April. Auditions for Cabaret will be held during Term 2, in weeks 2, 3 and 4. Weekly lunchtime rehearsals will begin in week 5 of Term 2 and shall continue through to performance week. Auditions will begin shortly for Peter Pan. We strongly encourage our new Year 7 students who have an interest or passion for performing, to sign up for an audition time. Auditions are open to all students and times will be allocated separately for dancers and actors. Students are able to sign up for an audition time outside the Drama Studio. More information will be made available to students at lunch time on Thursday 9th February. The Performing Arts Department

Sports Update for 2013 This week hosts the beginning of a range of sporting opportunities at CRC Melton. Students should keep an eye on SIMON for tryout sessions associated with the following sports: 1. Year 9 Premier League; boys and girls basketball, boys cricket, girls netball, boys and girls soccer, boys and girls volleyball. 2. SACCSS Golf - see Mr. McGonegal 3. Senior Cricket - see Mr. Kelly Students should also look out for the Term One sports calendar which will be posted at the sports office (K BLOCK) with a detailed list of upcoming events and house points on offer!

Canteen Reply Slip Please fill in the volunteer slip below and return it as soon as possible. Name:__________________________

Phone Number:__________________

Child’s Name: ___________________________Homeroom:___________________ Frequency: Weekly




Day Available: Monday





...................................................................................... Uniform Reply Slip Assistance would be appreciated in our Uniform Shop. If you can help out please fill in and return the form below. Parent’s Name:__________________________ Phone Number:__________________ Child’s Name: ___________________________ Homeroom:___________________ Wednesday lunchtime

1.00pm - 2.00pm

Wednesday evening

6.30pm - 7.30pm

Available between 6.00pm - 8.00pm for summer and winter fitting days


Calendar 2013


Term 1

Term 1



6th 7th 11th 12th 13th

Wednesday 6th

1.00pm – 2.00pm

Wednesday 13th

Winter Fitting

14th 15th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 25th 26th 27th 28th

Year 7 Information Evening 7.00pm College Opening Mass 9.30am Year 7 Welcome Day VCE/VCAL Parent Information Night 7.00pm Ash Wednesday Year 8 Camp Year 8 Camp Year 8 Camp Year 9 Premier League Round 1 Unit 3 Outdoor Education Camp Unit 3 Outdoor Education Camp Unit 3 Outdoor Education Camp SACCSS Gold Senior Cricket Year 12 Legal Studies VLRC visit Year 9 Premier League Round 2 Parent & Friends Meeting 7.00pm College Swimming Carnival

Homework Club Homework club starts Wednesday 13th February until Wednesday 20th March

Mass Times St. Dominic’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am, 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

12.00pm – 2.00pm

A. Watson D. Simpson

D. Taylor

6.00pm – 8.00pm

T. Agius E. Mitchell

F. Conway S. Jakeman

Wednesday 20th

6.30pm – 7.30pm

Wednesday 27th

1.00pm – 2.00pm

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