5th may, 2015

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5th May, 2015 Reflection Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15: 4–5) We praise you, God of life and growth. You have promised that we shall abide in you, and you in us, and that, through the love we show to others, we will be fruitful. May our lives show forth your love so that our fears shall become love and our sorrows shall become joy. We pray that the grace of Jesus Christ, the true Vine, will always flow into our hearts so that we can reach out and share your love with each person we meet. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

PAC Official Opening Archbishop Denis Hart was on hand yesterday to officially bless and open our magnificent Performing Arts Centre. Along with Archbishop Hart was Stephen Elder, Executive Director of CEOM, our Parish Priests, Brian Glasheen, John O’Reilly and Michael Moody and Sisters Mary Fermio and Therese Dagge. Archbishop Hart was most impressed with the staff and students he encountered on his official visit while all guests were impressed with the PAC itself. A special moment was the unveiling of the statue of St Mary Mackillop which was well received by Sisters Mary and Therese. If you get a chance, please call in for a look. Thanks to all staff, students and parents who had a hand in this event. Mark Sheehan Principal

NAPLAN Testing Years 7 & 9 2015 The 2015 National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for Years 7 and 9 students will be held on Tuesday 12 May, Wednesday 13 May and Thursday 14 May. NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in Writing, Reading, Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. The results of the tests provide information for students, parents, teachers and school leadership which can be used to improve student achievement.

NAPLAN testing will operate at the following times: Tuesday, May 12

Language Conventions Writing

YEAR 7 Period 1

YEAR 9 Period 1



Period 2

Period 2

YEAR 7 Period 1

YEAR 9 Period 1

Wednesday, May 13 All Years 7 and 9 students are expected to participate in the NAPLAN tests. Exemptions may be granted to students with significant intellectual disabilities and to students who have been learning English for less than one year. The College’s Learning Support staff will contact the parents of those students who may be eligible for exemption. Parental consent is required before any support due to disability or exemption is granted. Support can be arranged for students with disabilities, if the student regularly uses similar support for classroom assessment tasks. Students may be withdrawn from NAPLAN by their parent or carer. This is a matter for consideration by parents and carers in consultation with the relevant Year Level Coordinator. If, after consultation, you decide to withdraw your child, you must sign a Student Withdrawal form. These forms are available at the College. During the test week, catch-up tests will be available for individual students who are absent on test days. These students may undertake catch-up tests on the days in the test week after the scheduled test, up to and including Friday, May 15. Parents will receive a personal NAPLAN report later in the year. The report will describe each student’s particular skills in Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. The report will also show performance in relation to national minimum standards. These describe the minimum acceptable standards for students across Australia. I am confident that the information you receive as a result of your child’s participation in the NAPLAN tests will be valuable in helping you to assess your child’s progress in literacy and numeracy. For more information about the tests, please visit the VCAA website at www.vcaa.vic.edu.au or the NAP website at www.nap.edu.au


Thursday, May 14

Numeracy (calculator required) Numeracy (non-calculator)



Period 1

Period 1



Period 2

Period 2

These times are stipulated by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority to ensure all schools are undertaking tests at common times. Students will need to have a ruler, an eraser and book to read (if they finish early) as well as their books for the remainder of each period class of each session unless told otherwise (as most tests will not take a full 1 period time allotment). Can I particularly stress the need for all students to have their own calculator for the Thursday morning test. Students should also check that fresh batteries have been fitted. If you have any questions, please contact Narelle Layton (Director of Learning) at College. Mid Year Exams and Timed Assessment Tasks Once again this year, the College has set out a formal assessment schedule that will operate across Years 7 – 11. These will take place over the dates from June 3 to June 12. Information regarding Years 7 – 9 Timed Assessment Tasks will be published next week. Below is information for Years 10 – 12 students.

Year 10 & 11 Year 11 students will undertake VCE Unit 1 exams from Wednesday, June 3 to Friday, June 12 and Year 10 students have exams between Thursday, June 4 – Friday, June 12.     

Year 11 exams will take place in J Building Exam centre and Year 10 exams in our J & R Building Exam centres. Students are only required at school when they have exams. Supervised Study rooms will operate for students who need or wish to be at school during non-exam periods. Students will be expected to wear full College Uniform when present for exams. Students need to be at the College at least 15 minutes before the published starting times to ensure smooth entry into the exam venues. The exam schedule for Year 10 and 11 is set out below. Year 10 & 11 Exam Timetable June 2015 Time 8.50 – 10.15

10.50 – 12.15 This starting and finishing time may change depending on exams 1.55 – 3.20

Wednesday June 3 11 General Maths 11 Methods J Building

Thursday June 4 11 Biology 11 Drama 10 Mind Matters J Building

11 English J Building

11 Literature 11 Language 10 Drama 10 VCD 10 Cells to Creatures J Building

11 History J Building

11 Chemistry 11 Information Tech 10 History J Building

Tuesday June 9 11 HHD 11 Physics 10 Business & Commerce 10 Geography J Building 11 VET Music 11 VCD 10 Art 10 Indonesian J Building

Wednesday June 10 (GAT) 10 RE R Building

Thursday June 11 11 Psychology 10 Food 10 ICT Game Design J Building

Friday June 12 11 Business Management 10 Media 10 Italian J Building

10 English 159 R Building

11 Food Technology 11 Physical Education 10 Chemistry in the Environment 10 Science J Building

11 General Maths Adv

11 Legal Studies 10 Political Law 10 Outdoor Ed 10 Engineering 10 Hospitality J Building

10 Core Maths 10 Core Plus 10 Pre-Foundation R Building

11 Studio Arts 11 Accounting 10 Advanced PE J Building

11 Media 11 Wood 10 Wood 10 Newton Sparks a Starwar J Building

Years 12 & 11 - VCAA General Achievement Task (GAT) Year 12 students have normal classes during the Year 10 & 11 exam period, except on Wednesday, June 10 when all Year 12 VCE Students and any Year 11 students undertaking a Unit 3/4 study must sit the GAT as below: 10.00am – 1.15pm



Students need to be at the College at least 30 minutes before the GAT published reading time to ensure smooth entry into the exam venues. Full College uniform is required. Year 10 VINCIT and Year 11 & 12 VCAL students will follow their normal programs during this exam period. Important dates Friday, June 5 is a Professional Learning day for staff. This is a student free day. Monday, June 8 is the Queens’ Birthday Public Holiday. Monday, June 22 is the College Mid-year Report Finalisation and Professional Learning day This is a student free day. VCE Semester 2 Unit 2 and Unit 4 Studies begin on Monday, June 15. John Christie Deputy Principal - Staff

Community Road Safety Forum

What do I do if I find explicit images of my child?

In conjunction with Road Zero 2, Victoria Police, Road Trauma Support Services, Westgate Community Road Safety Council and City of Melton, the College is hosting a Community Road Safety Forum Wednesday 6 May 6.45pm in our Performing Arts Centre. The forum is being targeted at parents and teenagers learning to drive or recently obtained their drivers licence. Details were sent through CareMonkey.

School Photos - May 28 Full school photos are scheduled for 28 May. Ordering of photos will be done online. Details as to how to order photos will be given to each student the next week. The photographer Arthur Reed Photos will also provide the opportunity for family photos. Students will be required to wear full winter uniform for the photos, if a student has PE or related activity they will need to bring their PE uniform to school and change from their uniform. Social Media Misuse Social media is a very powerful and a wide reaching means of communication. For schools and parents it is very challenging to stay ahead of the growing traffic of communication between young people. For many young people they are oblivious and naive of the consequences that can and do emerge if they use the different forms of social media to engage in activities that are offensive and inappropriate.

Don’t yell, scream or panic. Try to remain calm. It is really important to be able to speak rationally to your child about this issue.  Talk to them about your concerns or suspicions and allow them time to respond.  Try to work out how/where this has happened and who else may be involved. Where are the images now? Who may have them?  Make an appointment to speak to someone at the school such as a counsellor, teacher, or principal, and let them know what has occurred.  Be aware that in some instances, police may need to be involved and schools have certain obligations in relation to the reporting of incidents. Please do not withhold information from the school because you are concerned about police involvement. Police are very well placed to deal with these issues and have tools to minimise the impact. They have the ability to retrieve data and trace electronic communication. The important thing is to act as soon as you are aware.  If you believe that the ‘sexting’ is a result of your child being the victim of an online sexual predator rather than adolescent naivety, please notify the police immediately. Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Robert Blackley Deputy Principal-Students Library

'Sexting' means sending sexually explicit photos or videos electronically (eg by mobile phone, app, chat, social networking or email). With modern technology this can be done instantly, but it can have serious and lasting consequences. For people under 18, sexting is illegal. It is a criminal offence to take, possess, or transmit a naked image of a person under the age of 18 years. It doesn’t matter if your child took their own photo and willingly sent or published it. You cannot ‘give someone permission’ to break the law. Penalties for these offences are serious and can result in your child being placed on the sex offenders’ register. It is important that you regularly talk to your child about their experiences with communications technology. Make sure that you continually reinforce that your child should come to you if they have any problems, if they see something that they know is wrong or anything that upsets them. Tips and advice for parents are available: http://www.cybersmart.gov.au/Parents.aspx and http://www.thinkuknow.org.au/site/

Students are reminded that many services and resources are available through the CRC Melton Library web page. Students can access these resources by clicking on the link on the SIMON home page, or going directly to the website: http://crcmeltonlibrary.weebly.com/ The web site is a portal to the research, reading, and “how to” material provided by the Library. Students are encouraged to explore the website to get a feel for the range of information that is available. Over the next few editions of this newsletter, we will highlight some of the specific materials that have been produced to support student learning. Year 12 VCE students - Thursday 7th May Classes will conclude at the end of Period 2 at 12:20pm. Students can choose to go home to study or remain at the College in supervised classrooms during Period 3 and 4. Thanks! Dean Henneman Year 12 Coordinator

World Youth Day 2016 Student Pilgrimage

SACCSS Swimming

Next year the World Youth Day gathering is in Krakow, Poland in late July. As with Rio de Janeiro in 2013, the College, along with the Archdiocese of Melbourne, is keen for two CRC Melton students to attend this amazing gathering of young Catholics to represent our College.

The annual SACCSS Swimming Carnival was held on Tuesday 24th March at Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre. A team of 29 students coached by ex-student Sarah O’Rourke braved the cold weather to compete against six other secondary schools in the SACCSS Division 1 competition. The team swam exceptionally well taking out 3rd place in the Junior division, 2nd place in the Intermediates and winning the Male, Female and Aggregate Senior division. There were also a number of outstanding individual results seen on the day including Alannah Morrow, Lucas Dingli and Jesse O’Rourke winning their respective age champion awards. A special congratulations goes to the senior girls who managed to break the long standing record for not only the Medley relay but also the 4X50m Freestyle relay. These girls have been an incredibly strong team since seniors and with half the team being Year 12s it was great to see them in their final year together finishing on such a high note. A big thanks to all the students, parents and staff involved for your commitment and efforts during those early morning training sessions and we hope to see many of you back next year for what we can only hope will be another successful swimming campaign!

The pilgrimage will include all World Youth Day activities in Krakow; a visit to Czestochowa to the Black Madonna at the Jasna Gora Shrine; the religious sites of the city of Krakow where St John Paul II served as Archbishop and an opportunity to visit Auschwitz including the room of St Maximilian Kolbe within the former concentration camp. The students will attend a two-day retreat after World Youth Day at a site in the Polish mountains. WYD is designed to bring together young people from around the world to celebrate being Catholic. The Pope’s attendance at this event makes it a special experience for young people. The pilgrimage is not a travel event and should not be seen as such by the students. The estimated cost per student pilgrim is likely to be around $6,000 of which the College, the Catholic Education Office of Melbourne (CEOM) and the selected students will share. So, a student pilgrim will need to provide around $2000 towards this event. The CEOM group will be staying with other WYD student pilgrims who will be under 18 years of age. The students will be housed in Krakow near to where key WYD activities will take place. Student pilgrims will be accompanied by teachers from the Catholic sector with one such teacher being responsible to oversee a small number of students. The student pilgrims will be travel between 22 July 2016 and 5 August 2016. Students currently in Year 10 at the College are encouraged to apply for these sponsored places. Students at other levels may also apply but must be at least 16 years of age at the pilgrimage’s outset (July 2016).. Students will be required to fill out an application form and discuss in an interview why they wish to attend World Youth Day. Application forms must be submitted by Friday 5th June, with interviews being held shortly after. Application forms are available from the Year Level Coordinator, Ms Fus & Faith Development Coordinator, Mr Coates.

CRC Melton Athletics Carnival Thursday the 23rd April Catholic Regional College Melton held their annual Athletics carnival at Wyndham sports complex in Werribee. Despite less than promising weather forecasts in the lead up to the event, the rain held off and we were fortunate enough to have almost perfect conditions for track and field. Despite a few technical difficulties the day ran relatively smoothly much due to the contribution of staff and parent helpers. It was great to see so many students present and involved not only competing in events but also assisting staff in the organisation of the program. A big thanks to the student and house leaders for your help on the day and for ensuring it was a successful and enjoyable carnival. Congratulations to Reed house on yet again taking out the swimming and athletics carnival ‘double’. Reed defeated Fitzgerald 2,575 points to 2,395 with Daffey and Glasheen finishing 3rd and 4th.





Term 2

Term 2



6th 7th 11th 12th 13th 14th

15th 18th 19th 20th 22nd 25th 26th 27th

28th 29th

Year 7 Premier League Round 3 Community Road Safety Forum Year 10 VCE Careers Expo Year Fit 2 Drive Workshop NAPLAN Senior AFL & Netball Round 3 NAPLAN VCE Units 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camp NAPLAN VCE Units 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camp Unit 3/4 GAT Chat SACCSS Swimming and Cross Country Presentations VCE Units 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camp Inter Futsal Food Van Visit Year 11 VCAL Excursion Year 7 & 8 Immunisations Senior AFL & Netball Round 3 Year 7 Premier League Round 4 Year 11 Reflection day VCE Studio Arts Excursion Year 9 SSG Excursion Girls AFL Year 10 Geography camp Year 12 Drama Solos Year 10 Geography camp College Celebration day Year 10 Geography camp RMIT IT Excursion - Year 9 & 10 Year 9 Outdoor Education camps Year 7 Premier League Round 5 P & F Meeting - 7.30pm Year 9 Outdoor Education camps Senior AFL & Netball Round 4 College Photos Year 9 Outdoor Education Camps

Wednesday 6th

6.30pm - 7.30pm

N. Woods

F. Conway

Wednesday 13th 1.00pm - 2.00pm T. Davine

Wednesday 20th 6.30pm - 7.30pm A. Salmon

St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

S. Jakeman

Wednesday 27th 1.00pm - 2.00pm K. Vella

J. Johnson

Homework Club Homework Club will run from Wednesday, 22nd April from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the Library and finish 18th June.

Impetigo (school sores) A case of impetigo/school sores has been diagnosed in a student at the College. 

Impetigo is a highly contagious type of skin infection caused by the Staphylococcus or Streptococcus bacteria.

The infection is characterised by inflamed blisters that pop, weep and form crusts.

Students must be excluded from school until appropriate treatment has commenced from their Medical Practitioner and to ensure the sores are covered with a water tight dressing when returning.

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm

L. Vella

Fact sheets can be obtained from Reception. For further information: http://ideas.health.vic.gov.au/bluebook/impetigoinfo.asp

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