6th june 2017

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6th June, 2017 Reflection Love is the Measure What we would like to do is change the world–make it a little simpler for people to feed, clothe and shelter themselves as God intended them to do. And to a certain extent, by fighting for better conditions, by crying out unceasingly for the rights of the workers, of the poor, of the destitute–the rights of the worthy and the unworthy poor in other words, we can to a certain extent change the world; we can work for the oasis, the little cell of joy and peace in a harried world. We can throw our pebble in the pond and be confident that its ever widening circle will reach around the world. We repeat, there is nothing that we can do but love, and dear God–please enlarge our hearts to love each other, to love our neighbour, to love our enemy as well as our friend. (Dorothy Day 1946)

Dear Parents and Students, A particular note to parents of Year 12 Students, including VCAL students and those Year 11 students undertaking Units 3 and 4. How often have you heard the statement about your son/daughter’s last year at secondary school? “Year 12 is the most important year of your school life”, and I'm guessing you might be the one saying it. We are now past the half way point in your son/daughter’s year, and if it's as important to you as it is to us we need your attendance at: Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews on Thursday June 8th These interviews allow discussion on learning progress and feedback on how students can improve their academic achievement in the final stages of the study. This is a compulsory night for Parents and Students, and the date has been published in advance. If they are going well, average or less than average - wherever they are at, they can do better. We need your presence to support both them and us, the teachers. I look forward to seeing you on Thursday night. Mark Sheehan Principal

From the Deputy Principal (Staff)

We wish all our Year 9, 10 and Year 11 VCE students well with their exams over the next week. It has been pleasing to see the way our Year 7 and Year 8 students have applied themselves to their TATs that began this week. A reminder that Year 10 and Year 11 VCE students only have to attend school for exams as no classes will operate. However, there will be supervised study rooms available for students who are here to use. As stated in last week’s newsletter Year 11 students will start their Unit 2 studies in the last week of term and Semester Two electives for Years 9 & 10 will begin in Term 3. Year 7 & 8 Art / Technology rotations will also occur at the start of Term 3. Queen’s Birthday A reminder that this Monday, June 12 is the Queens’ Birthday Public Holiday. Staff PL Day The College will be running a Professional Learning day on Monday, June 26. This is a student free day. Staff will undertaking IT training and curriculum planning on the day. Semester 2 Subject / Electives Changes Year 11 students are now able to investigate any Unit 2 subject changes. Requests for Semester 2 subject changes must first go to Mrs Jakobovic or Mrs Dickson. Once a pathway plan has been approved students can complete a Change of Subject Form. Students must first talk to their subject teacher before requesting a time to meet with Mrs Jakobovic or Mrs Dickson. All changes must be applied for and processed by June 20. All Year 10 and Year 9 students have received copies of their Semester Two Electives. After reviewing with parents, request for changes to Semester 2 electives must be emailed by June 16th to Mr Christie at (jchristie@crcmelton.com.au). In the email students need to nominate the electives they wish to change from and change to, along with a reason. I will then email students times to follow up on requests. Note that all changes are subject to blocking clashes, class sizes and selection requirements. VCE Unit 3 / Year 12 VCAL Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews As mentioned by Mr Sheehan Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews are this Thursday 8 June between 4pm and 7.30pm for Year 11 and 12 students completing Unit 3 and Year 12 VCAL. It is expected that students attend interviews with their parents/guardians. These interviews will be booked through our Parent Access Module (PAM). Normal classes will operate during the day. To access P-S-T Bookings:       

Log in to PAM At the top you will see the Parent Interviews link (click to enter) Then select your child (if you have more than one, each will be listed separately) Select the subject Choose an available time with the teacher Repeat for each class and child as needed. Use the print icon to print off your interview times.

Interview bookings will close at 4pm on Wednesday, June 7.

Year 11 and Year 10 June Exams

Year 10 and 11 students will undertake exams from Thursday, June 15 to Friday, June 23.      

All Year 10 & 11 exams will take place in our Padua Exam centre. Students are only required at school when they have exams. Supervised study rooms will operate for students who need or wish to be at school during non-exam periods. Students will be expected to wear full College uniform when present for exams. Students need to be at the College at least 15 minutes before the published starting times to ensure smooth entry into the exam venues. Friday, June 23 is allocated as a catch up day for any students who need to complete a missed exam or not completed Subject Outcome.

All Year 10 & 11 students will be given a copy of the below exam schedule. Year 10 & 11 Exam Timetable June 2017 Years 12 & 11 - VCAA General Achievement Task (GAT) Time 8.50 – 10.15

10.50 – 12.15

Thursday June 15 11 Maths Foundation 11 General Maths 11 Methods Normal Year 10 classes Per 1. 10 English

Friday June 16 10 RE

Monday June 19 10 Core Maths 10 Core Plus Maths 10 PreFoundation

Tuesday June 20 10 Chemistry in Environment 10 Science 11 Spec Maths 11 Psychology

Wednesday June 21 10 Media 11 Biology 11 Wood

Thursday June 22 11 Legal Studies 10 Hospitality 11 Physics 10 Wood

11 English Finish 1pm

11 History 11 Computing 11 Italian 10 History

11 HHD 10 Drama 10 VCD

11 Language (finish 1pm) 11 Food Technology 10 Engineering 10 Advanced PE 11 VCD 11 Accounting 10 Art 10 Italian

10 Business & Commerce 10 Outdoor Education 11 Media 11 Chemistry

10 Psyched 11 Business Management 11 Drama

11 Literature (finish 1pm) 11 VET Sport & Rec 10 Cells to Creatures 10 Geography 10 Political Law 11 Physical Education

Finish 1pm

1.55 – 3.20

10 Food 10 Game Design 11 Studio Arts

Friday, June 23 Year 10 & 11 Assessm ent Catch Up Day

All Year 12 VCE Students and any Year 11 students undertaking a Unit 3/4 study must sit the GAT on Wednesday, June 14 as below: 10.00am – 1.15pm



Year 10 VINCIT and Year 11 & 12 VCAL students will follow their normal programs during the exam period. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

From the Deputy Principal (Students)

Uniform It was very pleasing to see all students correctly and smartly dressed in the winter uniform for the school photos last week. The reality is our students are judged by how they wear their school uniform in public. What was evident for the photos was all students had a winter uniform. We look for your support by ensuring your child leaves for school in the correct uniform. It is frustrating and a breach of school uniform rules that some students choose to ignore the College uniform policy by wearing the incorrect uniform or wearing their PE uniform outside of the times when they are allowed to wear such a uniform. Currently students receive 2 points for the first out of uniform infringement, ie Level 1. This increases to 4 points on the second instance, Level 2, resulting in a Thursday after school detention. Subsequent instances elevate the matter to Level 3, continued failure to comply with directions resulting in either a full day/half day/Saturday morning detention. June 26 is a student free day which will be used to bring students in for either a full or half day detention. If a student is wearing the uniform correctly as stated in the diary then there are no problems, most students already do. Uniform requirements are clearly stated in the student diary. If a student must be out of uniform for a day a note in the diary from parent/s is required. College Flags A new flag is being flown on one of our flag poles out the front of the PAC, it is the school flag from our sister school in Nairobi, Kenya, Brother Beausang College. Their flag strengthens, supports and recognises our connection with the College, which we can also see through the student leadership team allocating funds raised from our recent Celebration Day and a group of staff travelling to Brother Beausang during the upcoming school holidays. School Photos School photos will be delivered to the College for distribution in approximately 3 - 4 weeks time. Photos can still be ordered online up until June 11. Go to www.arphotos.com.au and follow the prompts to place your order: School Code: 1706CR834 Learning Potential If you’re looking for tips and ideas to help you nurture your child’s potential, access the Federal Governments, Learning Potential website. It has hundreds of articles on all aspects of your child’s learning and development, from the early years to the end of high school. All the content is also available on the free Learning Potential app - download it on the App Store or Google Play. https://www.learningpotential.gov.au/age-group/high-school 3 Tips for Raising Capable Kids & Adults Earlier this term we held a parent evening, Strategies for Teenage Success presented by Darren Pereira, he spoke of work by Dr Carol Dweck on fixed and growth mindset to describe the underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence. Did you know that being too involved in your child's life {helicopter parenting} actually truly harms your child? Psychologists continue to report that children whose parents are too involved in their lives have an overwhelming amount of psychological issues when they hit high school and especially college/young adulthood. Why? Because they are absolutely overwhelmed by life and the day to day management of themselves.

Our very intent on helping our kids so they don't fail or feel "less than" backfires tremendously. How can we parent to make sure this doesn't happen? Here are three tips to begin using right away: (1) Praise EFFORT not outcome Instead of "I'm so proud of your straight A report card" say "Wow, straight A's. You must have put in a lot of hard work and studied extra hard to get those grades. I'm sure you're proud of yourself!" (2) Teach your kids the Growth Mindset Talk to your children about the brain and how it is like a muscle that needs exercise and practice to GROW. Remind them that the more they use their brain {especially when they have to work at something} they are growing their brain. https://www.mindsetworks.com/science/ https://www.mindsetworks.com/parents/default (3) Use visual reminders for goals Kids {and many adults too} have a problem visualizing their goal no matter how short or long term it is. Using a visual reminder system when building new habits or working toward a goal {completing homework for a week straight} is a powerful way to build momentum and motivation. This also allows them to see the hard work they've put in and not just the end result if they don't meet their goal. Try this: every time your child completes a task, their new habit or a step toward their long term goal...add a marble or token to a clear jar. This allows them to see just how many times they nailed it and not just the meeting of the goal. Robert Blackley Deputy Principal - Students

Alice Down the Rabbit Hole Catholic Regional College Melton presents Alice Down the Rabbit Hole. This spectacular re imagining of the classic tale is a music and dance showcase based on the "Alice in Wonderland" books by Lewis Carroll. The story follows an innocent girl who falls down a rabbit hole into Wonderland. As she meets the strange creatures and people who live there her life is changed forever. Performance nights: Thursday 27 July at 7pm, Friday 28 July at 7pm and Saturday 29 July 2017 at 7pm. Tickets are available for your family to purchase for Alice Down the Rabbit Hole. If you are making a group booking please purchase all the tickets at the same time to ensure your group is sitting together as we have allocated tickets. As in previous years tickets are only available online and must be purchased with a credit card or debit card. Tickets are not available on the night of the performances. The link is: www.trybooking.com/286759

News from the Director of Learning

This week Year 7 and 8 students will be sitting their Timed Assessment Tasks; for the Year 7 students, this is their first experience of Timed Assessment Tasks. The aim of these tasks is to give students the opportunity to plan and prepare for such a task in the coming years. Students should be experimenting with revision techniques to discover the type of learner they are, what works best for them and different techniques to manage the stress and anxiety around such assessments. We wish all Year 7 and 8 students the best for their assessment week. PAM Have you logged into PAM this week? Your students’ Mid Semester Report is available on PAM for your access. Please remember that assessment results and feedback, Year 7 to 12 Unsatisfactory Performance Letters, VCE Attendance and Redemption Letters will also appear on PAM when issued to a student. Parents are encouraged to log into PAM at least weekly to ensure they are up to date on their students’ learning progress. Narelle Layton Director of Learning National Reconciliation Week May 27 – June 3 Last week was National Reconciliation Week. Reconciliation week is a week to celebrate and build on respectful relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians. Reconciliation can live in our hearts, minds and actions as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples. We have an opportunity to open our minds and to learn from the shared stories and the memories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders that give people "pride, dignity and unity". To acknowledge Reconciliation week the Year 8 and 9 students enjoyed a presentation by Phil Geia from Palm Island. He told stories about the “good, the bad and the deadly” events he and his people have experienced since the time of Colonisation. Phil had the students entertained whilst providing an educational experience from an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspective. The students really enjoyed the performance. Phil also played the digeridoo during the performance and at lunch time in the student hub. This gave all students the opportunity to be part of this experience during Reconciliation week. Students have also been reflective during morning homeroom and have been encouraged to have conversations with their peers and teachers about Reconciliation. Daniela Harrington Humanities Domain Leader

School Sport Victoria Representatives

On Monday 29th May School Sport Victoria (SSV) announced their Swimming team to represent Victoria at the Pan Pacific School games to be held in Adelaide in December. CRC has been very lucky to have 2 of our students selected for the team. They are Angela Molnar 9R and Karlos Nuestro 7O. Both of these students were age group champions at the SACCSS swimming held at the end of last term and both students currently swim for Melton Swimming Club. Well done Angela and Karlos and good luck with training and for December. Mrs Bourke Major Carnivals Coordinator Vincit On Friday June 2nd the Vincit class visited Cambrian Way Kindergarten for the morning. We helped the kinder build a garden for Reconciliation Week through planting trees, spray painting tyres, building a fire pit and decorating some mosaics. We were also able to interact with the children during morning tea, playing outside, making things with playdough and paper and helping them with their chicken project. We had a fantastic morning and will be visiting them again very soon. Mrs Bourke

Chickenpox – Varicella–Zoster Virus

We have had a reported case of chickenpox within our school community, for further information please refer to the Better Health Chanel link below. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/chickenpox?viewAsPdf=true Foundation VCAL Luncheon Project On Thursday the 25th of May the Foundation VCAL class hosted a luncheon for a small number of staff. The purpose of the luncheon was for students to meet outcomes in our Work Related Skills class. This activity enabled all students involved to further develop their skills in the areas of teamwork, communication, organisation, planning and service. We are grateful for all the staff who came on the day to support us, for the teachers who let us use their class time and those who took their time to meet with us during the planning process. Among the staff that attended were Mr Sheehan, Mr Blackley and our guest of honour Mr McGonegal. Staff were served from a menu which included lasagne, garlic bread, Greek salad, chocolate truffles and a fruit platter. Planning and coordination of the luncheon took many months of research into OH&S and menus, as well as a lot of discussion, negotiation, compromise and preparation between students and Mrs Henry, Mrs Wood, Ms Laffin and Mr Blackley. We all worked very hard as a team to get everything prepared and set up in the food room before the arrival of the guests. Mrs Henry was with us the entire day helping us prepare, set up and cook making sure we all stayed on track. It was an extremely amazing and successful, but exhausting day, by the end of the day we were all very tired and ready to get some rest and sleep. Foundation VCAL Students 2017


Homework Club

2017 Homework Club runs every Wednesday from 3.30pm 4.30pm in the Library until the last week of term

Term 2 June 7th 8th 9th 12th 14th 15th 16th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 26th 27th


29th 30th

Mass Times TATs week Year 9 SSG Excursion Year 7 Premier League Round 7 TATs week TATs week Queen’s Birthday Holiday Women in Science Excursion Year 7 Premier League Semis VCAA GAT Year 9-11 Exams Year 12 Retreat Year 9-11 Exams Year 12 Retreat Year 9-11 Exams Year 9-11 Exams Year 9-11 Exams Year 7 Premier League Grand Final Year 9-11 Exams Year 9-11 Exams Year 10 Work Experience Staff Professional Learning Day No classes Year 10 Work Experience Senior AFL/Netball Grand Final Year 9 City Experience Senior Girls Soccer Round 1 Year 10 Work Experience Year 9 City Experience Year 8 Languages day Pathways Program 10 Junior Futsal P & F Meeting 7.30pm Year 10 Work Experience Year 9 City Experience Senior Boys Soccer Round 1 Year 10 Work Experience Year 9 City Experience Term 2 concludes

Academy Uniforms CRC Melton operating hours: Monday 8.00am –10am

Thursday 11.30am—2pm Online orders: www.academyuniforms.com.au Online Password : Melton

Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Geoffrey McIlroy Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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