7th August 2012 - Newsletter

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7th August 2012 Reflection Teresa of Avila reminds us that we are called to be Christ for others: Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours, yours are the eyes with which he looks compassionately on this world. Just as Christ is an example for us, we are called to be Christ for others. As Christians we are called to help others realise a closer relationship with God and to recognise God at work in their lives.

School Funding

College Website

The Australian Government is currently reviewing funding for all schools and it is likely that the government will propose new funding arrangements that will be debated in the Federal Parliament sometime later this year.

Our new College Website is now operating (www.crcmelton.com.au). I urge all families to access the site (record it in your favourites) and explore the new features and information. One key section that I encourage parents to use is the ‘Contact Us’. It contains a PDF file of all staff email addresses. This should enable parents / guardians to contact staff more easily as phone calls are not always reliable (see below). The College encourages parents / guardians to use email as a way of contacting staff with any of their concerns.

These new arrangements could have significant consequences for the funding received by our school and it is vital that our school community is aware of the facts about school funding. I will be seeking your support to defend the right of our school to receive the government funding it needs to continue to offer a quality education, while keeping our fees as low as possible. There has already been a lot of misinformation about school funding in the media. In particular, claims have been made that Catholic and other non-government schools receive more funding than State schools. These claims are simply wrong. Students in Catholic schools receive only three quarters of the government funding given to students in government schools. Over the coming months, I will provide you with more detailed information about funding in our school newsletter. I encourage you to take an active interest in this information and be ready to participate in this funding debate. More information about Catholic school funding can also be found at: www.fundinginfo.catholic.edu.au Catholic Education Office

Phones / Voicemail Over the past weeks, the College has been experiencing difficulties with our IT Network and phone lines. We apologise for any inconvenience with phone calls dropping out or lines being unavailable. We not only hope that we have fixed the problem but we are looking to link our VoiceMail system to staff emails. This together with our email contact should ensure better communication between parents / guardians and staff. I will advise you in an upcoming newsletter when this service is operational. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

2013 Subject Selections This term, our students in Years 8 – 11 will be involved in selecting their 2013 subjects. Year 10 and 11 students begin the process this week. Year 11 students will receive planning and selection sheets this week. With guidance from Mr Bloom and their Homeroom teachers, Year 12 2013 subject selections will be submitted by August 22. Year 10 students have had information sent home regarding their selection process that begins by attending the 2013 VCE Information Evening held tonight (August 7) and then arranging family interviews with their Homeroom teachers on August 16. Final selections are due on August 22.

Lunchtime/Afterschool students




All students have by now received their Semester 1 reports for Mathematics. Some students have achieved excellent grades, whilst others may have some way to go to achieve mastery across all topics. The teachers in the Mathematics faculty will again this semester be providing extra tuition for any student in their class who requires targeted mathematics support. Each staff member will notify their students of mutually suitable times and venues. In addition Mr Goralski is available ANY lunchtime in room N176 for both his students and indeed students from any other class. We encourage all students that feel they could use this extra tuition to attend.

Year 8 and 9 students will have information regarding their subject selection process sent home in the next few weeks. The Year 10 - 2013 Information evening has been scheduled for Wednesday, August 29 at 7.00pm.

Henry Goralski Mathematics Coordinator

Pedestrian / Vehicle Gates

40 Hour Famine

Along with our vehicle entry gates being converted to electronic opening, we have now designated 2 pedestrian (student) entry gates. These are single gates ensuring that students do not enter through the same gates as cars. Students will be notified of this during the week through the student bulletin and of next week any student entering through a vehicle gate will be given points. Staff will be on duty in the mornings at the student gates.

A group of students have been conducting fundraisers to raise money for World Vision’s 40 hour famine. The fast takes place August 17-19. Please make their efforts worthwhile by sponsoring them in this undertaking. If you wish to make a donation you may leave it at the front office addressed to me and I will forward it. Shaun Coates Religious Education & Faith Development Coordinator

Hopetoun Park Bus VCAL Blanket Drive Students who travel on the Hopetoun Park bus would have been notified of the revised route times last week. If you have not received a copy please contact me at the College. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

Every night over 20,511 people can be found sleeping rough in the street or are affected by homelessness in Melbourne. Homelessness is not a choice people make, it happens. Year 11 VCAL, as part of their ongoing commitment to Social Justice are currently organising a blanket drive. Melbourne winters are cold, so please donate a blanket. A small gift of a blanket can make all the difference. Please drop a blanket or two into the blanket bin located at Student Reception. We will then pass them onto St Vincent de Pauls for distribution to those in most need. Closing date: 28th August. Many thanks. 11 VCAL Students & Mrs Clinton

Year 12 Information

"Child detention is a problem, not a solution"

Mid year examination results were distributed to students yesterday. Students received their results with mixed emotions after spending many hours of study and setting expectations. We would like to congratulate students who achieved their expectations.

When a child comes to Australia seeking asylum by boat they are put into child detention. They are not given a chance to have a voice and live a free life. From the 6th-10th of August the Senior Social Justice group will be selling orange and white ribbons for $2 that can be worn on the school uniform to raise awareness. The ribbons will be sold throughout the week so keep an eye out. The money raised will go to the "END" organisation. Please help this cause and stand up for the children.

These grades are a measure of where the students have been and where the students are going. Students are able to use these grades to re evaluate goals and set a level of achievement for the end of the year examinations. Throughout this process, it is important that students continue to discuss future aspirations with homeroom teachers, Mrs Jacobovic and myself. A reminder of the Parent Information night next Wednesday 15th, the evening is presented by VTAC and will cover the application process. It will be held in the Hall at 7.00pm. Thursday Afternoon Activities Thursday 9th August (Finish lunch time – 1.15pm) VTAC presentation and Online registration SEAS meeting (Finish time 1.30pm) Thursday 16th August (Finish time 1.30pm) English SAC - 12 Angry Men Chantelle Gauci Year 12 Coordinator Re-enrolment The re-enrolment process is presently underway. The Parish Priests and Finance Committee are currently drawing up lists of families who are behind in their Thanksgiving envelopes and fees. To avoid an interview please make an effort to have your fees and Thanksgiving envelopes up to date. Re-enrolment paperwork will be sent home during next week and is due, with a $100 per child re-enrolment fee, on Wednesday 29th August.

Senior Just Us group. 2012 Parent Seminar Series A program for parents, carers and guardians of students in Catholic primary and secondary schools. Topic: Healthy Sibling Relationships Presenter: Michael Grose Ages: Primary and Secondary Raising kids should be a joy, but it’s a hard slog when kids fight and argue every minute of the day. There’s no doubt that sibling rivalry destroys peace and harmony in family life. The GOOD NEWS is that family life doesn’t have to be so hard. In this practical seminar you’ll hear simple, easy-to-use techniques and principles that will help change feuding families into a super-strong team and make your life as a parent easier and happier. In this seminar you’ll discover: 

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How children’s birth order affects their personalities and how best to parent kids in each position Secrets to reducing competitiveness in kids Ways to respond positively when kids fight and argue so that conflict reduces and becomes more manageable Key relationship skills kids can learn in their family that will stay for life Positive strategies that build strong families How kids need to learn to live with each other, even though they may not like each other.

Thursday, August 9th, 7pm—9pm, St Augustine’s, Keilor (Ref. Mel. Map 14 E4) Registration/Further Information: Contact the Catholic Education Office Melbourne, Parent Seminar Series Coordinator: Mrs Shirley O’Sullivan on 9464 5225 or shirley@stclaresthomastown.catholic.edu.au. Seminars Cost $10 per person to be paid in advance and is non-refundable.

Cabaret Restaurant “Masquerade Ball”

Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th September 2012:

This year’s Cabaret Restaurant “Masquerade Ball” will be staged as is traditional, in the Hall here at CRC Melton on three consecutive nights.

Four course meal and Performance, hors d’oeuvres at 6pm and the evening will conclude at 9.40pm.

Rehearsals have been in full-swing over the last two weeks. We have incredibly talented students at CRC Melton and this year promises to be an outstanding performance showcasing the talent we have.

Tickets are $30.00 each - You can book individual tickets or a full table of 10 people.

Pre-dinner drinks are complimentary but the remainder of the evening is BYO.

Masquerade Ball features a collaboratively choreographed dance by Ashlee Hughes, Karina Dunne, Gemma Feben and Emma Brown; music performances by our VET music students, solo, duets, group dances and much, much more.

Friday 7th September 2012 

Viewing night, Performance starts at 7pm and the evening will conclude at 9:15pm.

This year the College will be holding two sit down dinners with Performances on Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th September. On Friday 7th September the College will be providing a viewing night only (no dinner served). The Hospitality and Food Technology departments will host a delicious four course meal for guests to enjoy, which will be prepared by our Year 10 Hospitality students.

Art Exhibition

Our College Art department will be showcasing the talent and creative skills of our Art, Graphic and Media students here at the CRC Melton Hall.

Ashlee Hughes on behalf of the Cabaret Team

Entry to the Art Exhibition only is between 4pm and 5.15pm and is free.

Tickets for the evening are available from the office. Tickets will not be on sale on the night of performances.

CRC Melton Cabaret Restaurant ‘Masquerade Ball” ticket order form Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Student’s name: _________________________________________________ Homeroom: ________________ Contact Number: ______________________________________________________________________________ Four Course Meal and Performance ($30.00 each ticket): Wednesday 5th September, 2012

Number of Tickets: __________

Thursday 6th September, 2012

Number of Tickets: __________

Viewing Night – Performance only ($10.00 each ticket): Friday 7th September, 2012

Number of Tickets: _________

Total cost: $ _________________________ Money must be enclosed in order to receive tickets. Please advise of any dietary restrictions.


Calendar 2012


Term 3

Term 3



8th 9th

Wednesday 8th

1.00pm - 2.00pm

C. Crotty

L. Fawcett

10th 13th 15th 16th 17th 20th 21st 23rd 24th

Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp 1 Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp 1 SACCSS Senior Soccer Year 12 VTAC Workshops Unit 2 Outdoor Education Camp 1 Legal Studies Unit 4 Excursion Year 11 Drama Excursion VTAC Information Evening 7.00pm SACCSS Chess Year 12 English SAC Year 7 & 8 LOTE day Year 9 & 10 MASP excursion College Celebration day SACCSS Senior Soccer Year 12 VTAC applications VTAC Information night Year 9 Alpine Experience Staff Faith day - Student free day

A. Massey

Wednesday 15th 6.30pm - 7.30pm S. Woods A. Peacock

T. Minogue

S. Bala

Wednesday 22nd 1.00pm - 2.00pm M. Mizzi L. Broadway

M. Suttie

T. Wheadon

Wednesday 29th Summer Fitting Day 1 12.00pm - 2.00pm A. Watson S. Theuma J. Johnson R. Mc Donald 4.30pm - 6.00pm S. Thorburn T. Davine

F. Conway A. Salmon


6.00pm - 7.30pm E. Mitchell K. Serra

L. Toskovski S. Woods

Term 3 August

Thursday 30th


Wednesday 8th Thursday 9th Friday 10th

Teresa Wheadon Ange Stuhldreier Marie Suttie Tricia Robinson

Monday 13th Wednesday 15th Thursday 16th Friday 17th

Janice Barbara Deborah Cutajar Tess Galea Tricia Gray

Monday 20th Debbi Taylor Tuesday 21st Joanne Websdale Wednesday 22nd Lisa Wilkie Suzanne Smith Thursday 23rd Grace Mercieca

Homework Club Homework Club Term 3 starts Wednesday July 25th until Wednesday September 12th Homework Club will be held every Wednesday in the Library from 3.30pm—4.30pm

Summer Fitting Day 2

12.00pm - 2.00pm K. Piggot D. Taylor

L. Muscat

4.30pm - 6.00pm C. Schembri C. Arthur

D. Simpson

M. Salvatore

6.00pm - 7.30pm T. Agius S. Jakeman S. Kovacic

D. Day

Mass Times St. Dominic’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am, 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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