7th february 2017

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7th February, 2017 Reflection Prayer for Peace in 2017 “In 2017, may we dedicate ourselves prayerfully and actively to banishing violence from our hearts, words and deeds, and to becoming non-violent people and to building non-violent communities that care for our common home. ‘Nothing is impossible if we turn to God in prayer. Everyone can be an artisan of peace.’” Pope Francis

Dear Parents and Students, Welcome back to all! Welcome to new staff, students and parents. New staff for 2017 Phillip Beadsmoore Natalie Bourke Kim Lillington Victoria Moore Doan Nguyen Jenni Segrave Georgina Solano Demi Hockaday Jordan Syme

Wood Technology Sports Coordinator/VCAL English English Mathematics Arts Mathematics Arts Trainee Sports Trainee

We also welcome back Mrs Lauren Spearman, Mrs Jessica Conte and Mrs Michelle Molnar from maternity leave. Focus for students in 2017 Our theme for students in 2017 is ’Achieving your Personal Best”, and our Director of Learning has expanded on this theme on page 2 of this newsletter. Also on page 2, the Home Study expectations are listed. Parents need to support these expectations to ensure their children achieve their ‘Personal Best’. Students are expected to complete 45 minutes a night of Home Study in Year 7 , 60 minutes in Year 8, 75 minutes in Year 9, 90 minutes in Year 10, at least 2 hours in Years 11 and 12. Final Farewell Mass for Fr Glasheen I attended the Farewell Mass for Fr Brian on Sunday January 16 and it was a big turnout for the St Bernard’s Parish Community. The attendees included former CRC Principal, Paul Daffey and many former CRC staff and parents.

House Swimming Carnival We look forward to good weather and healthy competition for our Swimming Carnival at Melton waves tomorrow. Best wishes Mark Sheehan Principal

Director of Learning

A very warm welcome to the beginning of the 2017 academic year. This year, our College theme is ‘Achieving your Personal Best’. In order for every student to do so, they are encouraged to make the most of every learning opportunity presented to them and revisit their work ethic in an effort to submit tasks that always reflect their full potential this year. The learning of our students involves a partnership between students, staff and parents/carers; with each having a very important role to play in the support of the learning of the students. For all students, their focus in 2017 should be on achieving their best, on continual academic improvement by setting high standards, believing in themselves and working hard. Students must also set goals and take advantage of the expertise of their teachers and seek help when required. For teachers, they will know their students and work with them to ensure they are learning in a way that suits the learning style of each student. Teachers will also be informed of current best practice and educational research to ensure they provide the best learning opportunities for students in their classes. For parents and carers, we encourage you to be engaged in your student’s learning. Ask questions, have them teach you what they learnt at school, read their English texts, provide a space conducive to study and supervise their home study. Learning feedback from 2016 will also guide you in what specific support your student needs; perhaps it is to limit social activities to allow students to complete their work at home, or to ensure that the iPad contains largely learning materials and not only games and movies or even ensure that work is simply proofread before submission. Home study Home study is an important part of the learning process and it is expected that every student complete some home study at least five evenings per week. The recommended times for home study are: Year 7 45 minutes Year 8 60 minutes Year 9 75 minutes Year 10 90 minutes Year 11 120 to 150 minutes (6 evenings per week) Year 12 150 to 180 minutes (6 evenings per week) Home study provides students the opportunity to consolidate the knowledge and skills learnt in classes that day. Revision is also a very important component of home study with research speaking to the fact that regular revision of content and skills is far more effective than ‘cramming’ before the assessment task. Please note that your student should never claim they have no home study- regular revision is a constant task and should be a focus from Day 1 of classes to the final day of school. Similarly, if your student is doing excessive amounts of home study, please contact your students Homeroom Teacher. Balance is important, so although we do expect some home study to take place, we also recommend students spend time with family, friends and hobbies each night. Reading for Enjoyment, Encouragement and Development (R.E.E.D.) The educational benefits of reading for pleasure is well documented and in an effort to support our students in reaching their personal best, we are implementing the Reading for Enjoyment, Encouragement and Development (R.E.E.D.) program in 2017. This program requires all students in Years 7 to 10 to read for pleasure for 15 minutes in period 2 each day. Reading materials must be hard copy and include novels, biographies, graphic novels, suitable magazines, newspapers and comics. The College library has resources available for students to borrow. I encourage all parents/carers to supervise their student reading for pleasure at home each evening. Melton Library carries a large selection of materials of different genres which students have full access to if they have a library card. Please visit the library with your student for more information. Narelle Layton Director of Learning

From the Deputy Principal (Staff)

Welcome back to the 2017 school year and congratulations to our students, who have settled in well to their 2017 classes. We are starting an upgrade of our oval this week - so there will be no student access during these works. On its completion, we will have a resurfaced and irrigated oval that will be able to be used all year. Transport We request that only parents / guardians dropping off or picking up students with disabilities / injuries use the disabled parking spots at the front of the College. We often see vehicles parking there, whilst having a disabled sticker, have quite able students arriving or going. With only 2 disabled spots we ask that families support us and give priority to those students who need the close access. Students travelling on Bacchus Marsh Coaches and SITA bus lines will have the pick-up procedures monitored to ensure maximum safety and clarity for students. We will be consulting with the companies and bus drivers to see what, if any changes are needed. All students travelling on the 3 Bacchus Marsh Coaches that leave College at about 3.35pm should go home on the same bus. This will ensure these students have a seat on the afternoon pickup. Please let the bus company and us know if you have concerns. Year 7 Information Evening I look forward to meeting Year 7 parents / guardians next Wednesday, February 15 at our Information evening. Year 9 – 12 Subject Changes As all Year 9 - 12 students undertook a thorough selection process last year and VCE students undertook Jumpstart, no changes will be made after this week unless there are exceptional circumstances. Changes for Semester Two electives at Year 9 & 10 will be considered closer to the start of Term 3. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Fee Statements Statements will be posted this week. If you have completed a direct debit form for 2017, payments will commence on 21st February 2017 unless otherwise requested. Term 1 - Key Dates February 8th 9th 14th 15th 21st 22nd

March 13th 14th 16th 17th 30th 31st

College Swimming Carnival College opening Mass 2016 VCE/VCAL Awards Year 7 Parent Information Evening 6.30pm VCE Year 12/VCAL/Vincit Information Evening 7.00pm Year 12 2016 BBQ P & F Meeting 7.30pm

Labour Day Holiday Federation Mass Day (No classes) Showcase Performance Showcase Performance PST Interviews PST Interviews (No classes) Term 1 concludes

Deputy Principal - Student Welfare

On behalf of the Student Welfare team and Year Level Coordinators, I would like to welcome all students and their families to the 2017 school year. I trust the Christmas holiday break was a great opportunity to spend time with family members and relax. We extend a welcome to parents who have their first son or daughter starting at Catholic Regional College this year. Theme for 2017 At our full school assembly last week, I spoke to the students about reaching for their personal best this year. In the context of their school work it was about  Aiming to match or better a previous best performance  A mark you’re aiming for  Aiming to do your schoolwork  Studying in a way that is an improvement on last time A copy of the presentation is available on the Knowledge Banks within SIMON. School Uniforms Term 1 It is pleasing to see the students wearing the correct school uniform. The College has a set school uniform policy and students are expected to wear it correctly. Uniforms are to be kept clean, pressed and mended and school shoes clean and polished. The uniform is sold exclusively through the College Uniform Shop. More details can be found in the student diary regarding the uniform and grooming requirements for students. We look forward to your support in ensuring your son and daughter is in the correct uniform and neatly groomed. Penalties will be issued to students if they are wearing the incorrect uniform.

I wish to highlight some key points regarding the uniform. Students wearing PE uniform must wear CRC sport socks. Boys in summer uniform are to wear navy blue socks. Students will be required to wear their school uniform at all full school assemblies and official events eg. College Mass, VCE Awards Ceremony. A note in the diary needs to be provided if your child is not wearing the correct uniform. Notes from parents will not entitle students to be out of uniform for more than one school day. Swimming Sports Thursday 8 February We are holding our inter-house swimming sports tomorrow at Melton Waves, this is a normal school day, therefore all students are required to be in attendance. The student leaders will be running a BBQ and drink stall throughout the day. Students are not permitted to organise a food/lunch delivery from outside businesses eg pizza. If they do so the food will be confiscated and available for pick up at the end of the day. As it is going to be hot and sunny it is most important students come well prepared to avoid being sunburnt. Each student should have now purchased the CRC cap and sunscreen will be available on the day, students will be reminded throughout the day to be sun smart. Students also need to wear swimwear that is appropriate for a school swimming sports competition and not the beach. Year 12 students are the only year level not required to wear their PE uniform as they have a dress up theme for the sports. All other year levels are required to wear their PE uniform to and from the sports. Asthma Plans As per The Victorian Schools Asthma and Anaphylaxis Policies; student’s with Asthma and/or Anaphylaxis attending school must have a current written Action Plan. Parents/Guardians are requested to please ensure a current Asthma or Anaphylaxis Plan is uploaded in CareMonkey or a hard copy provided to Reception. Students without a current plan will not be granted permission to attend excursions, camps or carnivals. For assistance or questions, please contact Reception.


I remind parents that on occasion that students will be late or absent you are asked to contact the College in advance on 8099 6000 and follow the prompt to record your child’s absence. A note in the College diary needs to be provided to be shown to the student’s Homeroom teachers on their return. All students who arrive at school after homeroom MUST sign in at the Student Office. Failing to do so results in parents receiving an SMS from the College indicating their child is not here which causes unnecessary confusion and distress. I look forward to working with you in a positive and productive way for the benefit of your son or daughter throughout this year. IPad Care

Some students have returned to the start of the school year with their iPad extensively damaged as a result of alleging dropping it. Damage is less likely to occur if the iPad is maintained in the protective cover provided to each student. If damage occurs outside the cover the iPad is not covered by warranty. If the cover is broken the students need to purchase a new one, these a less expensive than the replacement of an iPad. Some of the damage being seen is not possible if the iPad is in its protective cover. The excess currently on the insurance claim is $100, however if we continue to see the rate and extent of damage being experienced there will be pressure to increase the excess as the school’s insurance costs will increase. Please remind your child to look after and take care of their iPad. The number of iPads handed into the IT staff means there is a backlog in repairing them for return. Rob Blackley Deputy Principal – Student Welfare Gadal News! Rite Journey Camps Once again, we will be holding our ‘Calling and Departure’ Camp as part of our Rite Journey Program. This camp will be held at YMCA Lake Dewer, Myrniong. As these are gender specific camps, the dates are as follows: Monday 20 February until Wednesday 22nd February - BOYS RITE JOURNEY CAMP Wednesday 22nd February until Friday 24th February - GIRLS RITE JOURNEY CAMP Please ensure that you have accepted via CareMonkey or returned the hard copy form to the Year Level Coordinator’s office by February 12 2017. Please note: This camp is a compulsory component to the Gadal Learning Program and the Rite Journey Program. Student will receive a list of items to bring by the end of Week 2 via email. Parental Involvement with Rite Journey Camp 2017 As part of the Rite Journey Camp (Calling and Departure Camp), we acknowledge the role that parents have in raising young teenagers. As you will be aware, parental involvement in your son’s/daughter’s school life is of great benefit to both the parent/guardian and child, therefore, as part of the Rite Journey Calling and Departure camp, we are asking students to invite ONE parent/guardian to share an evening meal with students on the designated camp night. More detail will be available via CareMonkey. Alternative curriculum timetable for camp week To avoid students missing out on important curriculum whilst on camp, an alternative timetable will be issued via email and will be sent by the end of Week 2. Karina Dunne Gadal Learning Program Director

Breakfast Club

The meaning of breakfast is to “ break the fast”. It is meant to fuel our bodies and give us the energy to kick start our day. Many studies have proven that people who eat a good breakfast perform better. We know that for many reasons, a lot of our students come to school without having had breakfast. This year we will be offering a free breakfast on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8.10am - 8.40am. Toast, cereal and a drink will be on offer in the food room. Everyone is welcome. Senior students and parents wishing to help should email: mrowe-watts@crcmelton.com.au indicating their preference for days. Canteen News

Welcome to 2017, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a safe and happy new year. Welcome to the new year 7’s and to all new staff. Please feel free to come and introduce yourselves and I hope I can help you with your recess and lunch needs during the year. Once again the Canteen menus will be available online but if you would like a hard copy please feel free to come see me in the canteen or ask for a copy to be put in the lunch bag for home. This year I have condensed the menu to one page and a all year round menu, meaning that the foods I had for winter months only are now available all year e.g. pies and sausage rolls. Last year I had meetings with student representatives and senior staff and I took on board their suggestions re some new menu inclusions, The new items are highlighted in green on the menu, some of these inclusions are BLT burger, chicken schnitzel & salad roll, pizza slices and wedges. The inclusion of meal deals on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are also shown on the menu. If you want to make sure you don’t miss out on what you want please place an order in the morning and this will avoid you having to line up and also get disappointed in missing out on what you wanted. We cook excess food for lunch, but first in best dressed. Recess orders can also be done before school and then no line up is necessary. Please have a good read of the menu as it is extensive and we have a lot to offer, don’t forget to add 10c for bags, 20c for spoon or forks and 30c for tomato sauce, mayo or pickles. As per previous years’ volunteers would be greatly appreciated, once again as it was last year I will be offering to the parents who volunteer a free lunch order for one child on the day of your volunteering, the school will be also doing something as a thankyou which the last two years was a lovely thankyou dinner at Tabcorp Park. Volunteers are required between 10am and approx. 2pm and lunch is provided. Could you please fill in the volunteer slip below and return it as soon as possible to the canteen? Thankyou everyone and good luck in 2017. Karen Honey Canteen

If you are able to help out in the canteen please email jk.honey@bigpond.com the following information Name; Phone No.; Childs name; Homeroom; Frequency: Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Per Term Day: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Camps, Sports & Excursion Fund (CSEF)

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. The allowance will be paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions, or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. CSEF will be provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. The annual CSEF amount is $225 for secondary school students. Parents who are eligible need to lodge forms with the school by 22nd February 2017. CSEF application forms can be downloaded from www.education.vic.gov.au/csef or are available at the office. A copy of the concession card needs to be attached.

AMES Australia Volunteers Needed AMES Australia needs friendly people with fluent English and 2 spare hours each week to help new arrivals learn English and settle in Australia. You will make a new friend and learn about a new culture. No qualifications or experience needed and free training and support provided. Your help would be invaluable. Contact Rosemary Harman harmanr@ames.net.au 9366 0433 or Suzie Todorovski suziet@ames.net.au CATHOLIC EDUCATION MELBOURNE In reply please quote: GE16/0002 27 January 2017 Dear Parents Re: Child Safe Standards —Engaging Volunteers A distinctive mark of our Catholic schools is the emphasis on principals, teachers, staff and parents working together - and also with the wider community - to educate and develop the whole child. This approach encompasses spiritual, academic, emotional, physical and social development. This whole of community approach extends to a shared responsibility for the wellbeing and safety of all children and young people in our schools. With the introduction of the Victorian Child Safe Standards in 2016, all Victorian schools are required to systematically develop, implement, monitor and evaluate risk management strategies to ensure child safety in all school environments. As the 2017 school year begins, Catholic schools are continuing to work closely with their communities to review and strengthen child safety policies, codes Of conduct and related procedures and practices for the wellbeing and protection of all students. This will result in growing community awareness and understandings of our shared responsibility. As part of the Child Safe Standards, schools are also required to demonstrate evidence of their commitment to safer recruitment of staff including, teachers, volunteers and contractors. This requirement extends to the engagement of parent volunteers and involves more open and transparent screening and supervision practices. Volunteers continue to be a valued and vital aspect of Catholic education and Catholic schools welcome and encourage involvement of parent volunteers to share their skills, experience and expertise. As parents of children in Catholic schools, when you enrol your child, you should feel confident that their safety is a priority while at school and in the care of all members of the learning community. I thank you for your support and engagement with numerous child safety initiatives. Your commitment and involvement helps to maintain a safe, secure, and nurturing learning environment for all students and staff in Catholic schools. Yours sincerely

Stephen Elder EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR James Gootd House, 228 Victoria Parade. East Melbourne VIC 3002 Correspondence: PO Box 3, East Melbourne VIC 8002 T : +61 3 9267 Ăş22B F : +61 3 9415 9325 E : execdirector(aceomelb.catholic.edu.au ceometb.catholic.edu.au


Calendar 2017


Term 1

Term 1



8th 9th 13th 14th 15th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 27th 28th

College Swimming Carnival SACCSS AGM College opening Mass Senior Cricket 2016 VCE/VCAL Awards Year 11 Legal Excursion Year 7 Parent Information Evening 6.30pm Year 9 RITE Journey Camps Year 9 RITE Journey Camps VCE Year 12/VCAL/Vincit Information Evening 700pm Year 9 RITE Journey Camps Year 12 2016 BBQ P & F Meeting Year 9 RITE Journey Camps Year 9 RITE Journey Camps Senior Cricket Year 8 Camps SACCSS Golf Year 8 Camps

Wednesday 8th

1.00pm - 2.00pm

K. Vella Wednesday 15th 6.30pm - 7.30pm G. Mercieca Wednesday 22nd 1.00pm - 2.00pm A.


March Wednesday 1st

6.30pm - 7.30pm

F. Conway Wednesday 8th

1.00pm - 2.00pm

C. Grambau

March 1st 2nd 3rd 7th 8th 9th 10th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 28th


30th 31st

Year 8 Camps Senior Cricket Year 8 Camps Year 8 Camps Full on Theatre Workshop Year 11 Tertiary Orientation Day Units 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camps SACCSS Senior Day Units 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camps Units 1 & 2 Outdoor Education Camps Full on Theatre Workshop Senior Cricket Labour Day Holiday Federation Mass Day (No classes) Italy/France Trip meeting Showcase Performance Showcase Performance Year 7 Camps Year 7 Camps Year 7 Camps Year 7 Camps Year 7 Camps Full on Theatre Workshop Year 11 Reflection Day SACCSS Swimming Full on Theatre Student Performance Senior Cricket Grand Final Europe Trip leaves Full on Theatre Family Performance PST Interviews PST Interviews (No classes) Term 1 concludes

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Geoffrey Mcilroy Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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