7th june 2016

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7th June, 2016 Reflection Father and lover of life, you know the depths of my innermost self, and you understand me. You protect me on every side, shielding me from all harm. When you put me together in my mother’s womb, you knew all about me. I thank you for the wonder of myself, and I stand in awe at all that you have made. As you know and love me, so may I come to know and love you. Guide me in your ways. AMEN

Dear Parents and students, Facebook post/video 1.

Last Wednesday afternoon at Woodgrove Shopping Centre, a serious incident which involved some CRC students occurred. Melton Police have investigated the incident and assault charges have been laid. The school has also interviewed some CRC students about this matter, and appropriate disciplinary action was taken.


Then, on Friday, after the matter had been dealt with, a Facebook post appeared and a whole new dimension to the situation was initiated. The College tried to get the post shut down, but to no avail. The internet, which has been very positive for schools in so many ways, allowed a forum for people to voice all sorts of opinions on a situation which they didn’t have a thorough knowledge of.

My final comment on this matter is that it’s important for the parent community to trust the leaders of the school they send their kids to. For those who question the safety of their son or daughter at CRC Melton, I invite you to take an hour off work and walk with me around our school yard at lunch time and see how things are. Our annual surveys of staff, students and parents conducted by INSIGHT show we rate high in Student Welfare, and we have for the past three decades.

Thanks to parents who sent me and my fellow leaders messages of support over the past few days. Mark Sheehan Principal Queen’s Birthday A reminder that this Monday, June 13 is the Queen’s birthday public holiday. Staff Professional Learning Day The College will be running a professional learning day on Monday, June 20. This is a student free day. Staff will undertake Leadership Training, RE Accreditation and Curriculum planning on the day.

From the Deputy Principal (Staff)

We wish all our Year 9, 10 and Year 11 VCE students well with their exams over the next week. It has been pleasing to see the way our Year 7 and Year 8 students have applied themselves to their TATs that also began this week. A reminder that Year 10 and Year 11 VCE students only have to attend school for exams as no classes will operate. However, there will be supervised study rooms available for students who are here to use. As stated in the last newsletter Year 11 students will start their Unit 2 studies in the last week of term and Semester Two electives for Years 9 & 10 will begin in Term 3. Year 7 & 8 Art / Technology rotations will also occur at the start of Term 3. Semester 2 Subject/Elective Changes Requests from Year 11s for changes to Semester 2 studies close this Friday. This allows them a week to finalise any changes as we begin Unit 2 studies in the last week of Term 2. Year 10 students will have access to Semester 2 changes from June 6 – 17. They have been given a confirmation copy of their current Semester 2 electives this week. They will be on Work Experience during the last week of term. Year 9 students will be given their current Semester 2 electives at the end of this week. Year 9 students may inquire about possible changes during the last 2 weeks of this term. If parents have any questions about the process, please contact me at the College. Year 12 / Unit 3 / Senior VCAL Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews Interview requests for Wednesday’s interviews have now closed. Interviews take place from 4pm to 7.30pm in the Osma building. Parents that were unable to book an interview time are welcome to contact the relevant class teacher via email for a catch up conversation. It is expected that students attend interviews with their parents/guardians. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Project Rockit Last month Year 8 students spent a whole day with the Project Rockit team developing a better understanding of cyberbullying and the concept of digital citizenship. They came away with new strategies for standing up to cyberbullying and protective/proactive behaviours. As part of the day, the Project Rockit filmed the workshop, the video is now live. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-Q6xDwidW0 Robert Blackley Deputy Principal - Students

Reconciliation Week - May 27- June 3

National Reconciliation Week is an annual celebration and a time for all Australians to reflect on our shared histories, and on the contributions and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. ‘Our Story’ reflects the fact that journey towards reconciliation forms a significant part of Australia's story, as do the stories of both trauma and triumph told by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It also encourages each and every one of us to make reconciliation part of our own story. Over Reconciliation week students participated in daily reflections and students from a variety of year levels engaged in deeper conversations about reconciliation. Whilst engaging in conversation students were invited to add to a canvas acknowledging reconciliation and the continued journey to reconcile our past. Here are some students working on the canvas whilst discussing issues surrounding reconciliation. This canvas will be displayed at school for our whole school community to enjoy. Daniela Harrington Humanities Domain Leader

Volleyball Development Program Term 3 Due to clashes with other activities, the proposed short Term 2 Development Program has had to be cancelled. However, we would like to invite interested students to enrol for the Term 3 Volleyball Development program. These sessions will run after school on Mondays (3.30-4.30pm), commencing on Monday, 11th July (first day of term) and concluding on Monday, 22nd August. This will be a 7 week program and those who enrol are expected to attend all sessions – not doing so makes it difficult for planning and management purposes. The program will be adjusted to allow for differing skill levels, sizes of groups, etc. To enrol, simply email mhill@crcmelton.com.au to register. Enrolments should be completed by Friday, 17th June. Once enrolled, parents will be advised of dates and times on Care Monkey. Direct any questions to Mr Hill in the Library. Musical 2016 - Grease A reminder that tickets are now on sale and available through the TryBooking website. Make sure you book group tickets early to ensure you are all seated together. For bookings go to: https://www.trybooking.com/LRCY OR https://www.trybooking.com/204904


Calendar 2016


Term 2

Term 2




9th 10th

13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th

TATs week Unit 3/4 PSTIs Year 10 & 11 Exams begin Year 7 Premier League Finals TATs week Year 9 - 11 exams Year 12 Retreat TATs week Year 9 - 11 exams Year 12 Retreat VCAA Semester 1 ends Queen’s Birthday - no classes Year 9 - 11 exams Year 7 Inside Out Presentation Year 9 - 11 exams Year 7 Premier League Grand Final Year 9 - 11 exams Year 9 - 11 exams Year 7 Immunisations Year 10 Work Experience Staff Professional Learning Day-no classes Year 10 Work Experience Junior Futsal Year 9 Food Activity Year 10 Work Experience Year 8 LOTE day Senior AFL/Netball Grand Final Year 10 Work Experience Year 12 Biology Excursion Year 9 City Experience Year 10 Work Experience Year 9 City Experience Term 2 classes conclude - 2.30pm

July 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th

Term 3 begins NAIDOC Week activities NAIDOC Week activities Year 9 Reflection day NAIDOC Week activities NAIDOC Week activities Year 11 2017 Information evening NAIDOC Week activities

Wednesday 8th M. Mullan

1.00pm - 2.00pm

Wednesday 15th 6.30pm - 7.30pm E. Flanagan Wednesday 22nd 1.00pm - 2.00pm K. Vella

Homework Club Homework Club will run every Wednesday from 20th April from 3.30pm to 4.30pm until Wednesday 22nd June in the Library .

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Charles Balnaves Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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