9th february 2016

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9th February, 2016 Reflection PRAYER FOR MIGRANTS, REFUGEES & ASYLUM SEEKERS God, no one is a stranger to you and no one is ever far from your loving care. In your kindness watch over migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, Those separated from their loved ones, Those who are lost and those who have been exiled from their homes. Bring them safely to the place where they long to be, And help us always to show your kindness to strangers and those in need. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Who too was a refugee and migrant who travelled to another land searching for a home. Amen

Dear Parents and students, This morning we welcomed back our Year 12 High Achievers from the class of 2015. It was terrific to see them all with their parents and friends. We also acknowledged all Academic Subject Winners from Year 7-11 in 2015. Rather than me reporting on these matters, I refer you to the words of our Dux of 2015, Jenna Milone, whose piece below should be inspiring for all to read. Congratulations again to all Award winners presented this morning - may they inspire all 1050 students at CRC in 2016 to aspire to great heights! Mark Sheehan Principal I was fortunate enough to become the College Dux for 2015. This has been an achievement I am very proud of, and so I would like to share some of my experiences from my time at CRC with you, and hopefully inspire you to strive for your best. I have been at CRC Melton since Year 7, having previously completed my primary education at St. Bernard's Catholic Primary School in Bacchus Marsh. At the beginning of my secondary education, I would not have called myself a high achiever. I was a quiet, shy Year 7, but I was a hard worker and a dedicated student with a willingness to learn and improve. I would set myself goals, constantly pushing myself and striving to improve my grades on tests and assignments. As my grades continued to improve, I began to gain confidence in my academic abilities and ideas, and through the years my standards increased. This both motivated me and encouraged me to upkeep my study habits and hard work. During my final year, I didn't change any of my study habits or work particularly harder than the years before. I treated it like any other year, disciplining myself to work hard and ensure that I was always 100 per cent confident with the content covered in each of my subjects. If I ever had any doubts or was unsure, I would always seek help from my teachers straight away, or if they were unavailable, my past teachers. I'd also like to thank all my teachers, especially my VCE teachers, for their patience, and for helping me to achieve my best throughout my time at CRC. I would also like to say a special thank you to Mr Henneman, Mrs Lock, and my homeroom teachers, Mrs Matthews and Mrs Conte, for always looking out for me and supporting me during my VCE. To the students, through my own experiences at secondary school, I can honestly say there is no natural talent required to achieve great things. The only two ingredients required are hard work and dedication. There's no secret, no fancy study tips or techniques that I can share with you. If you have an academic dream or goal, with the right attitude and the willingness to put in the time and effort, you will get there. There is no substitute for hard work. I am now very excited to be commencing a double degree in nursing and midwifery at Deakin University, and am looking forward to the new challenges ahead. I wish you all the best of luck. Thank you. Jenna Milone.

Deputy Principal - Staff Term 1 continues with much activity both within and outside the classrooms. Classes across all year levels are now in full swing, with our new Year 7 Mathematics program in particular providing positive feedback from students and parents. Our new Gadal building continues to be bedded down with Enquiry and RITE Journey groups being established and facilities being finished off. Our landscaping areas are again progressing well, with the Central walkway now extending to allow easier access for staff and students between the northern and southern ends of the College. There has been a lot of press lately regarding hoax calls to schools. Fortunately we have not been subject to such, but nevertheless we have updated our Emergency Response procedures and we have scheduled staff training meetings along with an Evacuation Drill in the next weeks. Our procedures are reviewed by an external specialist Emergency Response company to ensure we continue to meet all regulations and safety levels. We had the chance to see a small emergency response on Monday when a corridor light in our Siena building caught fire. Staff reacted quickly and all students in the building were evacuated promptly and the fire extinguished. Emergency Services were contacted and both Police and the Fire Brigade attended quickly. No other students in the College were at risk or required evacuation. They were pleased with our response to the event, but we have scheduled a meeting with them to review and improve any areas we can. Information Evenings This week we continue with information evenings for selected year levels. Year 8 parents / guardians are welcome to attend our Information evening in the PAC tonight at 7.00pm. Our Year 12 Information evening is on Thursday, February 18 at 7.00pm. Year 9 parent/guardians will receive information at the Year 9 Boys and Girls camps. Year 9 – 12 Subject Changes Year 11 & 12 students have completed any necessary changes with their studies and no more will occur unless there are exceptional circumstances. Now that Year 9 & 10 students have had time to experience their subjects, restricted subject changes may be considered for some students this week. Please note that any changes must pass a rigorous ‘change’ process. Students may not change classes based on ‘friendship’ groups and need to take responsibility for their nominated subjects. Parents will be asked to sign-off on any changes before they can be implemented. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff) Uniform Shop News To ensure you have a winter uniform to start back after Easter holidays, you MUST attend the uniform fitting on Wednesday 10th February. Hours are: 12.00pm to 2.00pm or 5.00pm to 8.00pm The fitting is for all year levels. Helpers are desperately needed for uniform shop. Usual hours are Wednesdays, either 1.00pm to 2.00pm or 6.30pm to 7.30pm. Please call the school to leave your details or email Julie at : juliesorganics@hotmail.com World Youth Day 2016 Congratulations to Anakin Anderson (Yr11) and Anna Cicalese (Yr11) who have been chosen to represent our school in July at this amazing event in Poland. You can support them by buying sausages and drinks at the swimming pool on Thursday as the money raised will be shared between our Brother Beausang school and Anakin and Anna to assist them with some of the costs of the trip to Poland.

Teaching & Learning News As we progress into the second full week of the academic year, students should turn their attention to an exploration of what academic success will look like for them. Is it a concentrated effort on lifting a particular subject result by 10%? Or ensuring home study is completed every night? It may even be making more of an effort to ask questions in class. Or is it simply being more engaged in class and enjoying the learning journey they are on? Whatever the action/s may be for each student, the belief that all students at CRC Melton are capable of achieving academic success is strong amongst teachers and students alike. Robert Collier once said 'Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in day out'. How does this quote relate to the academic success of our students? Upon speaking with our VCE high achievers each year, the importance of small efforts, repeated over and over again from Year 7 to 12 is always mentioned. Small efforts such as having the required materials for class, being on time, developing a program of regular revision at home and seeking out teachers when help is needed are some examples. When small efforts such as these are repeated over and over they become a habit, making the achievement of each student's academic goals a satisfying reality. One small effort repeated day in, day out that leads to academic success is the ability to meet a set deadline. When students are set a due date for a task, be it a basic homework activity or a major piece of assessment, the expectation is that the due date will be met. The teaching staff will always ensure ample time is given for the completion of each task, however if students leave the task until the last minute or use their class time inappropriately they may find it very difficult and stressful to submit the work on time. Careful planning of one’s workload and a consistent effort over time to complete tasks is always required. At times, careful planning and consistent effort will be applied but an extension of time may be required due to family circumstances, unexpected incidences or illness. Extensions may be granted by the subject teachers of Year 7 to 10 students if appropriate documentation, such as a medical certificate or a parent letter outlining a significant issue is supplied. For Unit 1, 2, 3 and 4 subjects, extensions are not so simple and cannot be granted without a medical certificate. The VCE Coordinator, Mrs Carissa Lock, and the relevant Year Level Cordinators will be able to give advice to VCE students in such a position. Below are the College’s Late Submission of Major Assessment Tasks procedures as well as the Non Completion of Homework procedure for Year 7 to 10 students. You will note parent contact will be made by the subject teachers in both instances to ensure that we are all working together to support your students learning journey and their achievement of academic success. Narelle Layton Director of Learning

2016 Catholic Regional College Melton Swimming Carnival The 2016 Catholic Regional College Melton Swimming Carnival is to be held at Melton Waves Leisure Centre on Thursday 11th February. The following information provides a summary of the day and the requirements for attendance. Please note that it is a calendared event and therefore full attendance is expected. We have endeavoured to include a range of alternative activities to cater for students who are not confident in their swimming ability and hope that this will enable all students to focus on the development of a positive and encouraging school community. Event:

Catholic Regional College Melton Swimming Carnival


Melton Waves Leisure Centre


Compulsory for all students


8.30am. Roll call at Melton Waves. 3.10pm dismissal from Melton Waves.

Transport:: Darley, Underbank and Houpton Park buses will be dropping students off at Melton Waves rather than CRC at the regular time in the morning and picking up from Melton waves at 3.20pm. Students catching the Toolern Vale Bus will be dropped off in the morning on Coburns road opposite Melton Secondary College and walk down Coburns road to Melton Waves (5mins). In the afternoon the Toolern Vale bus will pick up at 3.20pm from Melton Waves. Students catching the Golf Links and Long Forest buses will catch the bus to and from CRC as per normal and will be shuttled to and from Melton Waves via the school mini bus. Contact Bacchus Marsh Coaches for further details. Uniform: Students are to wear full PE uniform. Students also need to wear swimwear that is appropriate to school swimming sports competition and not the beach. Year 12 students are the only year level not required to wear their PE uniform as they have a dress up theme for the sports. Items to Bring:

Bathers, towel, sunscreen (will also be available in different locations on the day), hat, drink bottle.

Food: A Sausage Sizzle will be held to raise money for College charities. None of the internal cafĂŠ facilities will be accessible to students and therefore any other food items should be brought along. Students are not permitted to organise a food/lunch delivery from outside businesses eg pizza. If they do so the food will be confiscated and available for pick up at the end of the day. Awards & Recognition: All events will accrue points for their house. Individual medals will be awarded by house captains to one student from each house, deemed to have demonstrated the most house spirit. Criteria are as follows: a. Participation in events b. Participation outside of the pool c. Sportsmanship and encouragement for teammates and other competitors. Support for the College ethos and values. Immediate family are welcome to attend the carnival and must sign in at the gate. Due to the increased student enrolment numbers, space will be limited so please be aware that shaded areas will be provided to students as a priority. Parent assistance has been welcomed in the past and will be allocated on an as needed basis on the day. Your support for the event is greatly appreciated. If you have any further questions please contact me at the College. Emma Brown CRC Melton Sport Coordinator ebrown@crcmelton.com.au

Gadal News! RITE JOURNEY Calling and Departure Camp Just a friendly reminder to ensure that you have granted permission in CareMonkey for your child to attend the gender based Rite Journey Calling and Departure Camp at Lake Dewer, Myrniong. The camp dates are as follows: Monday 15th – Tuesday 16th February: BOYS Camp Tuesday 16th- Wednesday 17th February: GIRLS Camp An alternative timetable to ensure that students do not miss out on important curriculum will be offered and it is expected that students attend this day. The dates are as follows: Monday 15th February: GIRLS required at the College to complete core subjects Tuesday 16th February: No year 9 student will be on campus Wednesday 17th February: BOYS required at the College to complete core subjects The timetable outline is as follows: Period 1: Maths Period 2: English Period 3: Enquiry Based Learning Period 4: Humanities Please ensure that students bring to your attention the equipment that they will require whilst on camp. Tents will be made available to students. A reminder that mobile phones WILL NOT be permitted for use whilst on camp. As you will be aware, parental involvement in your son’s/daughter’s school life is of great benefit to both the parent/ guardian and child, therefore, as part of the Rite Journey Calling and Departure camp, we are asking students to invite ONE parent/guardian to share an evening meal with students on the designated camp night. Please ensure that you have accepted this invite in CareMonkey for catering purposes. Thank you, Mrs Karina Dunne and Mr Brad Ryan Year 9 Coordinators 2017 Pilgrimage Tour On Tuesday 23 February, at 7.00pm, a meeting for parents and students will be held in the Performing Arts Centre to answer any questions regarding the trip, staffing, safety precautions, how Trekset deal with issues that may arise before we depart etc. If despite paying an initial deposit you no longer intend your son/daughter to take part in the trip please inform me as soon as possible, in this way I can quickly organise a refund AND contact a family on the waiting list to offer the spot. If you have questions you wish addressed at this meeting please email me beforehand so I can present the information you wish to have clarified. scoates@crcmelton.com.au The next payment of a further $700, which is non -refundable, is required by 26 February, 2016. Shaun Coates Faith & Religious Education Coordinator

Parents & Friends Our first meeting for 2016 is on Wednesday February 24th starting at 7.30pm. All welcome, especially parents new to the school.

College Dux Catholic Regional College, Melton was pleased to announce the College Dux for 2015 Jenna Milone at the VCE/VCAL awards today. Jenna achieved an ATAR of 97.9. She scored a perfect score of 50 in Health and Human Development. Jenna was in the top 8% of students in the state in History (47), Further Mathematics (43), and in English Language (40). Jenna will be studying a double degree in Nursing/Midwifery at Deakin University in 2016. Listed below are names of students who were presented with awards today. College High Achiever ATAR Students who achieved an ATAR above 85. This puts them in the top 15% of students across the state. Jenna Milone Katie Mulholland Bryce Roberts Zachary Miesen Matthew Previti Mikeala Wheadon Rehan Tissera Stephanie Zacharias Joe Schembri Jordyn Keating College High Achiever Award Students achieved a 40 or higher out of 50. This score places them the top 10% of the State. Maddison Bassal Francesco Cicalese Alycia Dingli Mikaela Hurst Jordyn Keating Tegan Lafranchi Zaylie Le Huray Hannah Marshall Elroy Mascarenhas Dyson Miller Jenna Milone Katie Mulholland Matthew Previti Alexandra Pritchard Kathleen Rae Robinson Bethany Rogers Ryan Mitchell Joe Schembri Kate Stanley Annabelle Taylor Belinda Unwin Corey Vella Mikeala Wheadon Isabella Williamson Stephanie Zacharias

Outdoor And Environmental Studies Maths: Further Mathematics Outdoor And Environmental Studies Health And Human Development Psychology Media Psychology Maths: Further Mathematics It Applications Drama Biology, English Language, Maths: Further Mathematics Media, Psychology Maths: Specialist Mathematics Maths: Further Mathematics Maths: Further Mathematics, Religion And Society Outdoor And Environmental Studies Maths: Further Mathematics Software Development Psychology Outdoor And Environmental Studies Media Maths: Further Mathematics Health And Human Development Maths: Further Mathematics Health And Human Development

Subject Winners Students who attained the highest study score in their subject (above 35). Maddison Bassal Nikalett Godina Brianna Grech Shannan Greenwood Bowde Griffith Ryan Hehir Jordyn Keating Zaylie Le Huray Elroy Mascarenhas Zachary Miesen Dyson Miller Jenna Milone Katie Mulholland Matthew Previti Kitty Robinson Baylie Salton Joe Schembri Travis Sheen Kate Stanley Rehan Tissera Mikeala Wheadon Stephanie Zacharias

Outdoor And Environmental Studies Legal Studies, Studio Arts Physical Education VCAL VET Business Management English Psychology IT Applications Physics Drama Biology, Chemistry, English Language Media Pschology Maths: Specialist Mathematics Maths: Further Mathematics, Religion and Society Languages: Italian Software Development Product Design And Technology Visual Communication Design Maths: Mathematical Methods (Cas) English History: Revolutions,Literature, Physical Education Health And Human Development

Camps, Sports & Excursion Fund (CSEF) If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. The allowance will be paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions, or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. CSEF will be provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. The annual CSEF amount is $225 for secondary school students. Parents who are eligible need to lodge forms with the school by 25th February 2016. CSEF application forms can be downloaded from www.education.vic.gov.au/csef or are available at the office. A copy of the concession card needs to be attached. Want to try Volleyball? The College would like to offer more students the opportunity to get involved in Volleyball. We hope to be offering Referee and Coaching Courses during the year. To help students get involved, we will be running Volleyball Development sessions after school each term. Dates are provided at the end of this memo. Students are expected to commit for a block, with one development block running each term. Students need to commit to a block to allow for appropriate planning of sessions. Students involved in Premier League in a particular term will not be allowed to participate in a block for that term, having enough to concentrate on with their training. Students need to advise Mr Hill of their intention to be involved in a Development Block at least one week prior to the commencement of the Block. TERM 1: Mondays After School: 15/2, 22/2, 7/3 TERM 2: Thursdays After School: 2/6, 9/6, 23/6 TERM 3: Mondays After School: 11/7, 18/7, 25/7, 1/8, 8/8, 15/8, 22/8 TERM 4: Thursdays After School: 6/10, 13/10, 20/10, 27/10, 3/11, 10/11, 17/11 Please contact Mr Hill if requiring more information. mhill@crcmelton.com.au

Visual Art Success! Last Friday evening Ms Hunter and I had the pleasure of being invited to the opening of the NEXT GEN 2016 VCE Art Exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ballarat. It is quite a process for the students to apply to participate and to be selected is a great honour. The work overall by all students who participated was high, making us, the art teachers here from CRC Melton very proud of two students from our school (last years, Year 12s), who were selected for this year’s exhibition. The two students are Nikalett Godina with her artwork entitled ‘From my rotting body flowers shall grow, and I will be immortal’ and Brook Guirguis with her linocut triptych ‘Vogue’. The exhibition displays the best young artists from western Victoria. With Next Gen 2016, the Art Gallery of Ballarat celebrate twenty-one years of exhibiting some of the best students work from across the region. The exhibition showcases the work of students from Government, Catholic and Independent schools mainly from Ballarat and Grampians region, who have just completed VCE studies in Art, Studio Arts, Visual Communication & Design and Media. Next Gen is an important part of the Gallery’s exhibition program. It provides industry training to its participants, acts as an inspiring introduction to VCE art for current students, and gives Gallery visitors insights into the world of young people today. (Care of Art Gallery of Ballarat Invitation Brochure) We wish both Nikalett and Brooke all the best for the future Ms Jones, Ms Hunter and the Art Faculty

Year 7 Dance Club 2016

This year there is an exciting new opportunity for Year 7 students to become involved in the Performing Arts. The Year 7 Dance Club will be held every Tuesday Lunchtime in the PAC and is run by Mrs Pentony and student assistants. The club provides Year 7 students with the opportunity to explore the different styles of dance, from Hip Hop to Ballet and Jazz to Theatrical in a safe, fun and relaxed environment. Students do not need to have any dance experience just a positive attitude to learn new things, have fun, gain some fitness and meet new friends. There will also be various opportunities throughout the school year for the club to perform choreographed routines to particular audiences. As the year progresses, there will be the chance for other year levels to join the dance club so keep an eye on Simon as to when this will happen. Mrs Pentony Year 7 Dance Club


Calendar 2016


Term 1

Term 1



9th 10th 11th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 22nd 23rd


25th 26th 29th

Year 8 Information Evening 7.00pm Ash Wednesday College Swimming Carnival Year 9 Camp VCAL I Excursion Year 9 Camp Year 9 Camp VCE Studio Arts Excursion Year 12 Information Evening 7.00pm Senior Cricket Year 7 Swimming Program SACCSS Golf Year 8 A & B Camps Year 7 Swimming Program Year 8 A & B Camps Year 8 D & M Camps 2017 Pilgrimage Information Night 7.00pm Year 7 Swimming Program Year 8 D & M Camps Year 8 M &O Camps 2015 Year 12 BBQ Year 8 M & O Camps Year 8 C Camps Year 8 C Camps Staff Professional Learning day - No classes

Winter Uniform Fitting Wednesday 10th 12.00pm - 2.00pm M. Mullan

C Grambou 5.00pm - 8.00pm

F. Conway

A Salmon

Wednesday 17th 6.30pm - 7.30pm Wednesday 24th 1.00pm - 2.00pm March Wednesday 2nd

6.30pm - 7.30pm

Wednesday 9th

1.00pm - 2.00pm

Wednesday 16th 6.30pm - 7.30pm Wednesday 23rd 1.00pm - 2.00pm

Homework Club Homework Club will start this week Wednesday, 10th February from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the Library and finish 16th March.

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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