9th may 2017

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9th May, 2017 Reflection "We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit". l John 4:13 Dear Father in heaven, we thank you with all our hearts because we know you are holding us by your hand and leading us on all our ways, in spite of all contradiction, strife, distress, and confusion within ourselves. What are all these compared to your love, which does not let us go but watches over us and finally brings us to what is good? Release us from our many burdens. Free our spirits and our souls more and more until we can do nothing but give praise and thanks with heart, soul, and strength for all you are to us. Amen.

Dear Parents and Students, A big congratulations to our student leaders, Fernando Rios-Rodriguez, Athang Akec, Rebecca Chin and Anna Cicalese and all involved in the Multi-Cultural gathering last Thursday night. It was great to see so many cultures represented before a packed audience in our Performing Arts Centre. There was colour, costumes, music, dance, pageantry and fun! Thanks to Mrs Rowe-Watts who coordinated the student leaders and to Mrs. Thurn and her team who produced first class hors d’oeuvres and dessert. Staff Professional Learning Day - No classes A reminder that this Friday is a Professional Learning day for staff and there will be no classes. Australian Government funding announcement (by Stephen Elder) This week’s Quality Schools announcement by the federal government is a direct attack on Catholic schools. Not only did Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his Education Minister, Simon Birmingham, fail to consult before releasing their new school funding blueprint. They have produced a document that will mean parents at Catholic parish primary schools will be expected to pay similar fees to those charged by elite independent schools. Catholic Education Melbourne has led the calls for the government to reconsider its proposals. Catholic education is driven by a spirit of service to the community. We seek to provide an education imbued with the Church’s values to whoever wants it. Because our schools are born from this sense of service we have always sought to make our schools open to as many people as possible. We have always sought to keep them low-fee. Earlier this year we presented compelling evidence to the Commonwealth that fundamental flaws in its funding model short-change Catholic schools by over-estimating how much our families can afford in fees. Not only did the government fail to respond. It has produced a new funding model that attacks parental choice and means schools across the Archdiocese will face the grim reality of either raising fees or cutting valued student programs. As I said in my opinion piece in the Herald Sun on Wednesday 3rd May, Birmingham’s measures are fundamentally flawed. Faults lie at the heart of his funding model. The impacts of this package are stark and harsh. We estimate Catholic schools in Victoria will face a funding cut of about $25 million in real terms in 2021, which will increase by a similar amount each year – $50 million in 2022, $75 million in 2023 and so on and so forth. Our study of the fine print of Quality Schools suggests this ill-considered policy will have a negative impact beyond the Catholic system. All schools will face massive cuts in real funding from 2021 thanks to the new indexation rate the government intends to apply under its 10-year funding proposal. We will continue to examine the package closely, express our concerns vocally, and urge the government to open real consultations with all school sectors and fix this. Mark Sheehan Principal

From the Deputy Principal (Students) Professional Learning Day - Friday 12 May We have engaged Headspace and the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare (CFECFW) to present two distinct workshops to all staff this Friday under the umbrella of mental health. Last year we worked with Headspace to develop a suicide postvention plan and establish a critical management team. The workshop will cover the following points.  a basic overview of headspace as an organisation  factual information about youth suicide  guidance for school teachers on appropriate ways to identify, respond and refer appropriately within the school setting  look at how to build safer class rooms through developing protective factors. CFECFW is running a workshop on strategies to support learning for young people who have experienced trauma. It is designed to give us a better understanding of trauma, its effects on behaviour and impact on learning. The workshop will cover the following points.  Theory of trauma and understanding the impact of trauma on learning  Identifying and working with young people affected by trauma  Engaging young people in their learning  Practical strategies to apply in your work environment  Applying different learning strategies Current Creative Youth Opportunities In conjunction with local partners, the Royal Children’s Hospital works with schools and community groups to present the Dream Big program. Dream Big is a program of arts workshops and events in Melton. It is about doing music, dance, art, film-making and circus with young people in Melton. It’s Dreaming Big about what you can do with your life, and coming up with all sorts of creative ways to show how you feel. It’s going to all come together this year at the annual Dream Big Festival on September 15 & 16 in Melton South. Dream Big is led by a team of artists and wellbeing workers, and is open to people of all ages who want to get involved! http://dreambig.org.au/ Re-use, Recycle & Re-Dream - A Multi-Media Fashion Show Come make some stuff and be involved in a wild multimedia theatrical fashion show in a circus tent in September. Sessions are after school every Wednesday in May & June 4.00pm-5.30 plus Saturday 13th May and 15th July 1pm4pm. Sessions are held above the Uniting Church Op Shop, opposite the new Coles near Melton Train station. See flyer. email: redreamfashion@gmail.com www.fullon.biz/re-dream-fashion Steady Pulse @ Melton library and recording studio Would you like to write beats, raps and record material in a professional studio with professional engineers? Come to Melton Library, Thursdays 4.30pm-6.00pm during term 2 and 3. Future Creative Youth Opportunities raise the heart REMIX A creative theatrical arts project with loads of multi-media creating a show based on the recent performance at CRC by students involved in the Full-On Theatre project. Be mentored by a professional film maker, be involved in theatre and production. Starting in term 3 and it includes a free 3 day creative beach camp in the October school holidays. Includes young people from all over Melton. More information email dave@fullon.biz

School Photos June 1 Full school photos are scheduled for June 1. Ordering of photos will be online. Details as to how to order photos will be given to each student next week. The photographer Arthur Reed Photos will also provide the opportunity for family photos. Students will be required to wear full winter uniform for the photos, if a student has PE or related activity they will need to bring their PE uniform to school and change from their school uniform.

From the Deputy Principal (Staff) With us entering into May, the cold weather returns. Please reinforce with your children that winter uniform requires the blazer to be the outer garment to and from school. Our Year 7 & 9 students have started their NAPLAN testing well. Students are simply encouraged to do their best and not be stressed about the tests. One important reminder is for all students to have their own calculator for Thursday’s Numeracy session. Parent – College Relationships Code of Conduct All families should have received by mail copies of our College’s Parent-College Relationships Code of Conduct. Please ensure you have returned a signed copy to the office. Celebration Day A reminder that next Tuesday, May 16 is the College’s annual Celebration Day where all students return to their local parishes for a morning Mass. No normal buses will operate that morning from Bacchus Marsh. Buses will bring students to the College after Masses at St Anthonys and St Bernards. Once at school, students will be involved in a number of activities over the remainder of the day as this is our major fundraising day to support our College Charities (e.g. Br Beausang - Kenya). Buses will operate as normal at the end of the day. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

Celebration Day 2017 On Tuesday, the 16th of May, we will be holding our annual Celebration Day. The spirit of the day begins with students attending Mass and then returning to the College where festivities begin to help raise funds for our Student Leaders’ chosen charities. Students of Melton Parish will be celebrating at St Catherine’s and will start the morning at school by arriving by 8.40am and gathering in year level areas for roll taking and will then move across to church. CRC staff will be at all parishes and supervise the return to school. The College day will have a normal finish time of 3.20pm. Students are to wear PE uniform and those attending St Anthony’s and St Bernard’s are expected to make their own way to church and are required 15minutes before Mass begins. Mass times: St Bernard’s St Anthony’s St Catherine’s

9.30am 9.15am 9.15am

Normal buses will not operate in the morning from Bacchus Marsh. Buses will bring students to the College after Masses at St Anthony’s and St Bernard’s. Buses will operate as normal at the end of the day. Celebration Day is a day where we celebrate our common identity; our passion for community and our foundations. We commemorate being a part of the Catholic Regional College Federation, acknowledging our faith in order to help those less fortunate. We are aiming to raise $10,000 this year. From last week, early bird wristbands have been on sale to students, and will continue to be, out the front of the library. They will cost $10 until Wednesday the 10th, rising to $15 from Thursday until Monday 15th. The bands will also be available on Celebration Day from 10.30-11.30am. These wristbands will entitle the students to unlimited turns on the two mechanical rides, two inflatables, one turn at the photo booth banner making and one turn at the bubble soccer activity. Food prices on the day will be released shortly, via the student designed Celebration Day Menu; please note the canteen will be closed on the day. We are welcoming back the Cuppa4U van again this year, in addition to a burger marquee and BBQ among many other food options. This year the funds raised will be shared between our school in Kenya, Br Beausang; Hope Street Youth and Family Services, one of the longest established specialist youth homelessness services in Victoria (http://www.hopest.org/) and the I Am More charity who are building a learning centre in Takeo province-Tasu Village, Cambodia . Many of the initiatives and activities for this year’s Celebration Day have come from the Student Leadership Team, who have been working tirelessly to make this event possible. This year we will have four exciting rides:  The UFO  The Spinout  The Bungee Run  Jumping Castle All of these rides are provided by Auscorp Amusement (http://auscorpamusement.com.au/)

Other activities include:  DJ – DJ Mugga and DJ Broadway will feature in the Hall throughout the day  Talent Show – Where students showcase their talents and are in the chance to win one of 3 Woodgrove vouchers.  Bubble Soccer – race your friends to score while in an inflatable ball.  Photo booth and Banner Making – Students will take a photo and contribute to this year’s College ‘Banner’. Student Leaders have decided to string the photos together. The banner will be displayed within the College.  3 point contest – students will sign up on the day and compete in a 3 point basketball competition.  Face painting  Arm Wrestle a Teacher – for a gold coin donation students and teachers can buy an opportunity to arm wrestle a teacher.  Reading Nook – a quiet warm area to enjoy a good book.  LAN Party – The computer labs and library will be open for students to compete in a gaming competition.  Community stalls – We have many local and national community stalls coming to talk to students about how they can use their resources or get involved in social justice activities outside of school. We would like parents/guardians to be aware that some of the rides and activities are not suitable for students with asthma, heart conditions, epilepsy, anxiety, vertigo and low blood pressure. Students need to follow any ride conditions displayed. If parents/guardians have any concerns they should notify their child’s Homeroom teacher. Major Sponsors The Student Leaders would also like to acknowledge and thank the below businesses for their contributions to help make Celebration Day a success.

Aladdin Musical Excursion On Wednesday 3rd May, 85 Dance and Drama students attended the Aladdin Musical Excursion. Students are analysing this musical as part of their assessments. The students had a brilliant time first eating at Melbourne Central and then making their way to Her Majesty's Theatre. The musical was amazing and the students thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Year 7 Integrated Studies - Melbourne Zoo Excursion On Monday May 1st, 27 Year 7 Integrated Studies MASP students visited the Melbourne Zoo for the S.O.S 10 Educational Experience. The students’ were challenged to visit the displays for the following 10 animals; Little Penguin, Helmeted Honeyeater, Baw Baw Frog, Lord Howe Island Stick Insect, Australian Fur Seal, Orangutan, Gorilla, Philippines Crocodile and Elephant. They were encouraged to speak with the keepers and attended an education session exploring the threats that face each of the animals. The day concluded with the students’ selecting one animal to lend their voice to and therefore save. The group thoroughly enjoyed the experience and represented the College values very well. Simone Bennett- I/S MASP Co-ordinator

NAPLAN Testing Years 7 & 9 2017 The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for Years 7 and 9 students will be held on Tuesday 9th May, Wednesday 10th May and Thursday 11th May. NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in Writing, Reading, Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. The results of the tests provide information for students, parents, teachers and school leadership which can be used to improve student achievement. All Years 7 and 9 students are expected to participate in the NAPLAN tests. Exemptions may be granted to students with significant intellectual disabilities or severe language disorders and to students who have been learning English for less than one year. The College’s Learning Support staff will contact the parents of those students who may be eligible for exemption. Parental consent is required before any support due to disability or exemption is granted. Parents will receive a personal NAPLAN report later in the year. The report will describe each student’s particular skills in Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. The report will also show performance in relation to national minimum standards. These describe the minimum acceptable standards for students across Australia. For more information about the tests, please visit the VCAA website at www.vcaa.vic.edu.au or the NAP website at www.nap.edu.au NAPLAN Testing will operate at the following times: Wednesday May 10


Thursday May 11 Numeracy (calculator required)



Period 1

Period 1



Period 1

Period 1

These times are stipulated by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority to ensure all schools are undertaking tests at common times. Students will need to have a ruler, an eraser and book to read (if they finish early) as well as their books for the remainder of each period class of each session unless told otherwise (as most tests will not take a full period time allotment). Can I particularly stress the need for all Year 7 and 9 students to have their own calculator for the Thursday morning test. Narelle Layton Director of Learning Year 8 - 10 Student Representative Council Induction Workshop On Friday 5th of May, the SRC students attended a conference in Ballarat about VicSRC, along with other schools. The hosts, Kate and Matty, informed everyone about leadership and introduced us to the ALTER strategy, on how to act upon the imperfections of our school. ALTER stands for Ask, Listen, Think, Enact and Reflect. We played many group activities and one that stood out to me was the 'stick game' where you and a partner are back to back, while one creates a pattern with icy-pole sticks. Through communicating, and without asking questions, the other person has to duplicate the pattern. This was hard and when we compared patterns they were not the same. Next, we did the same thing except this time we were able to ask questions; and thus we a had identical patterns! This was due to asking questions, leading to the same understanding. This showed the new SRC how important it is to ask questions of each other, and our fellow peers before taking ‘action’. Towards the end of the day we had separate school discussions. Overall it was a fun, active and informative day. On behalf of the SRC team, I would like to thank Ms Nowak and VicSRC for organising and preparing this day as it was very effective. Katrina Nuestro Year 8 Fitzgerald SRC Leader

Student Representative Council (SRC) Leaders After a over a month of nominating and voting, the SRC Executives and I are excited to announce the Year 7-10 2017 SRC Leaders. These students have been selected by their peers and teachers to be one of four representatives for their house, in their Year Level. They will be working closely with the Student Leadership Team (Year 11 & 12); be taking on responsibilities of communicating upcoming events to the student body; will be a part of the decision making process; and will participate in student voice forums. We look forward to a fruitful passionate year of student voice with these diligent leaders of the College. Year 10 Daffey: Fitzgerald: Glasheen: Reed:

Bryanna Hickey Nicole Mercieca Liam Orr Dylan Hassan

Year 9 Daffey: Fitzgerald: Glasheen: Reed:

Liana Pace Andrew Ling Laughlan Orr Charlotte Robinson

Year 8 Daffey: Fitzgerald: Glasheen: Reed:

Amelia Campagna Katrina Nuestro Yenuli Dompearachchi Ayla Williams

Year 7 Daffey: Fitzgerald: Glasheen: Reed:

Jacob Presnell Ellie Grainger James Bertsias Amulya Madanu

Elise Nowak Student Leadership Coordinator

VCE & Year 10 Drama Ensemble Performance Night The VCE Drama and Year 10 Drama students will be performing their Group Ensembles. All families and friends of CRC are welcome to support the students as they will be assessed. Date:

This Thursday, 11th May


6:30pm sharp


Catholic Regional College Melton, Performing Arts Centre

Ashlee Hughes and Michelle Moeser

CRC Athletics Carnival 2017 Thursday April 27 saw CRC host our fist Athletics Carnival at the new Melton Athletics Track in Atherstone. We had so many students participate in a range of track, field and novelty events. Competition was fierce amongst many age groups and winners came down to mere seconds or centimetres. Our house captains all dressed up in some very interesting costumes along with the rest of Year 12. Below are the results of the houses: 1st place: 2nd place: 3rd place : 4th place:

Fitzgerald – 2725 Glasheen – 2643 Reed – 2538 Daffey – 2430

Well done Fitzgerald on the Athletics Carnival win. Your House captains Amy and Will did an amazing job at representing your house and by also showing enthusiasm, encouragement and team spirit for your House. The house MVPs are awarded by the house leaders to one student from each house that has demonstrated high levels of participation, sportsmanship and team spirit. Congratulations to the 2017 athletics MVPs: Fitzgerald: Glasheen: Reed: Daffey:

Josh Francis Dominic Miesen Hannah Davis Trinity Steele

Mrs Bourke & Jordyn Sports Coordinators

SACCSS Swimming On Tuesday 28th March 2017 38 students embarked on a journey to MSAC for SACCSS Swimming. The students competed in 96 different events for the day. Our students swam exceptionally well with many of them gaining a place. The results for the day were: Karlos Nuestro – 7 x 1st place, four new records and Age Group Champion James Morrow – 5 x 1st place Angela Molnar – 5 x 1st place, 1 x 2nd place, 3rd in relays and Age Group Champion Katrina Nuestro – 2 x 1st place and 1 x 2nd place in her individual events and one 2nd and 3rd in the relays Kaila Nuestro – 5 x 2nd place in her individual events and 1st place and 5th place in the relays Celeste Kenner – 3 x 2nd place in her individual events and 1 x 1st place and 5th place in the relay Jack O’Rouke – 4 x 2nd place Alannah Morrow – 6 x 1st place and Age Group Champion Lucas Dingli – 2 x 1st place, 3 x2nd place and 2 x 3rd place Ben Wills – 2 x 1st place and 2 x 2nd place We were also: Intermediate Girls Champions Senior Boys Champions Well done to all who participated. Mrs Bourke & Jordyn

SACCSS Cross Country Tuesday May 2nd was SACCSS Cross Country. Sixty-five students attended the day at Brimbank Park competing in every age group. Mr McCann and Miss Brown had been training the students for quite a while in preparation for the day and they did not disappoint. We had four students place in the top three for their age group. Senior Boys: Senior Girls : U13 Girls:

Dominic Miesen – 2nd place Maddy James – 2nd place Emily Kro – 3rd place Bridget Henthorn – 3rd place

Well done everyone. Mrs Bourke & Jordyn Sports Coordinators


Homework Club

2017 Homework Club runs every Wednesday from 3.30pm 4.30pm in the Library until last week of term.

Term 2 May 11th

12th 16th 17th 18th 19th

22nd 23rd

24th 25th


NAPLAN Year 8 MASP IS Excursion Year 7 Ancient China Expo Year 10 & 11 Drama Excursion Professional Learning Day - No classes College Celebration Day Year 7 Premier League Round 4 Units 1 & 2 Outdoor Education Camp Year 10 Geography Camp Units 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camp Year 10 Geography Camp Units 1 & 3 Outdoor Education Camp Year 10 Geography Camp Year 8 & 9 Gifted Excursion Year 12 VCD Excursion Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp Inter Futsal Year 11 Careers Expo ICAN Workshop Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp Year 7 Premier League Round 5 Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp Senior AFL & Netball Year 10 University Expo Reconciliation Week Performance Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp Year 11 Biology Excursion

Academy Uniforms CRC Melton operating hours: Monday 8.00am –10am Thursday 11.30am—2pm Online orders: www.academyuniforms.com.au Online Password : Melton

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Assistant Priest: Fr Geoffrey McIlroy Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Assistant Priest: Fr John Paul Mount Fr Patrick Bradford Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

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