9th september, 2014

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9th September, 2014 Reflection Lord Teach Us To Pray “If another member of the church sins against you, go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone. If the member listens to you, you have regained that one. But if you are not listened to, take one or two others along with you, so that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If the member refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if the offender refuses to listen even to the church, let such a one be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, truly I tell you, If two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” (Matthew 18:15-20) With Christ in our midst, we have the courage to say the words he gave us. For when we feel insignificant and have lost our sense of worth, our Lord teaches us to pray. When we want to withdraw from our work to be with you in prayer, Lord, teach us to pray. When we think of the future as fixed and impossible to change, Lord, teach us to pray.

Cabaret Last weeks Cabaret was a celebration of The Arts - both performing and visual. I am sure that all who had the privilege to attend would agree it was one of the best! High quality singing, a great band and exciting dance performances all meshed together under the A Night At The Movies theme. The back stage crew, visual and audio students also did a fantastic job enabling the audience to have a great night. The Art display highlighted the talented students within the visual arts department. Special thanks to the team who worked tirelessly towards these performances and displays. Elisabeth Falzon, Ashlee Hughes, Daniel Askew, Gemma Feben, Emma Brown, Karina Dunne, Amy Rowley, Clare O’Sullivan, Maria Dance and Pauline Jakobovic. Looking forward to 2015 with the PAC as the venue. Mark Sheehan Principal

2015 Subject Selections

Year 10 Ensemble Performances

Thanks to all families for supporting students in their 2015 subject selections. Initial Year 11 & 12 Subject allocations will go home next week. Year 9 and 10 initial confirmation letters will be sent home next term.

The Year 10 Drama class for semester two will be presenting their Ensemble Performances at 7pm on Tuesday 16th September, in the Drama Studio. All parents, family members and friends of the cast are welcome, as are members of the College community.

Term 3 Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews take place this Wednesday, September 10 after school and on Thursday, September 11 from 1pm to 7.30pm. Interview bookings will close at 10am Wednesday morning.

Please phone Samantha Frazzetto in the office on 9743 6522 to RSVP for the performance.

For these interviews we will be trialling a new booking system through our Parent Access Module (PAM). To access P-S-T Bookings:

Chris Doyle of Karis Ministries ran the Year 11 Reflection Day this year. He said that he celebrated being alive and wanted students to appreciate how fortunate they are. He showed them that to spend time on earth they needed to recognise and value the wisdom and advice they obtain from others, to assist them in the pursuit of having a meaningful life. He showed students this through music, dance and comedy. Miss L Grech

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Log into PAM At the top you will see the Parent Interviews link (click to enter) Then select your child (if you have more than one, each will be listed separately) Select the subject Choose an available time with that teacher Repeat for each class and child as needed. Use the print icon to print off your interview times.

Following feedback we will be using 3 venues for interviews, the J (Year 12) Building, the R (Year 10) Building and our new Trade Training Centre (T Building). On entrance to whichever building you enter, there will be a staff locations sheet. Please note that Thursday, September 11 will be a compulsory and normal school day for Year 12 students. At the conclusion of classes (Period 1&2) at 12pm there will be a short presentation for all Year 12 students run by the VCAL students. Year 12 students will be dismissed around 1pm. End of Term 3 The last day of Term 3 is Friday, September 19. Students will be dismissed at 2.30pm. Bacchus Marsh Coaches will operate at earlier times to suit this but SITA coaches will run to their normal town service times. I ask that families of students that normally catch the SITA bus make other arrangements for this day wherever possible. These students will also be reminded of this. John Christie Deputy Principal (Staff)

Year 11 Reflection Day

On Tuesday the 2nd of September the Year 11 cohort took part in the annual reflection day, run by Chris Doyle of Karis Ministries in the new trade training Centre. It was an extremely enjoyable day, filled with lots of singing and dancing which encouraged students to step out of their comfort zone. All of the students enjoyed the energetic presence of Chris and everyone actively engaged in the range of activities throughout the day including small and large group discussions and personal reflection. The day provided students an opportunity to look back at their time at the College and to focus on how they have changed, grown and developed as individuals. All of the students took something positive out of the day and it allowed the cohort to refocus on what lies ahead. Kimberley Baulch Year 11 Media Captain


Growing ‘Junior’ Tall Poppies Award 2014

On Friday 5th September, the Junior and Intermediate tennis teams went to Melbourne Park for the SACCSS tennis competition. All teams played well and it was a very enjoyable day. A highlight of the day was the Intermediate girls who played on show court 3. Although no teams progressed to the finals everyone won at least one game and played well. Special thanks to Mr Pentony and Ms Nowak for driving us to Melbourne Park and supporting us throughout the day. Amy Garofalo & Georgia Lewis.

Congratulations to Matthew Previti who has been awarded the Junior Tall Poppies Award for 2014. This is the inaugural year of this new Victorian award and is a partnership between the Growing Tall Poppies Science Program and the Tall Poppy Campaign. As an awardee of this prize Matthew has won access to an eminent scientist/mathematician who will be connected to CRC throughout 2015. Matthew will attend a four-day workshop at the University of Melbourne. He will collaborate with scientists to develop activities that will promote science to the school community and encourage students to study and remain enrolled in the sciences. Canteen - Footy Finals Fever This Friday September, 12 will be another special footy lunch day. Footy lunches will consist of three different packages—(only available with a lunch order, not over the counter). Package 1: Cost $6.00 (Normally $7.30) Meat Pie Zombie Chew (Please add 30c for tomato sauce) Can of drink or bottle of springwater

Cultural Excursion – The Lion King 2015 There are no more tickets available for The Lion King performance during the mid-year holidays in 2015. Please note, that any student and or parent who has expressed interest in tickets and has been allocated a ticket is required to make a deposit on that ticket. A reminder that student tickets are $65 each and parent/ adult tickets are $90 each. The deadline for the final payment of each ticket is Wednesday 17th September. Parents are encouraged to contact me with any queries regarding this excursion. Clare O'Sullivan cosullivan@crcmelton.com.au

Package 2: Cost $6.00 (Normally $7.00) Hot Dog - with or without sauce Cookie Can of drink or bottle of springwater Package 3: Cost $6.00 (Normally $7.40) Healthy option Chicken & Salad roll Packet flavoured popcorn Bottle springwater Please place an order in the morning to ensure it being ready for lunch. Please include 10c for bag if needed. Come on join in the fun of the footy finals and enjoy a great lunch at a great price! Karen Honey Canteen Men Alive A new initiative from menALIVE is "menALIVE In The City" held regularly from 6.15 until 7.45pm in the St Francis' Pastoral Centre (adjacent to St Francis Catholic Church, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne). Next event is on Thursday 18 September 2014 with the topic: MAKE TIME! Raise great sons and daughters. This is a great opportunity for men to get together and explore the things that matter. For further information contact menALIVE on 3367 1402 or mail@menalive.org.au

Cabaret Reflections

Parent Review Snapshot

“A Night at the Movies” was a fantastic Cabaret, one of the best I have been involved in since its inception in 2010. I was asked to pick a favourite item and I honestly couldn’t choose just one. All the items this year were of such a high calibre.

The Cabaret witnessed last Friday was beyond the usual high quality production. When you thought that a production could not get any better, then comes a production that simply blows you away.

There was such a variety of dance numbers across a wide range of styles, including Salsa, Jazz, Contemporary, Hip Hop and Classical Ballet. The bands played a range of styles as well, including 50s Rock ‘n’ Roll, School of Rock and the 80s Medley which covered a range of styles all on its own. The singers this year featured some students who have participated in every Cabaret, some students who have developed through a number of years, as well as some who performed for the first time. All are thoroughly to be commended for the hard work they put into their numbers.

It was wonderful to see that students gave it their very best, and this clearly was evident by their ever present smiles. It was obvious that they enjoyed being part of this marvellous production. They all deserve our full praise for providing a truly enjoyable and entertaining evening. To all the dedicated teachers (behind the scenes) and students involved in this most memorable production, you are to be congratulated for providing us with a night of entertainment second to none, for you have truly

The Liturgical Ensemble have grown both in strength and numbers. Their performance of Sister Act was a favourite amongst some audience members. The Art Show, co-ordinated by Amy Rowley and the Art teachers produced a colourful array of work. It showcased the best and most talented budding artists CRC Melton has to offer.

lifted the bench mark

Overall, all students involved in this year’s Cabaret have learnt a great deal about working together as a group, attending regular rehearsals, discipline while backstage, and following instructions to ensure a smooth running show. These are skills that can only be developed through their involvement in Performance-based activities. I would like to thank all the student, parent and staff volunteers without whom an event like this could not be possible. The amazing back-stage crew: many of whom learnt their craft within a week! Those staff members who have supported us throughout the year with making costumes, helping in rehearsals, organising publicity and with stocking and selling the refreshments. In particular, I would like to thank the Cabaret Team: Miss Ashlee Hughes, Mr Daniel Askew, Miss Gemma Feben, Miss Emma Brown, Mrs Karina Dunne & Mrs Clare O’Sullivan the Performing Arts Co-ordinator. Elisabeth Falzon Cabaret Co-ordinator

ever so


Calendar 2014


Term 3

Term 3



10th 11th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th

Senior Football Grand Final Parent/Student/Teacher interviews Parent/Student/Teacher interviews Student free day 10 VINCIT Work Experience SACCSS Athletics Division 1 10 VINCIT Work Experience Year 10 Drama Ensemble Performance 10 VINCIT Work Experience 10 VINCIT Work Experience Year 8 Premier League Round 1 10 VINCIT Work Experience Term 3 concludes 2.30pm

Wednesday 10th 6.30pm - 7.30pm E. Moss Wednesday 17th 1.00pm - 2.00pm J. Davine

P. Searle

Term 4 October Wednesday 8th

1.00pm - 2.00pm

Term 4

M. Tadros

G. Tarabone


Wednesday 15th 6.30pm - 7.30pm

6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Term 4 begins Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp A Year 10 & 11 Drama Excursion Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp A Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp B Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp B Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp C Year 8 Premier League Round 2 Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp C

Homework Club Homework club will run from Wednesday 23rd July, 2014 until 10th September, 2014 from 3.30pm to 4.30pm in the library

Mass Times Parish of Melton Parish Priest : Fr Michael Moody Weekend Mass times: St Catherine of Siena Church Bulmans Rd, Melton West Saturday: 6.00pm Sunday: 9.00am & 11.00am St Dominic’s Church Sunday: 5.00pm St Bernard’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Brian Glasheen Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.00am

St Anthony’s Parish Parish Priest: Fr. Fabian Smith Weekend Mass times: Saturday: 5.30pm Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am

R. McDonald

S. Phelps

Canteen 2014 Term 3 September Wednesday 10th Karen Normoyle Friday 12th Tess Galea Rosa Mirabelli Monday 15th Debbi Taylor Tuesday 16th Fiona Craig Wednesday 17th Suzanne Smith Donna Robinson Term 4 October Monday 6th Tuesday 7th Wednesday 8th Friday 10th

Emma Moss Rachel Cousins Heather Harrison Rosa Mirabelli

Monday 13th Katherine Hayward Tuesday 14th Diane Cadman Wednesday 15th Michelle Keenan Donna Robinson Thursday 16th Karen Normoyle Friday 17th Tess Galea

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