United British Expats magazine number 2

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Community & World News • Life After Lockdown - Staying Safe and Sane


Community & World News • 2020 Travel Tips - Travelling Post-Lockdown

Keep showing love and respect


Economy • Financial and Tourism Overview - David Byrne


Lifestyle • In Love With Me - Self Love Practice


Health & Well-Being • Mental Health - The Power of Meditation

I want to say thank you to all of those who took the time to read the first issue of the United British Expats Magazine; we appreciate all of our readers, and welcome them from all over the world. Positivity and gratitude are the pillars of our publication, first and foremostly, and that’s exactly what we want to provide to the expat communities all over the world.


Health & Well-Being • Physical Health - The Practice of Yoga


Food • Smoothie Game On!


Beauty • Don’t Forget Your SPF!



It’s extremely important, at this current time, to spend time with our families and loved ones, and really appreciate every moment we experience. It’s also vital to keep up a healthy and positive lifestyle, and we are here to support you with this. COLOFON CEO and Founder:

Abdelhadi Rhiti

Feature • Heal With Lucy

Chief Editor:

Paula Rapsiewicz Art Direction and Lay-out:

Travel • Trip to Tarifa

Jacqueline Brugman

EDITOR'S LETTER In a time of chaos, it's so important to stay safe, as well as sane! This issue is dedicated to all those who need a boost of positivity, and advice on how to remain in the right mindset, in a time of uncertainty. We have to remain mindful and calm; keep loving ourselves and others; and tackle the world issues by radiating positive and loving energy, in unity. We cannot allow the current affairs to affect us negatively, but instead transcend our passion into healing. Soothing and programming the mind to be positive, as well as healing the body, are the first steps to a healthy and happy life! It's so important to keep moving past obstacles, and keep your head held high, even when things seem to be taking a worst turn; so it's time to let your worries go, and work towards being a healthier version of yourself! Sending you all tonnes of positive energy x Paula Rapsiewicz Chief Editor UBE-2


We see more and more support from communities towards local businesses, as well as each other. Even though smiles are covered by masks, we can see the happiness radiating from our eyes, as we finally leave our homes and venture out into the world. As we keep showing love and respect to one another, we can soon rebuild the cracks of coronavirus, and other affairs currently taking place in the world. Abdelhadi Rhiti CEO and Founder

Life After Lockdown As the number of COVID-19 cases around the world decline, and we slowly return back to normality, it’s likely to feel lost and unsure about what we can and cannot do. Governments all over the world are in discussion about the safest and most effective methods of approaching the end to COVID-19 lockdown. Most European countries have already eased some restrictions, and allowing their citizens to venture out into nature, return to work where necessary, and even see their families and friends! The UK, and majority of European countries, are taking special measures, and encouraging communities to prevent the spread of a second wave by wearing masks and keeping a two metre distance from others in public places. Some manual workers have returned on-site, and schools in UK and Germany are also slowly reopening, with reduced lesson-plans and class sizes; meaning the children will be able to spend a few weeks in schools, just before the summer holidays. Small businesses and shops are opening back up across the globe, and restaurants in most European cities are now offering take-away and drive-through services.

Most importantly, we are finally able to reconnect with our families and loved ones, who are not from the same household; however, we are still advised to take extra precautionary measures around those who are more vulnerable, and have lower immunity. Coronavirus has definitely impacted the world on a large scale; with all the news and confusion in the air we can be more anxious when leaving the house, but we need to keep reminding ourselves that things are getting better, and appreciate every bit of freedom we can experience. Bring your mask with you everywhere you go, and try not to venture out into places where it’s difficult to keep social distance. Also, make sure to check the latest updates for your country before leaving the house to avoid any unpleasant encounters with security and the police while out and about. Written by Paula Rapsiewicz


Travel Tips

2020 Although the majority of flights are still restricted, and only rescue or essential flying is recommended, some airlines are still selling flights without informing their customers of the complications they may encounter en-route. Here, at United British Expats, we’ve heard some horror stories; for instance one story of a community member whose under-aged daughter was stopped from boarding her transfer flight in Amsterdam, and forced to stay in a hotel until further notice. The unnamed airline sold the flights, without informing the customer that the country’s COVID-19 restrictions may stop the flight from taking off in Amsterdam. Sanchez announced that tourists will be able to fly into Spain, without having to undergo a 14-day quarantine, from June 21st, bringing the originally planned date of 1st July forward by ten days; however, this doesn’t mean that your flight-provider won’t have issues, as certain airports will still be in the process of re-opening. Hotels and Air B&B’s might also take a while to get back to business, so make sure to also double-check with your accommodation provider that you won’t encounter any issues while traveling. According to most sources, air travel will become very different to what we know to be a standard; flights will be running at a reduced rate, availability of tickets may be lowered due to social-distancing measures, and it’s very likely that flights will sky-rocket in price. At this time, it is especially important to stay safe and informed when travelling abroad, and I would highly recommend taking out a travel-insurance when and where travel is necessary. Written by Paula Rapsiewicz UBE-4

Financial and Tourist Overview The Euro has settled down after a period of volatility and now looks like it will remain on a stable footing. Currently one British pound will purchase Eur 1.10. As far as currencies are concerned, most investors are worried about the US Dollar with US debt escalating far faster than other developed countries dealing with this pandemic. We are seeing restrictions being eased across most of Europe and we all hope that everyone continues to follow the medical advice of regular hand washing, sensible social distancing and face coverings where appropriate. There has been a second outbreak in Beijing but that does not necessarily mean that the rest of the world will follow. A country consisting of 1.4 billion people, and a city of around 30 million living in very close proximity is not the standard, particularly in Europe. Warmer climates in Europe such as Spain, whilst reliant on the airlines providing regular services, are well positioned to make a speedy recovery in many sectors. No one is saying it will be easy, but with an extensive coastline, vast beaches and wide promenades, the

catering industry has an advantage over city’s such as London. Restaurants, for example, have the ability to position far more outside tables suitably distanced apart utilising fresh produce directly from the sea. Hotels have a far more difficult task of restructuring in order to adapt. The provision of mass buffet areas for dining may well be a thing of the past and visitors checking in will most certainly endure a longer procedure. History has proven many times that by being determined, considerate to one’s neighbour and drawing on our creativity, we have the ability to adapt and overcome. Written by David Byrne


In Love with Me - S

Self-love is undeniably the first and most important part of creating a bond with your inner self, and battling any mental health issues. You will find self-belief, discover your worth, and realise the power of your existence. Self-love is not narcissistic. It is not a way of feeding your ego – self-love is having respect and the highest regard for yourself, your well-being and your happiness. Having self-love means – • leaving behind things or people that no longer serve you • setting boundaries for yourself, and others, to create peace and harmony in your life • taking care of your needs and never sacrificing your happiness to please others • not settling for less than you deserve • providing yourself with the love and care you truly deserve It’s not about being the prettiest, the wisest, or the strongest; it’s about accepting your “weaknesses”, and your UBE-6

imperfections, and becoming content with them being a part of who you are. It is about taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional needs, and having compassion and empathy for yourself – as you would for others. Caring for your mind, body, and soul; eating healthy food, taking time to care for your body, meditating, dedicating time to be alone; these are all aspects of self-love. It isn’t something that comes instantly, and will take time, work, and belief in yourself, but once you reach that level of self-love and care, you will never look back. I’ve put together a few tips which will hopefully encourage you to practice, and help you begin to fall in love with yourself.

ThE MInD Mirror exercise Before you begin your morning routine, stand in front of a mirror and say “I love you” or “I love me” a few times until you feel joy within. Smile while you are doing this – some people think it’s silly to smile at yourself; however, there is a whole science behind this! Smiling releases chemicals called endorphins – this is triggered by your facial muscles, sending a signal to your brain, telling it you are smiling; in turn, endorphins are released – a chemical responsible for lowering stress levels and promoting happiness! The human body is magical! The comparison spiral STOP comparing yourself to others! Just stop. If needs be, change your following patters on social media! We tend to look at other people and compare ourselves to them – this is

Self Love Practice

a downward spiral to criticising yourself. “Why am I not attractive like her?” “Why am I not as strong as him?” Because you are pretty like you, and as strong as you can currently be. You are you, and you are the best you can be at this point in your journey – you can keep improving, but you are amazing and you need to believe that you are – and one way of minimising these doubts is to focus on yourself and not compare yourself to others. Don’t forget – everyone’s timeline is different. Accept your imperfections Nobody is perfect, we all have parts of us that we find hard to love, but we can learn to embrace and accept them, and in turn, begin to love them. Whether it’s a characteristic like nervous giggles or a stutter, or a body part you were always self-conscious of, its time to stop rejecting that part of you, and start embracing it. Self-love isn’t about loving every single part of your being, but about accepting yourself for who you are, even with those little imperfections.

ThE BODY Healthy diet Your body is your temple. In order for your body to love you, and in turn for you to love your body, you need to nourish it with the vital vitamins it needs. Loving your body starts internally – the feeling of your temple being healthy and in tune is so much more satisfying than the visual aspect of how our body looks. Make sure you eat loads of fibre – fruit, veg, nuts and grains.

Stop with the junk, and I promise you you will begin to love your body more and more. Start caring for your body As well as a healthy diet, start showing care to your body too. Take time with it – have a relaxing candlelit bath, go and get a manicure, listen to some soothing music, have a spa weekend. Whatever makes your body feel good. Don’t feel like going to the gym? Take a relaxing walk in the park or do a home yoga session instead. Mirror work More mirror work! Time to get bare – stand in front of the mirror naked, and observe your body. First, notice the parts you love and think about why you love them. Embrace them. Next, this is the hard part – focus on the sections of your body you are not so comfortable with. Again, think about the reasons why it’s hard for you to love this part of yourself. Usually, a lot of these reasons are completely irrational, and we begin to realise this over time while doing this exercise. Once you have done this, think about how this part of your body is vital to your existence and how much it has done for you throughout your life – if you are a mum and have insecurities about your stomach think about how this has enabled you to provide life, if you have an insecurity about your arms, think about how blessed you are to be physically able and healthy. Doing this exercise consistently will really help you accept yourself and your imperfections as a part of who you are. Written by Paula Rapsiewicz UBE-7

MEDITATIOn Every day the number of people meditating worldwide is increasing, and all for good reason! Every day the number of people meditating worldwide is increasing, and all for good reason! Meditation is one of the most ancient practices, used by the likes of shamans and monks, for centuries. It’s a practice which helps to heal your mind, body and soul, and consequently aids self-discovery. It teaches you to have more control over your thoughts, well-being, and the connection with your inner self. Every spiritual practitioner I've met praises the power of meditation – it is the ultimate tool for establishing a connection with the universe, as well as easing anxiety, stress, and creating a grounding effect. Whilst meditating, we actively shift our consciousness and alter our frequency so that we can tune in to more positive and higher energetic levels. Meditation is also a way of recharging, calming down, and releasing any negativity or tension from your mind and body.

from distractions, therefore encouraging concentration. Meditation is also an amazing tool to practice detachment. This part is the one we all tend to have problems with – how do you just let go of overthinking, and detach from the outcome you really want, in any given situation? That’s right - through meditation. We often tend to doubt, worry, and stress, about the future, and how situations will unfold. Meditation helps to release anxiety, and worry, while making us feel at peace with what’s meant to be. It’s a great way to learn detachment. Finally, any blockages in the chakras can impact your physical, mental, and spiritual, well-being – and meditation is the on-hand chakra plunger. Our chakra system is a physical manifestation of the soul in the body – it is what helps keep our mind, body, and soul in alignment. Meditation will help you balance your chakras, clear and align the energies in your physical body, and keep you in harmony.

Meditation can help us eliminate negative thoughts, worries, anxiety, and all factors that can prevent us from feeling happy. This is replaced with feelings of calmness, positivity and ease.

It has been proven that the practice of meditation, carried out on a regular basis, will mitigate the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Meditation helps you understand your thought process and eliminate any negative thoughts that may enter. It’s known to help you regain focus on what is important, and keep you away

Meditation is free, powerful, can be practised by anyone and anywhere, it is extremely beneficial on your journey self-love, self-discovery, and can help us feel happier – why not give it a go! Written by Paula Rapsiewicz


& This ancient exercise has been around for thousands of years, rooted in Indian philosophy, and dates back as far as 5'000 years ago Yoga is a deeply meditative practice; it enhances mindfulness, helps you achieve balance, and teaches you how to stay in control of the mind and body. In addition, yoga helps strengthen your whole body, encourages flexibility, and one session can help you burn as many as 480 calories. Win-win! Yoga guides you to stretch your body with specific physical postures, whilst using breathing techniques, to achieve the ultimate feeling of relaxation. It's a great exercise for releasing anxiety and tension, letting go of worries or uncertainties, and promoting a positive mindset. You can improve your health, and engage your body physically at the same time; therefore create the perfect alignment, and achieve a balance between our physical and mental state, over time. The most amazing thing about yoga practice is that it's for everyone! No matter of your age, level of fitness, or size, yoga is the ultimate tool to strengthen the body and soothe the mind. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, there are unlimited yoga poses which vary in difficulty, meaning you can always start from basics; and if you practice frequently, your body will become used to stretching and you'll be able to move onto more advanced exercises. So it's time to unfold that yoga matt, stretch the body & calm the mind. You can practice yoga at home, using guided videos online; or sign up to a local yoga class today! Written by Paula Rapsiewicz UBE-9

Smoothie Game On! Smoothies are a great part of your daily vitamin intake, your 5-a-day count, and a great benefit to your overall health! They're a vital part of many diet plans, detoxes, and cleansing techniques; fruit and vegetables used to make smoothies have many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which can promote physical health, if they're consumed alongside a healthy, balanced, diet and regular exercise.

The key is to ensure we have the right balance of vitamins, fibre, calcium, natural sugar, far, and protein, in our smoothies.

Store-bought smoothies are great, although it's always worth checking the label, as some of these have high amounts of refined sugar hidden in the ingredients.

Smoothies are super versatile, and almost anything can be blended into them. Most smoothies contain some type of liquid (non-dairy milk, water, or kefirs), vegetables, fresh/frozen/dry fruit, supplement and health powders, seeds, nuts, nut butter, and additions such as oats, granola, or coconut chips.

Ideally, try to get hold of a blender, and make your own smoothies, in the comfort of your home! Having a blender or a smoothie maker will allow you to create different types of smoothies, and explore what works for you.

we've put together a few smoothie recipes for you to try out Berry Boost • Handful of mixed frozen berries • 1/2 fresh banana • 1/2 fresh avocado • Handful of fresh or frozen kale • 1 glass of unsweetened coconut milk • 1 teaspoon of chia seeds • 1 teaspoon of hemp seeds • 1 teaspoon of spirulina powder • 1 teaspoon of maca powder

System Flush • 1/2 lemon, squeezed • 1/4 teaspoon of ground turmeric • 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper • 1/8 teaspoon of ground ginger • 1/8 teaspoon of ground cinnamon • 1 teaspoon of honey/maple syrup/ agave syrup • 1 1/2 cups of water

Tangy-Licious • 1 fresh banana • 3 passionfruits, seeds and pulp • 1 fresh kiwi • Handful of fresh or frozen spinach leaves • 1 teaspoon of agave syrup/honey/ maple syrup • 1 teaspoon of acai powder • 1 tablespoon of goji berries • 1 cup of unsweetened rice milk Written by Paula Rapsiewicz

Don’t forget your

SPF! It’s extremely important to take a minute to prepare all of your summer beauty essentials, and pay particular attention to the ultimate necessity - your sun-screen; after all, we need to look after our skin, and the #1 way of doing that is wearing your SPF moisturiser.

what is an SPF moisturiser and why do we need it? SPF stands for Skin Protection Factor - the higher the number that follows, the more protected you are from burning your skin. For instance, if you see SPF15, this means you are 15 times more protected from the sun, than without wearing any SPF. Deciding which factor you should get will depend on the shade of your skin, the paler your skin is - the higher SPF you will need to tan properly and avoid burning your skin. Pretty simple right?

how to apply? You only need a small amount of any SPF moisturiser to apply a thin layer on your face, neck, and body. Make sure you don’t miss any spots, and pay close attention to the more gentle parts of your body such as the face, shoulders, chest, and thighs. Most SPFs are waterproof, so you shouldn’t have to reapply when getting in and out of the pool, but it does rub off within some time, so it will need to be reapplied throughout the day. When choosing your SPF moisturiser, firstly ensure that the SPF factor is suitable for your skin - remember, the paler you are and the easier you burn, the higher SPF factor you will need. It’s also worth making sure you are purchasing a sunscreen which protects you from both UBV and UVA rays - this means it will protect you from premature ageing caused by UVA rays, as well as burning your skin. Try to also opt for sunscreens containing antioxidants, as these will protect you from infrared damage, also caused by the sun.

Best SPF moisturisers on the market? I’ve put together a list of my personal favourites, varying from the higher price mark to the more average, to suit everyone’s needs!

As we approach the summer season, and finally allowed to venture out of our homes as the quarantine restrictions ease-up, it’s easy to forget about protecting our skin with all the excitement in the air.

1. hawaiian Tropic AntiOxidant+ Sunscreen Lotion SPF 50 Said to be one of the best sunscreens on the market, and recommended by many dermatologists; the Hawaiian Tropic AntiOxidant Sunscreen Lotion keeps our body super moisturised, while protecting us from the harmful sun rays. It absorbs very well, doesn’t leave you feeling greasy, and smells great!

2. Drunk Elephant Umbra Tinte Physical Daily Defense SPF 30 This moisturiser is the real deal! Kind to skin, packed with zinc oxide to protect your skin from damage. With a hint of added algae extract, we are also protected from nasty pollution in the air. This product is fragrance-free and gentle on sensitive skin.

3. neutrogena Ultra Sheer DryTouch Sunscreen SPF 70 The higher the SPF, the less chance of burning or damaging your skin! Neutrogena is here to protect our precious skin, with a high SPF of 70, ensuring we have the ultimate level of protection. The formula absorbs into the skin and doesn’t leave any white marks upon application. It’s also non-greasy! Definitely a keeper.

4. Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Face Moisturiser SPF 15 It’s extremely moisturising, yet not greasy. It’s a great daily moisturiser, and can be used under make-up, or on its own. Some even praise this moisturiser for evening out dark spots and imperfections.

5. La Roche-Posay Toleriane Double Repair Moisturiser SPF 30 One of the most praised brands by beauty gurus, editors, and dermatologists; La Roche-Posay is an essential beauty brand. This product is oil-free, but helps to moisturise and hydrate the skin to restore its natural balance. It’s also non-comedogenic and contains cermide-3, niacinamide, and glycerin. Written by Paula Rapsiewicz

heal with Lucy holistic health Guru Holistic healing is becoming widely popular in recent years, and we are still discovering the impressive benefits of the healing methods used in these teachings. Holistic healing focuses on all parts of the human being - the body, mind, and spirit. Holistic health coaches pay particular attention to alternative methods of healing, such as herbal remedies, meditative techniques, therapy, nutrition, and flushing the system of toxic foods, feelings, mindsets, and energies; it goes beyond the standard Western-health practices, and engages all aspects of your being on your healing journey. When all of these forms of therapy and nutrition are combined, one can heal entirely, and achieve a whole new level of wellness and mindfulness; the perfect alignment of physical, emotional, and mental health. Lucy is a certified Holistic Health and Wellness Coach and identifies as a Spiritual Healer. She began her journey with holistic health and nutrition in 2016, when she first moved to sunny Spain, from London. Soon after discovering the power of this lifestyle, she decided to share this vital information with others, to help them heal and find tranquillity in all parts of life.

So far, Lucy has helped many in incorporating these techniques into their daily routines, and assisting them on their healing journey. She is currently taking personal bookings, so if you're interested in a consultation, and finding out more about holistic health, please use the contact details below to get in touch with her! Lucy Hancock Instagram - @healwithlucy Facebook - Heal With LucyEmail kamalahealingbylucy@gmail.com Written by Paula Rapsiewicz


TRIP TO TARIFA While flights are still restricted, and planning travel abroad is currently risky; the bans for in-land travel are slowly being lifted and it's time to enjoy the hidden gems of our home-cities. Being located in Marbella, it can often be tricky to feel like you're out of the city; so we took a little trip to Tarifa! Known for some of the best beaches in the south of Spain, it’s truly a place worth visiting. When arriving at Playa de los Lances, the first thing that catches the eye is the deeply turquoise waves hitting the edge of the beautiful golden sand; then you notice the multitude of coloured kites floating around in the sky. Tarifa is very popular for windsurfing and kiteboarding, thanks to its windy climate. Surfers come to Tarifa from all over Europe, in search of the adrenaline-inducing surfing experience. There’s also a cute little beach bar where you can enjoy a cold drink, or some food. About ten minutes drive from Playa de Los Lances, towards Punta Paloma beach, you can see the famous sand dunes, UBE-14

formed on either side of the road. It’s a great place to take the kids out to play; they will absolutely love it! Tarifa is the perfect destination for a day-trip with the family, or friends; it’s about an hour drive from Marbella, with the most scenic views en-route. You can see Gilbitar and Morocco very clearly from the coast! There are lots of ruins and castles to see in this area; including the remaining structure of the Baelo Claudia, a preservation site of the Roman ruins. It’s also worth taking a stroll down the old town, where you can admire Tarifa’s oldest roads and squares; as well as the Plaza de Santa Maria, which is definitely worth seeing. What are you waiting for? Grab the family, or a few friends, this weekend, and road-trip down to see some of the best beaches in the south of Spain! Written by Paula Rapsiewicz

Finally, as we drove further down the coastline, we ended up taking a small offroad trip towards a beautiful semi-private beach just a few minutes down from Punta Paloma Playa; it was mesmerising!

Beach bar at Playa de Los Lances

Walk to private beach


Sand dunes near Punta Paloma

United British Expats 571 London Road, Hadleigh, Essex, SS7 2EA Avenida de Mijas, 2, Benalmรกdena, Spain 29630 28 Carrer de Casanova Barcelona 08011, Spain M +34 626 307 629

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