Government of india provides advance medical facilities to all cancer patients

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Government of India provides advance medical facilities to all cancer patients Cancer is famously known as pure ‘bad luck’. Every human body has millions and trillions of cells, going about their business, performing their function. Cells have an expiry on them; some of them die in a few weeks to a few months. When a cell goes bad, that’s when the problems began. If a normal cell’s physiology changes and it becomes dysfunctional, this signals other cells to attack it and ultimately get rid of it. Imagine a cell’s physiology changing due to any abnormal factor such as smoke, alcohol, pollution, obesity and the cells begins to multiply endlessly - this is how cancer is born. In India, the health ministry announced that about a million new cancer cases occur every year. This deadly disease is also the cause of more than 500,000 deaths annually. Over the decades, prevention measures, early diagnosis and treatment advancements have led to the improvement of cancer survival rate in humans. There are several hundreds of scientists who are working on quicker, more effective ways to diagnose cancer and treat this life threatening disease. These futuristic techniques will not only replace fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and intensive biopsies, they are expected to be more cost effective as well. There are several common symptoms that when left ignored can cause serious health issues, even Cancer. Subtle health symptoms include - constant indigestion and constipation, a tired feeling at all times, pain while urinating, unusual breathlessness and even snoring. While a lot of these health symptoms are mistaken as ‘normal’, it should be noted that any such symptom should be noted, and a doctor should be consulted if the symptom persists.

Doctors have started recognizing and promoting the importance of talking to family and friends to share doubts and fear associated to the disease. At this crucial time, one should put their energy into a project that helps them forget their sickness and problems. A lot of cancer survivor today, have said to have adopted these measures and have succeeded to do so. The government of India needs to ensure that the medical facilities and support groups are sufficient for all patients suffering from cancer. Private and public hospitals should take extra measures to make sure their cancer patients get all the mental and physical support they need.

Source: Credihealth is an online healthcare marketplace that navigates patients to the best doctor and hospital in India. Focused on tertiary care treatment, you can find the Best Cancer Specialist in Hyderabad among other cities on the Credihealth portal and app. Call on my toll free number 1800-1022-733 for any suggestion or search doctor related queries.

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